Friday, June 23, 2017

Another Hot Day!

Today I was up early. Didn't want to but got up. I went over to Cherrill's. She was going out later, so I left in good time. Came home and played on the tablet.

I pulled out my Birdfeeder.

I added the white and orange to the back of the bird. Then I called it good. It will take some time to get it right. This is a start. 

Then I watched the video on the next step of HAL. I had to take out the two half stars that I put in. I fixed them. I was a little off on them. Added the four half stars and started the outer border. I'll work on that later. 

Oh, between working on those, I was so beat!! I fell asleep on the couch for a good hour. Funny part is that I'm tired yet now too! Go figure.

I wanted to show the books I was given at Seminar. The gal's mother did a lot of hardanger and she was giving her books away. 

I can learn a lot from these books! I'm looking forward to using them. 

After supper, I cut the tops off the green file cabinet files and used them for my floss box. This is how I can tell what weight my BE floss is. This box is FULL! I might be able to get a few more colors in there, but I can't get any more bars in there. If I have to, I'll use the black box I have for the other flosses that we don't use much. I'm hoping that won't be for awhile. 

Tonight after doing my exercises, I'll pull out my cross stitch and get working on Katt's stocking! I need to get that done! I also need to finish my Patriot Angel. Then I can start on my Mirabella piece next! I've got her almost ready. I'll get the floss ready here pretty soon.

We reached 90 degrees today....and I can't handle the heat. Ever since I lived in Turkey, I haven't been able to adjust to the heat. I can't breath at times. Not my favorite weather! Plus the next two days we are supposed to get close to 100 degree - which means I need to say in! I'd rather be cold! I can add clothes or blankets, but when it gets hot there is only so much we can take off!

Okay, time to call it good, get on with my exercises for my back. 

Stay happy, healthy and stay Happy Quilting and/or Happy Stitching!

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