Saturday, March 31, 2018

Funeral Services Today

I woke early (4:30 am) and had a hard time going back to sleep. I finally did and then didn't wake up till about 8 am. Katt was already up.

After breakfast, I got ready for the funeral. I told my sister-in-law I would be there at 10:30 to help out with the set up. I arrived on time and both my brother and sister-in-law was there. They were getting the place set up, and I was able to help (a little). Patrick worked on his speech and I also worked on mine. They got the video to make sure it worked. I watched it and cried. They had a "life" video of dad at the end. It had him saying we all have to die sometime. I cried even more. That's what he told me several times over the years.

Some of the quilters started showing up first. We had everything ready shortly after. The guest book was out and everyone signed in as they came in. I greeted a few and then got side tracked. We had to add a few more seats as it was filling up fast. Dad had a lot of his co-workers (from the State) show up. It was nice to see people I haven't seen in years.

The service was good. I was the first one up there. It took me a little bit to get started but once I got going with my speech, it went pretty good. Then my younger brother was up there. He did an awesome job telling everyone about dad's career. Then my older brother was up there with virus's. It was really good. It went so good. Then they showed everyone the video and that was a tear jerker.

Potluck was after. I kept getting tagged by everyone that knew me. I even got tagged by people I didn't know. I was so glad to see the McCoy's there. He worked under my dad in Germany. She was a dear friend that stayed with us while the men were on swing shift. We'd walk her back home when she left late at night.

We had my sister-in-law take some photos of us. This is Phil, Katt, Patrick and myself. 

This one is my mother, Phil, Katt, Patrick and myself. 

It was an honor to speak for my father. There is a hole in my life now. It will be hard get used to. 

This was my speech today:

Let me tell you a little bit about my dad. My father was a quiet man when we were children. We’d ask him questions and it depended on what mood he was in as to what kind of answer we would get. He loved to joke around.

The first time we lived in Maryland, he worked at a gas station to make extra money for the family. Between jobs, he would drive us around to see the country side. He loved to travel. We had our “Sunday drives” even while in High School. On our trips, he always had his Pentax camera and would be constantly taking pictures of everything. He gave me my love for photography, which I have passed down to my own children.

My dad was always there for me and my brothers.  When my first grade teacher told my parents I was behind on reading, dad would sit down with me every night and read with me. He would read the story first, putting expressions and humor in the story. Then he would have me read it back to him. I loved to hear him read. Later on, when we moved to Alaska, we found out I had dyslexia. Mom did all the work and planning to help me, but it was dad who took me to sessions at the University of Alaska to learn how to read and write correctly. We’d pull the “Highlights” magazine out and work the puzzles and games that were in the book. We had contests to see who could find the missing pieces the fastest. He also knew I couldn’t sit still, so he would find games and things for me to do, like memorizing important phone numbers or social security numbers, while I waited. He would continue to challenge me throughout life.

As the years went on, we would talk about everything and anything. We’d take walks and talk about how he was doing and even about the weather. He loved looking at the weather reports and checking his thermometer. We bought him many thermometers over the years. When one died, and he’d talk about getting one, and when he never got one for himself, we pick one up for him. We even had an ongoing game where if it was over 75 degrees he would ask me what the temperature was, fully knowing I didn’t want to know because it only made me feel hotter.

He loved to hear about his family. I would tell him what I found on his family tree, and we would talk about the things he remembered. We often talked about going back to NY to see where the family came from, but never made it. When I told him his grandmother had a child before she married granddad, he laughed and said that explained so much.

Dad’s passion was gardening. We had a garden everywhere we lived. The only place he didn’t have one was Germany. He missed not being able to garden when we were there. Dad would often have a salt shaker in his pocket and when the tomatoes were ripe, he’d pick them off the vine, salt them, and then take a bite. He loved his tomatoes fresh off the vine. He’d even offer us a bite of whatever was in the garden. Dad loved his beans with bacon and would make the dish every year. He’d make enough to feed an army, and it never went to waste.

Through the years, dad and mom would often entertain others. If anyone was without family on the holidays, he would invite them to join us. They always had an open door for all their military friends. Dad would say “there is no rank at our house.” He loved to cook for a crowd and never missed an opportunity to do so.

The family would often play card games. I’m going to miss those card games because dad loved to take his dear sweet time. We’d all be telling him to get moving and he’d be looking at his cards, smile and say, “I’m waiting for the cards to change.” Mom would always respond back with a large sigh and saying “Myron” in a loving but “get your butt moving” kind of way. Then there were the times when he would go to the bathroom, only to be found in front of the TV watching the Mariner’s game. We’d get after him, and he would always say, “I was just looking for the score.” There wasn’t a board game or card game that dad or mom didn’t know how to play. We’d spend hours as children playing games at the table. Jokes would fly and we all seemed to be the best of friends when we played.

Recently, Dad would come and watch my husband and I bowl twice a week. When he saw I was having a poor game, he would try to coach me and help me recover. A lot of the time, his advice worked. Other times, I really didn’t want to hear it. He was our team’s cheerleader, but wasn’t afraid to cheer for the other teams. Of course, none of this was possible until he had a cup of coffee in his hand. As all of you know, he wouldn’t do anything without his coffee.

