Friday, August 31, 2018

A Good Friday

Today I decided I wouldn't go to moms. I just wanted to enjoy the day to myself. Lately, I'm getting selfish with my time. Probably won't have it when Patrick retires in 9 months. So, I need to enjoy as much as I can before then.

I played some games this morning. I enjoyed time with Sophie as well. Worked on laundry and slowly getting caught up.

Then in the afternoon I decided to work on my cross stitching instead of working on the genealogy.

I finished up the checker board quilt design. At least I think it's supposed to be a quilt Maybe not.

Then I worked on the other side. I got part of the quilt done, finished up the white circle. Then I noticed there was supposed to be some yellow in that area Since it doesn't need a lot, I'm going to do the stitches over the white. It should work, if it doesn't then I'll take the row out and redo it.

So, I'm actually getting there. I worked on getting piece in the sewing machine done. I started the off-white area for the tag that says "Homemade." I'm almost thinking once I get the stitching done on this part, I will get working on the outline so that I can have part of it done. I really think there is a LOT of back-stitching and if I do it as I go, then it will get done faster. Plus hopefully, it will look better.

My younger brother and his wife are off to Germany today. They sent a group text that was to 9 people. Patrick and I included. Well, as it turned out, there were about 30 texts back and forth. So, this afternoon my phone was beeping for a good half hour. Oh, what fun! lol

Now it's back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Another Day For Family History

Today I enjoyed the fact that I could sleep in - and I did. Sophie is so sweet, she waits for me to get up. She sleeps not far from me till I decide it's time to get up.

Went over to Cherry's and had some tea. We chatted for a little over an hour. Mom had called and I called her back when I got back home. She was having trouble with her Pogo account. It's something when I can fix it here instead of going to her place and doing it.

I cleaned up the kitchen, then I headed down into the computer room. I added newspaper clipping and family history to my files. I have over 10,150 names in my Taylor Tree. Wish I had that much in the Wiltzius Tree but no such luck. I'm getting there though. Today I was working off the ELDER family. Found a Carrie A ELDER who married ALEXANDER. They were missionaries in Egypt from 1876 to 1906. She was there when she and her husband met and married.

Can you imagine being 21 years old in 1876, and going to Egypt?! She had a degree, so I'm sure she did research. It's amazing how strong she must have been. On top of that, she had 8 children, 4 of whom died in Egypt. They were buried in a Protestant Cemetery in Dronka, near Assiut, Egypt. The returned to the states around 1906. 30 years in Egypt. Wow! I think it would be hard to leave your children that far away. But then, once they are gone, they are in your memories and that's what keeps them close.

I also worked on some of Patrick's BANTA family. That family is interesting as well. I have found highly respectable people in that tree.

Mom and I chatted about her Tree. It amazes me that my grandmother married my grandfather. My grandfather's WINELAND family was well respected. They had money, they had land, they had it all. When granddad married grandmother (MATHESON), that family was so broken. My grandmother was the oldest. She ended up taking care of the others most of the time. She had to go to court and testify against my great grandmother. She was so mad at her father from that point on, she never talked to him again. The MATHESON family didn't have much. They were different. My grandmother's family, well, they didn't get along. Grandmother's sister was kidnapped when she was 16 years old. They didn't know where she was till she was close to 30 years old. One brother was in WWII, came home to find his wife 8 months pregnant with someone else's child, and 6 months later died of a brain cancer, another brother stopped talking to his mother and when he died, she was not allowed to see him. Yet another brother was so full of "BS" that he got money from my grandmother and great grandmother on a regular basis, and yet he worked for Bowing! He then filed bankruptcy on my grandparents and his mother so he would have to pay back the money he borrowed.

So, you can see, I have one wacky family!! Yet, I have family that has been here for over 400 years. They are the ones I'm learning about. They are the ones that were massacred, kidnapped, and served in this country. I'm finding that the US has always been in one form of a war or another. Many they don't talk about in history and they need to be taught. We continue to make the same mistakes, just in different ways.

Okay, off my history lesson. I'm not doing crafts today, but will try to put a few stitches in tonight. Keeping finger crossed for being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Spent The Day With Mom - Made English Muffins

This morning I was up early so I could get to moms early. I stopped and got us both some tea. Then I arrived to mom getting her feet being worked on. I had to wait because they then went to another neighbors house so he could get his feet done too.

