Wednesday, September 30, 2015

A Good Thursday.....of Applique and Bowling

Today I was able to sleep in, but it didn't help, still not getting a good night sleep. Can't wait to get back to sleeping through the night.

I enjoyed a couple hours with Charlie in my lap as well as getting a few TV programs watched. I thought about going downstairs to work on the QOV quilt, but then remembered I needed to finish the block that mom and I are teaching a class on.

Which meant I needed to put the petals on the other flower. Now it's where mom will take over and finish the design. I was thinking we may need to add the embroidery.

Once I finished the block above, and I decided it was time to finish up the blocks I started. This block is now finished. I like the final touch to it. This will be a great quilt for a QOV recipient.

I'm adding a flower and some leaves to this block. I have some of the leaves cut from a leafy fabric. I am putting a red rose in the corner. I needed to put some leaves in before I started the rose.

Went bowling tonight and bowled a 202, 161, 201, so it looks like I'm getting back up there. It has been a good two years since I was bowling this good. I'm pretty sure it's the arm that is getting better that is helping me out. My back wasn't too thrilled with me tonight though, as it was a little stiff. That is probably because I sat way too long. I need to get the timer going again, so I'm not sitting all day.

Tomorrow is another day, and my parents will be back. Looking forward to seeing the again. Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A Day To Relax.....I "Sort Of" Did......

Not having to get up before 7 am is nice. Next week I won't be so lucky. I seriously need to get out and walk more! I checked my walking and it's all the way down to 3,500 step. Not good.

I was so glad to finally have a day to myself. I could have gone to the Mt. St. Helens quilt group meeting, but decided I wanted to enjoy the time to myself. I love being around quilters, don't get me wrong, but I also like to have a break from time to time. I had been none stop last week, into this week. So, today, I decided not to go anywhere.....oh, wait, I did go out....had to get my flu shot, so met Patrick at the fire station.

Went downstairs to work on the QOV quilt.....well, this was bugging me. Organizing is a good thing....IF one keeps being organized. I tend to stack piles. Then when I get tired of the pile or need to find something, I clean it up....not a good way to organize my stash.

So, I started organizing my stash. I rolled the fabrics on the empty boards. I at least got that mess on the first photo cleaned up and on the board. My counter looks a lot cleaner too.

Since I cleaned off my counter, I figured I could cut some more pieces for the 9 patches that goes around the quilt. I had some strips already together, so I cut them and had them ready to sew. I did get about 4 9-patches done. I will work on it more tomorrow....I hope. I do need to get it done and I also need to finish Katt's black and white quilt as well.

AND of course there is this stash. I really need to get moving and get them off my table. I will probably sew them up after I finish the other two tops. I'm probably going to use my black fabric to get this all together. I still haven't decided what I'm going to do as far as a pattern.

I finished the sunflower petals on this block. I have more petals to do before I give it over to mom to finish. She's got the leaves, acorns and stems. I need to iron the block, as the fabric on the pumpkin still has a crease in it. It will iron out just fine.

After sewing the 9 patches and just before going to get my flu shot, I baked a cake. It's the "marble" cake with chocolate frosting. It looks great! I even fixed the pork ribs in the crock pot so I could go to the fire station without having to worry about getting there with food cooking in the oven or on the stove.

So, even though it was a Relaxing Day, it was also a productive day. I got a lot done. I'm clad I finally took care of the fabric downstairs, as it was bugging me way too much. Right now the only thing bugging me is that stack of blocks on the table by the sewing machine. That will be in do time. That's why its called Happy Quilting!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday Night Football......For Those Who Want to Watch It!

Today started out pretty good. I was a little late getting to our Brazilian Embroidery group. As I left, I realized I needed to go to the bank first. Got in the car, started the engine and noticed the gas tank was on a quarter of a tank....ugh...time to get gas. So, headed to the gas station first, bank second and then the group meeting.

It was awesome to see Georgie there. We've missed her for awhile. She's having to deal with chemotherapy...the big "C" word. She's got a great out look and will go in tomorrow for her next treatment. She is a lot of fun! Prayers are going her way.

