Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Enjoying The Day....And Catching Up

Today was a good day. I love it when I don't have anything planned for the day. I was able to get some cleaning done. I was thrilled to get more cross stitching done, and even more thrilled being able to watch shows I've been wanting to see.

Sophie was at the end of the bed this morning. She must of joined us some time after 2:30 am. It's fun to have her there.

I had a look around the house and decided I need to clean. So, I mopped the kitchen floor, cleaned up the bathroom where the cat litter is, and got laundry out on the line. It was nice to get a few thing out on the line. I love the smell of towels and bedding when it's been on the line.

I pulled out the cross stitching.

I worked a little more on the doll. I fixed a couple things. While I was doing this, I was watching "Good Witch" on Netflix. I got through 9 shows for the first session. Now I need to see more. I really like that show.

After supper I worked some more on the cross stitch.

I worked on the right side where the purple is. Spools are there. I started working on them as well. I also got my August SAL printed, so I can go back and work on my "Four Seasons" piece.

Couldn't get very far because Sophie decided to come and help me. She wanted to play with the floss.....not good. I called it quits at that point.

At least I'm still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, July 30, 2018

Morning Meeting - Busy Day

Today was busier than I planned, but we all seem to plan days like that. At first it's only a meeting day, and as the day goes on, it seems to have other things added to it.

I started out by going to our BFF Brazilian embroidery meeting. We had a good show this time. We ended up with two different tables of members. So, we all didn't get to spend time with everyone. It just seemed to be with friends we sat with. I left early (only half hour). But before I left, we all agreed that we would have our meetings on the first and third Mondays of the month. Pat wanted to have a break every once in awhile. Then they all agreed to cancel our June meetings. I'm not too thrilled about that, but we tend to work around Pat.

I worked on my Three Wishes piece. I found I did the flowers different then the instructions, but I really like the way mine came out. I need more beads for the other flowers though.

When I left early, I checked with mom to see what she wanted for lunch. We decided to do Subway. So, I stopped and got us lunch. I cut the half piece in half and left the other half with mom. We both ate the quarter pieces. Then I hooked up to her Netflix. I also helped her save money on her phone bill.

Mom was working on her border. Once this is done, then she's done with the quilt! She'll be doing the binding by the end of the week I bet!

Then I came home. I tried to get the Netflix to work on our TV but it's just a little older than it should be. I'm going to pick up a "chromecase" for my TV and then I'll be able to get Netflix on it. I'm excited because there are shows on there I really want to see. I can get it on my laptop, so I'm happy!

I worked on my cross stitching. I didn't get a lot done but I was able to work on it today. It turned out great. I found I had a couple colors off, but I don't think anyone but me will know the difference.

Cherry and I walked and I was able to get my 7000 steps in. So, I'm happy. But when we walk later at night, the day is gone and I don't get to work more on my cross stitching. Oh, well. Life is still good! It keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, July 29, 2018


This morning it seemed like it was going to be a quiet cool day. So I thought.

We decided to go up to Costco for a few things. Called mom and got her list. We picked up a few things including cat food and litter. Then we dropped off moms stuff and came home. It wasn't hot YET.

I worked on my cross stitch in front of the fan.

Got more done on the doll. Not sure what she is yet. It's coming along nicely. Then i went out on the deck to find it was 98 degrees. Way too hot for my blood. Went back in and worked on the cross stitching.

Later I went to be with Emily for awhile. We had a really nice visit. Love that girl.

Came home and called it quits. Still 75 degrees but fans are going.

It's hard sometimes to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

An Interesting Day

Today I woke with Sophie giving me a hard time. So, the morning was cleaning. We really didn't have any plans for the day. It really did turn out to be a good day over all.

I took Phil some lunch. I enjoyed lunch with him. The good old P&J. I stayed and visited with him and my daughter-in-law for about 4 hours. I enjoyed my time with them.

Saw some storm cloud past our hill by the house. It never showed up this way, but it was really cool to see! There were more on the left side, but the road has the electric lines in the way for a photo.

