Saturday, September 30, 2017

Another Saturday of Fun!

This morning we did our usual trip to the casino. Then we went shopping.

It was a good day for shopping. Neither one of us wanted to go shopping, so we took a short time in the grocery store.  We really didn't get a lot but the cost was pretty big. Food is going up!

We came home and watched cartoons. Which gave me some time to work on my cross stitch.

I don't like the way the skin came out on her back. I'm going to fix that before I put the outline stitches in. I need to fill in a couple of areas. I'm now working on the shawl. It's looking pretty good and I'll be working on it some more this evening.

Beads and gloss floss will be later after all this is finished. I must be over 1/2 done by now. I'm getting to the face and hair area. The hair will be started before the face, since I'm working off the right side.

Had a good time today, and life is good. I can't complain. There are things I could do differently but I'm happy with my life now. I'm always Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, September 29, 2017

Love Days Like Today

This morning I was up early again. I was off to Cherrill's where I had tea with her. Then came home and played games for awhile.

It rained today and I missed that! I love it when it rains. I missed not having a cat in my lap while it rained. It's still hard to be without her. I'm getting there, but I remember all the good times.

In the afternoon I spent most of the day working on my cross stitch.

I got quiet a bit done. I'm enjoying it. I'm having to do a lot of 1 over 1 pieces now. I tend to get more done then it shows with the 1 over 1 parts. I did about 500 stitches today.

I love the days when I can do what I want when I want. I love being able to just sit and relax and not worry about what is going on.

Patrick came home and we went out to eat.

So, now tonight I'm hoping to be working on my cross stitch. That's how to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Quilt Meeting Day At The Shop

Today I was up and enjoying my time before leaving for my meeting. Called Cherrill to see if she needed me because her cleaning lady has been coming later. She did. Went over and chatted for awhile before leaving. The cleaning lady wasn't due till about 1 pm. Think she's trying to get fired so she can go elsewhere. Cherrill is so clean, that the lady doesn't think she needs to come every week.

Got to the quilt shop. Picked out one of the kits that I'm going to teach in Brazilian embroidery. I also picked up some more threads. I worked on the piece the whole time I was there. I actually had it done in 2 1/2 hours.

Gave her the piece to wash and get cleaned up. I made it for her, and told her she can do what she wants to with it. It's going to be a display for awhile. That way it's made for everyone to see what they will be doing in the class. It's a beginner piece. I'm actually looking forward to teaching this class.

Came home and didn't do much after that. Had one of my "attacks" while cooking. Patrick had to finish up. lol

I was working on another blog that I'm doing. I want to have it just for my embroidery and not everything thing else. That way I can show my patterns and things I'm working on without babbling. lol

Life is good. Best wishes to all, and Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

One Of Those Days

Today I couldn't believe I actually slept in till 8:30 am. I went to Cherrill's and helped her out. Ended up staying an hour. She loves to chat. lol

Came home and worked on the tablet. Was pacing again.  I tend to do that lately. Anxious about something but no clue what.

I vacuumed and then worked on my cross stitch.

Getting the water done. I worked on the leg today as well. I'm getting closer to being half way. I can't wait to get to the beading. It should be fun. There seems to be plenty of beads on this one.

We had bowling tonight.

I bowled a 169, 147, 175 for a 491 series. Not my best. Patrick bowled his 600 series tonight. That's a good thing for him since he was doing so bad since we started.

Life is good! Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

A Busy Day of Baking

Had a hard time sleeping last night. Got a phone call at 7:30 am which turned out to be spam. Climbed back in bed for 15 minutes and it turned out to be an hour! Couldn't believe it.

Went to Cherrill's. Came back and started cleaning out the refrigerator. Took everything out and wiped out the whole frig. I got everything cleaned out. It's looking good!

After that I was trying to decide if I wanted to work on my cross stitch or bake. Well, I thought I'd make rolls for supper tonight. I was cooking hamburgers tonight and thought it would be cool to try and make some rolls to go with them.

The first batch was a little too dark. The next batch turned out better. I used my cast iron skillet. I like the way they came out. I'm thinking next time for hamburger buns I'll make them a little bigger. I could cook two at a time. That might work better.

So, while all that was going on, I did one load of laundry.

I also decided to get back to my cross stitch as I want to start another one. But I need to finish one of my three projects before I do that. I have the frames to do that, but will wait and get one done first.

I worked on the water. The area is there by the Seahawk needle minder. I'm thinking of removing it for awhile, but I'll keep my Seahawk stuff for now, just won't watch the games till they honor the flag.

I'm keeping busy lately. It was an awesome day to myself, but at the same time, I just couldn't figure out what to do. I was pacing most of the day. Just couldn't get myself to sit down and work on something. No clue why. One would think I was anxious about something. Who knows what?!

As I started writing this, I got a call from Cherrill. She needed me to come up to sit with her because she fell. She couldn't get Raymond's attention and needed me to sit with her. I stayed with her for an hour before Raymond came over. He is taking her to Steck to get her left writs x-rayed. She needs to be look at. She banged up her glasses and hit her head. Plus she was bleeding on her knee. Got her calmed down and now her son can take her in. I'm hoping for the best. Think she sprained it and not broke it, but one never knows. May have to add a label "Neighbors" at this rate. I tend to help them more than myself.

Life is good, I'm getting there. Where? Who knows, but I'm moving. I'm still keeping up with being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Found A Photo of The Past

This morning was a day to go to our Brazilian Embroidery meeting. I was enjoying the few minutes I had before going to pick Cherrill up and getting her socks on. When I arrived at her place, I put the socks on and we left for our meeting. I drove.

We arrived to 4 others already there. It was nice. Georgie came to see us as well. She's in the middle of moving and packing. They sold a lot of their furniture as well. She's not looking forward to buying new stuff. They didn't want to leave their place but because they are getting older they know they need to.

I worked on my bird.

I like the way it's coming along. I haven't done the eye yet, but will fill that in later. Each of the eyes have a bead, so I'll be putting them in as well. I'm working on the side wings of this. Then I'll work on the tail feathers. I'm happy with the way it looks. Patrick doesn't like the piece but likes my work. He thinks the bird feeder is a little off. 

Came home and go going on my laundry. I was so far behind and I really wanted to get it caught up. I need to clean out my refrigerator this week. It's looking pretty bad. But today I was doing laundry and picking up some of my mess. 