Had a great time at the meeting. We talked about a lot of topics. Sandy brought me an awesome pattern! It's a rose pattern that I'm excited to do!! A great big Thank you! goes to her.She wasn't there today, but Bev brought it to me. I'm so excited!!

Added the flower spray or whatever they are called. This was fun. Next move for this is the french knots and that is usually the last thing to put on.

The next thing I did was get started on the pumpkin - yea I know, I'm doing a pumpkin in applique too. Anyway, really like the way it's coming out. It was fun doing the chain stitches underneath the satin stitch. I like doing the satin stitch. That is about as far as I got on this one. Oh, I did do the smaller flower as well on the upper photo. I also put the bottoms on the flowers.

Took my two quilts to the quilt show. Had registered them on line and went to drop them off. I didn't have anything to take with, but was thrilled they had that for me when I got there. Really didn't have anything I had to do. I did see a few friends I hadn't seen in awhile. Really was surprised at the group. Didn't feel welcome, like I used to. Weird too, because I am a Past President of that group. Now I know why I don't go back any more. No worries. Maybe everyone was so busy, it just felt that way.

I worked on the pumpkin for the class. I'm happy to say, I'm liking the results. The bottom is going to be covered in leaves and an acorn. Mom will do that part. That way she can cut away what she doesn't need. I'm planning on doing the sunflower tonight  or tomorrow. I hope to have my part done before mom gets home on Thursday. That way she can finish it up and we can get it to the shop to put up for display. Don't know how many people we will have for the class. Not worried about it either.

Life is good, I'm having fun. Tomorrow is a "flu shot" day. I have to meet Patrick in town to get a shot.....NOT my favorite thing to do, but the last 4 years I've been going with him and getting the shot. I have been lucky too...haven't passed out in a few years, when getting a shot.

Have a GREAT DAY and be Happy Quilting!!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Seahawks WON! That Made The Day A Good One!

Today I actually slept in. I keep thinking today is Saturday, but I know better. We have bowling tonight, so it's not over yet.

I was excited yesterday when two of my magazines came in. They were Quilter's Newsletter and McCall's Quilting. I was checking them out today and was SO Disappointed!! I found a couple articles I will read, mostly the history parts. As for the quilts, they were nothing to get excited about. No big "WOW" factor. Everything has gone back the the beginner quilts where one does squares, blocks, etc. Nothing I'm interested in. No applique - other than some put on a quilt that was pieced. I was thinking about that as well. Think about it, if we did patterns from a book, then had the quilt machine quilted by someone else.....100 years from now what do you think they will say about that quilt? I figure it will be like what it is now.....This quilt was made by "a quilter" who used patterns from magazine (XYZ), and so-and-so did the quilting. So-and-so from what we can tell, has quilted hundreds or thousands of quilts for other quilters. You can see her quilting in this quilt...because this is a "trademark" of what she does. So, the person that sews the quilt together, may get missed in what they did. Why? Because most quilters today follow patterns, and there are a lot out there of the same pattern. I know, I follow that pattern as well. The difference (I'm hoping) is that my quilts are hand quilted and they are done by me. I have done the machine quilting...and again, they are done by me. Don't get me wrong, I love the work that Kathleen Ament and Dian Keepers do in this area. They will be ones that will be remembered in 100 years for the work they do. Just me thinking..... Still didn't make those quilts magazines any better...not going to renew the McCalls magazine. I need to see more from Quilter's Newsletter to make that decision. It was my first issue so far. I was receiving so much mail on renewing when I didn't even get the magazine! Couldn't believe it!

I decided to work on the pumpkin that is in the block for our class. I worked on this this afternoon while watching the Seahawks game.

I also worked on the sunflower on the left side of the pumpkin. I will leave the circle for mom. She will be teaching that part. I'm just working on the areas that I will be teaching. I realized mom and I use different techniques. I think mom is going to learn more about the back basting. She said she doesn't like it but then that's because a lot of her group doesn't do it and think it's a waste of time. I actually feel it's awesome, and definitely not a waste of them.

