Monday, July 31, 2017

Brazilian Embroidery Potluck

This morning I was up early so I could clean up a little before everyone came over. I went to Cherrill's and brought back her salad for the potluck.

Our first person showed up right on time. Then the rest followed a few minutes behind. We had 9 of us. We enjoyed the day outside. We all worked on our needle cases. Dina went through all the steps, because once again, not everyone was prepared.

Dina shared her needle case.

She was showing how she puts the needles in the case and how she has them marked. The #1 is for #1 needles.

Then there are these as well. We use a lot of these.

So, I worked on mine. I got the pages in. The first page I'm not that happy about it. But it turned out great.

I sewed them in place and trimmed them. It went pretty good.

This is the finished part. I need to add the strips in the pages. Then it's good and ready to go. I'll add my needles and it's good to go. I need to get all my needles in cases so I can find what I need.

After everyone left I had to head over to moms and stay with dad while she went to an exercising class. Dad looks good and is getting around a lot fast then he did yesterday.

I decided to finish the other one I was working on. I'll put my quilting needles in that one. I have plenty to put in the case. I'll have to figure out what needles I have. I will do the embroidery on the other one and figure out how I'm going to close it.

Life is good, everything is coming along. Time to get back to cross stitch! Keeping it up and staying Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Trying To Enjoy A Sunday

This morning we both slept in. It felt good to finally have a good nights sleep and once I did, it felt good.

Patrick worked in the yard for a little while. I got laundry started. I was behind on all of it, so needed to put a dent in it.

Patrick came in and said we needed to go see dad. So, we headed out and went to Walmart to pick up a few things - yep, I actually went into Walmart...ugh... Didn't find the car cane for dad, so we went to Kmart, and they didn't have it either but everything was on sale 10-50% off. Looks like they are getting ready for the store to close or change dramatically. We even stopped at Walgreens but they didn't have it either. I need to order one for him.

We stopped to see dad and he's doing great. We didn't stay long, wanted to get back home.

We came home and enjoyed a movie with Cary Grant in it. Along with Doris Day. Was really good too.

I was finally able to get close to 500 stitches in today. I'm really pleased with the results. It's coming up to the end of the left side. I like the darker purple. It's coming in pretty good. I'm glad I made the changes.

Tomorrow is Brazilian embroidery. They are coming to the house. Should be fun!

Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Two Days Worth in One Blog!

Friday - July 28th -

Woke up early and went to see Cherrill. Came home and headed out to moms. I arrived at 9:05 am and Ann, arrived about 10 seconds before me, so she took my parking spot. I went into the house at moms and got her car keys for the van. Dad wouldn't have been able to come home in my car.

I arrived at the hospital just before 9:30 am. Dad was sleeping. So I talked with the nurse and found out he would be discharge because he was in too much pain and they had to give him pain killers that knocked him out. Told her we would return around 1-2 pm to see how he was doing.

Then I headed back to moms. I told her what was up. Dad and his pain was keeping him from leaving. So, I stayed and quilted with our group. We had about 7 of us show up.

I finally got the owl head put on the quilt. This is the corner of quilt that has the owl. I was able to get it all put on the quilt top. Mom is working on the fox in the opposite corner.

When quilting was over, we went over to the hospital to check on dad. He was doing pretty good, but still in pain. There was a big rash on his leg which made his leg swell. The good news was that that was an allergic reaction to the antiseptic that they put on around his surgery. So, we stayed about an hour and then left.

I went back to the house with mom and then headed home. I stopped off at Micheal's to get the floss I needed. When I got home it was too late to put the food in that  wanted to fix. So, to my surprise, Patrick called and said we'd go out to eat and then head to the casino.

Which we did. We were there for about 3 hours after we stopped and got supper. We had a pretty good night. By the time we got home it was 9 pm, so we called it a night.

Saturday - July 29, 2017

Today I was up early but Patrick was up earlier. He had to run to the plant at 3 am to get it back on line. I wasn't sure he left but I did know when he came back. So, I let him sleep.

When he finally got up, we loaded the truck and headed out to Toledo WA for a bike ride. We got in about 3 miles when mom called to say dad was being released from the hospital. Told her we'd be there in a couple hours. We went really well, at least till we got to the same old spot and I couldn't breath. Had to stop and rest, and then stop and rest again. Thought I would pass out. Couldn't understand why. Took some time for me to get my breath again and we finally made it to Rainier. We sat and ate there. When I went to the bathroom there, all the TP was gone except a small amount in one stall. Then noticed even the paper towels were missing. Think someone decided they needed them better than anyone else did.

We headed back to Toledo. I did a lot better! We made it through with a couple small stops on the way.

