Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Went To See Mom Today

It was one of those days. Mom was wanting me to show up because she thought I was mad at her. I wasn't, I'm just busy and she has a hard time with that.

I left and went to the Library to drop of some donations as well as one of the CD audio books that I finished. I'm going to try and finish another one so I can drop it off tomorrow. I think the other CD that was on hold was at the Centralia library, so they are transferring it to Chehalis. I really want to stay home and listen to those as I work on my beading or cross stitching.

After the library I went to the museum to put the certificate with the quilt that will be given out on Saturday. I found out there was a gal that donated quilts to the museum and she was upset with QOV. I'm not sure what happened but she told him they would donate the quilts somewhere else. I guess she said she contacted someone in QOV about the quilts and that person didn't return her calls. I'm not sure who that was. I do know there is another group around here that claim they are QOV but they do quilts for veterans, NOT QOV. They tell everyone they are part of QOV. I know they are not and I correct them when I see them. But that doesn't seem to work out. So, when I got to moms I worked on contacting the gal to let her know we need to know who made the quilts and that I would love to work with her. NO reply so far. It's a wait and see.

Mom and I were putting binding on quilts. She was working on my nephews, and I was working on the quilt for QOV. Then we pulled the sewing machine out, and put the binding on the other quilt for Ethel to do. She pulled out the quilts that she wants to get basted. One of them was Katt's white on white.

Came home and worked on my beading.

I added 4 more rows. I'm now at row 60. It's coming along great. I do like the way it's coming along. I think mine is just a little brighter than Sharon's.

I put my bread in the oven. I'm not sure but I think I didn't use enough water in the dough. It cracked before it even went in the oven. I'll have to work on it better next time. I know what I did wrong.

Now I'm planning on working on my cross stitching. I want to get more done on it as well. That will keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Started Out With A Headache

Yep, that's what I said, the day started out with a headache. Not something I really wanted to have but ended up with it. I stalled walking because of it.

Then round 10 am I headed over to Cherry's to get moving and walk. When I got home, it still wasn't doing so good that I had to take an Excedrin for it.

So, I got laundry moving again. Then I went and sat down to work on my beading. Listened to the CD audio books that I have. Finished one and started another. I'll return one and end up getting 2 more from the library.

I finished up the snowman pieces for the ornament. I need to do a couple more. I will work on them when I can. I was thrilled to finally get this set done. I have the blue beads I need to finish this. I will have to get more when I make more.

Then I pulled out my Wild Birds.

I was looking for the bead that broke and couldn't find it. I think the other half is there. I decided to keep going and work on this. Ever since I saw Sharon's Wild Birds done, I really do have the itch to finish mine. The bird is coming to life. I really do like the way it's coming along. I think mine is a little lighter in color than hers. We will see when I get it done.

I wanted to take a nap today but I kept getting phone calls. Mom called thinking I was mad at her. She was mad that I didn't stop by last night to get the quilt to bind for her. Told her I would come visit tomorrow. Never did get the nap. Had to schedule my phone call with my doctor in Tacoma. Also got a call from the doctor in Olympia and I have to go and get B-12 shots for 6 weeks. It will start this Thursday. I will see if I have to do the same day each week or if I can do it when I go up.

It's at least another day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, July 29, 2019

Not Much Today

This morning I was up and out the door for a walk. We didn't walk much because Cherry had to get back to pay the yard guys.

I helped her with the computer. Then I came back home.

I worked on my tablet playing games. I really didn't want to do much, but I did work on my laundry. I have more laundry to do. I'll get more done tomorrow.

I had to leave around noon to get up to Olympia. I had my doctors appointment. While I was there she asked if I would like to talk to a councilor about my grief. I didn't in the beginning but I decided to hear what the councilor had to say. We chatted a little. I told her I wasn't one for talking about my problems or feeling but I would be up to ideas of what I need to do to help me get through it or what I need to do when I start having the feeling. So, I'm scheduled to go up and see her. Funny part is that she looks my sons age. I almost laughed when I saw her.

