Thursday, October 17, 2024

A Week Of Appointments

 This morning it felt good to sleep in and little. I did some cleaning and picking up. Then went walking. 

While I was getting my walk in I had to make phone calls to fix a mess with our group.  I believe it's solved but not sure.  Time will tell on this.

Then it was time to head to Olympia for yet another doctor appointment.  This time it was my oncology appointment.  My mammogram was Tuesday and the good news is there wasn't any sign of cancer. Now I am scheduled for another 3 month check up. After that, it should go to every 6 months. I have next year for my next mammogram.  If things keep going this well, I will be thrilled.  Next week is my next pulmonary appointment.  At this rate, I am seriously getting old when I end up with appointments this often! I remember when they were 6 months apart if not longer. Now it seems like every month is a doctors appointment for one reason or another.  

Came home, fixed supper.  Patrick went to his district meeting and I played my game. He got home and I ended up going to a zoom meeting with our state coordinator.  That lasted an hour and a half. Then Debbie called to chat about what we talked about. 

So I am now beat! I'm so tired of the petty BS. I need a break. Deep breath and think of being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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A Week Of Appointments

 This morning it felt good to sleep in and little. I did some cleaning and picking up. Then went walking.  While I was getting my walk in I ...