Then we headed to the hospital to pick up dad. They were waiting on us. Dad was helped out to the van. It took some doing but he finally got in. Then we went home. Getting him out of the van was almost as hard. Dad's doing awesome! He's moving around and doing great.

We helped dad and then went up to Costco to pick up a few things. We brought mom and dad back supper. Then we came home. Patrick worked out in the yard and then came in for dessert. Now we are enjoying the evening but sitting here watching TV.

NOW I can finally sit and work on my cross stitch. I'm hoping to get a lot more done.

It will be nice to get more done on her! Can't wait. The purple is showing up. I like that my purple is better then what they had.

Life is good, time is going fast, and I'm still Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Another Day Between Friends and Hospital

Today I was surprised to be up even before Patrick. I couldn't go back to sleep, but I did sleep pretty good.

Went to Napavine to post another poster at the Post Office. Someone took down my flyer. Then I drove around Napavine to see if I could see the car that took Kitty. No luck.

Headed over to the hospital to see dad. He's looking awesome and doing great. He's really happy with his knee. The nurse is loving him! She's a kick! They tease each other a lot. I stayed about an hour.

Then headed over to the quilt shop and enjoyed an hour with friends. Deanna came back from MO and gave everyone a gift. She game me patriot labels for quilts. It's awesome! That was so kind of her! I'll have to remember to get a Thank You card out to her.

This is the inside of my needle case. (The photo I didn't have yesterday or the day before). The list of needles is crooked but it's not bad enough yet for me to take out.

So, while I was at quilting, I worked on the cover. Not the prettiest cover, but I was having fun with beads and buttons. I wanted the branch - not sure it looks like a branch but this is another one of those things where I made it "off the seat of my pants!" I may add more, not sure.

Went back and spent time with dad. Mom and I were there till 3 pm and then went to the house to see how the quilt was coming along. Mom's working on the fox. I'll try and get a photo tomorrow.

Dad's coming home tomorrow and we have quilting at the house. I may end up staying at the hospital to bring him home. Will be interesting to see.

Life is good, I'm back to my cross stitch tonight. Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

A Day Between Hospital and Mom's

This morning I was up right behind Patrick. I was out the door about 10 mins after Patrick. Got to the folks house and dad was loading up the van, ready to go. Mom was eating breakfast out the door. I dropped off my quilt box and brought my bag that had my needle case cover.

We arrived at the hospital for dad to get prepped for his knee replacement surgery. We were told we would have to wait about 45 mins before we could go in to see him. He would then be on his way to the operating table. We actually waited about an hour and a half. When we went in to see him, they were getting him ready to go to surgery. Guess they wanted to get a couple things done before they let us in.

While we waited on dad, I worked on my cover. I was able to get this much done. I'm thinking of using beads and the buttons that came with the cut out. I'm also thinking of adding some stuff around the corners. Not sure what yet. May do some beading off vines. Haven't decided.

We went to pick up some books from Felicia's husband. Then we went to the house and worked on the quilt we are doing. I ironed the eyes on the fabrics. I had them ready to work on while we wait for the doctor to come out. I had it all ready.

We went back after a couple hours and waited on the doctor. We waited about 45 mins before he came out. Said dad did great! It was easy and went very well.

Then we headed over to Baccata's for lunch. We had an avocado sandwich that was awesome! Then we went back to check on dad. He was out! He couldn't wake up. So, we went home and decided we'd go back later.

I forgot to take another photo of my owl eyes. I was able to get it put together. Came home and went back to see dad at 5:30 am. He was doing great! He was eating when we left.

I'll head back tomorrow before and after going to quilting tomorrow.  Then we have quilting on Friday as well. I don't think he'll come home till Friday but there is a chance he will come home tomorrow.

Things are good, life is good, and all is well. Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

It's Another Hot Day.....

Today I was up and ready to go after Patrick left. I enjoyed my breakfast and then took a drive.

I went to McDonald's first, then went to the fairgrounds. Someone said they though they saw Kitty in that area, so I wanted to check it out. I took a walk around the fairgrounds, even calling to see if Kitty was there. While I was there, the K-9 police officers were coming from all over. It was amazing at how many police officers and dogs were lining up for the funeral of one of their K-9 dogs. The poor dog wasn't very old, and they were trying to figure out why he died so young. I still walked around the fairground and found no animal running around. Not even Kitty. I had a feeling it was a mute point, but I had to try. I know Patrick wants me to give it up, and I'm getting there. But at the same time, I'm going to try and found her. I don't want the 2 people that took her, to get away with it! I'm going to try and keep the posters going! Word is getting out and I'm wanting it to keep going till someone tells me who took her!