Dad would call me on Tuesday’s when mom was at quilting to see what I was up to. Every time he came over he would ask what I was working on. He would light up when I showed him. So, when I was appliqueing an Eagle for myself, he would ask me every step of the way how it was going.  I decided at that time, it was going to be in his Quilts of Valor quilt. He beamed when the quilt was presented to him. He loved it so much he wanted to hang it in the house.  Dad’s name and years in the military are printed on the quilt. Every time he thought about it, he would thank me again for doing that for him. He wanted a Quilt of Valor, and I was thrilled to be able to get him one.

Over the years, dad started talking more, especially about his career. We’d go out to eat and he’d talk all the way down to Longview about whatever was on his mind. It was as if he loved to talk. This man, who spoke so little when we were younger, started talking more. I asked him to write a book about his life. He said he was thinking about it, but didn’t know how to start. Even in December when I asked him if he started, he said no, he still couldn’t figure out how to start it.

I could write a book about my dad. There is so much I want to tell you about him, but there isn’t enough time or paper to be able to tell you everything. He was a gentle man that rarely ever got mad. If he did, mom was the only one who really saw that side of him. He was always there for us kids. He would be there with a hug when he felt you needed it. And trust me, I needed it often.  

I have no regrets. I said and asked what I needed to. Dad knew how I felt and he knew his death would be hard for me. He tried to tell me over the last couple years his end was coming and I needed to be okay with it. I’m thankful for the last 20 years of being so close to him. We had good times together and I love him dearly. No regrets, just those wishes of – I wish I had one more hug. I wish I could play one more game with him. If only we had one more day but I know that one more day still wouldn’t be enough.

So, dad, I’m trying to be strong like you wanted. Just know you will be in my heart and mind each and every day till my day comes to see you again. I love you!

Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, March 30, 2018

One More Day To The Funeral

Today I was up before everyone else. I needed to get ready for my doctors appointment.

I was out the door as Patrick cooked eggs and bacon for the family. They all slept in today. Wish I could have. Instead, I was on my way to the doctors - appointment was made a couple months ago. After my doctors appointment, I met with Katt at the Dress Barn. I tried on one dress after another. Katt was taking pictures and sending them to Patrick. Of course he would show them to my Aunt and Uncle so I wound up with 4 people giving me a thumbs up or a thumbs down. UGH I worked out okay though. I bought a black and white dress that actually looked pretty good on me. After that, we went to PayLess and bought some shoes. Katt got a pair and I got a pair. The shoes I got were flat shoes that feel almost like I'm bare foot.

Came home and then headed up to Costco. Had lunch up there. Then we picked up a lot of the stuff for tomorrow, like plates, plastic silverware, and napkins. It's a potluck, so it will be interesting to see how much food we get. I'll go over at 11 am to help Christine (sister-in-law) getting everything ready.

We then headed over to mom's house. I still call it mom and dad's place. I'll get used to that eventually.

We all had dinner and then mom pulled out all her quilt tops and quilts. She asked everyone what they wanted. So, by the time we were all done, everyone had picked the quilt tops they wanted, as well as a quilt. We even made sure Phillip and Jeremy were able to be included. Phil will be there at the funeral but couldn't come to the gathering. Jeremy just couldn't come.

Tow of the nieces brought there young children. They are not as well behaved as we would like, but that's life. I just hope they aren't a problem tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the day we have the funeral services, then we will have the inurnment in June. We all had a hard time figuring out a date that would work. So, it's going to be in June around the 22nd.

I wasn't able to be working on my crafts today. I do miss that. I'm hopping things will get better. In the meantime, I hope you all are very Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Family Arriving

Today I was up and ready to move. Had to clean up around the house for my Uncle and Aunt coming. Katt took Patrick out to buy him some close for the funeral. He's close for "special times" is getting old on Katt and I. They came back with some good clothes.

After they got back, and I worked on my cross stitch....

I was able to get the bird done, add the bird on top and finish up the flower. It went really quick today. I felt good being able to do that. 

Went over to moms. My nieces and nephews were there. Not all but half of them. Had a good visit with my brother and the rest of the family. He's been really good about all this. I guess they are leaving a few things for me to do for mom after he leaves. I'm okay with that. 

We all had a great dinner! Patrick (brother) is a really good cook. He read the part that he is working on for dad's funeral. He still needs to add his personal note on the bottom and having trouble with that. I was working on getting my tribute to dad read out loud. I'm doing better, but still get emotional with the bottom part. 

Things are moving on. Uncle Bob and Aunt Dale arrived at moms. They then came back here. They are staying with us till Monday. 

Told mom I would spend Wednesday with her. We'll do whatever needs to be done. Or we can just work on our quilts. It will be up to her. 

Tomorrow is when my older brother, Chris arrives. That should be good. 

Not sure what all is going on tomorrow, but I do have a doctors appointment that I will go to. After that depends on how things go. It's a wait and see thing. 

In the meantime, I'm trying to stay strong and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is/was my dad's Birthday. He missed his 85th Birthday by 3 days. I kept my promise of baking him his Carrot Cake. Happy Birthday, Dad! I kept my promise to you!

Katt and I went to moms. We were there with my brother, his wife, and mom. They have been getting a lot done. We read the tribute to dad, and shed a few tears. Patrick did part of his, and we shed a few tears. I need to read my over and over so I can get through it at the funeral. They want me to read my tribute to dad.

Katt and I stopped at Great Clips to get my hair cut. Then we went and got lunch on the way home.

I worked on my cross stitch a little.

