Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Bowling Starting Up Today

The day started out with walking (as usual), and by the time I write this I'm over 12,000 steps. Not a bad day.

I needed to put my name tag on the quilt I'm entering into the quilt show tomorrow. I couldn't remember when I made the quilt but I did put "ca" on the label.

The pits of it all is that I couldn't remember the person that designed the quilt pattern I used. I modified it, but still wanted to give that person the credit.

This was a challenge quilt that I did back when I was with SWW Rainy Daze Quilt Guild. I haven't been with them for close to 10 years now. I did go back a couple years ago, but after two years, decided not to continue going with them. The challenge fabric was in the feathers of the bird.

I decided I'm going to take this quilt as well. This one will be in back of our station for TAS. I had to fix the sleeve on the back.

Yesterday I was able to get a few stitches into this quilt. I have been able to get more stitches on this quilt.

Today I was able to get quiet a bit done. I was enjoying the day of doing laundry and watching TV while I appliqued. I find it very relaxing and lately hate the thought of not being able to work on this quilt! I've even been thinking of which one I want to do next for my Aunt.

It's been an interesting time without my car. I'm actually enjoying the fact that I don't have to go anywhere. Tom
orrow I have things I have to do, so it was nice while it lasted.

Bowling season has begun. We started our Wednesday league. I averaged 166, but didn't want to get too high for the first night. We start our Sunday league this Sunday and travel league begins too. We're back to bowling and we'll miss our teammates: rom last year on Sunday.

In the meantime, I'm Happy Quilting!

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