After I went there, I went over to Great Clips and got my hair cut. I even got her to do a braid for me. She told me it would cost $20 to get a braid and I told her I could do it later. She was kind enough to do it for me. I gave her a $5 tip for doing it.

Then I headed over to Michael's to pick up a couple floss. I needed more of the colors I'm doing on the Mirabilia piece. I forgot to take my list, so I thought I could remember the colors - yea, no! I was a number off on one, I didn't get the one I thought I did on another one, and I got completely different colors! Oh, crap. I'll pick them up tomorrow. I saw some art books and supplies, so I texted my son and asked if he wanted any that were $5. I bought him 2 books for his art work. I also picked up some pencils for him with some chalk and a few other things.

While I was at Michael's mom called. She had a deal on her clothing company in the email. She wanted me to come over and help her order her tops. Apparently today was the last day of the deal. So, I drove over and ordered her two tops (I got one too), and then found out that her "deal" was for yesterday, not today. But she still got a good deal with eBates. I've got $22.54 coming in the mail next month. I usually don't buy a lot, but it's nice to get a percent back when I do shop online. Check it out.

Came home and worked on my needle case. I sewed the bag on the inside as well as the needle list.  added the "D" rings and the ribbon that will be used to close it. I then took it over to Cherrill to show her what I did. she needs to do hers. Then I realized when I got back that I didn't take a photo of it! So, I'll have to show it later. I got the leaf that was given when I got the wool felt for the needles, ready to work on tomorrow. It's small and I can do that while waiting on dad in the hospital.

After all that, it was time for Patrick to get home with a pizza. Then I pulled my cross stitch out and worked on it.

I've almost got the bottom done. I have 200 more stitches along the bottom and then I'll have the bottom completed and work my way up. There is a lot of beading that goes on this piece. I ordered the beads and still waiting on them, as well as my Halloween fabric and pattern. I ordered those in May. But then it's hand dyed so I'm okay with it for now.

I still need to get some fabric for the Alaska piece I want to do. I'll see what I can do later.

I'm keeping up on my walking. I believe I'm about 1900 steps away from getting my 10,000 today. I'll take a walk again here in a little bit. I really do want to reach the 10,000 mark again today.

I got a pattern from ebay today that I ordered. I couldn't believe it was a paper pattern that was cut from a magazine. Oh, well. I wanted the pattern so won't complain too much, just need to pay better attention when it comes to it.

I'm still keeping up with my stuff. I'm taking the quilt and fabrics back to mom's tomorrow so we can work on it while dad's being operated on. He gets his knee replaced tomorrow. I'll be over there for quiet a while. Most of the time it's going to be boring, so I need to take a few things to work on while I'm waiting.

In the meantime, I'm going to try and let Kitty go, and stay Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, July 24, 2017

Keeping Busy With House Work

Today was a day to myself. I really enjoyed that.

First I played on my tablet. Of course had to get the laundry going, because Patrick added the bathroom towels and rugs to the load.

Then I pulled out my computer and worked on my Hardanger. I started working on the buttonhole stitch that goes around the piece. It wasn't as easy as I would have liked. I decided I really wasn't in the mood to work on it.

So, I called it good.

I was watching a couple movies I have on TV while dealing with laundry and my cross stitch.

The purple is coming through better. I like my darker color showing through. It's not as muddy as the other color. I like how it's working out. I'll be working on it more tonight. Last night I didn't get anything done that I was planning on doing. We went to bed to read and not work on my crafts.

I'm doing good with my fitbit. I'm making my marks. I did miss two hours today, one I missed by 10 steps, the other, I don't know what happened. I did get my 30 min walk in.

Keeping going....Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Did More Than One Thing Today

This day started out with a text to Patrick. I was up and he went back to sleep....go figure.

Played for a little while, till Patrick was up. Then emptied the dishwasher, cleaned the kitchen, and started working on making bread.  Since my sourdough was looking really good, I decided to make some bread. Worked on one first then started in on the second one. Left one on the counter to raise and put the other in the refrigerator.

Then while I was working on those, I pulled out the computer and watched what I needed to do on the hardanger.

I finished up part 7. Tomorrow I can work on part 8. Since tomorrow I don't have anything going on, I can get some stuff done. I've got laundry to do, plus I was looking at the bathroom and may need to get a little more cleaning done in there.

About the time I finished this up, mom and dad came. We were going out to eat with them. They said they would be here around 2 pm but didn't make it till about 2:30 pm. Worked out okay. While Patrick drove down to Longview I played on mom's tablet to help her get her game going. We had a good supper at Sizzlers. Dad loves the chicken down there.

Funny how we had chicken there, and I've got the chicken in the frig to make fried chicken tomorrow.

Came home and played a game with the folks. Mom was falling asleep while we were playing.