I will get getting my quilts ready to go to the quilt show. I have to turn them in tomorrow and I also have Brazilian Embroidery tomorrow. So, I'm going to be busy tomorrow. May have to leave embroidery early to get a few things done. Want to go to moms and see if she has the pattern for the Oak leaves and Acorn pattern. I have it coming from the quilt show, but then realized mom may have it.

Patrick was asking me when I will finish the QOV quilt. I'm hoping to get to it this week, but just told him "when I'm in the mood." :-)

I believe there is a process when it comes to quilting. Some people enjoy one project and sees it through to the end before starting another. I see the process in the way of how long it can keep me interested. How long can I do this project before my mind wanders to another project? How many projects can I finish before starting another....(That one is hard!!) I told myself a couple years ago, finish two projects and then I can start one. I was doing really good. Not lately...I started the QOV quilt and it's on my guilt wall. I started the place mats, and they re still waiting for the binding....I started the baskets, and those are still going.......Don't think I finished 8 projects this year! Unless I can count what I started and the quilt for the class. Oh, well.

Bowling tonight....Happy Quilting!!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Another Great Saturday....of Applique

Last night I couldn't decide what I wanted to do, so I pulled out my Brazilian embroidery.

I worked on the yellow flowers last night. I only had three of the petals done before last night, on one flower. I was able to finish that one and do the other one. I really enjoyed it, till I couldn't find my scissors. So, I ended up putting things away, and sure enough, my scissor fell through my chair to the floor. Decided to call it done at that point. Never fails, I tend to loose something from time to time..

Yesterday I had bought this fabric for my Aunt. This is the fabric for the Oak Leave and Acorn pattern. I want to have it done for Christmas for her. Hope she likes the colors.

Today I started applique-ing the sunflower leaves for our beginning applique class mom and I will be teaching in November. I worked on this this morning before going to the movie. We went to "The Intern" movie - awesome movie and recommend seeing!

This stem is for the pumpkin, which is back basted. I will applique it down here soon.

The pumpkin is on the right side and the sunflower is on the left side. We have leaves and acorns a part of this block as well. I''m doing my part, then when mom gets back, she'll do her part.

The sunflower petals are using the interface that I bought a while back. It's going really well. I'm using the glue stick and that seems to be enough. I like the Elmers(R) glue.

I finally registered 2 of my quilts for the quilt show. I have to take them in on Monday. I may take another one as well.

At this rate, I may get a few things done this year! Happy Quilting!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Another Meeting Day.....Finished Quilt

Today I had to get up early. I went to the store to get lettuce for our lunch. Afterward headed over to moms to get ready for the quilters. We only had 4 of us show up, but it turned out great. We had a good chat and we got a lot done.

I finished the binding. I had 1 1/2 sides done last night, so it went pretty quick. I was thrilled to finally get it done. 

We had a great lunch of salads. It was really good, with what we had to have them. Bev brought a corn salad that was awesome! Then we made another salad with two kinds of lettuce, cucumbers, shrimp, avocado, and peas. It was fun to just sit and chat at lunch. Then we cleaned up......

While cleaning up, I put stuff in the dishwasher, and ran the garbage disposable.  Guess what.....I plugged up the sink!! The others where watching me try to fix it, which wasn't happening. So, while they left, I headed to the office to see if someone could come and fix know how that works on a Friday.....worker just left, worker was on vacation, and the other worker was off today. No one was working over the weekend......So, the office called Dr. David Williams (good friend and owner of the property were mom and dad have their house). He fixed it, and I watched, so now I know what to do next time. (I'm laughing over this). So, instead of being able to leave, I had to stick around another hour to get the sink fixed.

Headed to the quilt shop after and was thrilled to finally give her the quilt to put up for the class. Rita is getting it out to advertise the class. I am also going to work we those that have already started a "2 Fabric Applique" piece but aren't sure what to do. So, I'm really looking forward to teaching next month. I wasn't sure I would be, but I am. Now I'm going to work on block mom and I will do for the beginning applique class. I am doing the back basting and interfacing, so it will be fun. I was showing the interfacing to the gals today. It's a "fiber" interfacing that is like fabric when it is washed. Really soft.

