Friday, May 31, 2019

One Thing Leads To Another - Day

This morning I was up early and ready to head out the door. I grabbed the quilt for QOV to take to the museum, along with a few other things.

I arrived at mom's as she was walking Daisy. Brought them both to her place. Then mom and I went to Olympia for me to get my blood drawn. After that, I went to the business office to see if my records from Dr. Gavin where in. NOPE. I have been trying to get those records since March. So, I went over to the Cardiology office to get the records. That was about 3 blocks away. We went over there, they gave me the records and I had to go back to the Dr's to give the business office the records. She looked shocked because I had them so fast. Then we headed back to Centralia.

I took mom out to lunch at Bill & Bee's in Centralia. I was dying for a hamburger. We had that and onion rings. After that we heading to the quilt shop but got side tracked to the library. I got another library card since mine wasn't working any more. They gave me a new one. Then I checked out a couple books on tape! I want to listen to them while I'm beading. Once that was done, we were off to the pharmacy because it's across the street from the shop. Mom had some meds she needed to get.

We finally made it to the quilt shop. Found out Bev called the shop to say she wasn't going to make it tonight. I called Bev and asked her what she wanted me to do. We decided to leave the fabric I had for her and if she needed the other one, to let me know and I'd pay for it. Then we looked for the blue fabric for me.

The solid was what I wanted. She was out of it. So, we went for this one instead. I think it will work out great.

Dropped mom off at her house. She wanted help with a survey and we got that done.

Headed home and got really close to the museum when I realized I didn't have a photo of the quilt I was taking over there. So, turned around and went to Safeway instead. I got milk and some fruit. Ran out of my oranges. lol

Then I checked out the blue against the piece. It works. I'll go ahead and frame it with the blue. It will have to be about 6". Glad I bought 3 yards.

I worked a little more on the beads. I wanted to TRY and put the beads where they need to go. I got tired of trying to figure out where they belong. Put them all in a baggie and will do that another time. Did put the 3 black beads on the next row. Then it was time for Patrick to get home and I was talking to Sharon on the phone.

Patrick came home from work and wanted to go to the movie. We went to see Godzilla. It was pretty good. I enjoyed it. Drank so much today that I had to do a "potty break" during the movie. Hate that. Movies are getting longer again. I really did like this movie. It's not one of my top 10 but it's close.

Came home and Sophie was all over the place. Now she's calmed down and hiding. lol

Not sure if 3 beads count as being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Working On Another Top

Today was an interesting day. I actually thought about sleeping in when I woke up. The funny part was I must have fell back asleep because I didn't wake till 9 am. That was different for me.

I headed downstairs to work on a quilt top for QOV. I got back to working on the panel that was up there.

I started with this part - with the white on the end. I only had the 2 sides done. So, I worked on the rest of the border.

Then I put the blue around the inside border. I actually thought I was done at this point but when I measured I realized I had another border to add. Showed Patrick, and he didn't like the last board I put on. He thought I needed to make smaller borders. I asked him if he realized how many smaller borders I would have to do.

Then I realized I was out of the blue. I don't have enough to go all the way around the quilt. I will have to go to the store and get more blue. I took a sample and have it ready. Then Bev called to tell me I missed on the kit I made. I was missing some pieces to put the quilt together. She'll be at the shop tomorrow night, so will leave my bolt with Rita to give to her. I hope its the right background color, but have a filling it might not be.

Okay, back to this quilt. The blue star fabric on the left - I thought it might work - NOPE. I even cut out some red and sewed it on the side - NOPE. Took it out.

I put what I had of the blue by the piece and think that's the way I need to go. I was surprised Patrick doesn't like this. He doesn't like the way I did the last border. I told him a solid color or print wouldn't work right. The photo shows it a little differently with the stars in the print. It looks even more busy in the photo. Yet I think the photo works. Hopefully I can get the blue I need to get this done.

Tomorrow is a busy day. Have to go to Olympia for a blood test. Asked mom is she wants to go up with me. Have a feeling she'll want to stop at Costco. We'll see.

I got the label on one of the quilts. Then washed it. It needs to go to the museum. I may take it with me and drop it off tomorrow. I'll see how time goes.