So, while we were playing, I cooked the bread. It came out awesome! Patrick couldn't wait!

He went out to the freezer and brought in his freezer jam to have a slice before it cooled down. This is his blackberry jam that he did the other week.

Now, tonight I can get back to my cross stitch. I also need to work on the eyes of the owl. AS WELL AS embroidery on the needle case. I'll have to get moving on that as well. I will try and work on those tomorrow.

I did get a few more stitches in on this one.

As we can see, I did more than one thing today. I kept busy! I couldn't believe I got as much done today since I was running around from one thing to another.

Woo hoo, I'm getting things going! Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Missed My Goal For The Day

This morning I enjoyed sleeping a little longer today. Last night was one of my better nights in over a month. Still keep thinking about Kitty and how I can try to find her.

We left early and went to the casino. That was a quick visit as it ate all the money we had to take with us. So, we headed to the movie theater to see a really good movie. I wish I could say which one it was, but I'm really bad about titles and it's one that is hard to remember. But I really did enjoy the movie. It was awesome.

We came home and I worked on my cross stitch out on the deck. Patrick read a book.

I got another 200 stitches in before we came back in the house. Then I added another 50 stitches. My hands were getting sticky, so I decided to put it aside and work on something else.

I got a few more stitches in on the hardanger. I'll try and work on this tonight and hope to get back to my cross stitch tomorrow.

Mom and dad will be here tomorrow to go out for dinner.

I didn't make it my step goal today. I did get 10,000 step in yesterday but today I'm lucky to get 5,000. I keep walking when it tells me, to get my 250 steps an hour in. It keeps me getting up. Now I need to do the exercises because my rear is getting sore. Sitting too much today. I showed Patrick my messages while we were at the movies, telling me I needed to get moving. It was funny!

Life is good, and keeps getting better or worse, but it's life. We had the photo and information in the paper on Kitty missing. Let's see if that even helps. I'm hoping but it's been  month now, so she's probably gone. I can keep hoping. I know I said I did all I could, but I keep finding more things I could do. I just hope that car gets pulled over and they can tag it as a possible cat napping. Trouble is I didn't get the license.

Stay Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, July 21, 2017

Another Day That Didn't Turn Out As Planned

This morning I was up and off. I helped Cherrill then had to get back home so I could meet up with Andrea. She came over so we could walk together. We got in 35 mins, and not the 25 mins I was supposed to get. That was an awesome walk. Then we came in and chatted for awhile.

After she left, I worked on my cross stitch for about 30 mins. Then I remembered I needed to call the paper because we haven't been getting the Thursday paper for over a month. While I was getting that fixed - went through 3 people while waiting on 1. We fixed the problem, was told the paper would come today for yesterday and then we worked a "lost pet" ad. Still haven't gotten the paper yet, but hopefully it will come. If not, I'll call again on Monday. ugh.

I wasn't able to get any more cross stitch done.

A relative called and we chatted, and chatted, and chatted. The funny part was the phone was beeping, I was talking, then realized it went dead. I went to the other phone (that died earlier and was charging) and picked it back up to hear her talking. I was surprised! Plus I have no clue what she was talking about at that point. Patrick made it home and we chatted a little longer. Think we talked for a good 2 hours. It was nice in the way that we were talking about family. It was interesting hearing what she found on the family. I told her what I knew.

So, now I'm sitting here and getting ready to be "beeped" at for not walking 250 steps for the hour. I believe I met all the step for today.

Life is good, and I'm still here. Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

A Day To Myself - Sort Of...

This morning I didn't get up till 9 am. I was even surprised about that. But then I couldn't sleep most of the night anyway, so made up for not sleeping last night. I didn't have to go anywhere today. That's a good thing. I've gotten tired of constantly going places.

I pulled out my computer and started listening and watching Floss tube. It's amazing what everyone is up to. I watched 4 different ones. I also watched a couple about the "parking" and found it interesting at how many different ways it's done. I was even more surprised to see "I heart Cross Stitch" learned how to do the 10 x 10 squares of parking. The technique I use. It was funny because there for awhile I was the only one I know of that was doing it that way. Fun to see someone else likes to do it my way.

Last night I was able to get about 150 stitches in.

While I was watching floss tube, I also worked on this piece. I really like how this is coming along!

I was able to get another 300 stitches in today so far. I'm hoping for more. I like the way it's coming along and to my surprise I'm really enjoying this. I want to keep working on this piece!

I do need to pull out the hardanger and get working on it too. I will try to do that tomorrow. I'm falling behind on it.

I baked peanut butter cookies today. They are going fast! Patrick loves them, and I've had about 4 today. 2 were small. 😏 They are good. Chances are they won't be around tomorrow.