While mom was away, I got the counter cleaned off and ready for baking. I then started working on the recipe by putting the dry ingredients in a bowl. When mom arrived, we finished added the rest and I taught mom how to knead. She did pretty good for the first time. We talked about great grandmother baking bread and had a good chat while we worked the dough for 10 mins.

Once it was worked, we cut them into round circles for muffins. I realized we didn't roll them out thin enough, because they ended up being pretty tall when cooked. They were perfect though. I brought home about 4 of them and mom took the rest. Told her to put them in the freezer and eat as she needed them. We plan to do this once a month. That way she doesn't have to buy them and the stuff we make is better anyway.

Next week we are planning to do another kind of bread.

I did work on my black and white quilt while I was waiting. We watched the Great British Bake Off with just Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry telling how the make their goodies. I'm in love with what they do. So, I've been getting in the mood again to do more baking. I figured out what I can do for the sugar and it works great.

Patrick got off work early and wanted to go to Papa Pete's Pizza. So, I got home around 3 pm and we headed over there. We had a really good pizza. Expensive but good. I cried the whole way home. I remembered dad always being at the door waving good-bye with a smile. I also remembered how dad would come in and see what we were doing and help. Then he would taste, and before you knew it, he had a good little bit all eaten up. Oh, man! Do I ever miss that man!

Came home and I played my games for a bit. Then I got back to working on my cross stitching.

I worked on the peachy area. I'm trying to get that done. I did find a mistake, so the frog came out. I took out what was done wrong, and fixed it. Back on track again. Funny how that works. Plus it never fails! I feel really good and keep working, then the next thing you know, OOPS, a mistake and time to rip out. At least this one was only about 7 stitches, so I can whine too much.

I'm doing okay now. I'm sad, and happy at the same time. Mom and I had a good day and talked about what we would do next. She loves it that I come over on Wednesdays and we can do this. She's getting back to wanting to cook and bake. It's a good thing.

It is always nice when we both can be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Worked on Genealogy Today

Today was a "me" day. So, I decided to work on my genealogy. When I really got into it, the phone rang, and I talked to Ruth for over an hour. Then I talked to mom for a few more minutes.

So, after supper, I went back on my computer and worked more on the family history. I worked more on the Wineland, Matheson, Campbell, and a lot of "off shuts" to the tree. I added a couple letters to the "Letters of the Past" which is another one of my blogs.

So, in reality, I was not able to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, August 27, 2018

Our Embroidery Meeting Day

Today I really didn't want to get out of bed, but I did. I needed to get ready for our Brazilian embroidery group. I had the egg cartons ready for Sandy. I got my stuff together and was out the door a little late. Partly because I called the dentist to set an appointment to find out what was so painful in my mouth

I arrived before Sandy (1). Sandy (2) was already there with Pat and another gal that comes round during the summer time We had a good meeting and we are thinking of advertising for Rita in the newsletter. It will help us out as well as Rita. We've decided to pay for the advertising. Plus Pat said she told Rita we will sell the floss at our Seminar. We hop that will keep Rita in business with the floss. All in all it was a good meeting.

I have one more flower cluster to do and then those are done.

I then went to the dentist to see about my sore in my mouth that is where they did the work. It was so funny! They didn't know what it was and told me to keep washing with salt water. "It will go away." But he had no idea what it was. It wasn't "cancer" which I'm sure they meant the other sores I used to get with an upset stomach. Anyway, it should go away and I'll try and get rid of it.

Came home and "dinked" around. I did get some cross stitching done

I'm getting there. I worked on the quilt that's to the left of the sewing machine I did fill in more of the off white in the quilt on the right. At least I think it's a quilt.

All in all it was a good day. Not my favorite when I have to see the dentist but I'm okay with that. Tomorrow I'm going to enjoy the day to myself and later get stuff ready to go to moms on Weds. We will make some English muffins together.

I hope you had a good day today as well. Feel free to share! May we all be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, August 26, 2018

We Started Bowling Today!

Today was one of those days of relaxing! A day I really enjoy!

Started out with getting up and playing a few games. Then when Patrick finally got up (because he got a call), the day got going.