After that, I went to Bill and Sharon's to drop off the quilt top. Sharon showed me her Wild Birds that she finished in the beads. I told her I hadn't gotten anywhere close to that. Still haven't taken out the bead that broke. We talked about what I could do to replace it and I'm going to try. I'll work on it tomorrow.

I listened to the CD audio book on the way up and back. I hope to finish it tomorrow while I work on either my cross stitching or beading. I'm going to try and pull my beading out and finish the snowman first, then I'll work on the Wild Birds to get it back on track.

Today was a busy day. I was in the mood to do something but couldn't figure out what I wanted to do. Hate it when I get to that point.

Not a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Feels Good To Be Home

This morning we took Katt out for breakfast. Then we came back to pick up our stuff and head home. It was a long drive - 7 hours. We listened to the CD audio book. This time we were able to hear more. Trouble was, when the car got hot or the console got hot then the CD player would quiet working and say "No CD" which meant we had to figure out a way to get the CD out of the player. We did. What a pain!

We stopped in Grangeview and got something to eat. Then we drove to Naches to get gas. Once we got to White Pass, we stopped to take some photos of the mountain.

I took several photos, but need to load them to my computer from my camera.

They all turned out awesome. I even took a few from the car window as we drove down the road. The best part is those don't have cars coming back up. It was a beautiful day today.

We got home around 4:30 pm and then we enjoyed the rest of the day relaxing. Patrick goes back to work tomorrow. I've got a doctors appointment in the afternoon. I'll try and get the quilt top with batting and backing up to Bill tomorrow. I need to wash the backing and batting first.

I worked on the binding of one of the quilts. I need it for Aug, but then the quilts at the museum will work as well. I need to put labels on them. I don't know who I'm going to say made them because I don't know and Chip didn't seem to know either. After completing one side, I decided to change it up. I don't like stitching bindings all day long. So, I changed to my cross stitching.

I was able to do the side 8 x 10 stitches and then moved down to the next sent of 10 x 10 stitches. I am almost done with those. I found that I miscounted from the edge. I keep forgetting it's not a 10 x 10 stitching area on the left side. It's a 8 x 10 area. That gets a little confusing at first, but once I get that in my head, then I can count the rest. It's hard to see, but the background is actually a light blue, and the white shows up better in real life then in the photo.

At least it was nice to be able to get back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Trip To Visit Katt

Yesterday morning we were on our way to Lewiston ID. It was a long ride but enjoyable.

I had trouble with taking a photo,  it went to video. I love the windmills.

We arrived at Katt's around 4 pm. We unloaded her stuff and went to Red Lobster for supper. We had crab, which took forever to crack and eat. Just didn't slide out so easily.  But it was good.

Today we were up and headed to Gary Mountain just outside of Lewiston to huckleberry picking.

We found a zpot right away and ztarted picking.

Patrick was looking for the bigger ones. 

We then went to check out the sites.

Enjoyed taking photos of all of us.  We went in Katt's jeep. I really enjoyed our day.

We stopped and picked up the stuff need for Katt's freezer jam. Came back to Katt's and while Patrick and Katt made the jam, I took a shower. Now we are relaxing and enjoying each others company.

It's really not a weekend to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

One Long Circle Of Stuff And Quilting

This morning was our quilt group meeting at the shop. I needed to go all over before I got there though.

First on my list was going to Rite Aid to get a thumb wrist band. I had a little trouble finding one but I did. My thumb is in pain because of bowling the last two weeks. My new bowl has been a problem for me. Next on my list was the library. I dropped off the 2 CD books that I finished - actually one of them was scratched and I asked them to put that on hold for me. My next stop was over to the museum to drop off the photo of my father to go with the plaque. I ended up talking to Chip about some quilts he had that were given to him to give to a Veteran. I told him we would do that with Quilts of Valor. He had some crochet pieces that he didn't know what to do with because they needed to go to a Veteran. I told him we would handle it. I may do a drawing or something at our presentations. That way they will go to a veteran.