I was able to get my laundry caught up again. Funny, just a minute ago Patrick asked if I have been doing laundry because he's low on socks. My reply, "No your not."

My fitbit just told me I had to move 105 more steps. I went outside and came back. Not sure that's 105 steps, but we'll see. Nope, had to go around the house to get my 250 steps for the hour. This will keep me moving! UGH! I did get my 25 min walk in today too, so I'm on top of it.

Now it's time to do my exercises. I really don't know if I'm going to make the walking on weekends. He said he was going to check my phone to see if I do what he told me to do. lol

Life is good, still missing Kitty and feeling guilty for not getting up! I'm slowly getting used to the fact she won't be coming back, as much as I want her.

So, in the meantime, I'm still keeping busy and Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Oh, How Life Gets In The Way!

This morning was one of those days that I thought I had planned out. Yea, RIGHT! I went over to Cherrill's thinking I would be back home by 9 pm and head over to moms. YEA, RIGHT!

I cut Cherrill's felt and told her what she needed to do for the needle case we are going to be working on in BE. We're all having an assignment to have stuff done before the next meeting. After that, she asked if I would like some tea, and I did. By the time we quit chatting it was 10:20 am. I needed to get my butt moving! I was on my way to the folks by 10:45 am. When I got there, mom was gone and it was just dad and the cleaning lady. Then my nephew called and I talked to him for awhile. Then I headed to my Physical Therapy.

Got to PT and went over my bill. Since our insurance changed, we had to pay for at least 2 of my visits. UGH. I paid him what I owed (that the insurance said I owed). Then we talked about how our insurance changed. We had a $10 co-pay and they paid most everything - till last year! Then last year it changed to paying $20 co-pay AND a deductible. The deductible is kinda high. So much for good insurance any more! We talked about how I need to get back to walking. So, he gave me a chart for walking. I have to walk 25 mins a day for a week, then 30 mins for a week, 35 mins for a week - you get the idea - till I get to 45 mins. Got back to the folks and mom was there and heading back out. Dad's PT was this afternoon. Need to call him to see how it went. lol

Came home and had lunch around 1:30 pm - later than I like. My fitbit arrived in the mail. I had to hook it up and see if I could get it charged. I did the set up for it and then I worked on my tablet. Didn't feel like doing much other then watching the fitbit to charge. So, I goofed around for a little while and before I realized it, it was 3 pm. I watched a show on TV, still not in the mood to do anything. I got it hooked up on the computer and phone. I then got it all set up to do what tracking it needed to. I left it hooked to my computer till around 6 pm when it was fully charged. I put it on and then watched Flosstube. I was surprisingly surprised when it asked me if I wanted to take a walk. I told it to nudge me every hour to get my 250 steps in. I'm going to try and get more than that, but as long as it tells me to get up while I'm doing cross stitch that's awesome.

So, life got in the way today. I'm hoping to get some stitching in today. I need to do the face of the owl, but first I need to get the face set up. I need to order some more wool felt because the group took the colors I wanted and the colors I was going to give to Cherrill. I'll do that now.

In other words, no photos, no news, just life. I'm getting back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

A Day At The Casino

Today I was up way early. I was having a hard time sleeping because I saw a post last night about a Siamese cat in Onalaska WA. I didn't get the chance to call the gal because it was past 9 pm. I asked Scott across the street to call her and see if it's Kitty. He said he would. I then headed over to Art's to pick him up and change cars. We were at Red Wing at 9 am.

Received a texted from Scott saying it doesn't look like it's Kitty. The cat is small and skinny. I called the gal and she said it looks to be around 6 months old. She doesn't know if it's a male or female. There is no collar on it. She thinks it's too small to be our cat. I told her Kitty is very skittish and she is still a kitten. She said she will try and get a photo. It won't stay around long enough to be able to take a photo. She said it takes off like a shot. So, I'm back to waiting to see if someone reports her. I'm going to send a copy of the filer to Yelm's vet as I saw someone asking about a vet in that area.

I played on my $15 that the casino gave me. I lasted till 11 am. Then I put the money I get to spend in the machines. It didn't last the last hour, but I did pull it out at $35. Then I went to see how I did on Keno. I was shocked yet again! I won $108 in Keno. I got 5 out of 6 numbers! Too funny! Art only won a $1 for his Keno. lol  So, I came home with $110 more than I took. Not bad.

Came home and got caught up on my games. Then I went on the Lost and Found page of Lewis County FB page. I wanted to see if she had a photo but she didn't. It's going to take a few days.

After supper I pulled out the quilt - Forest Galorest. AGAIN, NOT worth buying!!

This is the body and wing of the owl. I'll attach the head when I get the other wing done.

