Sunday, December 16, 2018

Another Day Of Baking And Bowling

This morning we were up and moving. Patrick was cleaning the bathrooms. I was getting started with the Scandinavian Almond Bread. I decided to try and make them in the smaller bread pans. That way I can give one away as a gift if I wanted to. Patrick will cut one for his work tomorrow. I'll cut the other one for tomorrow when the Christmas Party gets going.

I also started bread. I had a bread for Scott and Teri and one for us. The one for Scott and Teri turned out awesome. The one I made for us, didn't want to come out of the pan right, so that wasn't a good thing. It actually split. Oh, well, at least the better one went with Teri and Scott.

Patrick helped with decorating the table and getting it ready for tomorrow. I just need to vacuum.

I then went downstairs and cleaned up my work station. I pulled out all my QOV fabrics and got them into the boxes. It was overflowing and they needed to be put into place. I have a box that I need to cut the fabrics into squares. I can use some more 3" squares and then I can do more variegated 9-patch quilt blocks. Then I can have another quilt like the one I just finished washing. That will get rid of the  scraps. We did received word on our grant, and we only got $550 for our group That will go fast with the backing and batting. I'm thinking that's a one trip job. We need to get more money some how, so I posted another QOV donation page on Facebook.

Then it was off to bowling. I didn't do so good. I bowled a 148, 181, 147 - so I dropped a pin in my average - AGAIN. I'm just not doing very good lately. I am really in a slump. I almost wish dad was around so I could talk to him or he can give me ideas. But we all know that can't happen.

Last night I was able to get some cross stitching done.

I ended up taking some of my work out, because I added it in the wrong place last time. NOW, I'm back on track....but then I remember saying that last time. I am now working on the grapes that are in the middle of that area. I'm hoping to get more done tomorrow. But then we will be working on our current piece of BE.

Looking forward to tomorrow. It's being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

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