It's been fun and it's been Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Hump Day!

This morning I really didn't want to get up. I called mom since she didn't answer my text last night.

I then headed over to her place. She hadn't walked Daisy, so we took a walk. We dropped of the pillow cases that go with the quilts we gave the doctor and his wife. Then we went back to her place.

I worked on her quilt top that she's got going. She hasn't finished this but had a good idea for her designs.

I worked on adding more leaves. I've got this quilt at home. I told her I would do the stems and leaves. Then she can add the rose buds like the ones she started on this.

There is more to do on this one. It's her #1 piece (there are 3 parts). I really did good on adding 8 more leaves. This one didn't need any more stems added. So, I'm working the leaves and then will go to the next piece and do the stems. We watched TV while I appliqued and she quilted on her quilt.

She's quilting this White On White quilt for my nephew. She has 2 more to do for the grandchildren. Katt is one of the 2 that's left to finish.

Then came home and had a package waiting for me.

My 3 eagle panels for QOV arrived. I'm thrilled!! One of them is going to Faye.

Today is Wednesday - Hump Day - but it felt like a Monday. I need to go to Olympia on Friday, so will try and get a top done to see if I can drop it off - or not.

Today has been an awesome day of being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Not My Best Day For Beading

This morning I was up and out walking with Cherry. Once that was done, we worked on her family history. We looked up her Kribs family from Canada. Since I have the international on ancestry right now, I wanted to hep her out with information. We got some more information for her. Then it was 11 am.

Came home and got busy with laundry and beading. I do beading on the table and when the laundry is done, then I could hear it and get another load done.

While I beaded, Sophie enjoyed my chair.

I got 4 rows done.....but then I noticed a spot in the piece that was a broken bead. I tried to see if I could fix it without taking it such luck. I could tell where I fixed it......Next step was to take it all out.

Now 6 rows taken out later.....I'm trying to put the beads with the number they belong to. I'm thinking I may just put this in a baggie and worry about that later. I went from row 36 to 30. I'm okay with that. It needed to be done. I was going crazy over the way it felt and the closer I looked, it was driving me crazy. I just couldn't leave it.

Patrick came home and we were off to bowling. We lost all 4 games. I bowled a 224, 223, 202. Not bad with it being 9 pin no tap.....could be better. I even signed us up for Monti Carlo on Saturday. We'll bowl that next Saturday with our Wednesday bowling partners.

It wasn't the happiest day for beading, but it was a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, May 27, 2019


Today is the day to honor all our veterans. Mostly to remember those who are no longer with us. That would include my father. I've thought about him all day.....we didn't go up to see him, but I did think about him and put a marker on "findagrave" where I have him listed.

I worked on my sourdough bread - I didn't do the best I could have though. I made rolls and they didn't turn out as good as I would have liked.

I ended up messing with the printer!! The Cyan wasn't working, and I put a new Cyan in the printer. Still didn't work. So, it was cleaning time. It's close but need to give it a rest because the black is blotting out. I am close. Just wish I was closer to having it work right!!

Mom called to tell me Dr. Williams was chatting with her while she was walking. So, I ended up talking to him. He told me today would work out great for getting their QOV quilts. I told him I would be available about 6:30 to 7 pm. That seemed to work out great.

Patrick wanted to go out, so we went to the movies. "Aladen" was awesome!! I loved the movie. I was really impressed at how they did it! It's well worth seeing.

After the movie, I had to get home for supper and head back out the door! I realized as I was going to moms, I didn't have a marker. Stopped at Michael's - as they were closing - and got a pen to write on the quilts. I ended up changing close at moms. Then she drove up over to Dr. William's house.

We were happy to award them both with a QOV quilt. She has cancer and isn't expected to live much longer. So, we wanted to get them a quilt! It was great to give them a quilt.

Came home, called Cherry and we went walking. Now I'm ready to finally relax! I'll probably play on the tablet.

Not a day to be stitching, but that don't mean I wasn't Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, May 26, 2019

A Quiet Day At Home

Can you believe it?! We had a quiet day at home. Patrick wanted to know if I wanted to go to the movies. I told him I really didn't feel like going anywhere. So, we didn't. He did, though. He needed to go to the grocery store for supper.