Then it was off to the quilt meeting. Mom called while I was at McD's getting 2 wraps (one for me and one for her) and an ice tea. I told her I'd be there soon. We had an awesome meeting with 7 of us. I paid for mom being there. I don't think she knew we collected for the meeting. It was fun. There were a lot of tears between members. We talked about death, illness and just whatever was on our minds. I worked on the binding of the quilt that I sewed the binding on yesterday. Now I'm sewing down the other side. I think with the 3 quilts Chip gave us, we will have plenty of quilts for Aug. This one is not in a big hurry now.

Came home and helped Patrick get ready for tomorrow. We are heading to Katt's in Lewiston. It will be a long trip but it will be fun. We will be back on Sunday.

I worked on my cross stitching.

I'm now ready to do the stair step method! It's going to move along great now. I'm ready to get moving on this now.

That makes it a good day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Back To Sewing....

This morning I was ready to go walking but Cherry wasn't feeling good. We decided to post pone the walking till about 10 am or later tonight at 6:30 pm. She called me at 10 am to tell me it would be this evening.

I decided I needed to get downstairs and get a couple of panels done for our September presentation. If I could do that, then we can honor all 8 Veterans. If not, I will have to post pone a couple people for later. I really didn't want to do that, because we have a lot to do in October and November as it is. Which meant I needed to get busy. I hope Sue was able to do some this summer but thinking she didn't get the chance.

I needed to get moving on this one. I had it planned at this point.

But then I ran into the part where I sewed the wrong way. I wanted the red on the outside and I sewed both sides with the red on the inside. So, I had to take that out.....ugh. One of the reasons I don't sew! This is for a good cause, so I decided to take it out and do it again.

Once I had the border on, I realized I needed another border. I couldn't believe it! Plus the size was more wide then I wanted. Oh, well. I added the solid blue border with the stars in the corner. Those are moms applique stars. It worked out okay. This will go up to Bill on Monday. I have a doctors appointment on Monday and another one on Thursday. So, if I get another one done by then, I can take it up. We need 3 more panel quilts, so this puts us done to 2 more. Faye is going to do one and I've got the next one ready to work on. Just need to think of how I'm going to do it. I liked one I saw on Pinterest that has strips at an angel. I'm going to try that. I just need to figure out how I'm going to do it.

In the mean time Sophie was going all over the place. She climbed up on my cabinets and was checking it out up there. I don't think she liked all the plastic up there, so she came down.

Once the top was done, I needed to work on the binding of this quilt. I got 2 quilts back from Bill through Faye. So, I was cutting the sides so I could sew the binding on.

Sophie wouldn't let me. She kept moving every time I moved. She wanted TLC - which she got all day long! Anyway, I finally got her off the quilt and was able to put the binding on. I'm going to take this to my daughters and work on it. I need to have it done by our next presentation. I may start binding it tomorrow when I go to quilting.

I waited to hear from Cherry and then walked over at 6:30 pm. She had a visitor, and he didn't leave till about 8:30 pm. So, I came back home and decided to sit and enjoy working on my cross stitch. I am almost set up with the stair step method and then I'll be on my way with getting this going. I have been feeling a lot better about this piece and I'm happy with the way it's coming along.

So, today was a day of sewing....not my favorite thing....but I did start to enjoy it after I fixed my mistake. I find it "necessary" more than fun. Can you believe it, I don't like to sew - but I will for a good cause or if it's something I really, really want to do. Go figure. And even then I have to be in a good mood or I'm pulling my hair out! - and there isn't that much hair left on my head!

It was a good day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Day Of Waiting

The day started out okay. I went walking with Cherry and then we had to head out to Tacoma for my doctors appointment.