Patrick wasn't expected home till around 6 pm. So, I was watching the news and heard Steve Pool say she lived in Germany when he was growing up. I had to go down and check out my year books from Augsburg. I didn't find him but I did find a photo I haven't seen in YEARS.

I was having to model for a job. All of us in class had our photos taken of a job or activity that we wanted to do when we grew up. I had to act like I was painting. The book (upside down! lol) was supposed to be my pallet. I was a lot thinner then. That shirt was 3x's bigger than me. I remember how big it was on me - just hung. I had to roll the sleeves. I told Patrick I found this photo and he had to look really close to see if that really was me. Too funny. I believe I had my braces then too. I don't remember the pants, but I'm loving them! lol 

I didn't put any stitches in on anything else today. I'm going to try and work on my gal this evening. I did get the kit that I ordered for Dan's wedding. I have time to work on it, so I'm not going to start on it till about January. If I find a better one I'll probably change my mind. I did find a couple patterns on the web and ordered them. Then I went and ordered some more linen fabric from my fabric etsy shop. 

Life is good, and I need to get my exercises in. So, looking forward to enjoying a night watching TV and being quiet. 

Today is my parents 63rd wedding anniversary. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, MOM AND DAD! MAY YOU HAVE MANY MORE. 

Enjoying being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Organizing and Bowling

This morning I was up before Patrick. No news there....

I played on my tablet for awhile. Wasn't sure if Patrick wanted to go to the movies today or not. So, waited till he got up to see what he had in mind. When he finally got up, we decided to pass on the movies, as it would be later in the afternoon and we wouldn't be able to come home, cook supper, and go to bowling.

I worked on getting laundry going. It's really behind. I did get 3 loads in, but have about that many more to do as well. I did wash the new towels that we got a Costco yesterday. I want to use them! For the price it was a really good deal. Patrick didn't like the color choices they had, but I did. We bought 2 green towels. Now I can get rid of 2 of the cream towels that are like paper!

While I was between washing clothes and watching the AWFUL game the Seahawks played - I worked on getting my floss box organized. I was putting that second box of floss I got, into my box. I was moving my floss bobbins from one side to the other. I couldn't believe how it worked out. Both boxes had numbers from 200 to 700! I was hoping for some 800's and 900's but that's fine. I have some of those downstairs in the draw where I have my over stock. I have a few of my bobbins that have 3 bobbins. I was working on getting down to one bobbin. I got a ton of them done. I moved half my bobbins to the second side. My bobbin box is big enough for 2 "shelves." I love how I can keep them all in that one box.

This is a bad photo, but you get the idea. This is the first "shelf" and if I flip it over there is another self. The middle area holds my gloss floss that I had to buy for my other cross stitch.......Oh! the Penguins that Kathy is supposed to be working on. Can't wait to see how she puts it together.

This gives a better idea. So, I ended up taking out my JCP and Anchor floss that was in here. This is now FULL of DMC floss. And the extra floss is in a draw downstairs where I can replace what is missing. I have the blue box that I emptied today. I'll use that for my next project that needs a lot of floss. I have another box that I need to put the back in the floss box, but I don't think there is enough room to add them right now. That was all the floss I needed for my HAED project. Since I decided to take it apart, I need to put the floss back in the box. May wait till I have to pull floss for the next project. LOL

I pulled out my hardanger and started to put a few stitches into it.

Mom showed me what I was doing wrong and made it make more sense with what I needed to do. Now I'll work on getting this done. I really like working on this piece. It bothered me that I couldn't get the corners right. Mom explained it to me, and I realized I was counting 5 stitches when it was actually 3 stitches. It made more sense when I figured out what I was thinking was wrong.

When watching the Seahawks, I was ticked!! I'm sorry, but I think the NFL needs to get out of politics and play the game! It was an insult to my family for not standing up to the FLAG! The flag represents those who fought for our rights! Yes, my family gave everyone the right to protest. But that doesn't give them the right to protest the American Anthem! My father was insulted, but as he said, "I fought for that right, so if they do, I can't complain." He can't but I can!! The NFL is paid to play a game, they are not paid to protest and bring politics into a game!! They need to get back to respecting this country and play the game and leave politics out of it!

Okay, off my soap box.

Went went bowling tonight. The good news is that I think Patrick is getting better. I actually beat all my team mates but we did win 3 games. Patrick lost the last game for us. lol  I bowled a 211, 178, 194. I felt a lot better. I actually went up 8 pins from last week. Considering I went down 4 pins last week. I'm happy again.

Life is good, things are getting better. Keep your eyes open and stay Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Got My Computer Going Again - Two Days Worth!

This is two days worth of blogging because I forgot yesterday - due to no battery on the computer. I thought about doing it this morning with yesterday's blog, but forgot to do it before Patrick wanted to head out. So, I'm going to do both days in one - yet again.


I was up and ready to go, so I thought. I had been to Cherrill's to help her out. Came home and tried to get going. I wanted to get my hair cut before I got to the folks for quilting. I called and told them I was going to be late. Then I tried to get the "Great Clips" app on my computer so I could go right in, but couldn't get it for my windows phone. I hurried to get moving and realized I couldn't find my keys. I texted Patrick, "LOCKED MY KEYS IN THE GARAGE." Looked all over to the spare, and found it. Went into the garage to get the keys to figure out I didn't lock them in after all. Texted Patrick, "Not in garage, found key," then I looked all over the house for the next 20 mins to find those darn keys!! I had them in the computer room. I collected everything and drove over to Starbucks to get some tea. Ended up waiting in line for about 10 more minutes. Got to Great Clips for my hair and waited another 15 minutes. By the time I got to moms everyone was there, and Theresa parked in my spot, so I had to move the car when everyone left. It was 11 am by then. Chatted with them for a few and then it was lunch. I was able to get some of my rabbit done. Not much.

I had it ready at this point.

I was able to get more done on it, but I was hoping to have it all attached. Not so lucky, because my day went in the towel!

When everyone left around 1 pm, I asked mom for some help on my hardanger piece. She was able to get me to understand the next step. I'll work on it this week. I was thrilled to finally figure out what I was supposed to do.

On my way home I stopped at the quilt shop and bought 2 more frog measuring tapes. Then headed home. Decided to stop at Visiting Nurses because all my friend seem to come across good deals. While I seem to find squat. I was lucky because I found 2 boxes of DMC floss.