Came back home and worked on my cross stitching.

Had a little visitor in my lap while I stitched. It was nice to see that again! I've missed that. Sophie is a doll! She actually sleep with us till about 2:30 am.

Once everything was figured out - floss wise - I was able to get moving on this. I found myself grabbing the wrong color, and then realizing I did. I was paying bette attention to what I was doing! I have the gal almost done, and started working on the ribbon and other stuff under her. It's coming along pretty good. I do like working on this. I don't need the magnifier to see what I'm doing. I was surprised at how good my stitches were from the first time I started it. Guess my stitches are pretty good after all.

We watched "Iron Man" on TV. We recorded it, and it was the first time I saw it. I really like it and we'll watch "2" tomorrow. This weekend is not filled in, so I can enjoy getting some cross stitching done. I'm looking forward to it.

Life is good. Things happen and we deal with them. I can still stay Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Friday, July 27, 2018

Why Me???

It's another one of those days....you know, the kind where you are excited about getting things done, and then........it "ain't gunna happen!" Well, that's kinda my day today.

It started out calling mom to tell her I wanted to stay home and get a few things done. I got laundry going, putting in a few rugs to get them cleaned up. Sophie was all over the place for awhile. So, I guess she's getting really comfortable around us.

Once I had the chance, I sat down and turned on the DVR to get caught up on my shows. I pulled out the cross stitch and found that I made a few mistakes.....which I took out.

I must have done her three times and taken it out three times. I couldn't believe how I was getting the colors messed up. So..........

I went through the colors and marked them so I couldn't keep messing up. There were a couple colors as I was doing this that confused me, and I was able to get them in the right spot. I even asked the phone what colors some of them were. I had confused a couple "sets" and now I am all set. It only took me an hour to get this organized!

Once I had it all set, then I could work on this doll piece. I did have to take a few things out - yet again....but I finally got on track again. Now I just need to finish this! I just hope I didn't waste too much floss that I'll come up short, but I'm thinking I'll be okay. If not, DMC is usually good to match up with.

Cherry and I have been doing our walking. So, night times I'm not able to get as much stitching in as I want. I was working on it when I realized I needed to write this tonight.

I hope you had a better day working on your craft then I did. What have you been working on?

Keep Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, July 26, 2018

A Good Day With Quilt Friends

Today was a really good day with quilt friends.

Mom wanted to go with me today, so I stopped and picked her up. We went to DQ to get the $5 meal deal for lunch - didn't realize our potluck was today! Anyway, we arrived at the quilt shop to find 10 of us in the meeting. We had a really good time. Chatted with everyone, missed not seeing them.

I worked on my Baltimore Liberty quilt block. I actually got three leaves done. I also picked up some Seahawk fabrics. It was a really good day.

The quilt block we worked on is now in a quilt. Mine is the top left hand corner. We talked about what we wanted to do with the quilt. We decided we would like to donate it to the Veterans Museum, and we needed to check on that. I dropped mom off and went to the museum and talked with the director to see if he wanted it. He said "YES" and so I told him the only thing was, it was going to the fair before they could get it. I would bring it after the fair is over. We talked about what they could do with it. I believe it's going to be raffled. 

Came home and pulled out another of my WIP's - or UFO in the case. 

It's been 10 years since I touched this and now I know why! I found a few mistakes - color wise - but I can live with it. I did have to take out one area though, because I couldn't find anything to fix it with to look right. 

So, I'm re-doing the gal. (Just noticed the other photo is sideways - sorry about that. Too late to worry about it right now. lol 

I was able to get a lot done on this and will work more on it tomorrow. Thinking I may pass on going to moms. I haven't had a day off all week. I need a break. 

So, I'm looking forward to having the day to work on my craft! It will be all of day Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

A Good & Bad Day In One

The day started out good. By the end of the day, not so good.

Was up and out the door to Thurston County Fairgrounds. I told Carla I would help her get ready for the fair. I arrived and helped one of the other gals get the knitted, crocheted, and other stuff in cases.