I wanted to go downstairs and work on a quilt top....but just couldn't get myself to do that. So, I worked on my cross stitching instead.

I was able to get a lot done. I even got back to the outlining. I was surprised at how much I had done that I could outline. I got the shoe done as well.


I found this area above the shoe - that was done wrong. So, I took out the color that was in the area where it's lined. I had to fix it. I really didn't like it that I made so many color goofs!! But then again, it will be a one of a kind for what I did. 

I fixed the color and it turned out good. I had to go downstairs and get a DMC color that goes with that color I used. I may need more later....and chances are I will. The good news is I'm about 3/4 done with this. To think it took me 20 years to finish this is hard to swallow. I know what I'm going to do next, so if I can get it done, I can start another one. I'm a little tired of this one because of the "mistakes" in it, but I do like how it's coming out. 

Tried a new recipe for supper. Turned out pretty good. 

So, even though I was tired most of the day and really didn't want to do much.....I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Saturday, May 25, 2019

A Saturday Different From What I Hoped

Still haven't learned.....Don't plan ANYTHING when it comes to hubby's day off.

After waiting on him to get up, I was able to go downstairs to get to work on the first panel quilt. Got as far as the side panels. Had to add a small white strip to the side, because I messed up on the size I needed. Then Patrick came in to say he needed to go to moms to get her plants to her. Plus he was going to set up the watering system.

So, off we went. We stopped at Staples to get me a copy of my cross stitch pattern. The copies I had didn't do me any good. So, now I can figure it out better. It's in color.

We got to moms and Patrick was outside. Mom and I watched "Agatha Raisin" on Acorn TV. While we were doing that, I worked on some stars. I needed the white background.

I took the 2 I did yesterday, made 2 more. Then mom had 3 blues done and I did one more. Now I have 8 stars, 4 of each. I can now finish that border I started. I just need to figure out another border after this one. I'm getting better at this, but this one may stump me for a little bit. I will have to think about what will work. I don't want to do stars, but I may do 4 in the corner on both borders. I have an idea for the next panel as well. I'm getting there.

Now I plan to work on my cross stitching. I need to do my exercises first and then I'm going to relax with my cross stitching. That keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, May 24, 2019

Interesting Friday With Friends

I was up early thinking I would be at moms by 9 or 9:30. When I finally learn to quit planning my days I might be on schedule. That is MIGHT.

First things first. I got the quits out of the blue room, went downstairs and got the box of stuff. I  then loaded the van. I had the quilt for Ethel, 3 quilts that go to the museum and 2 quilts going to Dr. Williams and his wife. I got Art's Birthday card and out the door I went. Stopped at Subway to get a gift card to put in Art's card. Stopped off and delivered his card. Then on to moms.

Arrived, unloaded the box, put the quilt in Ethel's car and realized I didn't take anything to work on. So I pulled out moms stars and made 2 of them. Ugh, I wanted to work on my own stuff......grrr.

Came home and worked on my cross stitch.

I worked on outlining and scissors.  I will outline the scissors later. I am now half finished. The top will need more work I noticed. It is coming to life.  I really like this.

We went o

Now it's midnight,  so I am happy to say it was a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Spend The Day With Mom

This morning I was up earlier than normal. I wanted to be over to moms early so she wouldn't find something to comment on.

I stopped at McD's and Starbucks. Brought her breakfast. It was funny, I arrived and Daisy was outside welcoming me. Mom said she heard the car and wanted to go out. So, I brought in the quilts, food and drinks. Then I found out her cleaning lady was coming today as well. Oh, well.

We talked about the dog falling off the bed. So, we ordered a a pet step stool so she can get up an down the bed easily. Trouble is, it was on back order. If it doesn't get in soon, I'll have to order her another one. We then went through a lot of her stuff. She did like I'm doing. She opened her boxes and decided if she wanted to finish them or not.

While doing all that, we got a call from Dr. Williams mother. They agreed to get a Quilt of Valor for her daughter-in-law who is terminal. She doesn't have long to live. We want to get a quilt to her soon. So, mom and I sat down and did the binding on Susy's quilt. That will be the quilt we give to Theresa. I have the other quilt for Dr. Williams a well. Good thing we have extra quilts right now. I am going to get one more person signed up for June.

