Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Not One Of My Better Day....When It Came To Crafts

This morning we got our walking in. We chatted for another hour before I came back home.

I made fudge for Patrick. We had some chocolate that was from one of the holidays. I put that in the fudge, which is how grandmother made it years ago. I didn't have enough, so added in morsels to get what I needed.

Then I worked on my beading. I got to the 3rd row and then one of the beads - rows below....broke. So, now I have to take 3 or 4 rows out!!

So, now chances are I will be back to this point again. I couldn't believe one of the glass beads broke! I was talking with Sharon, and she was having trouble with the same beads breaking. It looks like one of our colors has some bad beads in it. I put all my stuff away for this right now. I really don't want to take them out right now. I will, just not right now.

Then I decided to try and finish the snowman for the ornament.......did you see TRY! I ended up putting in several rows, then taking them all out. I thought I was on the right track, but it just didn't seem to come out right.....more was taken out.

Then it was time for supper. I fixed supper and then made the cake I needed to do for tomorrow. I ended up putting it in a smaller container and when I was adding the hot fudge and milk to it, it overflowed - just a little. I hope the cool whip will go on okay tomorrow before we go to Joann and Nick's place. We'll know tomorrow.....

I wish today was a better day when it comes to my beading, I wish today was a better day when it came to my cooking, and in general, I wish today was a little better then it turned out. Not my best day but I can't complain to much because I was actually Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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