Thursday, September 6, 2018

Had A Day To Myself For A While!

This morning I enjoyed being able to sleep. I didn't have anyone to bug me and I didn't have to be on a time frame. Love that!

So, I got a few things done. I cooked another apple sauce. It turned out really good. And it was even better for supper.

I did work on my cross stitching, and even pulled a WIP out to work on.

I pulled out my 4 Season's to work on. I wanted to get going on it. So, I started working on the parts that I didn't do a couple months ago. I'm getting a lot of it done as I go. I'm loving how easily it is coming along.

I did work on the Stitcher's Sampler - which my phone won't let me pull off just yet.

So, I'll tell you from this older photo what all I was able to do. There is the square part on the left, and that's the label. I have all but 2 rows done of off white in it. I'm happy with the way it's coming along. I realized I couldn't even try my stair steps with this, because it was already started (over 10 years ago) and I'll just have to work off what I have done and go from there. 

I even had to go and get a flu shot this afternoon - not my favorite thing to do, but I did. Patrick and I went at 4 pm since work is giving them out. I'm sore!!

Tomorrow is quilting at moms and then we are going to a D. Yokum cancert. (Can't spell his first name). I'm not all the found of him but Patrick is. We will have a good afternoon together before going to the concert. 

I'm looking forward to quilting more tomorrow. Didn't think I would be that excited about quilting on that quilt, but I am. 

Guess what!! I guess that makes me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

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