I took a couple apples from outside and made an "Apple Pull Bread" that took some time. Patrick needed the oven for his roast, but we worked it out. Not only was the roast cooking, so was my bread. It turned out pretty good. I didn't have much, but will have some in the morning for breakfast.

While that was going on, I worked on the cross stitch. I was able to get more off white in the quilt. It's not a lot, so I didn't take a photo. Sophie sat down on my lap and I couldn't move for about an hour and a half. I wish I had some of my stuff to work on, but decided not to worry about it.

We headed to the bowling alley. We won't be bowling next week because of the holiday, but we got a good start on this league. I bowled a 181, 160 and 149 - guess I lost it as the games were going. I really didn't care too much because the first three weeks are the ones that really don't matter too much. It's better to start low and work my way up then to be high and drop every week. Patrick did really good. He averaged 193. He didn't start out very good, but pulled it out half way through the first game. I started loosing it about the same time.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. We have embroidery. I'm hoping to be very Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, August 25, 2018

It Was A Full Day Of This And That

What a day! From getting up, going for doughnuts, to Toledo's tracker show, and out to eat. What a day. Busy and yet I still had time for cross stitching - woo hoo!

This morning I was up and in the living room while Sophie stayed on the bed and slept longer with Patrick. Patrick slept in and Sophie didn't get off the bed till he got up. That was unusual and disappointing! She usually comes out with me and meows for 5 mins. We have a good morning of TLC time - NOT today. She did come for her TLC after Patrick got up. Then she took off to play.

We got ready and went to the doughnut shop in Centralia. It's a bakery that does nothing but doughnuts! They are SOOO GOOD! We bought three of them. Mine was huge! I didn't eat it all, had to leave some for tomorrow morning!! We bought some milk to go with them and headed to Toledo.

We headed back down the road to Toledo which is south of us. We got back on Jackson Hwy and went to the Airport in the Toledo area. On the other side of the airport is where they had the tractor/thresher show. We usually go about every other year. It's been going on for over 50 years. People bring their tractors. We watched some tractor pulls while we were at it.  We walked around and some of the sellers were selling stuff that was a little high for "junk" and left overs. We stayed for about an hour and headed back home.

We couldn't decide if we wanted to go to the movie and then dinner or pick apples and go out to eat. We picked the later. We were out picking apples off the tree. Patrick even climbed up in the tree and got a few more. Hard to believe he got up there. He did need a little help with a bucket to get up the tree, but once he was there, he was moving around. Not something I would do. We got 2 1/2 buckets of apples. We'll be giving some away. I'm going to do some baking tomorrow to use some of them up. I did use one apple and start a sourdough. It should be interesting to see how it comes out. I'll let you know.

We headed up to The Outback and had supper. It was pretty good compared to the last time we were up there. I had ribs and lobster. They had a special. I didn't want a steak. Ribs seem to be easier to eat lately.

We stopped at Safeway one the way back for tomorrows meal. Then we finally made it back home.

I worked on my cross stitching - finally!

One can't see it, but I added more white. Since the back is white, its had to see what I did do, till more gets added around it. I have only been able to get an hour or two in at a time. But every little bit helps.

So, even though I have busy days of going, I can still find time to work on my crafts. I'm in love with what I do, and I'm so Happy to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting

Friday, August 24, 2018

Another Day of Quilting With Friends

Today I was up and ready to go. It was time to get out the door to moms. I wanted to get there before everyone else because I wanted to see when they actually arrive.

I arrived around 9 am and was surprised no one was there yet When I arrive around 9:15 am they are all there. Today, they didn't arrive till after 9:30 am. And even then it was only 3 that came. So, we had a small group. It turned out pretty good.

Worked on the corner area. It's the second corner, I believe. I looked at the back and I'm not even close to being half way. I THINK I'm about 1/3 of the way done. I was getting a little confused and had to check the back to see what I was doing. Then I realized I was close to the corner and decided to work of that and fill in as I go back across. Working at an angle is confusing compared to working straight lines form the top to bottom. I thought at one point I didn't do it right, but the realized it was okay. Didn't want to take any out. - No one really likes taking stuff out.

Mom was working on Zac's quilt. It's almost done. It's looking good.

I took my garden blocks and fabrics to moms. She's going to do the last block I need to finish this. I'm doing the (11th) extra block needed. These are the colors that mom's going to use. I wanted a pink and yellow, but she didn't have pink. So, we went with these colors.