We left around 11 am and went to Olympia for my blood tests. I need them for next week. Then it was off to Tacoma for my breathing test. Arrived an hour early....ugh. We waited an hour, then went in to my appointment. My doctors appointment was scheduled for 4 pm but was told when I scheduled that when I was done, I would go in to see the doctor......nope.....ended up waiting till 4 pm to get in. Then they told me it would be 5 mins and he would be in......nope.....45 mins later he finally came in. We went over my tests and now I have to take a CT scan. That will be scheduled for later.
Then....we headed home at 5:35 pm. We reached Olympia around 6:15 pm and then stopped at Outback Steakhouse to get something to eat.

It was on the way home again, getting house about 8 pm. It's been on long day!

While I waited - before the test and a little after - I worked on the Winter Rose piece. I was a little too shaky to do a lot after the test. The good news is that I don't have asthma.

So, the best part - I was at least a little Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, July 22, 2019

Days Not Over Yet

This morning I was up and on my way out the door to the museum. First I made a call to my brother, then I was out the door.

Arrived around 9:30 am and Skip was already inside. I kept banning on the door but he didn't notice. Another volunteer showed up and when I saw the lights go on, we were at the gate asking to get in. Skip gave the other guy the keys he needed, then let me in. I put the lunch stuff away. We had 8 people show up before 11 am and we open at 10 am. That made for a good day. One parent came to get some military toys for her son. It's his birthday in a couple days, and she bought him a gift. It was awesome. We had a really good day. I was there all day.

Faye showed up with my 2 quilts that were at Bills. I need to get them bound soon. I'll call Ethel and see if she can bind the one quilt. I need to get the other one done by Aug's meeting. We talked about what we have and what we need to do. We are trying to get the panel quilts done for Sept. We had a long chat about what we need to do and what is there.

Came home and Patrick had a few boxes from moms for me. I went out in the garage and went through a couple of the boxes. I wanted to see what was in them and what I needed to do with them. A lot of them were cook books, and I took what I wanted and then put the rest in a box for good will. I found photos from Japan, so I worked on those. I kept a few things, but put a lot in the box for good will. I really don't know what to do with some of it. Things I made as a kid. I hate to throw them out, but I don't know what I will do with them. One of these days I'll get to the point of getting rid of them. There was a photo of dad when he was in the military and I'll take that to the museum for them to put with the plaque we have with his name on it.  Not sure if I could work there and see him every time. But I want his photo with the plaque.

So, now I'm going to sit and relax. I'll pull out my cross stitching and see what I can get done on that. I need to work on something. I also need to remember to take something to work on while I'm waiting in Tacoma for my appointment tomorrow.

I'm going to quit right now and go be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Not One Of My Better Days

This morning I was up early....then after about 15 mins, went back to sleep on the couch. I had a headache this morning that was a sinus headache. I was going to take something for it last night but thought I would be fine.

I kept going today though. I worked on laundry and took it out to hang out on the clothes line. I washed our quilt on the bed. Patrick was getting stuff ready to take to Katt. She said she'd take a few things, so we will be taking those to her.

I made Patrick his Date Bars, and then I was just beat! I took a nap on the couch.

Then it was time to go to moms to be with my brother and his wife. We stopped off at Phillip's to give him his Birthday gift. We dropped off some veggies too. He gave me so lettuce from his garden and some carrot cake he made. I can't wait to eat it!!

Next was the trip to my moms. Found my sister in law in the garage with mom. Mom was sitting down and cutting the staplers out of the papers she wanted to shred. She asked me if I wanted to join her. They had a lot of stuff cleaned up and some of the stuff was being boxed up to go to my brothers. Asked mom if she found the clay pot she had. Said no, she hadn't but she saw one that she thought she would get for me instead. I laughed to myself about that. My sister in law knows how to clean and she's been helping mom. They even had a box with my name on it. It was genealogy stuff, photos, letters, and some of the stuff I gave my dad. There are a lot of dad's certificates. I can put them in the genealogy book I will work on.