I have the body and wing attached. Now I needto get this set of wings done. When that is done, I can do the face. Wish me luck! Mom wanted me to work on this. Since I'm going to her house tomorrow because of PT, then I can give it back to her. Not sure if the face will be done tonight but I can try. Then I can get back to working on my cross stitch. It's killing me to look at it but not get anything done on it.

May we all be Happy Quilting and/or Happy Stitching!

Monday, July 17, 2017

A Fun Day at Brazilian Embroidery Meeting

This morning I was up early. I was out the door just as early. I had to go to Wal-Mart. I would rather go first thing in the morning then later in the day.

I picked up some things for our needle case we are making in the group. I still was behind on getting everything I needed. When I got to the meeting, no one was ready for the needle case. So, I ended up giving some of my stuff away for everyone to get prepped for our next meeting. I need to get some of the stuff for Cherrill, so I ended up going back to Michaels after our meeting.

I was able to get some stitching done on the bird. I'm liking how it's coming along. I need to get the black on the tail and then I'll work on the wings of both this bird and the brown one.

After running around, I was able to get home at a decent time. I also ended up working on our bookkeeping. So, I was able to figure out what Patrick was worried about.

I was able to sit and work on my Mirabela piece. I'm liking the way it came out. I've changed the purple color in the piece. It's a little brighter.

I'm looking forward to getting more done. Not in any big hurry to work on the Patriot Angel right now. I'll probably get back to it once I get moving on this. I also have to get moving on the Forest Galorest piece. I have the owl ready to applique down, but won't be able to do that till Wednesday.

May we all be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Enjoyed An Evening With My Brother

This morning I found Patrick on the couch. Guess he didn't get comfortable last night.

I worked on laundry while he worked outside. I got a couple loads in while watching Disney movies.
I also worked on my cross stitch.

I've been working on being able to work on this in sets of 10x10 rows. I'm getting there. The first two "steps" are showing up. I'm going to work on the next ones here soon. I've changed some colors to get it a little more purple then the photo shows. I like the dress but it's not bright enough for me. So, I'm going to work with darker purples. We'll see how that goes.

At 3 pm we started over to moms. My older brother and sister-in-law were coming up to visit. We had to stop at Patrick's work because some things are messed up. So, we stopped and I took a quick nap. Then we got to moms where dad BBQ'd ribs. We had a great visit and played games after.

I brought home the quilt top to work on putting the owl on. I'll probably do that on Tuesday. Tomorrow is our Brazilian embroidery meeting. I'm looking forward to that. I need to remember to bring the felt!! I better go down and bring that up to the table so I can remember to take it.

Still busy and enjoying life. Still missing my Kitty. Life is good and I'm still HAPPY QUILTING/HAPPY STITCHING!

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Yet Another Day Goes By....

This morning I enjoyed a few extra minutes of sleep. Then I was up and playing a few games.

Patrick got a call, so he was up early. We headed to the casino shortly after. We were there quite a while. We had fun. I've got to go again Tuesday with Art but we'll be going to Red Wing instead. After the casino we headed to Pete's Pizza. We went last week and thought it would be a good tradition when we get done at the casino. We enjoyed the pizza. It's a good pepperoni pizza that we get!

Afterwards we came home. Patrick worked out in the yard and I got caught up on my games. lol

After Patrick was done in the yard we watched another Transformer movie. While we were watching the movie, I worked on Andromeda, a Mirabilia Designs. 

I needed to order the beads, so I did. Another $20 worth of beads. Ugh.

I'm having fun with this. I'm getting it to the stair step stage. I'm almost there.

The neighbors had a garage sale - yet again - it's the third one in the same amount of weeks. We've had plenty of traffic over the last few weekends. I'm getting tired of all the traffic. It will be nice to have our neighborhood back to being quiet again. Not sure that will happen since we have two neighbors selling their houses.

Phil's Birthday is next weekend so I need to figure out what we'll do for him. I almost forgot about it, but realized we are in July! Oh, well, time to think of what he could have for his Birthday. Will keep thinking about it.

In the meantime I'm still working on my projects and enjoying having fun being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, July 14, 2017

Another Day With Good Quilting Friends

This morning I was up and ready to go. Patrick took the day off. So, while he stayed home and worked in the yard, I went off to mom's.

I dropped off some stuff at Phil's and the I headed over to moms. I was surprised there was only one car out there. Mom laughed when I got there. There was only Ethel and her in the quilt room. She told me where everyone else was, so it was "just us" till Nancy showed up. So, we had only 4 of us working on our stuff.

I didn't take a photo - yet again! I finished up the wings of the owl. I pinned them to the quilt top. Mom was still working on the bear, so I left the quilt top with her. When the bear is done, then I'll bring it home and work on the putting the owl down. Should be fun. Was happy to see how much I had done. It's getting there!