I'm getting close to finishing last months. Funny how life gets one behind. I really need to get caught up and get back to the other stuff I've been working on. I have so much that needs to be done.

It was time to go bowling.......that was a little hard half way through. I missed not seeing dad come in and get his coffee. He would be such a good support at bowling. I turned and saw someone standing behind me, and turned back around and shed a few tears. It wasn't dad. We won all 4 games. I bowled a 187, 180 and a 172. At least I kept my average. Patrick was just a few pins up on me. I did bet him the first and third game, but he bowled a 224 in the second game.

Tomorrow is another day. My nieces and nephews are coming in. Not sure what tomorrow will bring - other then my Aunt and Uncle coming in in the afternoon.

Hoping to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Getting Through The Week

Today I was up early. Even before Patrick.

Katt and I spent the day together. She's been great through all this. I had a couple hard times today. I even had to write something about dad. That was hard. I had Patrick and Katt go over it with me and we made changes. I had 4 pages and we cut it down to 2 pages. There is so much about my dad I would love to tell, but there isn't a lot of time.

I've been working on this piece when I can. More often today then before. I'm getting close to starting March's SAL, and before I know it, it will be April and I'm still behind.

Dad's funeral service will be Saturday. Then later we will intern him at Tahoma National Cemetery.

Dad's memorial online.

Taking each day as it comes. Trying to stay Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, March 26, 2018

The Loss Of My Father - Myron Taylor

As hard as this is to type, I'm going to try.

Yesterday at midnight (one min past) my father passed away. This is a man that was very, very dear to me. I was his "little girl" and he was always there for me. My emotions are up and down, but I will get through this. He tried to tell me over the last year, that his time was short and that I needed to be prepared for his passing. I told him I knew that, but I didn't want to loose him.

My father serviced 26 years in the Air Force. He was Security Service. He worked for NSA - and when we grew up, no one knew what NASA was. Now it's well know. He was the first on the plane that went to Russia back in the 1950/1960's that a movie was made of. He wanted to see the movie to see how accurate it was. I don't think he saw it.

He grew up in Seattle. This is him with his brother Bill, who passed away about 10 years ago. Dad was the oldest of 5. He is proceeded by Uncle Bill, Aunt Doreen, and a brother, Glen who passed at the age of 2.

My scanner had scanned the whole page, so cropping didn't work well - hence the large gap. This is dad when he was promoted to Master Sargent. He retired as a Chief Master Sargent (CMSgt).

He was a really cute baby!

We joked around when I graduated from Centralia College in 2011. He was so proud that I finally went back to school. We had a great time! He was my rock and was very encouraging.

Katt was working with him on how to take a "selfie" and he had fun learning how to use a phone camera. 

He was playing around with Katt at Jason's wedding back in 2010. 

He loved his coffee. He drank a lot over the years. 

This is my Rock, and now he's gone. It's so hard to believe he's gone. There is a big "void" in my heart. Things are so final. 

He was the one that told me, if I didn't like making quilts, then I shouldn't do them because mom does. I needed to do what I loved to do, and not do something just to make someone else happy. Do what I love to do and don't worry about what others say or think. So, I changed back to my cross stitch and embroidery. with it, but found out he is being cremated so the quilt will not go with him. Don't know what mom will do with it. 

I'm hoping to feel well enough to do my crafts. I'm feeling like I can't calm down. Maybe cross stitch will calm me down. 

DAD - I love you and I miss you very much! 

Stay Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting. 

Sunday, March 25, 2018

My Father Passed AwayToday

My father passed away today. More to come later. May he rest in peace. We were there in the end.

Friday, March 23, 2018

A Day To Relax And Try To Get Other Things Done

This morning I was up early. Mom called to say she was not going up to see dad. It's really hard for her to see him like that. I told her that sounded good and to try and get caught up on other things. I decided I would go up for a few minute to see him. I couldn't let what I saw yesterday be good enough to leave it one day.

About 9 am, I headed up to the hospital. Christine was already there. She let me have time with dad. I was able to talk to the nurse and then the doctor came over. She went over some of the stuff and said it was going good. Dad was looking around and didn't seem as confused as he was yesterday. Christine has been reading to him, and I think that helps. He still hasn't gotten his kidneys working yet. They will do dialysis tomorrow. If that doesn't work, then chances are he won't make it. I'm praying his kidneys start working very soon.

I left around 11:30 am. Before I left I was able to get 2 bags of coffee grounds. I also had a good heart to heart with Christine. She told me she is here for both of us. She's there to give us a break. We don't need to come up and see him, but if we do that's okay too. She knows what it's like and she went through all this with her daughter when she was born. She's "been there, done that." I was okay after leaving dad today.

I was home by 12:15 pm. I had lunch and got laundry going. It's gotten behind as well. Then I sat down and worked on my cross stitching. I watched more "Perry Mason" while I worked on my cross stitching.

This was where I started. Color is the right color but the blue is just a little darker. For some reason it won't photograph well.

This is where I finished when Patrick got home. I'm getting closer to finishing last months part, and hopefully can start on this months part really soon. If was going along great. I did have to take some of it out and put it back in. Not as much ripping out as I've done before. It's coming along great.

This is the cross stitch fabric that Lisa gave me. I paid her for it. Trouble is, I really don't know what I'll do with it. I'll figure something out. Who knows I might make something like a bag out of it. If I do, I can put some cross stitch on it and that would be something different. I'm not sure yet what or how I'm going to work with it. That's the challenge and I do like a challenge.