So, today wasn't a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Having A Fun Day!

First thing this morning we were out the door and off to the reenactment of the Civil War. Patrick and I volunteered to help at the food truck. Actually it was a jeep. We got everything set up and were ready to sell breakfast burritos. We really didn't sell very many for the time we were there. We had a good time. Then after our shift, we walked around and watched the reenactment.

They were getting ready to head to the fight. While we were cooking.

We went to the field to see the action. This was as it was going on. Amazing how close they got to each other. I enjoyed it, and found they would die, then move behind the line and come back to life.

We were behind the cannon.

This is the camping area. They actually stay the night in these things!

Afterwards we headed home. Had lunch and then I worked on the beads.

I found my word chart was wrong! I ended up re-writing it! I also had to take out about 7 rows. Then I started putting them back on. I got this far. I am hoping to gt them done soon.

I fell asleep on the couch after, and then it was time to eat and leave again.

We went to Monte Carlo at the bowling alley. I worked on my new bowl. Trouble is, my thumb hurt. I used sandpaper to get more room in the thumb hole.  I bowled a 174, 129, 169. I'm still working on the bowling ball. I need to relax more to get used to it.

Now we are home and I'm trying to play a couple games while watching the comity shows. At least I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, July 19, 2019

Starting Over - A Good Thing

Today started out pretty good. We walked but didn't get very far before one of the other neighbors got our attention. She told us about being attacked by 2 dogs that were in the neighborhood. The ambulance and police showed up at 5:30 am the other day. I slept through it. She looked pretty bad. The dogs mauled her. The armed looked really bad. We did one more loop and then we called it done.

Came home and got the call to go pick Daisy up at the Picky Puppy. I stopped and dropped off the CD that I finished. Before I left I put the next book on hold so I could listen to it later. I have 5 CD's to listen to right now. Picked up Daisy and brought her home.

Sophie and Daisy were checking each other out at first, then they both took a nap - not to far away from each other. Sophie made sure she could see Daisy no matter what.

I listened to 1 CD of the new book. Then I turned the Netflix on and cross stitched.

I started over! It actually worked out great! I now know what the heck I'm doing. I am trying to get the stair step method going, but needed to work on a few things first. I'm a lot happier with this!

Patrick came home early and worked out in the yard.

After supper we took Daisy home and then went to the movies. We watched "Lion King" at the theater. It was crowded but not till the movie started, then more people showed up. I don't understand why people wait till the last minute to go to the movies! The movie is really good. I really enjoyed it. I love the music.

So, at least today was a day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Having Fun Only So Far Then.......

This morning I slept in. I enjoyed the day to myself.  No appointments or having to go anywhere. 

I played a few games then turned the CD player on. I sat and beaded. I knew I should have done something for dessert but I just couldn't get myself to do it.  I did get laundry caught up.

I am half way with this one. It will be the last one, then they will all go together in an ornament.  I need to make at least 3 more by Christmas.

When 2 PM arrived, I called it quits. The "Red Ruby" CDs were finished and it turned out to be a trilogy.  So now I have to find the next 2 books. Ugh.

Mom called to say Daisy will be at the Picky Puppy tomorrow and she's going down to Portland to be at my nieces husband's " white coat ceremony." So I have to pick up Daisy and take care of her tomorrow.

It was so much fun working on my beading.  Then I went to my cfoss stitching.  Ugh! I found more mistakes,  corrected them, and more mistakes.  I give up! I can't work from the right side!

So I took it all out! I am going to staet all over and work from the left. Left handed goes left! I remarked the left side and am now ready to tey again. That depends on what tomorrow brings.

