Saturday, July 7, 2018

An Unusual Saturday

Don't you just love those Saturdays when your neighbor decides to have dirt delivered at 6:30 am? Well, that's what happened. At 6:30 am we hear the trucks coming and the peeping of dumping in the yard. Then I fell asleep for about 20 mins and it started all over again. This went on till  9 am.

So, of course when that happens, you won't get any sleep. The peeping itself is enough to keep a dead man up.

We got up and Patrick got ready to go golfing in Olympia. I had the day to myself.

Of course, I wanted to work on my projects, and at the same time wanted to get some laundry done. So, I did them both.

About noon time I decided I better get moving and go walking. I'd sat all morning watching "Perry Mason" and playing games. I needed to get moving. So, I went for a walk. Ran into our neighbor and told him he could ask the truck drivers to wait till after 8 before they come dropping stuff off. He laughed and said that he got the dirt free and that it only cost him by the hour. So, he told them to deliver as much has they could in 3 hours. He got 10 truck loads. He also said the guy called last night and said he was getting the trucks loaded at 6 am and would be here about 6:15 am (which they probably did). I told him it was a good thing Patrick was golfing because he likes to sleep in till 10 am on Saturdays. I wanted him to know he was waking us up at times. He laughed and told me he was up at 5:30 am every morning. Don't think he got my message, but we will see. He's moving the dirt right now even. He's wanting it to build a shed in the back yard.

Cherry was coming home as I started out walking. So, I waited for her to join me. We got 3 laps in, not 4 as I would have liked, but then again, it's a good thing I got out to walk in the first place.

Came home and worked on my cross stitching.

Then another thing happened while I was working on this peace. If you see the needle, well.....that's where I had to take it all out to. I had be going along great, till I tried to line it up at the bottom of the circle......I was off one row. I didn't swear and I didn't throw a fit - even though the thought crossed my mind. I just took it all out. Took awhile to figure out where it was that I needed to go back to. Was thankful it wasn't up higher.

By this time, I was able to put it back in and get a little more done. It's coming along nicely. The color in this photo is more true to life then the other ones are.

I had a good day while Patrick was gone. I really didn't feel good, but I did get some stuff done.

I even called the Vets to see if they had Sophie yet and they didn't. I'm hoping she gets over there, because I really do want to get her home. I'm hoping they didn't screw up too! It would be my luck. They said they would call when she arrives, and today I didn't get a call. The animal shelter is closed tomorrow, so thinking they will take her on Monday. I'm hoping any way. I told them to give her the shot, but who knows if they will do it.

Last night, I wanted to work on my cross stitching but by the time I tired to get my other magnifying light hooked up, it wasn't working right. So, then I decided "ta heck with this," and pulled out my Patriot Angel and worked on her instead. It was nice to get back to her. I had to figure out what I did and what I didn't because I over marked a few stitches. I was able to get some stitching in though and that's all that mattered.

I will try and work on her as well. I can do her off and on. If I can get more done on the Modern Folk Embroidery SAL, then I can get back to this and the other two I'm working on.

How about you? Have a lot of WIPs? Would love to know what your working on. I'm needing to get back to my applique again!

That would keep me both Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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