Saturday, July 21, 2018

Day For A Movie

Today we were woken by Sophie. She wanted us up. lol I enjoyed some time with Sophie while Patrick slept.

I added some dirt to the plant I picked up from Church when I had Brazilian embroidery on Monday. Then I took a couple of my other plants and combined them. I had a couple scraggly looking plants, and since they are the same, I potted them together. Now I have better plants in the house. I had to water all my plants this morning. Some were dry and others were still wet. Never could figure that part out.

We decided to go to the movies. I loved Mamia Mia when it came out. This is the next part. We went early enough that it was crowded. I found it funny that most of the ones in the theater were around our age. It was a good movie. It goes back and forth from past to present. It tells the story. It's a pretty good movie. Not as good as the first, but it is good.

Then we went down to Kelso for supper. We went to Sizzler. It wasn't as good as it usually is. I was disappointed. I almost think they sold the business to someone else. The owner that we used to see, wasn't there. He would always walk around and make sure things were going smoothly. He would even help the servers. He wasn't there tonight and the waiters were different. Mostly high school students.

Came home and I worked on one of my Baltimore Liberty blocks. I wanted to get more leaves on there to work on.

From this to.....

This. Now I have more to work on. I want to use another technique on the flowers. This is the back basting technique. I've been doing other techniques over time.  I may end up using both techniques.

After I got that ready, I worked on my cross stitching. I'm so excited because I may actually get caught up tomorrow!

"Summer" is done, and "MN" will be done tomorrow. Then I'll do the other work under that. Once that is done, I'm done till next month!! Can't wait!! Yaeh, I know, CALM DOWN or I'll screw it up!! I need to work on this. Looking forward to getting more done!

The neighbors are having a party, and I don't know WHY they have to have the "base" of the music so loud!! It hurts my ears. I'm being a good neighbor and letting it go.

This was a good day.

Have you seen a good movie lately? Let me know what movie you've been to or recommend. I love going to movies. Would love to hear what you like as well.

Best wishes, and Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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Casino Day!

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