My afternoon wasn't as much fun but at least in the morning I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Appointment After Appointment

This morning I was up by the time Patrick left. I had to get out the door for my dental appointment. I didn't know about this till two days ago when I got the reminder call. I was just one time, but they were behind time. So, I waited about 20 mins. Then I was there a good hour. Didn't think cleaning would take that long but it does. Afterwards went over to Safeway to get some sandwich meat and bread for supper.

Came home and really didn't feel like doing much.....Keep finding myself taking out my stuff. UGH

This is sideways, but you get the idea. I was taking out half of what I put in yesterday. I need to get back on track. Not sure why I'm having trouble counting. Part of it might (might!) be me. Actually - think about it - if I can't count, it's not the kits fault! So, yep, I mucked up!

Then it was time to get out of here to the eye doctors appointment. Come to find out, our neighbor works there. That was interesting. She's really nice. Patrick got new glasses and I got lenses for my glasses. Those will cost over $300. Oh, well, I need them. - Supply and demand!

Came home and now I'm going to work on my cross stitching. I need to get it back on track. I really need to get this to the point where I actually do cross stitching. I really don't care for the half stitching. It gets a little hard to make it look good.

It's another day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Listening And Stitching!

This morning I was up and ready to go. I worked on some computer stuff and then realized it was 9 am. Called Cherry and her daughter was there. Said we could go walking later. She would call me.

I played a few games, then I worked on my beading.

I finished the second one of these. Now I have the first one to finish and then I will work on the ornament. I can bead them all together. It will be nice to have another ornament done. I will need to get another holder because I'm going to try and get a couple more of these done.

While I have been beading I was listening to the CD's. I have 2 more CD's to hear before it's done. I do like the story. I just didn't realize it was 8 CDs long.

I kept it going when I started to work on my cross stitching.

I got up out of my chair and Sophie decided to make herself comfortable in my chair. I really didn't get much done.

I had this much done before supper. It's a start. I want to get to the point where I can do the stair step method. It is going to take a little to get there. This isn't full till about 40 stitches in. So, I'm doing what I can to get there.

After supper I worked on it a little more. I will try and get it to the point where I can do the stair steps. It's getting there. I keep finding more I need to do. I also was surprised that these are all half stitches. The white and yellow are 3 strands while the blue is 2 strands. I'm not sure why. I'm not sure how long I have to do the half stitches, but it's a challenge for me. I can't seem to make them as need as I want where they are. I probably should have started on the left side, but I think this is where it will be easier to do my stitches - being left handed. I was trying to remember what I did with the other one I worked on. I may have to go back through my blog to figure that out. Oh, well. I think it was this way though.

It's nice to start something new and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, July 15, 2019

Getting Ready For Another Cross Stitch

This morning I was up early. I went into the computer room and got my deposits ready for the water. I worked in there for about 20 mins. Then I called Cherry to say it was raining and doesn't look like we will be walking - and I was right!

It rained all day!! I got the cage for Sophie to take her to her appointment. Well, that didn't go over as easy as it did before. She ran down the hall! I had to get her before she went under the bed. Then I had to put her in the crate because she wasn't going on her own. She let me know she didn't like this. I put her in the car and we were off. She did good while we were on the freeway, but she didn't like it when I was on the road and stopping at stop signs. We stopped at the quilt shop to give Sandy her beads and pick up eggs. I didn't stay long because Sophie was in the car. We then headed to her appointment. She didn't like it! When the vet came out to check on her and give her a shot, she wanted to bolt! He petted her and played with her, but she wanted nothing to do with him. She even hissed at him - a small hiss - but she hissed. It was done 3 times. I was surprised. She couldn't wait to get out of there. I won't be taking her for a ride for awhile. I want her to feel like she's staying with me.

I brought her back home and then had to head out to the museum. I forgot my water and came back for it. When I came in the house to get it, she took off down the hall. Guess she thought I was coming back for her.

I worked at the museum till 5 pm. Then cooked supper - which took longer than I really cared for. It was still raining, so we didn't go walking at all today.

I pulled out the cross stitch kit.

