Friday, August 3, 2018

Went To The Fair Today

This morning I woke to Sophie at the end of the bed with me. She was there till about 4:30 am and then I think she joined me again around 7 am when Patrick went to work.

I enjoyed the morning. I had time to clean a little, pick up a little, and then sit and work on stitching!

I was able to get a lot more than this done. I thought I an updated photo. lol I have the right side done.

Found it! lol - I'm really pleased with the way this is coming along. It's getting there. I love the ease of working on this. It goes really quick.

Then it was time to go to Olympia - Thurston County Fair - to work our QOV booth.

This was the view from where we were sitting. I enjoyed looking at all the crafts they had.

This was our display of our QOV quilts. Mine is in the middle.

So, while we were there, I brought my applique to work on. I got a few pieces done. I did find that I have a few pieces missing and will need to work on that. I sewed two of the tear drops and one of the center pieces. I also sewed the leaf pieces together. I didn't put a lot of time in on them, but I was able to get that much closer to finishing the block. I need to look for the missing pieces. Once I get those and figure out the pattern, then I'm good and ready to go. This is the garden quilt that was a friendship quilt. I think I have 2 blocks left to do. Then I can work on putting it all together.

Finally got home around 9 pm. I had a blast. Now it's time to call it a night....Being happy to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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