Monday, August 27, 2018

Our Embroidery Meeting Day

Today I really didn't want to get out of bed, but I did. I needed to get ready for our Brazilian embroidery group. I had the egg cartons ready for Sandy. I got my stuff together and was out the door a little late. Partly because I called the dentist to set an appointment to find out what was so painful in my mouth

I arrived before Sandy (1). Sandy (2) was already there with Pat and another gal that comes round during the summer time We had a good meeting and we are thinking of advertising for Rita in the newsletter. It will help us out as well as Rita. We've decided to pay for the advertising. Plus Pat said she told Rita we will sell the floss at our Seminar. We hop that will keep Rita in business with the floss. All in all it was a good meeting.

I have one more flower cluster to do and then those are done.

I then went to the dentist to see about my sore in my mouth that is where they did the work. It was so funny! They didn't know what it was and told me to keep washing with salt water. "It will go away." But he had no idea what it was. It wasn't "cancer" which I'm sure they meant the other sores I used to get with an upset stomach. Anyway, it should go away and I'll try and get rid of it.

Came home and "dinked" around. I did get some cross stitching done

I'm getting there. I worked on the quilt that's to the left of the sewing machine I did fill in more of the off white in the quilt on the right. At least I think it's a quilt.

All in all it was a good day. Not my favorite when I have to see the dentist but I'm okay with that. Tomorrow I'm going to enjoy the day to myself and later get stuff ready to go to moms on Weds. We will make some English muffins together.

I hope you had a good day today as well. Feel free to share! May we all be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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