Sunday, May 15, 2016

A Quiet Day of Applique!

This morning I worked on MTurk and played games. Then I figured I should do I put a load in the wash. Guess I wasn't thinking about laundry because I realized about an hour ago that I needed to get my laundry! Oh, well.

I went and watered our neighbors plants and realized I needed to do that for my plants as well. So, came home and watered the plants. Then sat down and decided it was applique time. I pulled out my block for the challenge and worked on it. It's about 1/2 finished at this point. I will take a photo of it before I send it off. I also sketched out the next block on my new sketch pad I got for my Birthday gift from Phil and Emily. I'm going to try and get back to doing some art work again. I also went through my floss I got from Pat C at Brazilian embroidery and put it with the classes I'm taking at Seminar.

After working on the block, I pulled this out of the bag and worked on it. I got the outside of the basket done. I need to get the handle area done and then I can do the flower that goes with it. I want to work on the embroidery one next.

Last night after I finished writing in my blog, I worked on the cross stitch. I've been filling in areas, but I'm happy with how much is getting done. I will be able to work on the bird soon.

The bird is in the middle. It's not far from the flowers on the right side. I like how it's coming along. I'm looking forward to getting started on the bird house. I'm betting the back stitch is really going to bring this out! I have been wanting to work on it, but I always let that be the last part. That way I find what I need to fill in, and don't get side tracked.

Tonight is bowling night. This is our last night for Sunday till Sept. So, it's FUN NIGHT which means we will be doing 9-pin no tap and (---- can't remember the name), where we get colored pins and get paid for getting a strike if the pins are in the right spot. We also have a pot luck, but tonight I'm taking a salad and will get some chicken to go with it. I'm not going to go through the line for food. I've been gaining way too much weight lately and eating pot luck food is t worst thing for me!

I lost my beautiful necklace that Patrick got me for Christmas a couple years ago. I'm heart broken. I can't find it and believe it might have fallen off my neck. I'm going to keep looking and pray I find it!

I'm still keeping busy with my crafts! I keep jumping around with my crafts! One of these days I may finally get something done! Have fun being Happy Quilting!

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