When Patrick got home, we went to McMenamin's (sp) for supper and a good movie. I love their fish and chips.

I have been working on my genealogy as well. I have a few things going on with as well. Amazing how newspapers have so much information!

Keep staying with me, and stay Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, March 22, 2018


Today my sister-in-law arrived from Las Vegas. She was at the house by 10 am. We took two cars and went to the hospital to see dad. He is the same. Mom and I stayed about 30 mins like we usually do. Chris stayed with dad. She wanted to talk to the nurse and doctor. Mom is happy with that. She sent me an email saying how dad is doing and that his kidney's are not working. The nurse told her that he needed people around to get his attention and keep his mind going. It can help to get him moving and the kidneys to work. She stayed and read to him. She plans on doing that tomorrow as well. I'm going to tell mom she can go with her and I'll go later. Mom hasn't called yet. She's supposed to call me and let me know what she is going to do. Mom's thrilled to have her there. Mom and I met Phil for lunch. It was so good to see him! We had an enjoyable lunch with him.

I came home and crashed. I slept for about an hour and it felt good. My emotions are getting out of control. I'm starting to cry at the drop of a hat.

I did get a few stitches in on my cross stitch SAL.

I'm happy with what I can get done.

I received the fabrics from Lisa today. It's not QOV fabric but cross stitch fabrics. It's really soft too! Not sure what I can make with them as it's in bright colors, but trust me, I will figure it out.

I'm still going day by day. I'm always going to visit dad, and I'm not sure from one day to the next if it will be the last time. Chris will talk to the doctor tomorrow, so I'll go later in the morning. I'm working on letting things go.

Best wishes to everyone, hoping your all Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

A Good Day.....And Bowling Night

This morning I was up and at mom's by 10 am. Mom and I went to see dad. He's eyes were open and he knew we were there. It was nice to see him communicating with us. We rubbed his hands and feet. He's so swollen with the IV's that were in him. He's in need of getting his bladder to work more. They will take the respirator off tomorrow. It was a good day. One day at a time!

We came home and I left her place to go to Safeway. Got out of there and realized I had the key to the car. So, I took it back to her. Then I headed home. I got home at 3 pm. It was a long day. Part of the reason it took so long was that mom was talking with the Pastor that came to see her. AND a quilter that works here. So between both of them being there to help mom out, it was 2 hours of waiting on mom.  I finally had to tell her I wanted to see dad.

I worked a little on the cross stitch. I didn't get a lot done, but I did get some done.

We then went bowling. Fred and Denise were not there so, it was just the two of us. We actually won 1 1/2 games. I bowled pretty bad, but not bad enough to loose a point on my average. I bowled a 159, 143, 193. One of these days, I'll get my act together!

Here we go, another day, another hope, and things are looking up....but I'm not excepting it to be perfect. Dad will HOPEFULLY get better, but each day will tell. I'm living one day at a time with this. I can't get too far ahead. I'm not even planning for the day he leaves the hospital. I just can't think that far ahead.

Best wishes, and hoping all is Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Each Day At A Time - With Stitching

This morning I was up and over to moms by 10 am. We went to Olympia to see dad. He responded to us. But he's still not out of the woods. We were happy with what we saw. It is a good think. It's a small hope, but we still are expecting the worst, hoping for the best.

Came home and had lunch with mom. She started cleaning dad's things that came from Mother Joseph's. I went home.

Got home and went downstairs to start going through the box.

I walked downstairs and realized I have a room to clean - AGAIN! But I'm not too worried about it. I really wasn't in the mood, so decided I would so some cleaning up and putting things away.

This is the quilt bars for the quilt machine I bought.

This is the machine and the cover. I'll find a place to put that as well. It may end up in my roll away bag. I'm not ready to figure it out yet, but now I have it and I can do that. Patrick said it's something I can do when he retires. I may try it out before that. It's about 14 months before he retires.

A nice mess in my room. I'll get it cleaned up, just not all at once.

The piles keep growing.

My sister-in-law's Aunt gave me a ton of stuff! This is some of the blue and white for my QOV quilts. She let me know she has some more red, white and blue fabrics for me and mailed them today.

She even had the same pattern that I have. So, I'm going to give this away in a drawing. Those interested will have their names in the list. I'll draw a name and then will send it to them. I'm going to do it on here and on Instagram. I haven't decided when one has to enter by. I'm going to think about that and post it later to sign up. If your interested, go ahead and let me know. I'll add you to the list.

She gave me book mark stuff. AND a lot of small things. I'm interested. The "smalls" will be fun to do later on.

There are a lot of books and pattern. Kits and more Kits.

More kits.

AND she even gave me some needlepoint! I'm so excited about all this I got.

Fabric is at the bottom half of the box. I gave up cleaning that up for now. I'm not in that good of a mood to go through those right now. I'm excited to see all the colors of fabric she gave me.

An awesome person!

I'm happy to be back at being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, March 19, 2018

Hello Monday.....Still Waiting

This morning I woke around 8 am and mom was already up. She woke before I did. It was one of my better nights sleep.

We walked the dog. Then we stopped at the Gathering Place to work on a puzzle. After that we walked back to moms. I had to call and find out how to return dad's machine that helped his leg. They were shocked we had it and asked us to take it back to Mother Joseph's so they could pick it up there. I said that wouldn't be a problem because we had to see dad at St. Peters.