We worked off these tables and put things into the cases. I was amazed that they didn't have as much as they usually get. But they did have nice stuff!

Came back and met mom at the Funeral Chapel to talk with the guy who has been trying to get her to come in a chat with her. We chatted. He was really nice, and just wanted her to think about preparing for her time. We ended up chatting for an hour. We didn't plan anything, so that was okay. Then I took mom to Staples to get some ink. We said our goodbyes and I headed home. 

Got home around 3:30 pm. I had to give Sophie some TLC because she missed me. It's really funny. 

I pulled out my cross stitching. 

I found out the fabric for this kit was too small. I have 1" from the bottom where I started. I counted the stitches that are left to finish and it would put me at the top of the fabric. There isn't much room. So, I'm trashing this, and I'm going to start all over - but not today and not tomorrow. I have more things to finish right now then trying to start this all over again. I'll have to pick the fabric and the floss. It can wait. As much as I wanted to have this done, it's not going to get done. 

That was the bad part of the day. I went walking with Cherry so I could get some of my frustration off. By the time I got back, it's bed time. lol 

So, I'm going to call it a night. Think about what project I have going and work on it tomorrow. AFTER quilting. 

Have you ever had a cross stitch kit give you the wrong size fabric? What did you do? I probably should have changed the fabric in the first place, but I thought it would work. How about you?

Keep it up and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Good Thing Today Wasn't Planned Out

When I woke, I only had one thing I needed to do today. I knew I had my doctors appointment and I was okay with that. It didn't take long for the day to go in a completely different direction.

First I called mom to see how she was doing and to talk about family matters. She had just gotten back from therapy and was told she may have a tear in her arm that may need surgery. She was in ters and didn't want to have surgery, which I can't blame her and understand. So, I decided I would go see her earlier than expected.

I was over to her place by 11 am. I stayed and helped her out. Then we had lunch and I headed over to see my DIL. I stayed for about thirty minutes and left. Off to my doctors appointment. Well, that wasn't the best of news, but I can handle what comes. My thyroid is off again. At least now I know all the problems I was having is because of the thyroid. I'm okay with that.

Came home to rush out to the casino to pick up the last of the cast iron skillets they were giving out. I love cast iron pans. We stayed a little while, then headed to DQ for supper. After supper was another stop to see my DIL. We too her flowers to cheer her up.

We then stopped at moms to fix her rug and to help fix her quilt frame. Patrick is really good at helping mom out. She was thrilled to have the quilt frame fixed.

When we finally came home, I worked on my cross stitching.

As you can tell, not much got done. A lot of ripping got done because the ribbon on the left was off. I had to fix that. I think the reason I'm not too crazy about this piece is the floss. It's too fragile at times. I love the design, so I'm going to keep working on it. I was surprised it took me three tries to get that stupid ribbon right. My counting got off again. I really, seriously, need to pay more attention to what I'm doing! I hope it's not that I am in a hurry, because I don't need that.

Tomorrow will be another busy day. I'll be in Olympia part of the day.

How was your day? Hopefully not near as busy as mine. Stay Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, July 23, 2018

A Busy Day Compared To Others

I woke to my Sophie meowing to get me up. We went through that part of the day today. Finally cleaned her litter box and she quit talking to me! Go figure! Guess she likes a clean litter box. I've been cleaning it more than I ever did with my other cats.

I went downstairs today to work on some of my applique pieces.

I pulled out the light box and worked on some pieces for my Baltimore Liberty quilt. I worked on 3 blocks. I copied the pattern to the appli-quick fabric. I have 3 blocks worth of pieces. I had to figure out where to put the pieces and left them in the pattern bag. I cut out pieces for the eagle - which is another block. I did the leaves of the flag block, and I did the flowers of the block I was doing the last few days.

Then I came upstairs and worked on my cross stitch. I finished up what I wanted to do on the "Modern Folk Embroidery" SAL. I put it away for now. Then I pulled out a WIP.

