Wednesday, July 25, 2018

A Good & Bad Day In One

The day started out good. By the end of the day, not so good.

Was up and out the door to Thurston County Fairgrounds. I told Carla I would help her get ready for the fair. I arrived and helped one of the other gals get the knitted, crocheted, and other stuff in cases.

We worked off these tables and put things into the cases. I was amazed that they didn't have as much as they usually get. But they did have nice stuff!

Came back and met mom at the Funeral Chapel to talk with the guy who has been trying to get her to come in a chat with her. We chatted. He was really nice, and just wanted her to think about preparing for her time. We ended up chatting for an hour. We didn't plan anything, so that was okay. Then I took mom to Staples to get some ink. We said our goodbyes and I headed home. 

Got home around 3:30 pm. I had to give Sophie some TLC because she missed me. It's really funny. 

I pulled out my cross stitching. 

I found out the fabric for this kit was too small. I have 1" from the bottom where I started. I counted the stitches that are left to finish and it would put me at the top of the fabric. There isn't much room. So, I'm trashing this, and I'm going to start all over - but not today and not tomorrow. I have more things to finish right now then trying to start this all over again. I'll have to pick the fabric and the floss. It can wait. As much as I wanted to have this done, it's not going to get done. 

That was the bad part of the day. I went walking with Cherry so I could get some of my frustration off. By the time I got back, it's bed time. lol 

So, I'm going to call it a night. Think about what project I have going and work on it tomorrow. AFTER quilting. 

Have you ever had a cross stitch kit give you the wrong size fabric? What did you do? I probably should have changed the fabric in the first place, but I thought it would work. How about you?

Keep it up and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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Casino Day!

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