Now I'm back to the "next" thing on my list....or I think. I seems to bounce around quiet a bit! Anyway, life is still good...Happy Quilting.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Quilt Meeting Day

Today was a pretty good day. Busy but was good. I was able to walk this morning.

We had our group meeting today. We had photos taken, but they were done by another member, so I don't have them yet. I gave up my "coordinator" position and was able to present Cil with $653 to the Lewis County Breast Cancer Survivor group. We also cut the fabric for the blocks we will be doing for the quilt. I have a Rose block to do. That is going to be a little while, as I don't have time right now to do it. Way too much on my plate right now.

This is finally quilted. Tonight I will be putting the binding on and hope to have it all done tomorrow. I'll have it to the quilt shop tomorrow afternoon.

I worked with Rita at Whalen Quilt Works to get my class set up. I'll be teaching this class next month. I was really surprised one of my group members signed up for the class as well. I'm really excited about getting this off the ground. I'm excited and apprehensive about doing this. Maybe once I get started it will be easier to do.

Katt left today, and I really enjoyed having her here. I will miss her.

Tomorrow is another quilt meeting. I'm going early since it's at my folks house. I need to get copies of the pattern mom and I are doing for the class in Nov. I'm going to start on the block this weekend and get what I can before mom gets back. Then mom can finish it up and we can schedule the classes.
She's teach part and I'm teaching another part.

Looking forward to seeing what more I can get done! Happy Quilting.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A Day of Quilting....And Applique

Today started out with a walk....a well needed walk, since I haven't had the chance the last few days. I'm glad I can get one more day in before Ruth is gone again.

Katt and Harley kept me company today. It was nice to have her around again. I've really missed her. Harley was into everything to get our attention...including trying to get my quilting thread while I quilted.

Last night I was able to get the Dresden Plate appliqued down, just needed to work on the center piece.

This morning I was able to get the center done. I was surprised at how easy it went together. I'm talking about the center circle. I cut it without using a template, and then I appliqued it on. It went really well, and it looks like a circle and not a tear drop like a circle. I'm counting this as a finished project, since I had to have it done for the group. Otherwise, I wouldn't have done one. Have way too much going on.

I quilted around the bottom part. I have all the leaves done, as well as the rest of the quilt. I need to go around the outside of the quilt part. I did trim it to size and cut the binding for it. I am ready to bind it, but want to finish up the quilting on it first. I will do that hopefully tomorrow night and then deliver the quilt to the shop on Friday....that is my goal.

I wasn't able to work on it this evening as we were bowling. I did pretty good, considering. I got a 505 series. Not my best, but at least it was over 500. Hopefully Sunday will be a little better.

Katt is leaving in the morning and I hope I'll be okay about it. I will miss her.

Charlie has handled it well.

We will be doing the potluck tomorrow at the meeting, then we will be at moms house on Friday. I need to send out an email to everyone about the embroidery group on Monday.....ugh, busy till Monday.....can't wait to relax, but then can't relax with a house that needs to be cleaned. Each step at a time...don't get too far ahead and don't get too far behind...just keep going.......Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Early Morning....Relaxing Now

Today started out at 6 am. I head to the Portland airport to pick Katt up. It was a long drive, with traffic on the way, It went pretty good till just after Longview, WA into Vancouver. It took a little longer than I would have liked, but I made it in time for Katt. I was getting to the elevator by the time she texted me. On the way back, we stopped at McDonald's in Kelso for her breakfast.

We got back at a good time. I was able to sit and quilt.

This is pretty much the last part of quilt that needs quilting. Then I can quilt around the edge and border. If I keep this up, I can get it ready by Thursday. Even if I'm sewing the binding down on Thursday or Friday, I can get it to Rita by Friday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I need to work on the block for the group Thursday, and am thinking I will take a break from quilting to applique the block down. Once that's done I can finish up the quilt and have both of them ready for Thursday.

I've been pretty lucky the last couple days, and have been able to get a lot done. I can't complain how the week has been going...yet. I showed Katt her quilt top and showed the orange I have for it. Now that I know she wants 2" of orange and 5" of black for her borders, I can get moving on that quilt.