Came back home and got a delivery from my sister-in-law Susan. She gave me so really pretty flowers!

2 of the roses broke off in the mail, but I put those in a glass of water.

They are really pretty. I just hope they stay good for awhile.

I put the label on Susy's quilt. I've washed both of the quilts. Now they will go to moms till we need to go to Theresa's. I will try and remember to take the thumb drive with me. I will need to do certificates for both of them when we decide on when we are going to present the quilts at their home.

Things are good. I'm glad to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Had Lunch With A Friend

Today I was all ready to go walking and Cherry called to say she wasn't feeling well. So, we didn't go walking.

Instead, I went downstairs to clean up a little and to get the backing and batting cut for Faye. Told her it was done and she was heading over to get it. Meanwhile, I was cutting the binding for my quilt. I wanted to get the binding on the quilt so I could give it to Ethel to work on.

Faye arrived and I gave her the batting and backing for her quilt. We chatted. I also gave her the USA strip fabric to use on the panels I gave her. I have moms stars, so I didn't want to "hog" all the fabric. I showed her what I bought and what we had. Told her to take what she needs. I also told her I wasn't comfortable giving one of our members fabric, because I haven't seen it coming back. She agreed. So, I'm going to stall with that member. I like to see the fabric come back in a top. Georgie loves doing the blocks and she get fabrics for that. But all her stuff, I see the fabrics coming back. I trust her with whatever I give her. She's just loving working on the blocks.

After Faye left I was off to "Jeremy's" for lunch. It has changed a ton since I first went there. The first time I went there, it was healthy kinds of food. Stuff I wasn't sure about eating. It's not like that anymore. I do like the restaurant and may have to talk Patrick into going there sometimes. Denise met me there. We had a really good time. She had an omelet and I had a turkey sandwich. It was really good and Denise liked her omelet. She was like me, she hadn't been there since it opened a long time ago.

Came back home and went back downstairs. I was able to get the binding on my quilt.

I actually did pretty good with the sewing on this! Not my favorite thing to do, but all 3 went down really well. I'm taking one of the quilts to mom tomorrow.

This one turned out really well. I'm proud of this.

After supper, I asked Patrick to help me take photos of the 4 quilts that I'm taking back to the museum to be given out. Now that that is done, I can wait and get photos of the remaining 4. I will need to get 2 more people for June, because right now I only have 4 receiving and I want 6. I'll go down the list to see who's next.

I put the label on my quilt that was done. That's the one that Theresa had be doing the binding on. Now it's ready to be given out.

So, it was a good day for QOV! I can actually say I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!=

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A Day Of Volunteering

This morning Cherry and I went walking. We were done in a good amount of time. I grabbed my stuff and went to the Veterans Memorial Museum.  I put in 2 hours of volunteering. They put me to work doing inventory so they can get everything accounted for with the register. I didn't get a lot done, but I did get to know where some of the stuff is that is up for sale. I found a shirt that I might buy later on.

After 2 hours there, I came home. Then I got busy with putting the binding on Susy's quilt. Of course I had help from Sophie again.

At least I was able to get it bound. Now I need to work on the last one. I believe that one is mine. So, I should have the blue to use for that one. It's also a panel so it won't be given out till Sept. I also made a few calls to get information on the veterans. I also had to call a couple people to see if they would come and get a quilt. So far no answer to both of them. If I don't hear by the end of the week, I'll go for 2 other veterans to get quilts.

We had bowling tonight. I did okay for 9 pin. We lost all 3 games. The first game none of us were on, I bowled a 170. Then we lost by about 13 pins on the second game. I bowled a 215. I was getting better, but it didn't seem to help. I bowled a 255 for the last game. I got a 640 series. I beat Patrick. We were in first place but after today, I don't think we are. We bowled one of the 2 teams behind us. Oh, well. We had fun. Poor Joann, it wasn't her night. She was "so close!"

I really enjoyed volunteering today - both at the museum and for QOV. It was also a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Monday, May 20, 2019

Back To BE Meeting Today

This morning I called Cherry to see if she was ready to go to the Brazilian embroidery meeting. She was ready to walk - she forgot about our meeting. So, she was expecting some people to come for yard work. I went on without her.