I needed to work on the floss and get it organized. It took me a while to figure out the "yarn" that was in each bundle was not for the cross stitch but for keeping track of the colors.

I laid them all out a bundle at a time. Then I wrote on the holder what color they were.

I now have them all ready. I wanted to get started today but it wasn't in the cards. I was getting behind on what I was doing. I now am set to get started, so I'm happy about that.

Before I headed to the museum I went to the Copy Depot to get my pattern enlarged. I got it enlarged but I think I needed to get it bigger. I had a different gal there today. Usually there is a guy that knows me and what I'm looking for. As I was looking at the pattern today - IT'S IN COLOR! - They have the SAME symbols in different colors! Not happy about that! I'll just have to work on keeping it with the right colors.

Now the day is over, and I feel like I really haven't done much. At least I have tomorrow. Planning on doing my laundry and working on some projects that will keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Time For Another Project

This morning I was up and ready to work on the "Pecan Pie French Toast." I think I messed up by poring the extra egg mix over the toast. It was the stuff that didn't soak in. It would have been better to just get rid of the excess.

I had to put the sweet sauce on the bottom of the pan and after it was cooked,  I flipped it onto the foil.

It turned out okay but to me it was too eggy. I don't care for eggs and I thought it was way too soft, again because I put the excess liquid over it before baking.  It was in the liquid over night .

Patrick worked out in the yard.  I enjoyed the book on CD while working on my beading.....which I messed up on and ended up taking about 5 rows out. I'm now to the point area and that will leave me one more to finish.

We took mom down to Kelso for supper. There was some traffic but not real bad.  On the way home we didn't get 15 miles up the road before traffic stopped. We saw cars flying on the shoulder trying to get ahead of everyone.  Like Patrick said, if he did that the cops would be on him quicker than snot! The car in front of us (after moving over 2 lanes) moved part way in the shoulder and the truck speeding up the should had to stop.  He was not happy, kept reving up his truck. The cars behind him got behind us in the lane.  We got off the freeway and went on the road that followed it. About 5 miles up we saw a RV on it's side blocking 2 lanes.  One car at a time was going around.  We got back on the freeway after that and we were seeing a lot of traffic.  Partly because of the bikers STP race.

We dropped mom off and help move a couple pots, then came home. Cherry called to say the power was out just before we dropped mom off.  We got home to see there was an accident up the road and the power company working on the power.  It was 2 hours after we got home before powrr was restored.

So I pulled out 5 cross stitch kits and asked Patrick to pick one. Then I started to grid it. Decided I had better fabric that was prettier.

 I cut the size of the kit fabric. I gridded it and found it only gave me 1 inch to work with when done. So I cut another piece.

I cut the next piece 3 inches bigger.  I worked on gridding it outside but Sophie was having none of that. She meowed the whole time.  Finally came in and she sat in my lap! So it took awhile but I finally got my gridding done. The went looking for my frames. Now I just need to get my pattern copied and floss separated. That's next.

Today I can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Back To Busy Saturdays

This morning I was up early. Even gave Sophie her TLC time. Patrick got a phone call about an hour later, and he was up. I was falling asleep, so I went back to bed for another hour.

When I did get up, I got another load of laundry in. Then I worked on my beading for a little bit.

I did get about 3 more rows in when Patrick came in and said we'd be going to the bowling alley to practice with our new bowling balls.

We tried out our balls at the bowling alley. We bowled 3 games. Neither one of us was really doing very good. He was getting frustrated over his ball having a big hook. He's trying to get his hand under the ball when he delivers. I was trying to do that as well. Mine does have a little bit of a hook - more then the other one. I'm liking the way it's going but my thumbs hurts a little when I bowl. I need to let go of it better.

We came home and had supper, then it was time to go back to the bowling alley. We bowled Monte Carlo tonight. I did a little better, Patrick on the other hand didn't do as good. He was really have trouble. Even when it went back to his other ball. I bowled a 223 in the end, but I bowled a 123 for the first game. I do have some work to do with the new bowling ball.