Just a reminder of what quilt top I'm talking about. This part of the quilt top is done.

Right now I'm enjoying my time with Charlie in my lap and Harley playing with Patrick. The funny part is....Charlie isn't giving Harley the time of day! She hasn't hissed yet. Woo Hoo.

Just "chillin'" and getting ready to get moving on the applique, will go fast. Happy Quilting!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Busy Morning...Interesting Afternoon

Started out this morning by heading over to mom and dad's. I was there by 8 am, as they had to be at the train station by 9 am. Or at least that's what I thought. The train wasn't due till 9:45 am. We were waiting to go, so mom played games on Pogo.

We finally headed out to the train station. We stopped at the grocery store to pick up doughnuts and wet wipes. We headed to the station. I helped them with the luggage. We got in there, they took two suit cases, while mom and dad had two for themselves on the train. As we were getting them ready at the station, three of their friends showed up to wish them on their way. One was one of moms clients. I decided to let them sit with the folks and wish them well on their way.

I then returned their car to their house, and went to get my hair cut. It's been two years since I had a good hair cut, so decided to try out a new shop. I came out feeling good about my hair cut. Then I headed to the grocery store, and the last stop was gas. I couldn't believe it took me so long! I didn't get home till 11:30 am.

I sent out a message to our group about the potluck on Thursday, which brought me downstairs to get working on the block that needs to be done! Of course I had some help with that thought.

Harley needed to be with me all afternoon. Couldn't get her to settle down till I actually sat down to quilt. But then she wanted my thread, so that didn't help.

I needed to do 4 more points on my Dresden Plate.

I realized after I had them put together, I needed to do these 4 more.

I wasn't too thrilled to find out I had to get the fabric out and cut another piec out for this Dresden plate. It has taken me this long to do it, because I don't like sewing on the machine that much. I have other stuff to sew on the machine, so I really didn't need another one. Oh, well....I got the plate done, now I just need to applique it down.

I wanted to see if the center goes okay with what I picked. It turned out better than I thought it would.

Now all I need to do is applique it down. I think it works great, and the photo doesn't give it justice.

Last week I ordered 5 books from C&T Publishing. I got the first one in today - the more expensive one - all of $12. I love this book! I need to find the first one and get it as well. I love the patterns, and may do this quilt as well!! Oops, there I go again, another pattern and another quilt to do. I seriously need to finish what I'm working on before I start another one!! ...Keep telling myself that!

I did get a chance (after baking) to sit and quilt. Trouble was, "trouble" showed up on the quilt. She wanted my, I waited for her to go sit in Patrick's chair. Once she noticed I wasn't going anywhere, she sat in his chair and I was able to quilt. I worked on the Dragonfly's tail, and the grass. I also worked on the stem that doesn't show on this photo. I'm getting really close to having the center done. I really, really, really, want to have this done by Thursday or at least where I can do the binding and have the tag made. I'm really happy with the work on this quilt. 

I get to pick Katt up at the airport tomorrow. Can't wait to see her. She did run into a problem while she was gone. She'll get it fixed tomorrow. 

I sit here, realizing I need to get busy. I have this quilt to finish, the block to finish, as well as the block for our (mom and mine) applique class we will teach in November. I will do the "back basting" and the interface pieces. Mom will do the other parts. She's so fast, she had her quilt for my niece already appliqued and ready for quilting! She designed a frog in a pond with a few flowers. I couldn't believe she had it finished already! I hope to be as fast as she is eventually. 

Guess I got a little chatty today, hope it was at least a little interesting......may we all be Happy Quilting!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Seattle vs. Green Bay Day!

Today started out with some noise around 8 am. Figured it was Harley downstairs. She wanted to eat, since she usually gets around 5 am. Charlie wasn't at the door this morning, so guess she's not happy with me. When she did show up, I feed her.

Patrick and I worked outside on the car and truck. Patrick washed both vehicles yesterday, so today was vacuuming and getting the trash out of the car. Not much trash...but a lot of dirt from feet wear. I vacuumed them both.