This one and a blue one. This was the lesser of the two when it came to floss. But there was a kreinek in it as well. I bought them both. They were $4.50 a piece. It was worth the price to me. I put all of these in my box yesterday. I was organizing my stuff, so when I had a better bobbin, I added the two together. I filled a lot that I didn't have, so I'm happy. I didn't touch the second box yet.

I spend most of my evening doing the organizing and got a lot done.

Asked Patrick to pick 2 kits that he liked.

He picked these two. He thought since Christmas is coming up, that would be a good idea. I agreed. Not sure if I'll do this first or if I'll start on Dan's wedding announcement. We'll see where things turn out. Looking forward to it!


Woke after Patrick this time. We got ready and went to the casino. It was one of our quicker days, but we had some fun. Then Patrick suggested we go  to Costco in Olympia. So, we headed up there. I got a shirt, while we picked up some meat.

On the way back home we stopped at VF Factory, where I bought a "hoodie" because I needed some new ones. I had $10 off and we used that for the sweater.

We then came home. I started working on the second box of floss. Patrick saw the box I washed and cleaned up from last night. It had a handle while the other is blue and no handle. He asked if he got to keep it. I told him he can have one, but not sure he wanted that one or the other one. Guess he took that one because it's not where I put it to dry. Think he thinks he gets both. Men are just as bad as us women when it comes to storage boxes! He uses them for his tools. lol

My power cord arrived today!! Now I'm back on my computer. The laptop doesn't do it. It's nice to have my computer back to snuff!

Mom and dad wanted to go out to eat for supper. It's their anniversary weekend. They have been married 63 years. So, we went up to Olympia to the Falls Terrace restaurant. It was VERY expensive and the food was not as good as it used to be when it was cheaper! The food was so-so and the menu changed since the last time we were there. They didn't have Prime Rib anymore except for holidays and special occasions.  If it had been Patrick and I, I would have walked out.

We played games when we got home. Mom won the game. Came home and watched an old movie with Ronald Reagan. Not a bad movie.

Life is good, things are going good. We keep moving on. I'll finish up my organizing and then I'll get back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Anither Day Away

As I starttd to type I realized that title could be about anything. Makes one wonder what I meant. Even I don't know the answer to that at times.

I was up early and ready to go. Helped Cherrill with her socs, chatted a few minutes and left. Hate being late to work, but then they let me come and go on my own time. I was there right at 9 am, which I hate because I lie to be a few minutes early if I can. Got into what I was working on and an hour into it, realized I did it wrong!! Ticked me off! So ended up redoing te two boxes I had done earier. Told Carol I felt bad (which I really did!) and she could charge me half my pay for. She was nice about it and told me not to worry about it. Next time I'll make sur to ask someone to check my work befoe I get to far into it. I ended upworking 4 hours.

Got done at 1:15pm. Played with Carol's dog for about 10 mins before leaving.

Went to meet up with Patrick. My eye appointment was at 2:15 pm and his was 3 pm. He told me to go on without him, which I did. Arrived afew minutes early. They got me in. I took my cross stitch with me so he could see what i needed. He told me reading glasses wouldn't help beause when I look up it would be a big blur. My far side vision is still good but near needs fixed. So, I'm getting my bifocol for close up, upgraded. Had to get glasses for that. I decided since these glasses work for everything else, I just needed these for my fine work. The guy doctor told me my glasses now work fine for everything else, so getting glasses for the working part would do fine. So, I  just ordered the glasses and didn't order the tents they come in.  Just plain jane an they still cost $300. Oh well.

By the time I got home it was 5 pm. Patrick picked up a pizza and we enjoyed the rest of thofnight watching TV. Got in about a 100 stitching kn my crossstitch but ended up taking out what I put in. Called it a night.

All's good, stilenjoying my craft. Withnew glasses, I'm lookinhg frward to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Interesting Day

This morning I was up and going. I didn't have to see Cherrill till later in the day. I played as usual.

It was time to vacuum and get laundry going. Got that done and then realized Patrick wanted his dessert. So I baked cookies. They are Date Jumbles. Turned out pretty good. Since I was doing this at lunch time, i eat one for lunch. I watched flosstube while I was baking. Cherril called as I was finishing the last batch. Shut the computer off to find my power cord wasn't working! Had to order another one. Took some over to her to see if I made them right. Was a big hit. We had tea and cookies. Chatted for awhile.

Came back home and cleaned up. Turned my computer back on and mt laptop told me it wasn't charged. Tried everything with the cord to get it working. No such luck. Patrickw even tried to help me out.....NOPE. Had to go on the computer in the computer room that must be 10 years old. Waited, waited, to order the power cord from eBay. Now I have to wait 7 days before it will be here. UGH. That leaves me doing my blog from y tablet.... UGH!

Went bowling tonight. Not my best, but at least I got a 500 series! I was the only one on my team to get 500. I bowled 203, 153, and 178. Won't talk about how Patrick did. He's thinking of quiting bowling after this year. Hope he gets better soon.

Life is good. We're doing good, can't ask for more. Keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Another Day With Art At The Casino

This morning Patrick didn't have to be at work till after his meeting with DOE for our water system. So, I got up at his time and got ready to leave. Patrick didn't get up till after that.

I went over to Art's and we had breakfast before heading to Red Wing Casino. We got there in good time and parked the car. He had already giving me the money to spend at the casino. I used my casino money for 88 fortunes. I got up a little. Then went to another game, lost money, another game, lost more money....till around 10:30 am when I ran out!! Called Patrick and said I would take some money out and pay him back when I got home. Got done to about half that, and went to lunch. Dropped off my Keno tickets for "Speed Keno" and then went to "spend the rest" on machines while I waited for Keno to be over. I was getting back up there, made up the money I took out, and then to my shock! - won $342 on a "Mega Jackpot" and I was only putting 50 cents down a game!! WooHoo! I paid a little longer, then went to collect my Keno tickets. I won $192!!! I got 2 x's 5 out of 6 numbers! One of these days I'll get that 6 out of 6 numbers!! I couldn't believe how my day ended. I gave Patrick the money and took out to play. We then came back home.

When I got home, I had to get my game going. So, I worked on that. Then I worked on my cross stitch.

I'm now to the skin part. It's looking okay. I'm happy with the way it looks from a distance, but with my magnifying glass, there is room for improvement.