Came home and pulled out some ribs for supper - hoping they would be thawed by the time we had to eat. I tend to forget to take meat out of the freezer. I seem to have my mind on a lot of things, and taking dinner stuff out is not one of them.

I added a couple recipes to my recipe book that has the favorite recipes in it. I added the last two things I made. Now I'm watching a show on English baking and getting good ideas/

When I shut this down, I'm going to get over to my chair and work on my cross stitching. I'm actually glad I was able to do some quilt related things. I'm really happy with the way this week turned out. I'm still in some pain with my mouth. Come to find out, it's my tongue that is in pain. Not sure what they did to me. Over all, I'm still really happy with what I got done. More quilting done, more cross stitching done, and more time with mom.

How are you doing? Happy with your week so far? Why not? Tell me all about it.

Life is worth being Happy - Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

A Day With Quilting Friends.....

This morning I called mom to see if she still wanted to go to quilting. She said she did if I did. So, I decided to go.

So, I left and picked her up. We then went to Whalen Quilt Works. It was one of our biggest meetings in a long time. We had stopped and got lunch before we went.

I worked on my Garden block. I have one more to do and then I'll have them all done. Mom said she'd do one more. I need to get the colors to go with it. So, I'll work on that.

I started to get a little confused on what I was doing. I did get a few pieces done, like the one in the middle. I did have to redo one of the circles because the colors I need to show, were not showing on the fabric.

We stayed till about 1 pm. Then we left. I was glad, because I wanted to come home early.

Sophie was glad to see me. So, while I worked on my cross stitch, she kept an eye on me from a distance.

I've started working more on the left side as well as the right. I did get more white done, and worked on the outer circle. I had goofed (yea I do that some times!) on and filled in what I had to take out. Now it's on track. I also filled in more of the sewing machine but have more to do.

I'm getting closer to the bottom of the piece. It's coming along great. I do like working on this.

May we all be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Quilting With Mom

Today I was up earlier than I have been doing in awhile. I got ready to head over to moms.

I arrived to find mom at the post box, so rolled the window down on the car and said, "You look familiar." The gal with her looked at me kinda funny. Mom laughed and introduced me to her. I then drove her and Daisy back to the house.

Got there and we did a few things that she needed done, before we sat down and quilted. We watched "Shetland" (I think that's right). She was at the same place I was on this show. So, I was able to find out more of what was going on.

I got quite a bit done. I was surprised at how much I did get done. The neighbor showed up and we chatted. I kept quilting. I really need to get this going. I'm close to half way I think. Mom was working on her borders for Zac's quilt. She only started quilting it about 2 weeks ago. She's been kicking butt on this one.

She's doing good. I think she's starting to slow down and now it's time for her to morn. I'm still having it rough, and see seems to do better than me. But today I noticed that's not the case. She's starting to morn more now. I think we will be up and down for awhile. It's hard to loose the ones we love.

Around 2:30 pm, I left. I had to stop at Safeway for supper. Came home to Sophie giving me crap for being gone. So, we had some TLC time.

Then I took a few minutes to get some cross stitching in.

I was able to get some of the ribbon done. I worked on the right side while I could.

Then it was off to the bowling alley for our bowling meeting. We start after the holiday. It's awesome to get close to bowling. Travel league starts in a few weeks as well. So, I'm going to be bowling three times again. Not sure I want to but I'm going to.

Things are moving along. How was your day? Would love to hear from you!

We all need to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Decided To Try New Things!

Today I slept in for a little bit, then I headed over to Cherry's to get caught up.

Came back home and decided to make some English Muffins. I've never made them before, so I was learning. I did some kneading and shaping. Trouble was I needed corn meal and some cutters for the muffins. So, it was a run to WalMart, and as everyone knows, that's not my favorite store. The good news is that there wasn't as many people shopping as usual. So, I was able to find a few things I was going for. Actually only 2. I wanted some good cutters, but ended up getting plastic ones. Not happy with them. Then I got the corn meal. Couldn't find the "refined sugar" or "icing sugar" but realized the icing sugar is powdered. That was easy enough.

They turned out pretty good. We made breakfast sandwiches for supper. They turned out really well. Patrick is going to give the final decision tomorrow when he has one for breakfast with jam. I got the recipe from Paul Hollywood's page. I really do like them.

