Saturday, January 12, 2019

What A Day

This morning I had a dream. It was of my father. He was in a bar like area. I knew he had passed on, but when I saw them (two people between us), I couldn't believe it. The person next to me told me not to go, it was a "dream." I had to see, so I walked toward him. He turned to me. I asked if he was real, and he let me touch him. It was real. I looked up and he said, "I know, I'm sorry." I asked how and he told me it took him a while to get here. I hugged him and cried. Then I woke up. I wanted to talk to him ore but I woke up. At least I got a hug.

After getting up, I enjoyed playing some games till the phone rang and woke Patrick up.

We then started putting the Christmas stuff away. I worked on a letter to the Chehalis Tribe for our QOV group. I need to work on it more.

Patrick and I went over to moms. He fixed her shelf while I paid a few bills. Then we went to Safeway and picked up some supplies.

Came home and I worked on my cross stitch.

I was able to get more done. I'm hoping to get more done before I call it a night.

I also worked on Patrick's family history. I got stuck on his BATH family. I'm still having a trouble finding them. Genealogy can be hard, but that's what puzzles can be.

I've had a good day today getting a few things done or worked on. I'm okay with how it's going. It keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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