I stopped at Walmart and got the photos of QOV presentation this month. I needed to get them in the book. Once I had them, I stopped and got a Chai tea for the meeting.

Got to the meeting it was nice to see Dina and Phyllis there! I hadn't seen them for awhile. We had a good turn out. I worked on the rose.

I worked on the ferns on top and then got started on the rosebud. It's just a shade darker.

Came home and wanted to get moving on the binding of the quilts. I worked on the binding of Hildi's quilt.

While I was sewing, Sophie decided she needed to check it out. I will have this washed and in the other room where she won't get to it, once it's done.

She was having fun on the quilt. Me, I needed her off because I had to keep turning it. I was able to get the binding on this. Then I went back down and cut a binding for Susy's quilt. I'll put that on tomorrow or the next day. I'm hoping I get time tomorrow to do that.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

A Sunday Without Bowling

Today I was able to get some time to sleep in. I enjoyed being able to get a little more sleep.

When I finally got moving, I went back downstairs to get a few more things cleaned up. I had the trash close, the box for mom's, and goodwill. I started putting a few things together. I have my stacks of "cross stitch kits," "quilt kits," and embroidery patterns, among other things.

I still have a mess, but it's actually less. I took my QOV fabrics and made room for them in the cabinet to the right.

I was able to get both sides of the shelves organized. I still have the green buckets to put up there, but that's for another day. It's coming along great.

It feels good to be able to get things in order. I have my cross stitch kits that I want to do. I found a few older ones that I decided not to do. Those went into the "Goodwill" pile. I found a few things I really wanted to do, and those are closer for me to find. I have odds and ends that I don't know what I will do about - and those are for another day. I'm getting things cleaned up and that's the most important thing.

We made a trip to the store for supper.

After supper I decided to get back to my cross stitching so I can get a few WIPs done. When they are done, I can start another one.

I'm almost half way done. I was able to add a few more stitching in before I went back to outlining the pieces. I worked on the yarn, and it's looking good. I also got the ribbon a little farther on the right side. It's coming along nicely. I was adding more stitches as I was going.

Not a bad day after all. This weekend turned out to be pretty good. I got a few things done, and I'm getting my "quilt room" cleaned up. I still have the center counter to go through, and I'll work on that. I have my eagle patterns in there and need to keep them all together. I'm going to make some kits for the eagles to give to mom and Susy to work on.

Okay, again, it's a good day and a good week. At least it was a weekend of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Happy Birthday To Me!

I woke up this morning and sang Happy Birthday to myself.

After getting cleaned up and cleaning up the kitchen, I headed downstairs while Patrick went out in the yard. He does an awesome job in the yard.

While I was downstairs, I decided I needed to go through my stuff. I wanted to weed down what I could. I started in on the shelves that has my boxes. I used Patrick's label maker and labeled the boxes that I had with stuff I wanted.

The left side is pretty much ready and waiting. The right side is what I'm still working on. I came up with trying to decide what to do with some stuff.....and a pile was started. 

While I was moving stuff around, Sophie was getting in the way. She was checking everything I was done. Then she decided to relax on my stuff on the counter. 

I found my tube that didn't have much in it. So, since I have a lot of small pieces for QOV quilts, I decided to use it. The other tube that is the same size and color, I'm filling with other scraps. Sophie even had to climb into the bucket to see if she could sleep in it. When I went for my phone, she climbed out. 

The more I cleaned the more it piled up all over. 

After a couple hours, I called it quits. I still have one heck of a mess! I was able to get a few things done. I have a long way to go. I'm not sure what I will keep and get rid of. I did throw out my samples I was doing that didn't do any good. I could keep them to see how they were done, but I can always go to YouTube and find out. Really need to clean things out. So, throwing out stuff worked great. I have a box that I'm loading up for the other quilters to have. That's the box in the middle of the photo. 

After I called it quits, I went upstairs to work on my beading. I got another row and then some done. I'm now on row 34. Guess I'm doing pretty good with a couple rows a day. 

I watched a little TV with Patrick before going to Makinaw's in town. We had an awesome meal. Turned out great. 

Came home and I pulled out my cross stitching. 