Then after supper, I decided to bake one of Mary Berry's pastries.

It's her easy Bakewell tart. You can get the recipe at Mary's page. I was checking out all the other recipes as well. Not sure how it tastes yet, but looks good. I did mess up on the crust, but it still tasted halfway decent.

I'm going to get back to Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, August 20, 2018

Spent The Day With Mom, Quilting!

This morning I had just gotten out of my shower, and mom called. She wanted to know if I would like to come over and quilt. I was game for that!

I chatted with Cherry before I left. Then I was out the door and off to moms! Arrived with my cucumber, tomato, and olive salad. As well as my nacho chips. I wanted to do nachos for lunch. I was going to give her half my salad, but then I forgot it at her house. So, I guess I'll have to make another batch for me. They are all from Patrick's garden except for the olives.

We watched a couple movies and chatted. We also worked on our quilts. I have the black and white quilt at moms so I can quilt on it while I'm there.

I worked a lot around the side of the quilt. I'm working it so I can get my lines to go across the quilt. I was surprised that I didn't get to work my way across the quilt. At least I'm working it so I can start going across the quilt again. It's actually coming around nicely.

Came home around 3 pm and enjoyed Sophie. On the way home, it was so smoggy because of the fires all around us! We are getting it from White Pass, Canada and east of Seattle. It's a very cloudy, smoggy day for the last week.

Even though we reach 80 degrees, it's awful! Patrick is having a hard time breathing at times. He's been coughing off and on through the day. We are supposed to reach 90 degrees in the next day or two, but with all this smog, I'm not sure if we will. The sun hasn't broken through in a long time. I wish it would rain, but we aren't supposed to get that anytime soon.

So, after dinner, I pulled out my cross stitching.

I added some gold color to the sewing machine, worked on the table cloth and the quilt. I also worked a little on the top of the circle. I didn't add the white yet. I figure I will do that another time. I wanted to get more done with the quilt. I also need to work on the ribbon on the right side. So, there is a lot to do, but it's coming along. I'm happy with the piece so far.

In looking where my thread catchers were, I couldn't find my yellow/gold leaf, so I think I've lost it. I thought I took it with me to Katt's but it wasn't there when we got there. I haven't found it in the house, so somewhere along the way, it fell out and is gone. I'll just use one of my others. Like in this case, I have a Seahawk button one. I like my other Seahawk better, but both are awesome.

Today was the first day I felt "normal" and enjoyed the day. That's a good thing. At least I have my crafts and my cat. That keeps me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

A Good Day Today

I actually had a good nights sleep in a long time. Poor Patrick went to the couch because my allergies were acting up, which meant snoring....poor guy. He wanted me to sleep, so he went to the couch....ahhh.

Sophie stayed with me till I got up. She's a sweetie. She is attached to me, and we aren't too far from each other. She's still coming to me just before I go to sleep and wants TLC.

I did get some laundry done, putting a couple loads out to hang in the breeze. Patrick worked in the yard all afternoon.

I enjoyed some cleaning and then cross stitching.

I was able to get more of the quilt done. I got a lot of the white in on the circle. Plus, I was able to get more in the sewing machine. This is going pretty quick, and I'm liking it. I'm getting a little excited about finishing this so I can get work on the backstitching, because the backstitching is a LOT!

I've been looking at my cat "spring" piece and am itching to get started on another one. I have to wait, but I will.

We had our bowling meeting tonight. We start next week. We have to get another bowler for our team since we are one short. Not sure how that will go, but at least we start next week! How about you? Do you bowl? Do you like bowling? Would love to hear from you!

Looking forward to getting back to bowling and staying Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Oh Well, Three Days Later!

Okay, guess I need to get you caught up on what happened.

Thursday was my implant day. I thought my appointment was 9:00 but my calendar said 9:30, so I was late, because it was 9 am. So, they sent me right in. Of course I took meds before I got there, and to be total honest, I don't remember a lot. I do remember him hammering on my tooth that was being pulled and I do remember thinking of a wrench when he was putting the screws in. Anyway, it went really fast. They told Patrick it would be about an hour, and they called him to come back and get me. The dentist said that went really great...and I couldn't believe it, because nothing goes as planned with me.