I'm going to work on this some more this week. I don't have to be up early tomorrow, so may enjoy sleeping in. We'll see.

I'm back at it. Still thinking of what I want to do next. Then I'm also thinking about getting back to my hardanger. I need to get moving on that. May take it with me to mom's and see if she can help me with it.

Life is good, I'm thankful for today. I believe I had a good angel looking over me today. Life is better when I feel an angel on my shoulders. With angels there, I'm able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, September 18, 2017

I Seem To Have Way To Much Time To Myself

This morning I was wanting to stay in bed....all morning....but that didn't happen. I finally got my rear in gear and got up at 8 am. I helped Cherrill this morning and then chatted with her for over an hour.

Came back home to figure out what I wanted to do. I had to get my games up and take care of the last minute stuff. I could play all day on that tablet, but I didn't.

I pulled my laptop over to the dinner room table and pulled out my camera that hooks to it. I'm not happy with the way the videos come out but like my son said, it all depends on the computer I'm on. This is a laptop and I didn't buy it with the idea of doing videos. Now that I'm doing them, it tends to stop and go as I record. I'm going to clean up the video library on here and see if that could help a little. Probably not. I really just need to buy myself a better tablet. I'm almost thinking of talking Patrick into taking this one to replace the one in the computer room and buying myself a better one for video. That may happen, may not. Just thinking about it.

So, after all that, I pulled out the "small" cross stitch to finish. Yep, I finished it!! I'm surprised. It was quick and easy. I don't really like the way it fits on the "greeting," but I did what it said.

I got all the outline stitches done. He turned out pretty cute! I thought some of the outline stitches were a little off, but it works.

Then I cut it all out and tried to put it to the Greetings wire. It seems odd to use the floss to hang them, but that's okay. If I get tired of it, I may go get some wire to attach it together. Haven't decided. I need to glue it on, and I'll see how that goes. Not to excited about gluing it, but I will.

At least this is a finish!! It counts toward my year of finishes. Woo Hoo! AND this was a UFO!! One UFO done!

Life is good, I'm still wasting half my days. I did get a call from Carol to come in and work on Thursday. I was okay with that. I don't think it will take long. It usually goes fast. Scanning is easy to do, just takes time.

We're all busy working on something! Keep it up and stay Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Seahawks Played Today!

This morning I was woken by our neighbor unloading his tractor at 6:45 am. So, that didn't get me too happy knowing I couldn't go back to sleep. Patrick did, but he came back from dropping the trailer off. Then the rest of the day was "peep, peep, peep."

I got laundry going. I was able to get three loads done. I'm happy with that. I watch some TV and worked on the cross stitch piece that is "small."

I just need to get the outline stitches done and then I can call this done. It has some interesting outlines and I've fixed a few. I'll cut it out when I'm done and ask Patrick to put it on the "greeting" sign. It says to put it together with floss but I think that would fall off easily. May have Patrick use rings.

I worked on all this while watching the Seahawks game. It was awesome! Missed the end because dad called and before I knew it the next game was on.

We had bowling tonight...ugh...started out great! - till the 8th frame in the first game. I had 142 in the 7th frame......bowled a 160. Then it got worse! Next 135! Then in the 8th frame, the bowling lane broke and we ended up moving to a different lane. We bowled the last two frames on 1&2. I bowled a 166. Was doing better that last game! I had an average of 165, which is already low, and now it's 161. Lucky me!

Life is good, we keep going. I'll pick up my games! I'll keep busy with my crafts. I'm looking forward to having this week to myself more. I like being home and working on my stuff. I miss my cat for company and at times think I see her around. I know she's not, and I'm okay. Life is each day at a time.

We keep going one day at a time. I'm leaving my legacy in my crafts. That's what keeps me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Another Saturday Away From Home

Today was a day where I couldn't sleep longer than 1 hour at a time. UGH.

We went to the casino again this morning. We came out even. I'm happy when we can do that. We love playing but at the same time we know when enough is enough.

We stopped off at mom and dads. Mom had some door knobs for her cabinet in the bathroom - for Patrick to fix. So, he drilled them into the wood and got her all set up. Told her she needs a few more for her cabinet under the sink.

Came home and I've been on the computer checking out a few things. I checked on the missing pets in Lewis County. There are a lot of missing cats. People have reported that there is a car that prowls an gets cars. I'm hoping that's not the cash of Kitty but it could have been. Or it could have been the people who dropped her off over a year ago. They don't deserve to have her!!

Last night I worked on the Santa.

Sorry about the photo - took it last night in the bathroom on the counter, since Patrick walked off with my phone and plugged it in.

I got quite a bit done last night. I figure it will take tonight and maybe tomorrow to get it done. There is some outline stitches to go too.It's cute. I'll have Patrick put it all together before I call it done for the year.

Life is good, Life is worth smiling about! Let all be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, September 15, 2017

A Really Lazy Day For Me!

I woke to the phone ringing. Cherrill said I didn't need to come over because she had to go to a doctors appointment.

I played on my tablet most of the morning. Other than doing some laundry. Around 1:30 pm I went to Cherrill's t help her post a few things on eBay. She wasn't back yet, so left her a message. She called me back around 2:30 pm said she just saw my message. So, I went over and took photos of her stuff. Then we posted them on eBay. It took awhile to do it, so I didn't get back home till 4:30 pm. Just before Patrick. I saw we had some money for the water, so I made a deposit and paid a bill when Patrick walked into the house.

We went out to eat. We went to Dairy Queen again. I like the chicken strips, but decided I wanted a salad instead. Their salad is really good. Better than McD's and Wendy's in my opinion.

We came home and Patrick took over my tablet. I haven't been able to get on there to play my challenges in the Hay Day game. I'm really falling behind. But since he's been on it, I will have to stay up late to get what I need done.

Before I went to Cherrill's, I did a list of my WIP's and UFO's. I got 7 so far. Remember, I didn't add my quilt UFO's yet. I'll do that later. I put down Santa's Greeting that Heildi gave me. She had most of it done. I pulled it out and worked on it.

She had most of this done. I added the red on the right, and the bottom areas. Checkers to the red and brown. That's all I've done so far. It's not a lot, but I'm getting some of it done. I need to add the star,  staff, and the shoes. Then I can back stitch everything and put it together.

So, I'm actually enjoying this. I usually don't do smalls. But this one will be easy to do.