Added the words and then more outline stitches. I was able to roll the piece so I can get working on the middle section. It's coming along pretty good. Still need to add more to the right sleeve of the doll. I'll get there. Was outlining everything to the middle. 

A friend asked me why I would want to bead on my Birthday. I told her when I'm working on my crafts, that's what makes me happy. I love to work on my stuff. That makes life fun to create something. Since I didn't get much for my Birthday, but I can make things to keep me happy. 

Life is good, I'm another year older. I'm reminded that Mt. St. Helen's blow 39 years ago, but I'm okay with being reminded every year how long it's been since I turned 21. I can just hear dad joking with me about my age. We would agree, I'm 21 years old. I wish I could have shared this day with him. But he's in a better place now. I'm still going strong and getting older faster then I thought! It's so funny how times seems to go twice as fast. I remember thinking at 40, it would be a while before 60 came. Now everything is like a dream. The past is the past, and today is another day. Each day, I try to stay up and Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!! 

Friday, May 17, 2019

A Good Day With Mom

Today I was up and out the door to moms. We had arranged for us to go out to lunch for my Birthday. We could spend lunch together, since she is going to the funeral tomorrow.

I arrived around 9 am. Mom was just done with walking Daisy. We left for Olympia to return some of Al's Xfinity stuff. Our first stop was at Xfinity. Then we went to JoAnn Fabrics. I bought a couple ornament displays. I was able to hang my cat ornament on it. I bought 2 so I will put the snowman on the other. I wasn't sure if they would work, so I only bought 2. I wish now that I bought more. They were half price. I found them in the doll area. After that we went across the way to Ross. Mom bought a pot. When we were done there, we headed over to Sharon's. Bill had both quilts done. He was working on the second one when I called him to let him know we were in town. They turned out awesome! Now I have 2 extra quilts. Trouble is, I have 3 quilts here in the house that need bindings put on. I'll work on it. Our last trip was coming back to town and going to the Panda for lunch.

We then went back to the house. Mom gave me a quilt kit she didn't want to do. It has all the fabric. I will probably do it, but don't know when. I still have a couple that I'm working on. I helped her out and I took her trash out as well as her recycling. Then I came home.

When I got home, Sophie was giving me mouth. I got my betting set up and put another 2 rows on it. I'm now on row 32.

The table needed a new tablecloth so I put the pad down that I used when I was at Sharon's. The colors of the beads show up better.

I should be getting close to adding the white area of the bird. I can't wait for the head to start to show up.

After the 2 rows, I decided to sit and watch a movie with Patrick. It ended weird! Anyway, while I was watching the movie, I was cross stitching.

Really didn't get a lot done in the hour that I was stitching. I added the stitching on the blanket area and the gal. I need to add a few stitching on the sleeve. I am outlining the measuring tape. I need to get more done. I'll work on the outlining mostly. It's coming along.

I'm happy to see that I can be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Not One Of My Better Days

This morning I was up early and out the door to meet Sandy. I had a headache when I woke up and thought I could get through the day with it. Not in your life~!

I met Sandy at Berryfields in Centralia. We were met by Bev as well. We chatted for awhile and ordered breakfast. It wasn't much after we eat that I started to feel the effects of the headache. It was a migraine ~ one I rarely I went to the bathroom and came back out. No worries then. We chatted more and then I got hot, flushed and then really not doing good. Even Bev and Sandy got worried about me and offer to take me home. Said I could make it. Then I had to get up really fast, went outside and emptied my stomach on the side of the building. Not fun. Glad no one was around that I could see. Bev came out after. We chatted and I needed to go to the quilt shop to get the fabric I had her cut for me. So, Sandy and I walked over to the shop so I could get some fresh air. I bought the fabric for our Quilts of Valor. Then we walked back to the car.

I got home and went straight to bed. I then got a call. I had worked on looking for grants in the internet. I had entered some information till I realized it was probably a scam. It wanted $30 for the work. I got out of it without even entering the information.....well, they called me today. Told her no I wasn't interested, because grants are free and I don't pay for them. She agreed and said the money goes into the people who do the research to get the grants we need. Said not interested right now. I couldn't believe it!! I thought because I didn't enter the information, they wouldn't get it....WRONG! I need to be a little more careful!!