Came home and slept. I woke 5 hours later. Then I got sick, and went back to bed. Got up to talk to Patrick and got sick again. Back to bed I went. I slept all that day and again part of Friday. I couldn't feel good enough to do I rested the best I could. My stomach is still churning and I think it's the antibiotics they have me on.

As for my missing teeth and screws, it hurt a little but not really bad. I think if I could get off this medication, I would be fine, but I have to take them till they are gone. I may be calling them on Monday to see if I can get off them or they can get me something else. I hate this feeling. Don't know if I'm going to be sick at times or not.

So, that bring us up to today. Patrick thought I needed to get out and get fresh air. So, we went out this morning and I was worried a couple times if I could make it.  I did, but this is an awful feeling!

Came home and watched "Death in Paradise" and worked on my cross stitching.

I worked on the quilt and sewing machine. It's coming along. I want to try and get the bottom done before heading back up to the top. It's looking good.

I've been feeling half way better. I can at least sit and work on my cross stitching. I have ideas of what I want to work on next, but not going to decide till this is done. I know I have my family tree Precious Moment piece to work on as well. I guess I am doing better, when I can think of the next projects, that's a plus.

Looking forward to getting more done tonight and getting back to posting my blog.

How have you been? Keeping busy with crafts? Would love to hear what your up to.

Staying Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Middle of The Week!

I had a hard time getting up this morning. Part of that I think was because of the pills I took at 4 am. If I had read it right last night, I would have read the part, "Do not lay down for 10 mins after taking," and I just went straight back to bed.

Cherry called and wanted to have tea. I loved the idea and went over. I enjoyed a couple hours with her. She showed me a book that her mother gave her. It was old and had beautiful hand writing about laws in MO. There were newspaper clippings and thing pasted over the book pages. I believe MO would love to have those because they were done in the 1860's. Trouble is, the paste they used to put the post cards and things over them, are really stuck on. It would take a professional to be able to remove those to get to the laws. I believe they were well done and well thought out, from what I read. It was awesome.

Came back home and worked on my cross stitching.

I was able to finish August's piece. I like the way it turned out.

I started working on it today at this point. I took a photo of the full part, but I can't seem to pull it off my computer.

So today was a good day! Life is good. I'm getting there. Tomorrow is another day. I'll probably be sleeping all day after my teeth work. The funny part about all this, is that it's all from having braces as a teenager. If I hadn't had the braces, my teeth would have been fine. They never told my parents that I needed to see the dentist and when they asked, they were told no, I didn't need to see a dentist while I had braces. When they were taken off - 4 years later - I had 7 cavities. 2 were really bad. The one that was the worst, was later pulled and a bridge put in. Well, 25 years later, that bridge got infected, which infected one of the other teeth holding the, I could have a bridge that covered 2 missing teeth or I could get implants. I truly wish I had done the implant when that tooth messed me up about 25 years ago. So, now here we are, 45  years later, and this tooth (missing) is a pain in my mouth!! Lucky me!! I just hope that's the end of this pain in my mouth!!

I'm good, I'm still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

A Day Of Catching Up

Today I enjoyed being able to sleep in. I'm not looking forward to Thursday. Maybe that's why I want to stay home for awhile. I'm not really in the mood to chat with friends right now. I tend to want to be alone at times.

At least I do have Sophie to enjoy!

She wanted to sit with me part of the day. I actually enjoyed it. BUT when it started getting hot, I would have rather she went back on the floor. She has her TLC moments.

Right now she's waiting on Patrick to shine the lazer light for her to play with.

I enjoyed a few English TV shows, and worked on my cross stitching.

I got a lot more done. I accidentally brought the left side all the way to the bottom, so had to take some of it out again. I'm back on track,. I like how it's coming along. I don't have a lot more to do, to have this month's done. Then I can get back to the other cross stitch I was working on.

We're watching the "Great British Baking Show" and I'm really wanting to make some of this stuff! It looks awesome!

I'm keeping busy getting laundry done, and getting caught up on my cross stitching as well as the house. It's looking up!

I hope you had a great day and were Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, August 13, 2018

Visited With Mom After Brazilian Embroidery

Today was a good day. I was able to get a visit in with my Brazilian embroidery gals and then with mom. It's a good day when things seem to run together well.

It started out with getting my stuff together to take to mom's. Then my Three Wishes piece needed to be ready to take to the meeting. I went and collected the beads as well.