Life is good, times are good, and I'm still Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

A Day With Friends At the Quilt Shop

Yet another day comes and goes.

After visiting with Cherrill, I headed to the quilt shop for our quilt meeting. Now that we are no longer part of The Applique Society, it was interesting to see only 4 of us show up. We pay $1.50 per person when we meet there. It's a little more than our membership would have been, but I'm okay with that.

I picked up some BE floss for my bird. Not sure I got the right color, but I think it's close. They are variegated colors.

I pulled out my "Francine" pattern from the Plant Your Own Garden quilt book. I think I need 2 more to finish and then it's done. This is one of my UFO's or WIP's. Depends on how you look at it.

With just 3 of us after about noon, I was able to sit and get some work done. I worked on it til about 1:30 pm. Then headed home. Dropped off a gift for Carol B., on my way home.

After supper I pulled out my block and decided I would finish it. Since there wasn't much to do, I wanted to get this block done and add it to the other finished blocks. I'm please to say, I finished a block. It's not a 2017 finish, but it's a finish in my book. I'll have to get the last two blocks ready for applique so I can have them ready to work on. I may yet get this done!

Now I'm going to try and get some cross stitch done. I hope to get more than 50 stitches in! lol

Life is good, and it's awesome to be around friends. Time flies and we're still here. Bless your pets, and hold them tight. Keep busy with being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Spending The Day With A Neighbor

This morning I was up and out the door. I helped Cherrill with her socks and then we were on the road.

We went to Costco since she needed to do some shopping. She was looking for some flowers, which they had. We walked up and down a few isles and picked up a few things. They did have a few good deals. I didn't buy anything - other than dates. She wouldn't let me pay for them, and she bought me lunch. We had a good time.

We got back home around 2 pm. I then played a few games. Patrick got home and then we headed out to bowling.

We lost 3 games. I bowled pretty good. I had a 193, 211, 145. Lost it the last game. The second game my teammates didn't do very good. Then the last game we were all doing half way good, but the other time did a heck of a lot better then we did. We won the first game by 100 pins, but we have to wait to see what one players handicap was after he bowled tonight. The Secretary went home, so we couldn't figure it out. It had to be around 43 pins. So, we lost before we could have entered it.

So, today was a busy day. I was lucky to get about 40 stitches in on my cross stitch.

Tomorrow is quilting. I truly believe someone at my quilt group knows where my cat is. They had to have helped in her disappearance. That bothers me more than I realized.

Life is good, we are still Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Quilts Of Valor Presentation Day

This morning we were able to sleep in a little bit today. Patrick took the day off to help me get dad to the QOV presentation. Of course, he had a stain on his shirt, but it won't real bad, so I don't think it showed too much.

They arrived at 10 am and we left about 10:10 am to Castle Rock, WA. We arrived a little early but the other gals weren't too far behind. I was thrilled to be able to wrap the quilts around the recipients. We had 4 people to present to. Dad and Patrick were 2 of them.

This was when e gave Patrick his quilt. Mom didn't get very good pictures. I was the one on the right and Judy was on the left. Judy made this quilt, and she also help with Dad's quilt. I need to get a photo of that quilt, now that I think about it. I'll take one when I see dad.

I wish I would have paid attention to the other 2's names. I know one was McGee but I'm not sure which one that was.

Dad and Patrick are in the middle of this shot. We had them presented at Papa Pete's in Castle Rock. It was really nice. Dad's quilt was done by a few friends and myself.

We ate pizza before we came back.

Got home and Patrick had a list of things he wanted to do. I wanted to work on my cross stitch. So, I actually spent the time to work on my stitching.

I got a lot more stitches in because the foot is done 1x1 where the rest of it is 2x2.

It's nice to see the foot coming along.

I finally figured out how to make the 1x1 stitches look smoother. The foot area don'ts look as good as the ankle area. But I'm not taking it out. I figured out that fI do the stitches like the others, it comes out more even. When I do one cross at a time then some look bigger or fatter than the others. So, I'm going to keep doing it the way I was doing it. It's not looking too bad.

I'm not liking the darkness of the "shadow" area of the skin. I wish I would have changed it before I worked on it, but I'll live with it for now.

I'm happy to say, things went great today. We had a good meeting today. I enjoyed giving the Veteran's their quilts. It's awesome! I'm going to get moving and do more eagles!

Life is good, May everyone have a great day and great life! Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Brazilian Embroidery Group Meeting At My Place

This morning I had to get moving. I went to Cherrill's and she couldn't make it to the meeting because she was waiting on someone to give her a "bid" on her furnace. I came back home, backed a Zucchini Chocolate Cake that was my southern grandmother's recipe.

After baking and cleaning up my mess, I vacuumed. As I was vacuuming, Pat showed up. So, I finished really quick and as I was putting it away, Janette arrived. It was shortly there after that everyone was coming in. Sandy was a little late but she finally arrived.

We all sat around the table and had some really good chatting. We even talked about our history through ancestry. There is a chance I'm related to Phyllis' husband. That would be fun!

I pulled out my birds to work on. I only need to work on the Stellar bird. I didn't get much done while they were here.

I need to figure out the colors. I'm trying to decide how to get the colors I want. We had a potluck, and it was more desserts then it was good food. Phyllis brought the chicken, so that was our main course with two salads. Then the rest was desserts. Everyone left by 1 pm. So, I decided to get a little more work done on the bird. I think I really need to finish something, so I'm going to try and get this done.

I got it a little "outlined" so I know what I'm doing. The dark part on the outside (left) is supposed to be the wing. I'm going to work on the darker pat of the face. The body needs to be a little darker, but I'm working on it. I like the color, and wondering if I'm going to need to buy more of the blues. We'll see where it takes me. I usually work it as I go. I'll do the tail after I get the body done. Then it's the food and branches. Really not a lot more to do, so I'm going to try and finish this up.

Life is good, life is better with good friends, and life is still going. We're all great and hoping the best for everyone. Prayers to my SIL's family who had to be evacuated because of Irma. Prayers to all who have to live through trials and what life throws at us! I'm thinking of all of you. I'm also thankful to be where I am in this time. Best wishes to all. Stay with me and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

A Day of Bowling!

This morning I had a few minutes to myself. Then it was time to get moving to the bowling alley.

