Saturday, September 12, 2015

Quilt Show Day.....Back and Forth

Today I was up early enough to get my tail to the Quilt Show. Quilt Show was open at 9 am. I got there and Hilidi and Bev were already there. Guess they called the house to see if I was coming. I hung around for about a half hour. It was really slow when I was there.

I came back home (only 2 miles away) and relaxed. I played games and just enjoyed the time to myself. I did pick up a little around the house. Then I went back over to the show at 11 am. The switch over was at that time, so I let Hildi and Bev leave while I waited on Susy and Deanna. I then came back home to have lunch and about that time Patrick came home.

Went back to the show and there still wasn't very many people there. Guess a few people came, didn't want to pay the fee, and left. There was a lot of people that turned away. Can't understand why no one wanted to pay the $5 to get in. Hard to believe. Even Susy said there were a lot of people that left. She was surprised at how many left. It's a same people won't support the organization that puts the quilt shows on.

 Ran into David today and he was asking me to put my Hawaiian quilt in the Rainy Daze Quilt Guild Show in a couple weeks. He said he's afraid there won't be enough quilts at the show. I sent everyone an email on how to enter their quilts. I'll enter mine later this week. I have to take it to the show on the 28th. I will find a couple of quilts to let him have at the show.

Received my TAS newsletter today!! It is awesome! I've got a lot of reading to do. TAS is looking up and we are trying to get more involved. They are talking about doing a quilt show in 2017/18. That would be wonderful! They need to get moving on doing that.

While watching TV last night I was able to get this far. It's so close to being done! I am getting excited to having this done! I will go to the shop on Monday and get the backing fabric. I need to sto at moms to get the black batting. She said she had some scraps and I want to use that instead of have Rita come up with the batting.

In between going back and forth with the show, and playing games, I was able to get a little more done. Not much. I'm hoping to have more done tonight.

Bowling is tomorrow. Both the travel league and the Sunday night league. I'm not sure what I'll be able to get done on the quilt tomorrow. I just hope I can bowl with spit! One of our teammates on the travel league lost her mother in April and then her son in June. She's having a hard time with the loss of her son. She called and texted him daily. She has a long road in front of her for healing.

Katt is going to the Seattle vs. Green Bay game in Green Bay next week. She has 2 tickets and I am trying to get Patrick to go with her. He's thinking he won't. I really would like him to go. I hope he changes his mind. He's having a hard time about getting back, as the plane coming back on Monday is over $1000, but the Tuesday is cheaper. Trouble is, he won't have a place to stay as she only has the motel for Saturday and Sunday night. I'm trying to get him to go. We'll see what happens. Chances are he won't go. Oh, well.

I'm looking forward to reading my TAS magazine, and getting back to Happy Quilting!

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