I finished the top flower set and started the one on the bottom. I'm almost done and ready to work on the base of the "coffee pot" which I call a "tea pot."

Then I headed to moms with peaches and pickled asparagus. We worked on some paperwork and faxed it. We had a great BLT sandwich for lunch. It was a really good visit with mom.

Came home and worked on my cross stitching.

This is sideways, but you get the idea. I didn't get a lot done, but I did get more done from yesterday. It's coming along great.

Patrick has been playing with Sophie. It's so much fun to watch!

Life is good, I'm not looking forward to Thursday, but I'm enjoying the week till I have to get my "implants" on Thursday.

As you can see, I'm staying Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

A Quiet Day FINALLY!

The good thing about today - we didn't need to go anywhere or do anything! I love those kinda days. Plus I think Sophie was happy that we stayed home.

Most of the day was getting caught up on the yard (Patrick's job), and laundry (my job). I got everything going...still need to do more laundry. I'm working on it....not my favorite thing to do, but I know it needs to be done.

I did enjoy a few more shows that I had taped while we were gone. I didn't watch Netflix today, but I'll be doing that later this week.

Had a little bit of help from Sophie when I was sitting there to work on my cross stitching.

I worked it down to the bottom, have to start the line. I'm about 2/3 done with August. I'm liking it. It's so easy to work on. I will take a photo of it all when I get August done. It's really big! I'm having fun though and that's the part that helps.

It's been a great day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Two Days Of Mostly Traveling!

It's been an interesting 2 days. Between coming home and going to pick my brother up in Portland, it seems like we spend most of our time in the car.

We left Clarkston yesterday when it was 98 degrees and climbing. It was supposed to reach 114 degrees by the afternoon. Katt is doing good with her foot and resting. So, didn't feel to bad about leaving her.

We took a different way and had a better view of the wind mills.

And of course I had to make a stop at the first rest stop! lol

We finally made it home at about 4:30 pm. W had stopped and picked up some peaches before leaving Naches, WA. They have a farm right there. We've been enjoying the peaches since we got back.

Sophie missed us. She was running around and having a good old time. Then she would sit with me for a while.

We had an early night of it, because we had to meet my brother in Portland at 8 am.

This morning we were in Portland on time. Brother Patrick had arrived early and ended up waiting 10 mins for us. Then we went to get his car. He was buying another car from someone just outside of Portland. They had an awesome home and a few cars. It was really pretty where we were.

Then we headed back home. Stopped and picked mom up and went to Olympia to buy her a new stove and microwave. It went really quick. Was surprised she found what she wanted so fast.

Came home and watched a few shows. Enjoyed the rest of the evening with Sophie. We did have to stop and get some groceries because we were out.

I wa able to get a few more stitches in on the SAL I'm working on. I worked on this both days. I have been doing pretty good with my cross stitching lately. At least this is getting close to being done for the month and then I'm back to the Stitcher's Sampler that I was working on.

How was your day today? Would love to hear what your up to.

Best wishes, and stay Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Thursday, August 9, 2018

What A Day!

Life around here is interesting. Today was a visit to the Waffle House, craft shop, and high temperatures.

Today started out with sleeping end. Then we headed to the Waffles & More restaurant in Lewiston, Id. Awesome place. I had the special - lemon meringue waffle. It was awesome! Had ice cream with it as well. That's my kinda breakfast. And I'm not a breakfast kinda gal.

Then we went downtown in Clarkston to Patrick's crafts. We arrived at 10:20. Doors locked and lights out. No one there. So about noon, I called to see if they were open. She told me she was there at 10 am. I said the door was locked. She told me they were open. Almost didn't go. But I love my crafts. So, I spent money! They had qov fabrics that I got. Plus I picked up 3 cross stitch patterns as well as other things.

Came back and watched TV (not the best channels).

I moved around on what I was working on. There is so much and I'm not one to do all one color. So I was able to get a lot done, even by jumping around.

I worked on the quilt pattern and ribbon mostly today. It's coming along.

While I was enjoying my craft, the temperature here reached 114. Around here it's more like 97 were we live. At least 114 here isn't suffocating but it's close in my book.

I hope your in better weather than here. May you be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

And I Thought It Was Hot In Chehalis!

Today was a relaxing day. Just here to help when needed. The air conditioning is on and I didn't notice it was hot outside.