I pulled out my Patriotic Angel and started working on it. I'm hoping to get moving on this. I worked on the white area on the left. I'm going to fill in the area on the left where there is a hole. This isn't one of my favorite pieces, but it will do.

Then after supper, I went downstairs to get out of the heat. I worked on my genealogy. I got more information on my WHITE family members, and worked a few on the LITTLE family as well. I'm getting close to 10,000 names in my files. I really am having fun. I have fixed a lot of mistakes as well. I found a LOT of the family was killed by Indians on Feb 10, 1675, so I need to find out what that is.

We keep going. Life goes on, and I'm still Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, July 22, 2018

What Is It About Biking.....

This morning Patrick woke and decided we would go biking. On top of that we needed to go shopping, and I needed to get my blueberries picked. It was going to be an interesting day!

So, we headed over to Tenino WA where the bike trail starts (or ends depending on where your going). We had the bikes loaded in the van. It was time to get ready and take off.....It started out as usually because I haven't been biking in a year. It was hard to get the legs going. I did pretty good. We did have to stop about 4 times because of my breathing. I worked through it. We biked 13 miles. Didn't quit get the full 17 miles in, but I did halfway pretty good considering I've been having issue with my breathing. We made it back and I got off the bike. Wanted to walk to the restroom. That was WEIRD! I couldn't believe I was walking like a stick up my butt! I could hardly move and my legs were so wobbly! It took some time to remember how to walk straight!! Way too funny!

We stopped and picked a few things up at the grocery store. Then headed home.

Came home and I was still feeling weird with the breathing. So, I sat down and worked on my cross stitching.

I was able to finish up the letters. I'm trying to decide if I want to go ahead and work on the stuff under the letters (which isn't that much) or just wait till the next one comes in Aug. I might just finish that area were my thread is, and then call it good. It's easier to do a piece with all the cross stitch showing then it is just doing a few stitches.

I then went outside and spent an hour picking blueberries. I had picked a few when we got home and decided to wait to pick the rest of them tonight. It was still hot outside. Poor Sophie stayed in the bedroom in the coolest part of the room.

I'm working on getting more stuff done. I've got a few things I want to do, and I'm starting to get back into doing too much at once. I keep thinking of what I want to do, and there are 3 different things that I'm thinking about....not good!!

This week I'm having to go to Thurston Country Fair to help set up the quilts. Then next week, I'm helping work it (4-7 pm). Should be interesting! Almost wish I hadn't signed up, but I wanted to do something.

Life is good, and I'm still working on being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Day For A Movie

Today we were woken by Sophie. She wanted us up. lol I enjoyed some time with Sophie while Patrick slept.

I added some dirt to the plant I picked up from Church when I had Brazilian embroidery on Monday. Then I took a couple of my other plants and combined them. I had a couple scraggly looking plants, and since they are the same, I potted them together. Now I have better plants in the house. I had to water all my plants this morning. Some were dry and others were still wet. Never could figure that part out.

We decided to go to the movies. I loved Mamia Mia when it came out. This is the next part. We went early enough that it was crowded. I found it funny that most of the ones in the theater were around our age. It was a good movie. It goes back and forth from past to present. It tells the story. It's a pretty good movie. Not as good as the first, but it is good.

Then we went down to Kelso for supper. We went to Sizzler. It wasn't as good as it usually is. I was disappointed. I almost think they sold the business to someone else. The owner that we used to see, wasn't there. He would always walk around and make sure things were going smoothly. He would even help the servers. He wasn't there tonight and the waiters were different. Mostly high school students.

Came home and I worked on one of my Baltimore Liberty blocks. I wanted to get more leaves on there to work on.

From this to.....

This. Now I have more to work on. I want to use another technique on the flowers. This is the back basting technique. I've been doing other techniques over time.  I may end up using both techniques.

After I got that ready, I worked on my cross stitching. I'm so excited because I may actually get caught up tomorrow!

"Summer" is done, and "MN" will be done tomorrow. Then I'll do the other work under that. Once that is done, I'm done till next month!! Can't wait!! Yaeh, I know, CALM DOWN or I'll screw it up!! I need to work on this. Looking forward to getting more done!

