Tuesday, January 23, 2018

It Was A Quiet Day....

This morning I was on my way to Cherrill's when she called to tell me not to come. It was too rainy and windy to go over. So, I sat down and played on my tablet for a little while.

Then I got up, cleaned the kitchen - not that it wasn't clean already. My kitchen is probably my cleanest place in my house. I picked up a few things as well. Then I wanted to get moving on my family history - yeah! I know, I said I was going to take the day off of history! NOPE, that didn't last long.

I added more to my history - Mary Perkins! She was the one that was accused in the witch trials. I got her husband and her family filled in. I couldn't believe she came all the way over here to be accused of being a witch. She was born in England! She was one of the lucky ones - she didn't get executed because they stopped that after she was accused. AND actually Patrick's grandfather was the last to be executed in the witch trials. Once he was executed they changed the laws. It's interesting to see I have one in the witch trials and he has one in the witch trials - so far. I'm still working on those families.

Okay, then I decided to cut up my bread I baked the other day. I cut it into small pieces and baked them in the oven. Made croutons - which Patrick loves to eat.

Then I was just getting ready to watch TV and do my cross stitch - when Patrick called - Yep, he was coming home. I double checked it when he said he was on his way home - YEP, heard him right.

So, I got a "Murdock Mystery" show in before he got home.

I was hoping I could show what I want to say by an arrow, but can't figure out how I can do that! I'll work on it.

Anyway, in the right hand side where the blue is, I had to rip it out and redo it. I'm off about 1 stitch and for the life of me can't figure out how I did that! I also got more stitches in on the dress. I'm going to try and fill in a couple places that are missing a stitch. It's pretty easy to see where that is - since two of them is in the white area.

It's going along pretty good. If I could just sit down and work on it, I could get it done. I'm not sure why I can't seem to get myself to sit and work on it. At least I'm working on it today.

Patrick came home with ideas for our vacation. He wants to talk to Katt about them. So, we're waiting on her to call back. Chances are she won't call till tomorrow.

Today was a good day, a quiet day, and an enjoyable day! I love it when I can enjoy a day like today.

Do you like to have a day to yourself? Is it rare or do you get more time then you need?

Keep working on your projects and stay Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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Casino Day!

This morning, I was enjoying the day. I unloaded the dishwasher and watched my show that I have been recording.  Patrick went golfing and wh...