Saturday, July 6, 2019

A Tiring Day All Day....So I Thought

This morning I was up and still tired.

I worked on the laundry and cleaning up the kitchen. The floor needed to be mopped. So, I mopped and got down on my knees to get some of the dirt around the cabinets. The fun part is trying to get back up! I had to push the floor to get up! Too funny - guess that tells me I'm getting old or I need to do more bending.

Patrick worked outside and I listened to one of the audio CD's I got from the library. Got a message in my phone that 2 more are at the library waiting for me. I listened and worked on my 3rd snowman. I'm working on the second set of snowman. Going backwards, doing the 3rd one first.

I had this part way done, then had to take out about 5 rows because I had it wrong. Then I went back and worked on it again. This time, I got it right. I hate it when I read the word chart wrong. Now I'm back on track and hope to finish it tomorrow.

I do need to work on the cross stitching as well.

Instead, I fell asleep on the couch. I hate taking naps but lately I'm more tired then I should be. Again, guess that's called getting old! UGH

We then went to Dairy Queen for supper. After supper we went to the bowling alley for Monte Carlo. I love bowling but tonight was not my night. I couldn't figure out my problem....till the last 3 frames of the last game. We didn't get called. I only won 50 cents. Patrick was able to win $8 in bowling. Ryan was still having trouble with his name getting drawn. 4 x's last week he missed, then again 2 x's today. At least I wasn't called to miss. lol

I was working on being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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