I arrived at the bowling alley on time. They said the meeting would start at 10:30 am. We didn't start the meeting till 10:46 am. I met Tim and Steve there. They own the bowling alley. I told them if they needed a Secretary, I'd be happy to help. They said they would contact me when the gal that does the work decides to call it quits. I'm hoping to do that sooner than later. lol They were so kind in giving me a free lunch.

We bowled by ourselves because the St. Helen, OR team was gone. We don't know if we won because they still need to bowl. I bowled a 208, 178, 189 with a 575 series. That gave me a 191 average - UGH. I bowled to beat Theresa. I wanted her to prove she deserved to be anchor. Well, by the time we were done, we figured that I'm going to be anchor. Kim who is normally anchor, bowled close to me. So, it's going to be Virginia, Sara, Theresa, Kim and I, in that order. Usually it's Virginia, Sara, Me, Theresa, and then Kim. We bowl in the order of our averages. I thought I would win the high game, but someone else beat me. So, I didn't get the $5 for high. Since I bowled this good I need to do this good when we are in Longview.

Came home and worked on some newspaper clipping for my genealogy and had supper. Then it was time to head out to bowling again.

We got to the bowling alley, and Dan was late. I chatted with him for awhile. I'm worried at times for him. Guess he quit his job and needs to work on selling his house and his late mothers. I think he's having to get moving on getting the probate done.

I bowled 158, 177, 177, with a series of 512.  Not as good as this morning but better then I was doing! We lost 2 games. Our last game was a bomb! We could have gotten all 4 if a couple of us were on it. Stuff happens, and I was surprised we took 2 from this team anyway. So, we're not complaining. Hopefully we can keep moving up on our bowling.

Came home and it's 9:30 pm. Guess it time to hit the hay. I didn't get any cross stitching done. Tomorrow I need to vacuum and get ready for our Brazilian Embrodery group. I want to bake a zucchini cake. I found Mary Frances's recipe that mom got from her. She was my adopted grandmother and she was my witness at my wedding.  I do miss her and Ed so.

Life is good, Time flies.

OH! Before I forget - Christina Remter - you asked about my Seahawk Needleminder. (Would you believe it just told me today that you left a message two weeks ago?!?) Anyway, I got if on the Etsy web site. Seahawk Needleminder link. 

Life is good, things happen, good and bad, but life is still good. Each day at a time. Looking forward to being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Weekend Withdrawal!

Okay, I'm really starting to go with withdrawals on not being able to work on my cross stitch. That being said,

Today started out early. We did our normal trip to the casino. We did pretty good, but no as well as we would have liked. lol

Then as we were leaving, mom called to see if we would like to go over and have supper at their place. He didn't want to eat at their place, he wanted to go out. So, we suggested eating out. We picked Red Lobster for supper. So, with that decided, we went home to have mom and dad arrive about an hour later.

I put in some time with my games, but that's about it.

We went down to Longview to get supper. Mom and dad brought the dog, so she stayed in the car. It was pretty good weather, so it wouldn't hurt her being in the car for an hour. The problem is that my mother treats that dog as if she's a baby, and even tries to hold her like one. Dog seems to be so spoiled it can't go anywhere without mom calling her to her. Even when we came home to play games. We only got half way through the game because they needed to get the dog back to eat. Why they didn't bring her food, I don't know. When the dog played, mom was freaking out thinking she needed to go outside. Oh, well.

They left around 7:30 pm. That seems to take my day....all day. I hate it when my weekend is so packed with so much! I love my parents but I don't want to spend all day with them. Playing games is fun and I don't mind being with them playing games. I seem them about 2 to 3 times a week, and when my weekends are taken it gets hard to do much.

I was able to get about 50 to 100 stitches in. That's it! I wanted to get a heck of a lot more in! But no can do. Tomorrow I've got bowling - twice! - and won't be able to get much in. I really want to get this going. But at this rate, it's not looking good!

Life is good, Life throws curves, but it's a great Life when I can still work on my stuff as well a be able to bowl as much as I

UGH, UGH, UGH! I'm really wanting to get back to my cross stitch and get moving again! I'm really wanting to be back at being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, September 8, 2017

Craft Sale And Quilting Day!

This morning I was up and ready to go. Went to Cherrill's but she didn't need me today. We chatted for a few minutes and then I hurried back to get moving!

I headed to the Craft Sale - more like a garage sale with crafts. I bought about $16 worth of stuff. I didn't really care for looking at the quilt supplies. So, I went through books and magazines that had to do with cross stitch.

She had a sale of 3 for 25 cents. So, I couldn't pass that up! I bought a few things I liked. Doesn't mean I'm planning on doing them right now but they are there for me to pick from. I also bought a years worth of Needlework magazines. (Top left side) I picked up the Prairie School patterns for those I know who like them. They are pretty popular on Instagram.

Arrived at moms for out quilt meeting. It went really well. I was attaching the rabbit to the quilt. I didn't get a photo of what I did, will do that next time. I have about a third of the rabbit appliqued to the quilt.

After the meeting mom wanted to go over to the craft fair. So, she talked me into going with her.She had to take the dog along. I told her she needed to hold the dog while we were in there. So, I carried her bag. I'll be danged if she didn't go around chatting with everyone and then decided she was ready to go!! She didn't buy one thing!! Why, oh, why did I go with her?!?

Came home and realized I didn't take anything out for supper. Called Patrick and told him I could do fried rice with the left over steak in the fridge. He told me he took the steak with him for lunch. So, we decided to go to McMinamen's for a movie and supper. He came home and we headed out. Got there thinking Wonder Woman was on but it was The Dark Tower instead. We decided to see it anyway. I started out on the dark side but I got into it as it went on. It turned out to be a good movie. It's also opened up for another one after this one. I was surprised it didn't make it in the box offices.

We came home and I need to do my exercises and either check out my magazines or do some cross stitch. I'm starting to get withdrawal for not working on much lately.

Life has been so busy. Even though life is good, it's moving along pretty fast. I'm realizing my life may be short or long. I've seen so many people I know pass away lately. When celebrates die at an early age, it's almost a slap in the face. Lately, when I hear of friends friends that passed away without notice, it's a wake up call. There is a guy at the bowling alley that has been there since I lived here the first time - back in 1978. He has cancer but doesn't know where or what kind. He's lost about 50 lbs, and now weights 136! He looks awful. But he keeps going and I admire him for that. I'm sure there is going to be day here soon when I find out he has passed. I am not looking forward to that day!