I worked on my crossstitching.

I'm getting quiet a bit done! I started on the sewing machine then went to work on the threads. I need to get back home to be able to work on the circle by the machine. I need to get the color darker. That way I can see what colors go were. This is a colored chart. Not my favorite.

We went out to get supper and the temperature was 103 degrees. It's not near as bad as Chehalis at this temperature. This is drier and is more like the sun coming through. Chehalis is a lot more casp-able. Not my favorite. At least I can handle it here. Trouble is, we will probably be going hom3in this! Tomorrow they are expecting 109 degrees. UGH!

Keeping Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Enjoying The Day

Today we slept in. It was easier than trying to figure out what to do. lol

We went to get crutches and tben lunch.

Came back and watched TV. Then pulled out my cross stitching.

I was able to work on the quilt pattern today. Plus I started the ribbon on the side. I then decided to get started on the sewing machine. I may end up getting a lot more done than I thought. At least it's coming along. Can't wait to start another one so the sooner this is finished the sooner I can move on. Happy, Happy!

So as things go, I'm still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Monday, August 6, 2018

Enjoying A Visit In Clarkston

We arrived in Clarkston yesterday, so no stitching got done. It was a long drive. Katt was waiting on us. We spent the evening going out to eat and a movie.

This morning we were up bright and early to take Katt to tbe hospital for surgery. We spent about 7 hours there.

I was able to work on my "Three Wishes" and get a lot done one it. I'm starting to run out of beads. I realky like the way this is turning out.

Came back to Katt's and watched TV while stitching.

 I got in a few more stitches. This is coming along nicely. I think I lost my needle minder but will check at home first.

Harley is her usual self. 

So while visiting Katt, I can still be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Hello, Saturday!

I'm enjoying Sophie sleeping at the end of the bed at night. She was there all night again. I just hope she doesn't get too made at us this week.

We got up and did some cleaning before heading out and getting a few things done. Patrick wanted a hair cut, and then we had to stop at Safeway for corn syrup to make Scotch Bars for Katt. We then stopped at "Franz bakery" and picked up some bread and wafers for Katt.

It was busy baking today and cooking. After all that, we watched a show on Netflix and I got busy cross stitching on my Aug SAL part.

I'm getting a lot done lately. I like the way it's coming. I should have this done by the end of the month. I just won't be able to work on it for the next few days.

We moved the plants into the other room. Sophie seems to like to chew on them. I may have to keep the plants in that room at this rate. I love my plants.

All in all, it was a good day....a busy day....and I'm enjoying my cross stitching. I'll be working on my embroidery the next few days. I had to ask a friend to change the day we were scheduled to get together. I have so much going on, that it's hard to find a day to visit. I have had to plan for Wednesdays with mom and hate to give those days up.

Not looking forward to next week though. Each day at a time. Don't get ahead and don't get behind. I keep that in mind.

Now let's see what the next few days will bring. Who knows, I may fall flat on my face! That would really be funny!! I keep walking into things lately, so it will be interesting.

Looking forward to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, August 3, 2018

Went To The Fair Today

This morning I woke to Sophie at the end of the bed with me. She was there till about 4:30 am and then I think she joined me again around 7 am when Patrick went to work.

I enjoyed the morning. I had time to clean a little, pick up a little, and then sit and work on stitching!

I was able to get a lot more than this done. I thought I an updated photo. lol I have the right side done.

Found it! lol - I'm really pleased with the way this is coming along. It's getting there. I love the ease of working on this. It goes really quick.

Then it was time to go to Olympia - Thurston County Fair - to work our QOV booth.

This was the view from where we were sitting. I enjoyed looking at all the crafts they had.

This was our display of our QOV quilts. Mine is in the middle.

So, while we were there, I brought my applique to work on. I got a few pieces done. I did find that I have a few pieces missing and will need to work on that. I sewed two of the tear drops and one of the center pieces. I also sewed the leaf pieces together. I didn't put a lot of time in on them, but I was able to get that much closer to finishing the block. I need to look for the missing pieces. Once I get those and figure out the pattern, then I'm good and ready to go. This is the garden quilt that was a friendship quilt. I think I have 2 blocks left to do. Then I can work on putting it all together.

Finally got home around 9 pm. I had a blast. Now it's time to call it a night....Being happy to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...