We had lunch and Ethel arrived. I asked her if she would be interested in staying with mom tonight. She is so sweet! She's my daughter-in-law's grandmother and mom's best friend. So, I felt good that she would be staying with mom. I need to get some sleep at home. Plus I've missed Patrick the last two days.

I did get my embroidery going. I'll try and show that tomorrow.

Dad is still stable. He has problems with his Kidney's and blood pressure. So, he's not out of the woods yet. Each days is promising, but it's not the answer. I live hour by hour right now. I'm in limbo and trying to deal with life.

So, that being said, I'm going to call it good. I'm praying my father makes it. I'm praying that we all can be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

A Month Past, And Another To Come

Today we (mom and I) slept in. I thought I would stay the night with her in case the phone rang. She can't hear the phone when her hearing aids are out. So, I thought it best to stay with her in case things changed with my father.

We watched some TV and walked the dog before we went up to Olympia to see dad. He hasn't changed. He's stable - and that is actually a good thing. He has a C-Diff infection. So, now they are fighting that.

We had to wear gowns and gloves. Had to take a photo of mom getting "dressed up." We stayed for about a half hour. We had to wait about a half hour as well. We worked on the puzzles that they had out there. Dad looks good. He's got his color back. I'm happy with the way he looks. Now it's a day by day thing.

We came home and I went to see Patrick and get some clothes for one more night with mom. He went to Vancouver to get the quilting machine for me. It's all downstairs in my quilt room. PLUS a box of stitching and quilt fabrics. So, when I get home, I'm going to have to clean up my quilt/stitching room. UGH

Back at moms and working on my embroidery.

I had this much done yesterday.

I finished the beading. Next step was doing the handle. I even practiced on the flower that will go there. Then I realized the greenery needs to be finished up. So, I am adding more stems. Then I'll work on the flowers. I think I'm going to work on the bottom part.

Every little bit helps. I'm getting closer to finishing this.

Keeping my prayers going, taking each day as it come. I'm hanging in there and staying Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Please Pray For My Father

This morning we received a call from the Mother Joseph's rehab center telling us my father was rushed to ER at St. Pete's in Olympia. He was unresponsive and dropped his blood pressure. His temperature was 104 degrees.

We arrived at the hospital at 9 am expecting the worst. We gave dad the okay to leave if he wanted to. He told mom, "Not yet." He looked better than he had all week. Yet he has all the hookups back in him. He's breathing through a tube to keep his breathing steady. About 3:30 pm Patrick wanted to take mom home. She was near collapse. Both mom and I felt better leaving dad. He is now in the hospital's hands. It sounds like it's an infection of some kind. We won't know for awhile.

My father is the one on the right. Uncle Bob (his brother) and my brother Chris.

Dad and mom in the middle.

We couldn't have asked for a better father. He has always been there for us. He was my life line growing up. He helped me get through bullying and anything else I needed help with. He had the best advise.

We have talked over the last few years. He's been my rock. I will have a rough time when he does go, but I pray it isn't just yet. I'm not quiet ready. I know I should be, but I'm not. He means the world to me.

While we waited to hear how he was doing, I worked on my Three Wishes piece.

So, tonight I'm going to try and sleep.

Wishing my father full recovery. Hoping that I will see him again. Praying he makes it.

In the meantime, I'm going to TRY and stay Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, March 16, 2018

Finally - A Good Day!

This morning I enjoyed a sleep in...till mom called at 8:30 am. Mom had just visited with her doctor. The doctor said dad is improving and that there didn't seem to be anything that would cause the sleeping. The doctor at Mother Joseph's is doing what she can and is doing what he would do. So, then she told them about dad's "playing" us. He seems to think that's what dad's doing. He wouldn't put it passed him. So, I guess dad's playing us as well as having trouble waking up.

So, I decided to enjoy the day by working on my cross stitch and watching more "Perry Mason" that I have recorded. I love watching him. I have more "Murdock Mysteries" as well. Oh, and I have some of the Australian ones as well. So, I did watch "Doctor Blake Mysteries" or something like that. I hadn't seen that one.

I was able to get a lot more done. I started around here today.

I finished up the bottom part under the deer. Then I went up to the upper area. I have been getting more done. I really like this piece. I'm not very close to finishing the February piece. I have March to work on as well.

We then went to Mother Joseph's to be at the meeting about dad. They had the social working, both therapists, and nurse there to go over his recovery. Mom, Patrick and I listened to what they had to say. Then they talked to dad, who had his head down and asking like he was tired. We talked about upping his med that keeps him awake. They asked if we could get a wheel chair for discharge, and I told dad, "Your not coming home in a wheel chair!" "Sorry, dad, be you can't come home in a wheel chair." He gave me a dirty look when I said that. But through the meeting he kept passing me that funny look, like he had been joking around. I kept my eyes on him the whole time. He knew what was going on. They told him he was going backwards, and that they couldn't figure out why. We told him he has to try or he won't be coming out of there. After the meeting mom talked to the nurse and social worker. They think his in depression, so they will work on that for him.

Came home. Patrick and I went out to eat - yet again. Then to Safeway for a few things. Once we got home, Patrick fell asleep and I worked more on the cross stitch. We are watching "Perry Mason" now. I'm really surprised Patrick turned that on. Didn't think he liked those shows.

