Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Quilting With Mom

Today I was up earlier than I have been doing in awhile. I got ready to head over to moms.

I arrived to find mom at the post box, so rolled the window down on the car and said, "You look familiar." The gal with her looked at me kinda funny. Mom laughed and introduced me to her. I then drove her and Daisy back to the house.

Got there and we did a few things that she needed done, before we sat down and quilted. We watched "Shetland" (I think that's right). She was at the same place I was on this show. So, I was able to find out more of what was going on.

I got quite a bit done. I was surprised at how much I did get done. The neighbor showed up and we chatted. I kept quilting. I really need to get this going. I'm close to half way I think. Mom was working on her borders for Zac's quilt. She only started quilting it about 2 weeks ago. She's been kicking butt on this one.

She's doing good. I think she's starting to slow down and now it's time for her to morn. I'm still having it rough, and see seems to do better than me. But today I noticed that's not the case. She's starting to morn more now. I think we will be up and down for awhile. It's hard to loose the ones we love.

Around 2:30 pm, I left. I had to stop at Safeway for supper. Came home to Sophie giving me crap for being gone. So, we had some TLC time.

Then I took a few minutes to get some cross stitching in.

I was able to get some of the ribbon done. I worked on the right side while I could.

Then it was off to the bowling alley for our bowling meeting. We start after the holiday. It's awesome to get close to bowling. Travel league starts in a few weeks as well. So, I'm going to be bowling three times again. Not sure I want to but I'm going to.

Things are moving along. How was your day? Would love to hear from you!

We all need to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

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