Thursday, September 13, 2018

Met With Quilt Group

This morning I was out the door to meet the group at the Veterans Memorial Museum to give them the quilt that we all made. There was about 10 of us there. It went good. I introduced everyone to Chip. Then we gave him the quilt. JoAnn asked a lot of questions, like "What are you going to do with the quilt?," "Do you get a lot of quilts?," and the answer to the second question was that they only got one about 6 years ago. It raffled for $300-400. Of course, Sharon made a comment about $300 wasn't enough because it cost more than that to make it. (Uncalled for).

Then I went to moms to pick her up and go to the meeting. Got there and mom really wasn't in the mood to go (neither was I). So, we decided to stay and have lunch there. After lunch we worked on marking her quilt for Phil. She's quilting Phil's quilt now. Zac's quilt was mailed out to him yesterday. So, she's getting the the family quilt tops quilted. It's going pretty fast.

Mom's quilt frame came in yesterday and I took it to her. We pulled it out of the box and it was what she wanted. Good thing because it cost her $75. Not a bad price for it. $32 was shipping costs. So, considering, she really did get a good deal. Yet, today most people don't do hand quilting.

Came home and took a nap. Had a headache all day long and it was getting pretty bad. The peanut butter I had yesterday disagreed with me all night last night and I woke with a headache. What a pain. So, took a nap, but that really didn't help much.

Pulled out some family history and started working on that again.

I had to contact QOV because the group name I asked for needed to include "Memorial." I wasn't thinking when we put the name down and realized that when I got the Museum today. I was sent the logo from the Museum and now I'm in the process of trying to get some labels made for our group. I'm hoping to be a group by Monday, so we can get moving on this.

I'm looking forward to Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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