So, even though my thoughts are on "the end." I'm still here, and life is great! I'll take each day as it comes and enjoy every day I have. I know there will be hardships and hard times, but I'm going to get through them. Life is awesome, and I'm still going to be enjoying my crafts. I look forward to reading the magazines - outdated but good - and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Enjoyed A Day To Myself -Sort-of

This morning I woke around 7 am but just couldn't wake up. I went back to bed and slept till the phone rang at 9 am to tell me I forgot to sign the check at bowling last night.

I played a few games. Then I decided I better get moving, so I had lunch and worked on dessert. I made a cheese pie with blueberry topping.

I turned the TV on and watch some old "Diagnosis Murder" shows. I didn't want to watch one of them and turned it to "Love it or List it." Then off to watch Monk.

I was able to get more of the water on the left side done. I'm working my way up toward the leg. I'm hoping to get more done today.

I did take a break and go into the site and got a few clippings, till it decided to tell me I needed to pay for it. Just think the site is down, but sent a message anyway.

It was nice to have the day to myself, but I still couldn't get moving in the morning and by the afternoon I was working on stuff for Patrick. So, even though it was a day to myself, it really wasn't. Had to many things going through my head to work on.

Life is good, Not much going on, but that's good too! It's worth looking forward to being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Back To Bowling Again

This morning I was up and ready to go. Went to see Cherrill and had tea with her. We chatted an hour. Came home and got the laundry going. Got two or three loads done today. I was getting behind on that.

Then I checked "" for family history. It was acting up on me, so I  went into my email account that's on comcast. That was a mistake! I had over 600 emails! So, I started deleting the spam and working on the other stuff. I had messages from find-a-grave that needed to be worked on. I had entered a couple family members and was told there was another site set up for those people. I had all the connections and the other person just had the name and gravestone. I had them buried in the wrong cemetery. So, made some comments and contacted the other person. Will see where it goes from there.

We're still getting the red moon and sun lately. All because of the fires that are out there. WA state has had some really big fires.

I tried to get a photo of it last night. It turned out pretty good but was hard to capture.

This is the pattern and scratch book I picked up yesterday. I think I paid $15 for both. I had  coupon for the book, and the cross stitch was for sale at 30% off. I couldn't resist it. I love that piece and I know it's not very big. So, I went downstairs to check it out, thinking of a new start. Then I told myself I needed to clean up a mess before I thought of anything!

My table is getting full of stuff again! So, I did move things around and put a few things away. I'm still thinking about what I want to do for a new start. I seriously need to finish a couple things first though. I a get back to the hardanger! I need to get that done too.

Patrick sent me a text reminding me to meet him at the fire station for our flu shots. We were going to do it about 4 pm but he decided since we have bowling tonight we needed to be there at 3:45 pm. I met him over there. The gal that gave the shot was not nice!! She poked both of us and it was hurting going in! I did not like that shot at all, felt it going in and coming out!! The gal last year was a lot nicer! This gal didn't say anything but "ready?" If I knew she'd be that painful I wouldn't have taken the shot! Good thing I didn't look, or she would have picked me up off the floor! Drove home and it was hurting while I was driving. What a pain!

After I fixed supper, we headed to the bowling alley. The Secretary from last year apologized for not letting us know about the meeting. She was trying to remember who to call, and didn't get everyone called. She was in the hospital for 16 days, so she couldn't remember who bowled. At least that's what she said, and I will take her word for it.I told her, "shit happens." I was nice to her, and will call it good.

I bowled pretty bad. I think I bowled a 141, 179, 151. Not sure, forgot to write it down, so will check it out when e go in on Sunday to see if it's up. If it is I can figure it out. I have to bowl twice Sunday.

Life is good, I'm bowling like crap, but I'll get it back. Positive is a good life! It makes it so much easier to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Another Meeting Day!

Today I was up shortly after Patrick left. Things worked out great. I went to Cherrill's and then I got ready to leave for Olympia.

On my way to Olympia, decided to stop off at Walmart to see if they had the floss still at 10 cents a piece. It was only half the floss that was 10 cents each. I did get the colors that were on sale. Then I also got 2 different sets of needles. One was 22 and the other was 24. For a $1.29 each, I figured I better pick them up "just in case."

I then went to McDonald's to get my usual ice tea. I thought about getting something else but passed.

I was on the road after that. Went all the way up to Olympia for our QOV meeting. It had already started. They decided to start it at 10:30 and I was there a 10:45 am. So, it got a little noisy when we had to find a chair to sit on. The meeting went well. We decided to do Dad and Patrick's presentation down at Castle Rocks' Papa Pete's restaurant. So, We'll do that on next Tuesday. Got both of them coming.

After the meeting I went to Hobby Lobby. I bought a scratch book and a cross stitch that as a Siamese cat on it. It's small. It's cute! I'm going to work on it in memory of my Kitty.

Came home and worked on my genealogy. I was checking to see if Patrick's side of the family hooks up with mine. So far it doesn't but it's interesting to see they tend to be in the same areas as my family. It's awesome to find more Rev. War vets in the family. Guess you can say, I've been here since the 1600's and more and more is proving I'm a true "American Made" gal!

Life is good, things are great! Best wishes and Happy Quilting/Stitching!

Monday, September 4, 2017

Happy Labor Day!

To all those who have worked hard for our Nation a proud Nation. Thank you to all those who worked hard!

This morning I was sleeping in. I had a good night sleep, but snored a little. I was surprised to find Patrick on the couch, so don't know if it was me or the mattress.

Went to Cherrill's and chatted while he was in the shower.

Came back and he was out in the yard. While he worked in the yard, I did what he suggested and took the laptop out on the deck and worked on my genealogy. I found another ancestor that was on the Eastman family. I read about how they were attached by Indians and their 6 day old daughter was thrown across a room and killed. They kidnapped my 6th great grandmother and she was captive for over 2 years. My 6th great grandfather then found her with a french family. They let him bring her back home. Apparently he had been looking for her and he passed the place she was staying at 3 times before she saw him. It was interesting because they talked about him being 6 ft tall and then some.

In the afternoon when it was around 90 degrees, I came back into the house. We watched a movie and I worked on my cross stitch.