The neighbors are having a party, and I don't know WHY they have to have the "base" of the music so loud!! It hurts my ears. I'm being a good neighbor and letting it go.

This was a good day.

Have you seen a good movie lately? Let me know what movie you've been to or recommend. I love going to movies. Would love to hear what you like as well.

Best wishes, and Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, July 20, 2018

Spending The Day With Mom

Today was a pretty good day over all. I missed not being home, but that's okay too.

I headed over to moms after I stopped and picked up some bread and milk for her. Then I topped and got us some Chia Tea. It was really good, I hadn't had one in awhile.

We sat and drank the tea while she worked to get the corner of her quilt done. I was there to help her add the black border on it.

We put it out on her bed. We had to measure it in order to figure out what we needed for the black. It is gorgeous! Adding the black made it that much better.

Once we added the black, we needed to add some batting to make up for the difference. She had enough extra for the sides and bottom that we could add the batting to match up.

We had it all done by the time I left around 4:30 pm. Now she's put it back on the frame and is quilting on it as I type this. Knowing mom, she will have it done within two weeks. She's in love with this quilt. It's going on her bed.

I got home and relaxed with Sophie. Then I went downstairs.....looking all over the place for the fabric that I needed!! I couldn't believe I couldn't find my green fabric for my "Baltimore Liberty" quilt! --- Yet AGAIN!! Took me awhile, but i finally found it. I need to add more to the block.

This is the block I worked on, on Tuesday. I got some of the leaves done. I need to add more leaves and stems to work on this. I'm happy with the way it's coming out, and I need to work on it some more since it's been a year. I may end up taking this with me when we go to my daughters.

So, overall, today was an awesome day of being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Three Is A Charm! Ripping Out My Work!

Today was another one of those days. I enjoyed the morning with Sophie. She was a kick today.

She wanted her TLC this morning.

So, we enjoyed each other a good amount of time.

It was time to go get my "crown" put on my tooth. Not happy about that. It was put on, but I'm a little sore. Trouble is I can't tell if it's too high or not because I don't have other teeth next to it to figure out. It makes things interesting when it comes to eating. Oh, well.

Came home after that. Then I got my shows going and worked on my cross stitching.

I was so happy to get moving on "Summer!" Trouble was, I guess I was so excited about working on it, that I screwed up! Not just once, but 3 TIMES!! I took out "UM" 3 times. I knew what I did wrong the first time, but I didn't pay attention when I put the stitches back in. I didn't do the 1/2 stitch spot the second time - I just moved over 2 instead of 1. Out it came both times! UGH!

So, I worked on this piece all afternoon and only have this much to show for it.

I really need to work on getting this done. I really at having to take all this out - again.

Not sure I can say today was a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Yesterday And Today.......................................

Okay, I got carried away and didn't post yesterday, so, I guess I'll do it now.

Yesterday I spent the day with mom. We went to her Tuesday quilt group till about noon. Then we went out to lunch. While we were at the meeting, I worked on one of my "Baltimore Liberty" blocks. I got several leaves done. I do need to get another leaf cut out and get my stems ready so I can work on the block some more.

These were Norma Nelson's friendship blocks that she got back from the quilters. There are still a couple out, but I thought they were really pretty.

After lunch, we went to her house and quilted while watching "Good Witch" which I really like. I can't get that on DVR but mom has Netflix, so watched it on there. Got more done on the black and white quilt.

Then I got home around 3 pm. We went to get our cast iron skillets. Then we played at the casino. We came home with $2 of their money. lol - But we played for a good 2 hours, so we figure it was a free night out.

Today was my day. I really like it when it's my day.

The funny part was Sophie wanted to play this morning. It was the first time since we got her that she wanted to play. She's was so excited for at least 4 hours.

She was playing between the scratching post and the bed.

I worked on my cross stitch this afternoon. I got a lot of work done on it. I'm a little miffed at my phone. It won't let me show the photo I took of the cross stitch. I'm now working on the "Summer" part of the piece. I'll be adding the "MN" of Autumn. The good news is that I'm getting caught up quicker than I thought I would.