We have been getting texts from Katt in her Green Bay top and where she's been. She had a coupe hours and called. We chatted and then she talked to Patrick to see where she could kill a couple hours. I texted her a little while ago to see if she's at the game. She is. Game won't start for awhile, and Patrick and I have bowling tonight, so not sure who is winning right now.

Patrick told me the other day that the deer ate his grapes. So, I went out and wanted to take photos of what the deer did to the grapes.

The ate all the white grapes.

I found the purple grapes! They were still there. So, I cut the grapes and brought them in the house. Patrick was surprised at how much I brought in. Told him - while I was taking photos I found the grapes that didn't get eaten! I was happy! Now he can get them ready for his grape juice.

Of course we watched the Hobbit movie again. While we were doing that, I was trying to quilt! Harley was going after my thread, and I had to quit. Not sure how much I'll be able to get done with her around. It's going to be interesting the next couple days, till Katt get here. I hope to get more done, as I'd like to have it finished by this week.

Mom was supposed to have picked up the kit for our class that we are going to do. I'm going to work on the back basting.

Things have been getting busier, and starting tomorrow it's going to be run, run, run. Can't wait for the weekend to get here! Things are still working far!

I'm sitting here thinking of all the stuff I have to do this week, and I'm driving myself crazy! My head is starting to hurt will all this list going in my head. I couldn't get much sleep last night because every time I woke up, I thought about Dick and who got his cat...or where was he getting buried....and what were they doing with all his papers....what will be done with his military stuff....stuff I shouldn't be thinking about. It's not up to me to decide what will be done and I need to just "let it go." lol

So, by letting it go, I'm thinking.....I need to finish the eagle blocks that we decided to add to...I need  work on the quilt on the wall for QOV.....I need to think about getting all my stuff ready for the group to give them the "coordinator" stuff.....I need to get my counter cleaned up....I seriously need to finish the quilt!....and I need to get the binding on the table mats and get those if I don't have enough stuff going on in my life! ...I'm still happy and very much Happy Quilting!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Farwell to a Veteran!

Yesterday we received word that Patrick's Uncle, Richard John, passed away.

He was a Vietnam Vet. A pilot by trade, and a very special brother to my mother-in-law. Richard, may you rest in peace. We will miss you!

Now on to my day. Today started out with getting up early and taking Katt to Portland Airport. She was on her way at 9:00 am. We stopped and got some stuff at Ross on the way home.

We are babysitting for my "grandkitty" who is named Harley. Gets confusing around here between Charlie and Harley. Charlie is outside while Harley is in.

She was watching me as I quilted.

Then she couldn't wait any more and went after my thread! I had to get her off and decided to walk around with the quilt in my hands so she wouldn't get to it.

I had some oranges that needed to be eaten so I cut them up and got the juice. I then added a little sugar and a pinch of salt. Pit it in the freezer in a cake dish. I then set the timer for an hour at a time. I would go down and run a fork over the frozen juice. We had some for supper. There is still plenty left.

I then went back to quilting.

Was able to get to this part of the quilt. It's getting there! I'm hoping to have it done this week. I have enough quilting meetings, so I can HOPE!

I worked on the quilt this afternoon. I'm getting to the bottom of the quilt. I have a few more parts of the tail to do, then I have the leaves. I will probably take the hoop off when I get there and do the quilting on the edge without a hoop. It should be fun and go pretty quickly. I can do it both ways.

I was reading my TAS newsletter. It was a good issue this time! I'm excited about what I want to do on my next quilt(s). I've got a lot of ideas, and can't wait! But I need to get this quilt done, then get back to finishing up the QOV quilt as well. Once I get those done, I can get back to working on my quilts. I have the baskets to work on for the guilt wall quilts.

There is a quilt show on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of the month. David asked me to enter my quilt, and I think I will. I will also enter the quilt that I took to the other quilt show for our TAS booth.

Tomorrow is a quiet day, at least I'm hoping...then Monday I have to take mom and dad to the train station.

Life is good, all is well! Katt is on her way to the game tomorrow, and I'm still here quilting. What could be better?! Happy Quilting!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Ending the Week of Peace and Quiet to Start a Week of BUSY, BUSY, BUSY

Today I was able to enjoy a walk with Ruth. Then came home and enjoyed my morning with Charlie.

