Thursday, March 1, 2018

Still Off To Vancouver Every Day

Figured it was time to update my blog. Dad is still in the hospital in Vancouver, WA which is about 1 3/4 hours south of were we live. The best part is that we live right off the freeway and his hospital is also right off the freeway.

Patrick had to work this morning and I'm getting a few things caught up before he gets back.

Dad is finally recovering nicely. They had to give him 2 pints of blood to get his level up. That helps the body recover faster. They waited to see if he could work his blood levels up but with the nurses taking blood all the time, what was healing was being taken away. So, this was the best way to go.
After they did that, he woke up and talked more. He knows where he is and is joking. So, I know he's getting better. As much as it's hard on us, I know it's hard on him. I really, really want him to stay down there for rehab but my hubby wants him up here. There isn't a good facility here. I really want to keep him there.

While with dad mom and I worked on the circles for Donna. We are getting closer to having them done. There must be 50 of them we need to do. I think we are part way there. I also worked on my tea pot. It didn't get much done, but it's been worked on. Will trying and do more today depending on how things go. Dad is usually sleeping when we are there. 

My sister-in-laws Aunt sent some stuff home with us. She's getting rid of a lot of stuff. So we call that Random Act of Kindness. I got a lot of cross stitch and mom got a lot of quilting stuff. I'll be bring more home today.

We came home early yesterday so we could go bowling. My heart and mind where not in it. I'm physically and mentally exhausted. We did win two games but I bowled a 166, 137, 183. Not good, I lost a pin. Then Patrick bowls a 637 which raised his average a pin. Go figure! I'm really not doing very good.

Okay, Patrick's coming home and it's time to leave again. May we all be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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