Mom has quilting at her community center and wanted me to come. I think I'll call her tomorrow and tell her I can't make it. I have my dental appointment at 1 pm and not looking forward to it.

I hope you had a good day! Feel free to let me know how your day went and if you have any tips for me. Would love to hear from you. That's why we stay Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, July 16, 2018

BE Meeting And Cross Stitching

This morning was our BFF (BE meeting) day. I was all ready to go. Called Cherry to see if she was going. She was waiting on the guys that do her yardwork. They hadn't arrived yet.

So, I headed out to our meeting. Got there on time, and only Pat was there. It turned out to be just the two of us. I said we could wait till 10 am and then she could go home. She leaves about 2 hours north and she was tired after having her granddaughter for a week. No one showed up, so we called it a day.

In the half hour I've been there, I was able to get the shadow work done. Now I just need to do the stem and center.

They had 3 house plants out for "free." So, I picked this one up. I love house plants! I need to water my plants, but I do love having them in the house. I need to add some dirt to this one. Haven't decided where I'm going to put it just yet.

Came home and enjoyed the time to myself. I did work on my laundry - just washing - hung the towels and quilt out on the line. Didn't want to heat the house up any more then it already is! We reached 100 degrees yesterday and now we are in the 90's. WAY TOO HOT for me. We had two fans going in the bedroom last night. Which actually worked out great.

I pulled out my cross stitch this afternoon.

I had this much done before Patrick got home.

Then I got even more done in the last hour. I'm happy with what I have done. It's looking good and getting closer to having June and July done. I'll keep working on it.

I did do my youtube today. I needed to update what I've been on the last 6 months. I really didn't have much to report, but I did a 10 min video.

Life is good and I'm back to enjoying my crafts! Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, July 15, 2018


This morning I was up bright and early. As soon as the sun was up, so was I. It had finally cooled down around 3 am this morning.....

We took the day off - so to speak. Patrick watered the garden and got the yard going. Then I went out and picked blueberries for a couple hours. I got about 8 cups of blueberries. Then came in and closed the house down. By that time it was reaching 80 degrees....way too hot for me.

So, we watched TV and had the fan going - nope don't have air conditioning and have wished I did for years!

I worked on my "Queen of Hearts." I was beading and trying to get the ribbon right, but the ribbon didn't work out like I wanted.

So, I'm beading in-between to see if it will work. I'm not really happy with the ribbon, but it was hard to work with for what I wanted. I have more beading to do. I'll try and finish it up tomorrow. I have a few more beads to add then I'll be putting the back and beading it all together. It's not a perfect heart but it's close. Not something I would enter into a contest though.

Sophie was smart, she stayed in the bathroom all day. It was a lot cooler in there. If it was bigger I would have joined her! Can't really get comfortable in the bathroom, so bared with it.

Keeping Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 14, 2018

A Good Day.....Worked On My WIP!

Actually not sure if I should say WIP or UFO. It's a work in progress, but is's also a unfinished object. Guess I'll just say it's both.

Today started out pretty good. I was playing games and Patrick worked outside. Then we decided to head to the movies. We went to see "Dracula goes on Vacation" or at least I think that's the name Never did very good with names. It was a pretty good movie. Funny part is that now when they do movie "trailers," what's in the trailer isn't showing up in the movie. Over all it was a good movie.

We came home and I just relaxed and worked on my Shibori Heart.

I wanted to add more beads to the right corner.

I finished the embroidery at the left bottom. I kinda like the way it looks. I'm not sure what I'm doing, but I'm doing it as I go.

Then I realized there was a few black spots in the beads I was using. I got them from the gal that passed away, but didn't like the spots in the box.

So I started going through the beads and cleaning them up - so to speak. I couldn't believe how much dirt was in there. Now I can be happy with the beads. Plus I can get back to adding the wight beads on the piece.