Now, I'm going to get back to stitching. Sunday we are going back down to Vancouver to pick up a quilt machine. I'm looking forward to getting it. It may come in handy to get a few quilt tops done. I'll practice before I even do any quilting on my big quilt tops.

How are all of you doing? Anything new - that you might have seen? Any fun?

Keep stitching and stay Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Busy Day

Have you ever had one of those days where you didn't feel down and you didn't feel really "perky?" Almost like it didn't matter what you did, cause you really didn't care? Just an odd day?

Well, that was me today. I didn't go see dad. I got up and wanted to get all my cleaning done before lunch so I could sit and watch TV. I got my laundry going - man! was there a lot of laundry!! Then I vacuumed, and got bread going for homemade bread. I kept busy till about noon.

Then I pulled out the cross stitch and started working on it. I wanted to get as much done as I could. I was getting tired of being behind on this piece.

I watched 3 Perry Mason shows. I was getting a lot done. I finished up the circle in the right and started on the side pieces.

By the time Patrick got home around 3:30 pm, I had this much done. I even worked on the bottom right side that's missing in this picture. I was having fun with it, till Patrick got home. Then I was frustrated because I wanted to work on it and watch more Perry Mason. Oh, well.

We then left to go see my dad. He scared me when I arrived. Completely out of it again. We had mom leave, then we took dad around the facility and back to his room. He was coming back out of it. Then his roomy told me that dad talks to him at night. Dad told him all about the farm and about us. He's chatty and he only acts like that when he's around us. So, I went to the nurse and talked to her. She said she doesn't see what we are talking about. She doesn't doubt that he is that way, she just never sees it. So, I felt a LOT better. Dad's pulling one over on the family. So, we are doing some checking and the nurse is going to have Therapy while the family is gone. Then she will as the Therapist if he's any better without the family. If that's the case, we will stay away this weekend. He doesn't need to be like that! No clue why he's doing that, but he is. I know him well enough to know he would do this.

Came home and did my exercises and decided to call it an early night. I need the sleep. Dad's put me in both a mental and physical state of tired.

Life is good, Life is unpredictable and each day counts.

May we all be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Another Day....

Yesterday I really didn't have much to write about. I really don't want to write about the troubles we have been having with dad in Mother Joseph's in Olympia. He's was getting better today.

So, my last week has been at the care center with my father. I didn't get any embroidery done the last two days.

I did wake up at 10 pm last night, by 12 midnight I decided to get up. I worked on my cross stitch. It was a good 2 1/2 hours of stitching. I did some frogging and I did get it back on track.

Today after mom and I got home, it was time to go bowling. I bowled 147, 173, and 182. Got better as we got going. We did win 1 game. AND I didn't loose a pin in average, so I'm happy.

I'll try and post something better tomorrow. I'm taking the day off from going to see dad. I need to get laundry going and will work on something!

Stay Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Monday, March 12, 2018

A Day With Dad

This morning started out with Brazilian embroidery. We were working on the beads that go with the lanyard that we are making for Seminar. We got about 75 of them done and I believe we need to do about 375. We seem to get carried away with what we want to do for the Seminar each year. It was good to be with them.

While I was there, my brother Patrick called. (Forgot to wish him a Happy Birthday!) Anyway, he was concerned about dad and wanted to make sure I was going up there today. Told him I was and would be leaving soon. Dropped off Donna's quilt blocks before heading up to Olympia.

Headed over to see dad. I stopped at KFC to get some popcorn chicken to see if he would like that. Got up there and he was just finishing eating. I gave him a couple of the popcorn chicken and then he wasn't hungry anymore. He was so happy to get that! The food they have for him looks okay but not as good he's used to. lol - So, I'm thinking we will be bring him up some food to get him to eat more protein. They aren't giving him enough. He did get up with help. He worked with the Physical Therapist. He was telling me he didn't think he would be getting out of there. I'm concerned when she starts talking like that. I'm telling him he will and the hard part is over. He's back was hurting. So, today I was hugging him a lot. Talked to Patrick (brother) about three times. He's stuck in Maine and won't be flying out for a couple days because of the cold weather coming in. He arrived there today and is in Boston. Poor guy. He talked to dad and that made him feel better.

I got 2 more flowers done while there. I didn't do much work on this. I wanted to pay more attention to dad then to what I'm doing.

Finally made it home at 6 pm and Patrick was 10 mins behind me. I'm so exhausted that I'm really not doing anything tonight. I'm about ready to go to bed! I'll be taking mom up there tomorrow around 10 am. 

We'll see what tomorrow brings - Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching?!

Sunday, March 11, 2018

A Full Day Of Bowling!

Time change was today, and I was up an hour later than usual. Hate the time change!

I was out the door about a half hour before I needed to be there. I arrived in good time. Then we bowled..... 155, 185, 154 - not so good. I dropped on my average, but then who wouldn't when I bowled like that! Oh, well.

Came home and worked on my cross stitch for a little bit.

I was able to work on the circle star on the right. I really need to get this done and get caught up! I have March to work on and I'm still working on February. I really want to get a few other things done as well! At this rate, I will be another month behind!

Then it was back to the bowling alley. I bowled better - 187, 177, 179, which put my average up a pin! Finally!! Let's see if I can keep it there or higher! I really, really need to get my average back up there! We don't know how we did because the team we were to bowling wasn't there. Guess the couple on that team had a daughter who was in a car accident. So, they didn't come. The daughter is okay from what I heard, she just rolled the car twice.

