Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Sun Came Out Today

Today the sun came out. It was good to see it come out after a week of clouds.

I baked a Apple Rum Cake today. It's an apple cake with Rum sauce. It turned out awesome! I'm really liking it. It was fun to make. That was my morning fun.

We have been watching "Harry Potter" movies all day. It's still going on. I can watch them over and over again. One of the few movies I can watch more often.

I went downstairs and found the table runner that grandma started and I put a few stitches in on. I have part of this corner done. I decided I will pull it out and work on it between my BE projects. I'd like to finish it. I did find the rusted out needle in there. And YES, it left rust marks, but I think I can get them out.

I have been putting in some time with the third block of Baltimore Liberty. I cut the circles out for the centers of the flowers. Once that is done, I'll work on the embroidery and get it finished up. Then I will have three blocks done.

I pulled out the other block patterns as well. I also cut 7 more background pieces. I came up one short. I just hope I have enough white background to finish it. If not, I will get another white that is close to it for the border. I found the eagle block and the heart block that I think I can get done pretty quickly. The eagle I will do in pieces. I need to figure out how I'm going to mark it so I can do them. Not sure if I want to do the back basting on it, or if I want to put the pieces together before I applique it on the block. That eagle has a lot of little pieces, so I'll work on the wings first. I have fabric that has the strips for the flags, so I won't have to stitch each strip. That will make it go that much faster as well.

Mom and dad called today and asked us over for tomorrow. We'll be spending part of the day with them. It should be fun. Not much else to do.

I worked on my family history today as well. I was able to add more information on the family. I still have more documents to go through. I need to find books that go back to the 1700's. I haven't been able to most of the family back any farther. I'm just entering information that each family member has given me. Plus a lot of the stuff my grandmother's had that needs to be put down on paper. Not sure where some of the information is but it's there. I'll fix it as I go. I'm working on it.

I've been drawing at night before bed. It seems to relax me more than I thought it would. I need to see what I'm drawing though, so will probably get a few post cards out there.

We're all doing great, and I'm still having fun with my projects! Life is good! Happy Quilting!

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