Monday, February 25, 2019

A Day Away From Home

Today I wasn't planning on leaving till around 2 pm but things changed.

I had to make a few phone calls. Sharon called to say the quilt was done and wanted to know when I would be able to pick it up. I told her I would try and do that on Friday. So, we set the day for Friday. I needed to get the backing for the quilt I have ready. Sharon told me that Bill won't be able to quilt in April for about 6 weeks. So, we won't be able to get anything quilted. I needed to find someone that could fill in for us. I called and left a message for Kathleen Amendt to see if she could help. She wasn't in.

Judy called me back from yesterday and said she had some backing for me but there wasn't much left. I talked to her about the batting and backing that our group needed to get. She told me she can't do both groups because she doesn't have the room and she can't store any of it. She asked me to come over and she would show me what she does to get the batting and backing done. It looks like I'm going to be doing that for our group as well. I need to get the batting and backing for our group. Being without it doesn't help. I called Rita and talked to her. She doesn't have room in her car to bring back the batting from Shanks. So, I'm going to have to work it out with her to drive my van down there and bring back the batting. I'm going to see how much it will cost to have it mailed to us and that MIGHT help. If not, will have to go down with her and get the backing and batting and not get the sale price. It will be something I want to talk to Faye about.

Went to Judy's to find out how she does the batting and backing. The batting she does on the floor to make it easier to cut and get ready. I watched her and that is the easiest way of doing it because the batting is in rolls of 30 yards. We sat down and went over how much we had and what we would need to carry us over for the next 6 months. I think I've got it down and we can figure all that out after I chat with Faye.

Then I went over to moms so I could go to another Judy's house to check our her sewing machine. It wasn't a sewing machine that I was looking for. It had all the different designs and was pretty much like mine when it came to the features. So, it really wasn't an upgrade for me. I'll just have to keep looking.

We got back home around 4 pm. I got supper done and then spend a little time working on the second cat in beading.

This is what I ended up with after I took out......

This one. You can see my mistake. I ended up taking out 4 rows and putting them back in.

Tomorrow I really, really need to work on Katt's quilt. So, I'm going to try and get as much as I can done on the border tomorrow.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day of being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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