I got a call from mom, she needed some fabric for her baby quilt she's doing. The came over today to check out my fabrics. she took some home but stopped at the quilt shop to see what they had that would work.

I had started working on the quilt again today. I had the wing done before I remembered to take a photo.

I was able to get this far today. I even worked on my genealogy today.

Katt came in tonight as well. I'm enjoying her visit right now, so don't have much to say....Happy Quilting!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

It's Getting Cooler, and I'm Filling My Calendar!

Today, as much as I would have liked to sleep in, was not a day for walking. I wanted to sleep in, but couldn't this morning. Seems like every time I plan something (anything), it doesn't work out. Oh, well.

Patrick left, and I enjoyed the morning with Charlie. She's getting very lovable lately. She's also about 18 or 19 years old.

I then took some time to work on the quilt.

I started out with the right side wings. I'm happy to say, I did finish those. I just didn't take another photo. I sat and watched NCIS New Orleans, NCIS LA, and Diagnosis Murder.  Now I'm ready for the new shows to come. Diagnosis Murder repeats are starting to repeat the repeats. So, I'm going to have do decide as I go.

Sad news today, Patrick's Uncle who received the QOV quilt is on his last "leg." We were told he probably won't make it much longer - 2 days at the most. Received a text hoping he will go to sleep and not wake would be so much better for him that way. Prayers are going up there for him.

I did work on genealogy today. I was able to add a few more names to my tree. I also found some interesting information on one of my ancestors. It was awesome to find Revolutionary War records on him. I have more that served in the Rev. War, and now I'm excited to be able to get those papers! I'll probably put a few more hours in that again tomorrow as well as quilting. It's amazing how much time goes by when I'm on genealogy but when I quilt, it takes longer. Go figure! I don't mind though.

I'm getting there.....I'm getting there.....I'm getting least that's what I tell myself. (smiling)
Happy Quilting!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A Quilting Day....Finally!

Today was started as usual with a morning walk. After walking, came home and sat down with Charlie on my lap. We had a great day enjoying each others company. At least that lasted in the morning.

I finished this quilt top last night. I'm thrilled to have it done!

I spent the afternoon with basting the quilt and started quilting! I went and worked on picking stuff up around the house, to break up my sitting all day long. I did go through the TV "On Demand" to see what I haven't seen in awhile. I ended up watching three or four different "cop" shows while quilting. I must have watched 7 episodes in all.

Since I like to start in the middle and work my way out, I started on the wings. I let it "tell" me what it wanted. I was surprised at how quickly I could finger out what I wanted to do in that area. I tried to make this look a little more like double wings.

After doing the wings. I went for the head. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do for the head, so I quilted two lines across the head. After finishing it, it reminded me of Ninja Turtles. lol  Oh, well. It works.

I also did the cat tail. It's a little different, but it should work. Not sure if I will quilt the back ground. I'm thinking of doing cross hatching the border area. I haven't gotten there yet, so I will wait till I do. I am just now starting on the right wings of the bigger Dragonfly.

I enjoyed the peace and quiet today. I was surprised at how slow the day seems to be. Usually the day goes so fast, I can't seem to get anything done. Today, I was thrilled at what all I could get done.

I was making sure I got up and moved around because my back doesn't do good when I sit or stand all day. I won' be doing my exercises today, but I will be doing my bowling. Hopefully I'll do pretty good tonight.  I'm looking forward to getting better games then I had this weekend.

Katt will be here this weekend, and then gone again. I'm looking forward to seeing her again.

I did sign back up for Ancestory again, as I need to see if we can find a few family members outside the USA. I got the world discount they had. I do that for a few months at a time, then I drop membership till it goes down in price. This time I decided to get the world because I'm in need of checking Canada and Europe for family members. It gets harder when I'm in the 1600-1700's in the US. More stuff gets added and more information gets found.

Okay, time for long as I don't fall on my face! I'm still having fun quilting! I need to get some stuff done and now that the weather is getting cooler, I'm getting there. Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...