Loving how I'm Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, July 13, 2018

Quilting With Friends....A Good Day!

This morning I was up early so I could leave early, but that didn't work out so well. When has my life worked out so lucky? I have good days and bad, and the good news is, this was a good day.

Sophie was under the bed this morning. I was going to try and leave early but then Patrick got up and went into the bathroom before I could to get ready to leave. Waited on him. lol  I put food out for Sophie.

Headed over to Walmart to get some food and clippers for Sophie before heading to moms. While I was there, I went looking for a collar as well. Really didn't like the collar they gave us. I'm temped to go buy some and take them to the Shelter to gave our. I really like the ones that pull apart.

Got to moms by 9:30 and everyone was already there. We sat and quilted as well as chatted. I love what Hieldi is doing with the P3 Designs quilt - the one with the octopus. She's close to being done.

I made it to another corner. So, now I have two corners that's I'm working off. It's coming along faster than I thought. I got a lot of quilting in today. I almost want to go over to moms and quilt some more. I can wait. Maybe I'll go over next week to just sit and quilt with her. We need to add black to the quilt she's working. Plus we need to get back to the Hawaiian quilts we started when dad first went into the hospital.

Patrick came over to work on moms taxes. They have them ready to go. Poor guy wasn't feeling good. Think the heat got to him. Took him a couple hours to get back to "normal."

Came home and got Sophie out from under the bed Fed her and we spend a good hour in the chair together. I was thinking I needed to have something in my hands to work on. Patrick offered to get something for me, but I told him it would be too "complicated." I was thinking of how he would have to get the project as well as pull out the thread, make sure it was the right one, and dthen anything else I would need. Oh, well.

At least today was a good day of being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

One Of Those LAZY Dayx!

Okay, I know we all have those days. You know what I'm talking about. Those days you don't feel like doing much at all. So we sit and watch TV or play games. We don't feel like doing much else. Well, today was my day. I didn't feel like doing ANYTHING!

So, I played a game, then Cherry called to say she was ready to walk at 10 am. So, we walked, and ran into one of our neighbors. That took time too. After that we were back to walking but didn't get all 4 laps in, only 3 1/2 laps.

I watched "Perry Mason" and then took the time to take out the cross stitching I did yesterday.

Phil stopped by, so put it aside for awhile.

I got this far. Then I called it quits.

It's way too hot around here! I took all my clothes off and put on shorts and a T-shirt. Still way too hot today.

Sophie is starting to get comfortable around the house. She was hiding in the spring boards of the mattress last night and this morning. I finally got her out of there. She's spending the evening with us.

Tomorrow is another day! Hopefully a day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Not My Day For Cross Stitch!

It's been an interesting day. From one thing to another.

I was able to get the cat to come and get some "loving." She's very lovable and affectionate. She came around and stayed under the table today which was a good day. She was eating and finally used the kitty litter. lol

She's a lot of fun!

So, I spent part of the morning picking blueberries. Need to pick a few more tomorrow.

Decided to make a pie, but then after I was thinking about it, I found a crisp that I thought would work better.

Texted Scott (neighbor) to come get the other one when he got home. He forgot, but Teri came over and picked it up. It turned out pretty good actaully.

Then I spent part of the afternoon working on my cross stitching....

I got that bottom part all this way.......then I found it wasn't lined up right......which means ripping it out.......Another part that was looking good and went good, till I needed to line it up.....Where the needle is - well, that's where I was supposed to have started the top........I DIDN'T COUNT RIGHT!!

So, I've got about half of it out right now. Just need to rip out the rest. I just hope I have enough floss to finish this piece, since I seem to rip out as much as I put in....UGH UGH UGH.

Patrick and I went to get our will done. We don't have much to worry about, but at least it's over and done with.

Came home and walked with Cherry. We got a good 4 laps in. About 5000 steps. It was awesome to get more walking in.

Came back and found my mistake and started taking it out. Will finish taking it out tomorrow. I had quiet a bit done. What a pain in the rear.

Hopefully you had a better day then I did. I've still got my chin up and Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...