Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Another Day....

Yesterday I really didn't have much to write about. I really don't want to write about the troubles we have been having with dad in Mother Joseph's in Olympia. He's was getting better today.

So, my last week has been at the care center with my father. I didn't get any embroidery done the last two days.

I did wake up at 10 pm last night, by 12 midnight I decided to get up. I worked on my cross stitch. It was a good 2 1/2 hours of stitching. I did some frogging and I did get it back on track.

Today after mom and I got home, it was time to go bowling. I bowled 147, 173, and 182. Got better as we got going. We did win 1 game. AND I didn't loose a pin in average, so I'm happy.

I'll try and post something better tomorrow. I'm taking the day off from going to see dad. I need to get laundry going and will work on something!

Stay Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

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