Thursday, February 28, 2019

A Good Day With Sandy

This morning I fixed a few things with getting my emails out. Then Sandy came over and we worked on beads.

I was showing her how to do peyote beading. She had some delica beads that are 8 mm. I was amazed at how nice it was coming out. I enjoyed working with her and getting her started on her beading. She order some beads as well. I have my order for Fire Mountain but won't be doing the order till after I get Sharon's order. So tomorrow I'll place the order. I need to take my laptop with me tomorrow.

She got this much done. I love the way this came out.

After Sandy left I worked on laundry and my beading. I was able to get a few more rows in on my beads. 

I can now see the blue bird. I'm starting on the second bird - you can see it coming up. It's the light blue on the right side. I'll probably get a few more rows in this evening while Patrick is at his meeting.

So I didn't get any quilting in today but I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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