Came home around 1 pm. Dad had a doctors appointment, so I came on home. Patrick was still busy in the yard, so I came on in and worked on my cross stitch.

Decided to work on the Mirabilia paten - Andromeda. I ended up taking some out as well. The frog arrived. I'm getting it set up for the stair step. I will have it working here pretty soon. I almost did the diagonal and remembered that doesn't work for me.

Last night I was able to get a lot done on the HAED piece.

It's coming along. Now that I got the pattern enlarged, it has been a big help.

After Patrick was done with the yard, we went out to eat. We saw a movie at McMenimens. i had some fish for supper. It was really good. We had a good time. Now that we are back home, I need to do my exercises. I was going to work on my cross stitch some more, but it looks like I'll have to wait till tomorrow.

Life is good, we all are well, and it's awesome to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

An Awesome Day With Quilting Friends!

This morning I was able to sleep in if I wanted to. I was up early. I enjoyed my morning by myself.

I then headed out - taking my stocking with me - and made a couple stops along the way. I went to Safeway for something to take to the Potluck. I got one of their $5 sub. Then I headed over to McD's to get a drink of ice tea. lol - I also went somewhere else. Just can't remember where.

Got to the shop and looked for fabrics that would work for the stocking. I like the colors we picked. I don't have a picture of the green that will be inside. I gave that to Kathy. Now we just wait. I told her to let me know what I owe her.

I sent Katt this photo to see if she was okay with it. She was, so it's now off to get put into a stocking. I'm looking forward to seeing what Kathy comes up with.

I had an awesome day with my quilting friends. It was a short meeting because I had to leave at 12:30 to meet up with mom and dad at the hospital. I was presented a gift and an awesome card for starting the group. I had given it over to someone else, but it was so nice to get a "Thank you" for starting the group. We even had another person show up for the meeting. She fit in great. I didn't get a photo, but I did get quiet a bit of the wing done on the owl. I worked on the second wing.

I met mom and dad at the hospital. They were in a class to let dad know what he was to expect. We'd been through that class with mom, so we knew what to expect. Dad has his doctors appointment tomorrow. I don't think I'll go to that. We have our quilt group meeting tomorrow as well. Mom is going to be leaving early, so chances are I will be cleaning up the mess.

Came home and called the Sheriff's office and told them what car left my house when they took my cat. I saw a PT Cruiser and believe it's the same car that checked out our neighborhood a couple weeks before they took Kitty. I chatted with him and he said he will keep the information on file. I told him it was a purplish blue color. He asked why anyone would take her. I told him that she was a beautiful Siamese cat and they may thought of using her for breeding but she was spayed. When I told him she was Siamese then he realized what I was saying. I can hope they find her.

I then came home and worked on my HAED - Cat Pentagram-Parker cross stitch piece. It was designed by Michele Sayetta.

I love that it's coming along great. I did have a few issues with some arrows that are in the pattern. I need to pay attention to what direction they are going in.

Life is good, and I'm still Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

What Can I Say?!

I was sitting here trying to figure out a title. Most times I forget to get the title into the blog. So, the first thing I thought about was, "What can I say, for a title?" Hence the title. Yep, I'm crazy today.

I helped my neighbor, then I came home and did another video. I felt the last one I did on Monday was a piece of CRAP. So, I wanted to do a better one to make up for that crap. I didn't delete it, but I should have. I'll do that later on. I added a few things to this video.

Then I sat down and worked on my Maribella.

I got some done. Not as much as I wanted to. The frog arrived, so it took a little more then I wanted to take. I'm getting there. I'm trying to put a couple hours on one and then put another couple hours on the HAED piece.

I'm getting more done. I'm having a little problems with the bottom part. I do like the way it's coming along. I was having fun working on this one. Not sure how long this will keep my interest. I still have the Patriot Angel, that I got frustrated with. AND I have the hardanger to work on as well.

I'm really not doing much around here. I'm working on my cross stitch and what ever else comes up. It's not a lot. I keep myself busy. If Kitty was here, I'd be entertaining her or she'd entertain me. But that's life. She's gone, and I need to deal with it.

Tomorrow is our potluck at our quilt meeting. I'll take my owl and work on that. Trouble is, I need to meet my folks at the hospital around 1 pm because dad's got his pre-op for knee replacement. Not too thrilled with it, but I'll go. My folks want me to go. Actually mom wants me to go.

So, life is good, can't complain - so will stay Happy Quilting//Happy Stitching.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

A New Start! What Fun!