Last night I worked on the beads and started working on the flowers on the second roll. I really like how this is coming out. 

Called mom and guess she was worried about dad. She called my brother in LV and the two of them were working with the place his at to get dad back on track. 

May we all be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Saturday, March 10, 2018

Yet Another Saturday

Yep, it's another Saturday. Now, what will that mean for me? Will I be working on my stuff or will we be out and about.....three guesses which it was.

If you guessed "out and about," then you guessed right. As much as I would have loved to have a day here at the house, it didn't happen. Patrick likes to use his days off to do stuff. Not like me.

We headed to Olympia to see dad. He was sitting in a chair and seemed to have no life to him. It really shocked me to see him go back to the way he was a week ago. I went to the nurse and told her our concerns. They keep giving him Tylenol, which puts him out like a light! They also gave him something else. So, we talked about what not to give him. It was okay when I went back to him. He was alert and back to knowing what was going on. Patrick walked him around the center. (He was in a wheel chair). We went back to his room and chatted. Bev and her husband came to see dad at that time. He was teasing them, so I felt better when we left him.

We then went to Costco and got a few things before going to the movie - "Wrinkle in Time." I was disappointed. Not what I thought. Plus there was something in the "trailer" that didn't show up in the movie. I wanted to see that part that was missing. I didn't care for the clothes either. They needed to have more "fantasy" things then they did.

Came home and I've been working on my family history. I have added a couple more 9th generation grandparents. I'm getting a lot of my tree connected. I worked on Patrick's yesterday. I'm going to see what more I can get done.

So, it wasn't one of my days to work on my crafts.....How about you? Did you get much done today? Tomorrow is bowling both morning and evening, so chances are I won't get anything done then either.....dang.

Hopefully your Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, March 9, 2018

I Am Not A Caregiver

I don't know how I end up being a caregiver at times, but I'm really not! I never have wanted to be a caregiver and I really can't deal with it. Yet, I seem to be called to be a caregiver at times. I really don't like it, and I really don't know how to get out of doing it. So, I tend to be one even though I really, really don't want to be. 

I went shopping before going to moms to take her up to Olympia to see dad. Now that he's in Rehab, we are closer to him and it doesn't take that long to get to him. He's looking good. Today we chatted with the Social Worker. She took the information, and then we went to see dad. He was so far out of it. He was so tired. Seemed to keep falling asleep while he talked to us. Mom called a little bit ago and thinks they may have him on pain killers or something else, which he doesn't take well and it knocks him out. We'll check on that tomorrow. 

After a 15 min visit with dad, we left. Mom wanted to go to Costco. So, I took her to Costco and didn't realize we had been in there for 2 hours. I realized that when we went to the gas station and waited. Mom asked what time it was and it was 2 pm. She had asked me what I had plans for the afternoon. At the rate, there were no plans because I wouldn't get home till 4 pm. She bought a kart full of stuff. I helped with loading and unloading the car. 

When I did finally get home, I cut the potatoes for fries. Then Patrick got home. Then it was dinner. I was on the computer for a little bit to do some genealogy. That seems to get away from me. I find more things and then I can't stop because one thing leads to another. I've been in contact with a relative of Patrick's and they have been helping me get the KOEPPLER family done. I believe our neighbor across the street in Pullman was a relative of his. We didn't know that at the time though. He had passed away while we were there. Nice guy. 

So, now it's late and I'm going to call it a night. Didn't get to do one thing I would have liked to, but when mom calls, she needs help. Guess that's caregiving when it's needed. 

Looking forward to being back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

A Very Long Day In Vancouver

This morning I was up and ready to go....Patrick was still sleeping. When he finally got up it was 9 am. So, he had to move a little fast to be out the door by 9:20 am.

We picked mom up. She called as we were pulling into Stillwater Estates. We headed to Vancouver arriving at about 11 am. We were told that dad was going to be transferred to St. Joseph's in Olympia today. We had to pay up front. So, we did that. Then we waited. We were told he would be transferred at 2 pm. At about 20 to 2 pm the nurses came in and started getting dad ready, as they were told he would going in about 10 mins. 10 mins came and went. An hour came and went. We were told they were 7 miles away. Another 45 mins came and went. They were supposed to be there, and we went down to eat. It was 4:30 pm before we got dinner. Then we left and came on home.

So, while I waited at the hospital I got a few things done.

I was able to get some flowers done. I have been working on the beads in the flowers since we got home.

Hope everyone is Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Happy Birthday, Katt!!

Today is my daughter, Katt's Birthday. Happy Birthday to a very dear and wonderful daughter! May she have an Awesome Day!!

I was up early and out the door. Stopped and got a drink, and headed to the quilt shop to teach my beginning Brazilian embroidery class. Two of the gals cancelled because they were sick. One gal had to cancel due to a death in the family. So, I have Cil for a student. We did a one on one teaching. It worked out great for both of us, because I got to think of how teaching would work on this project. I thought they could get it done in the day, but with working with Cil, realized it wouldn't get done in a day. BUT I did realize that what I taught is enough to give them the tools to finish their pieces at home. I had a "doodle cloth" that I gave her, and we practiced on the rose, rose bud, and the leaf. 

I picked up some floss that they had, that I didn't. There is more there that I don't have, so I'm in happy land!! Pretty much my class paid for the floss, but I loved the colors and decided to pick them up. 