I was able to get another diagonal done. It's coming along nicely. It's also getting to the point that I will need to pull out my camera to take a full photo of the piece. I'm enjoying this part of it, but finding myself wondering what I will work on later. I've got a few pieces that are kits, so I'll see what I'll do next. I still need to take out the other one.

I got a call on my cat today. But it turned out to be another cat and not mine. I can keep hoping.

Life is good, things are going great, and I'm finding more Revolution War family members. I'm excited to see where life brings me in my research! I'm still sticking with being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Gone All Day!

This morning I did sleep a little better - when I slept. Think part of the problem was the moving yesterday and my back was letting me know it didn't like it.

I was up and playing games when Patrick got up. He wanted to go to the casino so we could use this weeks money the casino gives us. We did okay, but didn't come home with any money from them. Actually left some for them. lol

Then on the way back, he wanted me to call the folks to see if they wanted to go out to eat. Dad was humming and ha'ing about it.He wanted to go down to Longview. We were getting ready for that, when mom said she wanted to play games and get pizza. Patrick and I didn't want pizza but we would pick up KFC chicken. So, we went to get KFC chicken and took it over to the house. Mom was gone! She went to get dessert and something for the dog. We waited a while and then decided to eat. We were about done when she came in. We waited on her to get done and then we started playing Mexican Train.

Thought I'd get a picture across the table. This is not one of the better photos of dad. I should have taken another one.

Mom was treating the dog like a baby. She had her in her lap part of the time and couldn't reach the tiles.

And the dog is so into herself. If the phone or camera comes out, she poises. It's comical. I was trying to get her sleeping but she seems to know when the camera is out.

We finally got home around 8 pm. I missed out on my game timer. I did do my exercises and now it's time to call it a night. Where does the day go?!

My plans for today was not to be gone all was to do some genealogy and cross stitch....none of which happened! I'm telling Patrick tomorrow if she wants to do something he can do it on his own! UGH

Life is good, things happen that we can't control, and life goes on. I'm staying upbeat and Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Where Did The Day Go?!?

This morning I was up early. Just couldn't sleep very well. Maybe I was dreaming of the new mattress!

I worked on our shopping list. After Patrick got up we headed to Safeway and did our shopping. We saved 32%, so I think that was a good day. I had a coupon from coke for a free 12 pack. Since they had a sale of 4 for $10, I bought two. When we got to the check out, they listed the original cost of the coke for the coupon. So, instead of putting $2.50 for the price he put $4.99 off the $6.49 price. So, we ended up buying the two cokes for 1 cent. Not bad. I was surprised and willing to pay the $2.50 for the second one. I'm happy! We don't drink much coke so it's going to be down in the frig for awhile, but that's fine.

Loved the coke display Katt did for Pullman Safeway! It's HUGE! It has the WSU in it. She did an awesome job. It's floor to ceiling.

We came home and put all the groceries away. Once all that was done, we went downstairs and took one of the spare beds apart and put the mattress outside. We then took the bad box springs and put it outside as well. Then we went into the garage and pulled out the mattress and put it with the others outside. Took the good box springs from the garage, vacuumed, and cleaned up - and put it downstairs where we took the other one off. Then we took our mattress from upstairs and moved it downstairs. - That was fun!! We went through the entry way, so we were moving it from tall to short sides to get it down there! We had our bedroom ready for the new mattress. The delivery arrived around 3 pm. I could not believe this guy!! He had the mattress on his back and threw it in the house. It was like it was a feather for him!! I couldn't help Patrick half the time because the mattresses were heavy, so we took a little more time then he did! I could not believe how easily he got the mattress in the house and down the hall! It would have taken Patrick and I about 15 mins to do what he did in no time at all!

I was doing the sheets from both beds, and I put the quilts from the bed downstairs outside on the line. It was 90 plus degrees today, so they dried in no time at all!

We went out to eat, and when we got back, I put the last quilt out on the line. Within an hour it was dry! The mattresses and box springs that were outside got taken away when they dropped our mattress off. I was thrilled to get rid of the one outside in the garage. One less thing to worry about later on.

I got my DVD for  Family Tree Maker program. I was thrilled! It worked! So, I have been spending the last couple hours working on the Wiltzius family history. I contacted a couple other family members and hooked them up to my tree. I deleted 4 trees that were in the way from ancestry. I wasn't worried about what was getting deleted. The one I was working in was fine and had everything. I'm going to try and get a couple hours of family history in and see if I can get some of my paperwork in the computer.

Now it's late, and I have no clue where the day went! I didn't think we were that busy, but I'm guessing we were.Oh, well. That's life. Things go fast at times and other times it's like I can't wait for the day to be over.

Life is good, things are going great. Couldn't ask for more other than being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, September 1, 2017

30 Mins is Better Than None!

Today I was up early. Patrick took the day off. I went to Cherrill's and then came home.

We went to the casino today since we had $20 from the casino. We actually had a good day at the casino. Came home with more than we took.

On the way home, we stopped at Home Depot. We checked out all the grills. Patrick did some homework and found that a grill with all stainless steel parts. We checked out the different kinds and prices. They had a really good one for $269. It had all the stuff we wanted. It wasn't the most expensive and it wasn't the cheapest. So, we're happy with what we got. It was light weight, so I could help Patrick get it in the truck.

Then we stopped off at the mattress store. We tried out a couple of mattresses. I really liked one of them, so we bought a new mattress. It will be arriving tomorrow. I'm thrilled since I've been trying to get Patrick to get me a new mattress for over a year. This one is a little softer and might actually help my back out. We did get a protection cover as well. It's a nice mattress.

Came home with the grill and got it in the garage. Found a handle that was off. Patrick had to fix it. Once we had that all done, it was time to go to the folks for dinner. My niece and her fiance were going to join us. They were still in Olympia when we arrived. Said they would be ready for supper at 6 pm. They actually arrived at 6 pm while the food was ready. They came with another couple. Then my SIL's sister showed up. We had 9 of us at dinner. We didn't stay too long after. Needed to get back and get the phone call on when they would deliver the mattress. I really didn't want to stay long.

We got back. I had to get a couple games I needed to get stuff done on. Then I pulled out my cross stitch and was able to get 30 mins on it before I realized I hadn't done my blog yet. We are watching Sherlock Holmes. It's the older version with Basil Rathbone as the actor. I really like the older versions! This one is really good. Well worth watching!

Life is good, times are great. Things happen and life goes on. What joy! Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...