Patrick was home at about 4:15 pm. I got up then. I made sure I was drinking water as I went to the bathroom. Then I had supper, but not too thrilled about it. I didn't eat much, but got another glass of water.

Then I played a few games......nothing new there. Patrick put on the Big Bang Theory and I went to the table to bead.

I got another row done, and I'm about half way done on this one row. My bird is starting to show more. I'm on row 31 or 32. I like the way it looks in the photo.

I opened my gift from Sandy and her sister. They gave me 3 different Earl Grey teas!! I love Earl Grey! She told me to let her know which one I like the best. I'm betting I will love them all!!

At least I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

A Day For Genealogy

Cherry and I went walking. We did half of what we normally do. At least we went walking.

Then I came back home and decided I wanted to get some genealogy done. I was working between copies of papers - mostly copies out of a book. I worked on the Perkins family first. Then worked on the Strong family.

By the time I was done, I worked on GYPP, TAYLOR, PERKINS, STRONG, and the off shoot of those families. I found that my 13th gr-grandparents and 12 gr-grandmother are buried in a church aisle in England. In "findagrave" they had a picture of the church aisle. It's a pretty church from the photos. I think it was St. Joseph's Baptist church in England, but not for sure. Then I found an interesting thing with some of the early settlers. They pulled up the markers of the grave site, and put the markers around a church in another area. Then they build on top of the graves. This was in MA. So, some of the graves are hard to find because the markers where moved and lost.

I did get fabric in today. I have more coming and I'm looking forward to getting them.

Other than that, today was not a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

A Day Away From Home

Today I was up and ready to go. It was raining all morning.

Of course I had to load up my car with quilt tops, batting and backing. Then I had the beads all loaded up. I couldn't go to Olympia without stopping for a Chai Tea! Sharon called before I let to let me know she was home and I could come up when I was ready. Told her to give me a half hour, but it took longer than that. lol

I was on the road after getting my tea. It was raining and I hit a convoy of trucks. On top of that I had a jerk in a 4x4 truck that was on my butt. After we passed one of the trucks he thought he would move over but another truck moved over first. I could see an accident coming in my rear view mirror. I was surprised he didn't hit my back end or the truck. Once I passed that truck, he cut in front of the truck and went over to the next lane, passed another truck and cross over all 3 lanes. I was amazed he didn't end up in a huge accident. About 5 miles down the road I passed him between two more trucks.

Got to Sharon's and checked out what Bill was doing. He loaded up Susy's quilt. He worked on that the whole quilt and finished it while Sharon and I were beading. I got one row down and she got a couple done. I was having to load my beads and then I had trouble with me light. It wasn't working. I then had to take out 1/3 of my row because I goofed. lol  Took 2 quilts home.

I finally got out of the around 3:30 pm, stopped at Costco for gas, and then came home. Wasn't home long before we had to go bowling.

We bowled pretty good. I beat everyone! I bowled a 252, 252, 205. Not a bad night! Remember - this is 9 pin no tap. Then funny part was most of the strikes were real ones!

At least today I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, May 13, 2019

None Stop Day

This morning I was up and ready to walk, but Cherry wasn't ready. She was still having trouble with her foot.

So, I decided not to walk and instead try to clean up a bit. So, I vacuumed, mopped the floor and did laundry.

Then I went downstairs to see what I had going. I decided to cut a few pillow cases for the QOV quilts. I made the mistake of telling everyone that Sandy was doing pillow cases for us. When everyone thought she was doing that, they quit making pillow cases. Never fails. After cutting enough for 3 cases, I looked at my wall. I needed to think about what to do for the panels I had hanging there.

So I played around with some fabrics to see if they would work. I cut off the stars that were above and below this panel.

I think I will do this combination and not the one above it. I cut the strips and have them ready to sew up. I decided I wasn't going to do that. Instead I had to cut 2 batting and 1 backing for quilts. I called Rita and ordered 9 yards of fabric (3 yards of each). I'll pick that up later this week. I also let her know the next time she goes shopping we will need some more batting. I cut out one of the batting and backings for Susy's quilt. I had to wash the backing for her quilt. Then I set up a meeting with her for later in the day.

