Sunday, May 8, 2016



Today is mother's day and both Patrick and I have gotten a little teary at times because we are not able to say that to his mother, Judie Wiltzius. We miss her dearly.

I was able to get to sleep in today!! Woo Hoo!! I actually slept in till 8;30 am!! That's awesome for me. I woke several times in the night, but in the morning I told myself to go back to sleep. Not checking the clock but feeling as if it was around 6 or 7 am. I went back to sleep....when I woke the first thought was, "Oh, crap, it's earlier than I want it to be!" Then I had a double check on the clock. REALLY?! Awesome! Cause Patrick kept sleeping.

My flowers from Phil and Emily bloomed! It was so pretty to see this this morning.

I got two phone calls from both my children! It was awesome! Katt sounded good and we had a good chat. Phil sounded good and asked him to meet me at mom's house to clean out the frig.

We both arrived at moms (she's spending Mother's Day at my brother's in Las Vegas - again). We cleaned out the refrigerator. Phil took some of the veggies and I took a couple. Then we also put the "bad" veggies in a bag for him to compost. The really bad stuff I through out. I need to clean the fridge when I go back over. I stopped at dad's garden and watered his plot. His hose had holes in it, so instead of watering the garden, I water myself. I ended up borrowing someone else's hose to get it watered. I may have to get dad another hose.

Stopped at the store and got some milk and whipping cream. Patrick worked out in the yard all day. So, I went downstairs to get a few things done.

I finished bagging up the friendship blocks. I have them all ready to go. I'll pass them out this week. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone will do with the blocks.

This time I'm organized. I had this box left from when I moved things around. I love having empty boxes - I can fill them in no time! Patrick can't believe how much I seem to love buying boxes and filling them. He thinks I should just finish the project and then use it for the next. Good thought, but that's not what I do. I just keep coming up with another project! I may have to get another box for the stuff I'm taking to Seminar - just don't tell Patrick that! lol

I pulled out the block that I need to do for the block contest. As much as I would love to show what I'm doing, I can't. I don't want someone from Council, ID area to see what my block is. They will just have to wait for the show. I've got to have it done by June. So, I'm getting ready to applique some of the pieces down. As much as I would love to show what I'm doing, I'm going to behave and keep it a secret till I mail it off to them. BUT I will say, the theme is "Into The Woods." That brings a lot of ideas. The hard part is using the fabrics that were given that have to be in the block.

The fun part! - is that I cleaned up my mess afterwards! Woohoo! It's been like this for about a week. So far so good.

Last night I was able to get more stitches in! I love how it's coming along. AND yes, I've been taking out almost as much as I put in a couple times. It's getting easier now that I'm on the right track.

The red flower on the top photo was worked on and almost done. I went to where the flowers on the right side are. I have this flower almost done and have 2 more to go. The butterfly was done last night as well. I need to finish the purple butterfly here soon. Otherwise I'll be doing it around the time I'm doing the back stitching. It's coming along so well. I'm really pleased with the way this is coming along.

I've got Brazilian embroidery tomorrow and we will be learning how to block our work. We will also be talking about Seminar and what to take with us. I'm really getting excited and believe it will be here before long. Time has been flying by.

I had an awesome Mother's Day. I hope each and everyone had as good a day as I did. I was lazy and busy at the same time. Just the way I love it! Happy Quilting!!

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