Tomorrow I need think of what I'm going to do next for my cross stitching project. I also need to work on a bag for our Seminar. We each are making samples to see what we will do for bags. We all will have to make at least 20 each. Not really looking forward to that. Oh, well I have a few kits for the cross stitch, so think I may go to another kit.

At least I was enjoying a little time of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, July 12, 2019

A Trip To Moms With Sophie

This morning I was up and getting ready to go to moms. I had a few things I need to do before we get to moms. Loaded up Sophie and my quilts stuff.

I had to get to the Spooner's shop to get some raspberries for Patrick. He's going to make some more freezer jam.

I got a flat because a half a flat was a bit expensive. It was $15 for a half flat and then $25 for a flat. Guess I thought it was a better deal to get a flat.

Then Sophie and I headed to Whalen Quilt Works to pick up my serger. I arrived early but Rita was already there. So, I was lucky enough to pay for the serger and get moving. I was happy to be able to get the serger and not have to come back for it.

Sophie and I arrived at moms. I let her out of the cage. She went straight to the couch. It was 2 hours before I could get her out from behind the couch. Mom and I worked on our quilting. She was quilting Zac's whole cloth quilt. She is so close to getting it done. I worked on moms panels. I was able to add a few more leaves, and finish a couple of the stems.

This is the piece I was working on.

We were watching Prime TV. We decided to take a break and get lunch. While we were fixing the sandwiches, the light bulb in the refrigerator went out. We then tried to figure out how to replace it. That didn't work very well. I tried another light and realized the power was out. So, we went into the quilt room and cut some fabric for QOV. Mom was getting more blocks ready for her stars.

Decided to leave around 2:30 pm and the power was still out. All the way back from moms the power was out. The radio said the power was out from Centralia to Vader WA. That is a LONG distance. When I got home the power was on at home. Called mom and she was still without power. So was Patrick at his work. When Patrick came home, he said the power came on about 30 mins before. Mom called to say the power had come on (about the same time Patrick's work power went on). So, I was lucky to have it on before them. Sophie was happy to be back home.

Called Cherry and we walked early. We were walking around 3:30 pm instead of the 6:30 pm that we have been doing. It was HOT today. It was hot while we walked as well.

After supper I decided to make some cookies.

White Chocolate Chip Cookie with Macadamia nuts. Then I decided to add a little of the raspberry with it. They turned out really good. I must have eaten 4 of them! I really need to quit that!!

I needed some time to finish my cross stitching!

The good news is that I finished it!! I added my name in the bottom left corner. I am happy it's done! Now Patrick will double check it and let me know if I missed something. I didn't see any place I might have missed, so with him double checking me that will help.

It's been a good day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, July 11, 2019

A Day For Stitching

This morning Cherry was having issues and couldn't walk. We decided to try later in the morning. 

I decided I needed to fix my snowman that was beaded. I compared the 2 and realized my first on was done badly. I remember having trouble with it as I worked on it.

Even the hand holding the broom was off, but I could live with that. He's just got his pinky sticking out.

So, I cut the area were I needed to fix. I took out all those rows and went back to beading it back up. I was able to finish this one, giving me 2 completed snowman of the same pattern. I have the other 2 snowman to duplicate abd then finish up the ornament.  I will be making more.

I even got half of the 2nd snowman done.

While I was doing this I finished the audio CD I was listening to.  Then I decided to take a break and finish my cross stitch while watching my shows.

I finished up on the cross stitching and got busy with the outlining.

I thought all I had left was outling but found out I missed a couple things. So close! And yet so far from done.

I had to add to the wall, then could get back to outlining.  I wanted to try and finish tonight but rethought that. If I rushed it I would have to many mistakes and get frustrated,  so it can wait till tomorrow.

At least it was an awesome day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...