Saturday, March 23, 2019

Enjoyed Our Saturday

This morning I was up and enjoying the morning.  I worked on my beads this morning.  I got another row of black on the Wild Birds. Then it was time to pick mom and Irene up.

We helped mom rotate her mattress.  Then we were off to WF West HS for the Two Tone Tuners performance.  It was awesome.  My former boss was not part of the group he was in before.  But the group sounded really good with new members.  The Two Tone Tuners are getting smaller. I love listening to the quartets.  It was a 2 hour performance.

We came back home after dropping mom and Irene off. They had a good time.

I worked on my cross stitching while watching TV.

I did have to redo my tree by the rabbit. Just the bottom part. Finished the rabbit and decided to work on the words.  At least I was able to do that much. I really wanted to be beading but that's at the table. I will do beading tomorrow.

Even with all the things we did today, I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

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