Sunday, May 1, 2016

Amazing What A Clean Quilt Room Does!

This morning was one of those early mornings. Phil was up early today as well. He had texted me and then called me all before 8:00 am. He brought us some doughnuts. Guess he wanted doughnuts and before he knew it, he had more than he would eat. We had a quick visit with him and then he was gone.

We watched the Pro Bowling on TV this morning. After that was over, Patrick went outside and I worked on laundry. Then headed downstairs.

I had one heck of a mess to clean up!

This was the start of my cleaning. I seriously needed to get this stuff put away as well as organizing the stuff I'm working on.

First things first! I decided to use the old family china cabinet. It's been sitting there being lonely with out anything in there. I was waiting (6 years now) for it to be refinished. I decided since it wasn't getting refinished, it needed to be filled.

I wanted to display my quilts. I still want that. So, I decided to start putting the quilts into the cabinet.

The funny part was I found a few quilts to put in there. I also found more after this photo. I washed a couple of them before putting them in there. I have batting on the wood with the quilts on top of that. I fixed the upper shelve that has the smaller quilts, so one can't see the batting. I realized there are at least 2 quilt that are not in there, but this is a start. One of these days I'll have a bigger cabinet to put them in. I had to figure out how to fold them small enough to fit. At least the cabinet is now filled with something to give it beauty. It's a cabinet that belonged to my great grandmother. It was in great shape when grandmother had it, but when mom had it on the farm, it got "trashed" a little. So, now I need to get it refinished. Patrick wants to do that, but that won't be anytime soon.

I needed a couple containers to use for my Brazilian embroidery (better handle) and some of my current jobs with QOV. I took out the fabric and pattern for my "next" quilt. I have this basket that is awesome and stored that in there. That way it is put aside for now. I don't need to start another project right now.

I also had this box that I've been using too. I filled this with the Christmas Baltimore Album quilt stuff. This is the quilt mom finished and I'm not really ready to do it since she finished it already. I'll work on this some day.

I put my "half square triangles" in a zipper bag that I can keep all together. It was easy enough to put them in there. I may need to get more but right now I'm good. I have this with the QOV blocks that I've been sewing together.  I cleaned up my stuff and there is a few things on my guilt wall again.

The best part about all this is that it's got me interested in getting back to work again. It may be a few days, but now that the room is clean and ready for my next project, I'm happy!

Now that the table is cleaned up and I'm ready to go! I found two blocks that where the basket blocks. I was surprised I didn't have them where they belonged! Shame on me!!

Life is good and I'm having fun! I was checking out Karen's Blog - Quilts..etc. and she had a link to some quilters blocks - The Splendid Sampler. I like some of the block they have. If you haven't been there, check it out! I'll have to add it to my blog list.

In the meantime, Happy Quilting!

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