Monday, January 8, 2018

Amazing How Time Flies!

Okay, not sure where today went. Still thinking about it, and still not sure how it went so far. But then when I have my nose to the computer, I guess time flies a lot faster.

I was put early this morning. Over to Cherrill's early. Had tea with her and her phone rang, so came home. I pulled out my Family Tree book that Patrick printed for me.

THEN TIME went so fast!

I worked on my family history. Found a lot more family out there. Added a couple more names. Oh, it's time to get lunch, so got lunch. Then went back to working on the tree. I looked up to see what time it was, and it was 3 pm! Time to get dinner in. Emptied the dishwasher. Okay, now getting back to that family member that I found. Adding more to the family tree. Adding some very great Aunts and Uncles. Okay, now I need to check out Patrick's family. Looked for Wiltzius', Griener's, Dietritch's, and Koeppler's. Okay, why can't I find them?! I was doing great on my side of the family, nothing on his....ugh.

Looked up again, and it was 4:35 pm and Patrick was coming in the! So, was it worth working on the family tree?!? Yeah, but I need more time....more time....more time. It's exciting to see new members of the family coming out.........but not watching the time fly! There is so much I want to do before my ancestry fee expires.....can't get their new special because I'm on a special right now...ugh.

So, here I sit, wondering where the day went. Why didn't I get my cross stitch out and work on it? Why didn't I budget my time? What was I thinking??

Okay, I was thinking I needed to find my family. I'm a military brat, who didn't get to be a part of my grandparents lives. I lived "overseas" 16 years out of 19 years of being a brat. All I ever knew was my parents. My two grandmothers where there, but not often. Grandmother Wineland lived with us for a few years off and on. So, I got to know a very special WOMAN. She never talked about anyone she didn't like, she walked standing up straight, and she did everything a lady would do. If she didn't like someone, she didn't talk about them. Yet, she gave a lot of her own money to a brother she helped raise. She gave him money even when she didn't have it. Yet he had a job and so did his wife. She loved her mother and took care of her. She gave money to her mother who had very little. Minnie True Matheson Reeder was another lady. I visited her a couple times in LaGrande, OR. I was there on her death bed, in 1978. I never got to ask her about her life. I never got to ask where she came from.

All I ever knew about my family was that dad's family came from NY and fought on the English side during the French/American war. They called themselves "Welsh" and that was it. Grandma Taylor told me we were part of President Taylor's family. Couldn't prove that one. We were also told we were Norwegian. That was true. Because Grandmother Taylor was full Norwegian. They came from Canada and ND. That was all I knew. I longed to hear stories about their family.

Mom's family - I heard we were Scottish. We were not only Matheson but Campbell clans. That I know is true. The Wineland's are German. Story about them is that they came as three brothers. One of the brothers had to work for passage. He was the one that moved to PA.

So, with only those stories, I had to find more. I had to see what happened. Then I found my great grandfather, John Wineland has a coin with his face on it. He's also got his face on the court house building in Kansas. This grandfather was an awesome man! He served and was wounded in the Civil War and that didn't stop him.

I also found another great grandfather on dad's side who served and was wounded in the Civil War as well. John Hodge was a soldier and kept re-enlisting! He had to get out because of his injury to his foot. He traveled all the way from OH to WA with his family in toe. I often wonder if he took the wagon train or if he took a train. That will be something I will have to figure out.

So, the more I look into my family history, the more I feel I'm carrying on with them behind me. They are what makes me tick. It is so exciting to find another ancestor and to see what he/she did for a living.

Life is unpredictable, Life is learning from our past. So, today is a day where I wanted to know what my family was like. I'm so surprised that grandmother's family was one that had issues. She married into a family that was well off. No clue how the two got together. What a wonderful life. And then, the time was gone. I didn't get a lot done, but I did get to know more about my family! The joys of family!

So, I'm going to try and get back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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