While I waited in the car for Kathy to show up, I worked on the flower on the handle. I was able to get the first one started. 

It actually turned out pretty good. I like the way it looks, but I realized I need to pay attention to the last stitch and where I end it. 

Came home and got laundry going again. Then it was time to go bowling. I bowled a 191, 194, 157. I actually got my average up after the two games, and the third game dropped it back to what it was. UGH! We won three game, and the other team wasn't there. They pre-bowled. 

Keep going and Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Another Trip To Vancouver

This morning we were up and out the door heading to moms. We picked her up and headed to Vancouver to see dad. The trip (and all our trips) take a good hour and a forty five minutes each way.

We got there good coffee and chai tea. They have an awesome coffee shop in the hospital. We visited with dad. He is looking great and is feeling a lot better. He was in and out of the bed (with some help). They are getting read to put him in rehab but they are waiting to see what rehab station will take him. Hoping it's not Centralia, but then I've always lost on my hopes.

I was playing games with mom. Then I got a start on the flowers. I have the handle done, and will do the flowers after I get the necks flowers done. I'm loving this piece and thinking of ordering the fabric for one or two more.

We went to the casino and got our pan that they gave out. We didn't do any good betting, but that's what happens when you bet.

Came home and fixed supper. I got my stuff ready for the class I'm going to teach tomorrow. May only have one person, because two called and said they were sick. The third had a death in the family. So, I'll reschedule a date for them later.

In the meantime, I'm going to work on being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, March 5, 2018

A Day At Home

We decided to take today off. We all wanted to stay home and go back to the hospital tomorrow. Mom needed a break and so did we.

I got a little caught up on my cleaning. I washed several loads of laundry - amazing how much laundry one has after a week of being away from home. Then I mopped the floor and vacuumed. It really needed it. At first I wonder why there was so much dirt, but then I realized, we came home and left for a week. So, whatever we had on our shoes came in the house. At least now I'm okay with the floors.

Sandy came over and we went over the Seminar classes. We cut the bill in half. We decided we wouldn't do breakfasts, and we wouldn't go till Tuesday. We'll be leaving or coming home on Friday. So, we pretty much cut the time there in half. We didn't need to be there the whole time. I had an extra class that she didn't, but I really wanted to take the designing class. We will do three classes together and then Friday afternoon we have different classes.

I pulled out  my cross stitch and found I had the star in the wrong spot. So, that meant it was take out time! It took me a good hour to rip it all out, because I wanted to make sure I didn't cut some of the threads in the fabric.

So, this is where I am now. I wasn't too thrilled to find out I was off. The part I wanted to start working on, was about 2 to 3 stitches off. That meant I needed to take it out. At first I wasn't sure where the mistake was. I worked on the boarder and then worked my way inward and found that the center star piece was way off. I just hope taking all this out doesn't get me short on my floss when I'm getting close to being done. UGH

Dad's doing better and they are looking at putting him into a Rehab. They can't put him down there, but they asked mom where he could go. I'm hoping he can get into Olympia, if not, he's be here and the Rehab center here isn't that good. They don't work with patience as often, nor do they work on weekends. So, keeping my hopes up that he'll be in Olympia. But then what I think doesn't matter.

We're going to check out a quilt machine tomorrow. I'm thinking of buying one from a family members family. I'm looking forward to seeing what it looks like and if it's something I can work with. It might get a few things done. I'll have to practice a lot on it before I do some of my quilts.

Do you have a long arm machine? This one is a sewing machine size, but long arm. Do you do any quilting on your machine?

That's going to keep me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Not My Normal Saturday...............

This morning we were up and out the door - yet again. We drove over and picked mom up. We were in the car and pulled out of the drive when mom remembered she had to do something. So, we waited. Ethel took the dog for a walk. So, when mom came out, we waved goodbye to Ethel.

The trip down to Vancouver was quiet and both mom and I fell asleep in the car. I must have slept a half hour because I didn't realize we were off I-5 and on I-205 heading to the hospital. I tried to tell Patrick he was getting off the wrong exit. Mom slept the whole trip.

We arrived at the hospital around 10:30 am. Patrick was still there, and would be leaving at 1:15 pm. They were getting dad ready to move into another room. He looks a lot better and is joking around a ton. He's almost back to normal in my opinion. We stayed till about 2:30 pm. We dropped mom off and stopped at Safeway to get stuff for supper. Then we came home. It's good to be home.

They moved him to the 7th floor. This is one of the views from his window.

This one has the view of the mountain. I believe it's Mt. Hood. You can barely see it in the left side. The clouds where there. But it was still a pretty day. 

Mom worked on Donna's blocks and I pulled out my embroidery. I took out all the stuff I did on the handle yesterday. I ripped it out and started over. I finally figured out the way to do the wrapping on the stem. It wasn't looking right when I started it one day and went back to it. I think when I started working on it today, I realized what I needed to do, and realized I needed to take out the stuff I did the day before. I left it in the car at mom's and will work on it tomorrow. They may need to move it because I think mom was going to take Ethel out to eat. 

I worked a little more on this piece. I'm going to get more done tonight. I'm enjoying the "Doo Wop" music. It's so cool!! Love this music. 

Okay, it's time to get some stitching in. I hope your getting some stitching in as well. We all need to relax and enjoy our crafts. 

Let me know how your doing! Would love to hear from you! May we all stay Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...