This morning I was up and out the door. I helped Cherrill and then went to Napavine to post a flyer of Kitty missing. I was able to put it out by the post office. Then I went to Centralia's post office and he told me they don't like to post missing pets. Then he gave me some tape and said to put it on the window at the door. At least till it's taken down, some people will see it. So, I did. Then I went to the Chehalis post office and my poster was gone, so I put another one up. Maybe it will give it a day or two before they take it down. I posted on another "alert" page on the web. So, now I'm posted on "" and "help lost pets" which seems to have a link to some people and places that could help. After this, I'm going to call it good. I can now say I have done all I can to find her.

So, came home and worked on a new cross stitch!

Andromeda is now started. It's a Maribella pattern. I was frogging it to get started, but now I think I'm on a roll. I'm getting it ready to be a step stone method. I'll get it set up here soon.

Then Patrick came home and I went back to my HAED (Heaven and Earth Designs).

I'm actually getting back into working on this. I'm not sure how I will schedule them. Maybe work on this at night and work on the other one during the day....we'll see. I need to get more of the owl done for mom. I've got a third of it done anyway. I'll work on it when I feel like it.

I need to redo my video I did yesterday. It was crap! I hate it when the talking doesn't match up. I even lost a follower because of it! lol

Happy Stitches! Happy Quilting!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Working On Applique Again....

Today was a good day. I didn't sleep very well last night, but I did get up after Patrick left. I went to Cherrill's and was able to meet her daughter. It was a good visit and will see her tomorrow.

I got up and sent an email to my quilt group asking the to pass the flyer around for my cat. I got on "" and was able to fill out the information there. They have a better flyer, so sent the better flyer to the police departments and a couple of the vets. They faxed a flyer to a couple vets. They really didn't get all the vets in the area, so I'm glad I could get flyers out to the others last week. I'll print a couple more and take them around tomorrow or Wednesday.

I did my video on flosstube. It was a pain! The mouth and the words don't go together. Reminds me of the Japanese overlays. Oh, well.

Then I pulled out my applique of the owl. I needed to get moving o it because mom has the bear done and is working on the raccoons.

I had it all on the table. Was a lot easier to work with. Did the grey wing.

I have the bottom of the wing done, now just need to work on the side wing and the body.

Now I'm going to work on my HAED piece. I wanted to start a new cross stitch, but don't want to do it tonight. I'll work on it tomorrow.

So, the good news is that I'm still appliqueing. Mom wants to put the quilt in my frame and come over to quilt on the quilt when we are done. I don't know if I want that or not. It will be interesting what we decide.

Stay Happy Quilting and/or Happy Stitching!

Sunday, July 9, 2017

An Enjoyable Sunday!

This morning we were up and out the door. We wanted to get to the spot were they sell Spooner's Raspberries, Blackberries and Strawberries. We bought the strawberries earlier - actually Patrick bought them while I was at Seminar. Today we picked up Raspberries and Blackberries. Patrick loves to make freezer jam. So, he was thrilled. We had to be there by 9:30 am when they came down from Olympia. There was a line so long that we figured they'd sell out by 10:00 am. They bring down a van full of berries. They sell out fast around here. When they come, we have to be there with in the first few days or we wouldn't get any.

So, we came home and he made his freezer jam!

Guess we have plenty of jam to last awhile! We'll be giving some of it away to family.

We stopped at Micheal's so I could get the rest of the floss I needed for this project. This is going to be the next one. I have the fabric in the frame already. I'm excited to start it, and may try and start it tomorrow.

While Patrick was working on the jam, I was out on the deck rolling the floss and watching Flosstube. I watched mostly Minnie Gray. She's a kick! I love watching her videos. She's not boring and has a lot of pretty things going.

Of course, while I was out there, we had lunch. I forgot I had a floss in my lap, that I was rolling onto the floss "holder." When I got up to take the dishes in the house, I dropped the floss!! So, this is where it went! Right between the beams. If there hadn't been a cross bar there, it would have been all the way through the deck! I wound it right away!

Our baskets are looks AWESOME!

While I was out there, Patrick yelled up and told me to check out the purple tiger-lilies! I couldn't believe it! These were the first ones I've seen! So cool!

I walked around the house to see what was growing. There are quite a few flowers looking great out there!

We invited mom and dad over for supper. We played a few games and then we had supper outside on the deck. While I was picking up the dishes, mom told me to look out in the yard.

Apparently she was there the whole time. After I took this video, about 5 mins, she then left. It was funny because we turned around to make a comment about her, she was gone. It was nice to see her resting in the yard. Patrick doesn't like it half the time because she goes after his flowers, but today she was eating the grass. The apples are coming soon, so she'll have some to munch on.

I did get some more work done on this cross stitch. It's coming along. I'm trying to work my way up from the bottom. I'm not too happy with this. I'll just keep going.

Life is good! Happy Stitching - Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...