After all that, I remembered I had to make Patrick some cupcakes. So, I got busy and worked on those. While they were cooking, I was unloading the dishwasher and getting the kitchen cleaned a little.

The recipe said ti would be 48 cupcakes but I ended up with about 30 and 2 brownies.

They are a white cake with brownies in the middle. I frosted them with a peanut butter frosting - where I used coconut cream. It turned out pretty good. I had to wait for the last batch to come out of the oven before I could go meet up with Susy.

I was a few minutes early meeting up with her. When she came in to the store, I ordered an ice tea and she ordered a drink as well. We sat and chit chatted for about 40 mins. Then I needed to go to the veggie place in Chehalis. I got there just before they were closing. I tried to hurry up for them, as I know what it's like when one likes to close up and you have a customer that takes forever! I was there for 5 mins. Patrick had let me know he was heading home after his City Council meeting.

I arrived home and got supper fixed for myself, since he made noodles for himself. It worked out. I had a salad. Then it was clean up time.

Called Cherry to see if she wanted to walk and the answer was "not today." So, I needed to get some time in on walking and took 2 laps around the neighborhood. Then came in the house. At that point, my back was mad at me.

So, I sat down and worked on my cross stitching - all because I boxed up my beads for tomorrow. Sharon and I will be beading together again.

I did more outlining. I was able to get the doll or measuring tape lady (not sure what she is) started. I have the skirt done, just need to do the top part of her. I also got a few more stitches in around the embroidery letters. I will put the letters in when I figure out what color will work for it. It will be soon, since I have most of that area done. The label in the lower left is "Handmade by...." and will be the last thing I do because there is where I put my name and year.

It felt good to finally sit down and work on the cross stitching. It will be interesting what tomorrow brings - there's bowling tomorrow night. At least today was a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Sunday, May 12, 2019


Happy Mother's Day to every mother or anyone that fills the title.

Today I tried to sleep in. I did for awhile. Then I got up. When Patrick finally got up he gave me my Mother's Day gift of chocolates. I LOVE my chocolates. He gave me both dark chocolate and white chocolate. Shortly after that Katt called to talk. It was so good to hear from her. I've missed her lately.

I ordered more fabric for QOV. I needed to get some fabric for the panels that I got. I will wait a little bit and hope they come in soon. I have a couple more panels coming in as well. Plus there is some fabric that will be with it. I need to go to Whalen Quilt works and get more as well. I'll do that this week.

Then he went outside to work on the watering system. H decided this year he would put the watering system in on the hanging baskets. I was amazed at how much he got done in a short amount of time.

While he was doing that, I was beading. I got a row in before it was time to leave. We had to go to moms for a "luncheon" at Country Cousins restaurant. We met up with my brother, Patrick and his wife, Chris. We had a good time. It was good to see my brother. We had an awesome time. When we were done, we played "Mexican train" and Chris won! That took several hours. After we were done, we came home.

Before we left I took some pictures of the Gold Finches in the yard.

When we got home, I decided to work more on my beading. I was able to get 2 more rows done. I was happy with what I got done.

It's coming along great! I'm close to 30 rows now. Still have 414 more rows to go. lol

Today was a good day. Hope mom enjoyed it. I can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, May 11, 2019

And It Keeps Going

This morning I was up early....didn't get to sleep in....just because I kept waking up.

Played a few games and waited on Patrick to get up. When he did, he went outside to work in the yard and I went downstairs.

He's Rhodes are looking great!

I decided to get the quilt top done.

I used the blue fabric I got yesterday with the 2 panels. I think it came out pretty good. I'm going to try and figure out what to do with the panels I have downstairs.

This is one of the 2 panels I got in the mail yesterday. I'm not sure if I want to keep the stairs on it, or take them off it. I will see what I can do. I have more stars that mom appliqued, so may use those as well.

I like this one the best. I don't know what I'll do. I need to get some of the Stonehendge fabrics that go with this. And it keeps going...what am I going to do....what border am I going to put on......yep, it keeps going on.

I was done about 2 pm. So I put about 40 beads on my Wild Birds bead work. I got a really nice craft tweezers today. I love how sharp it is. It's got a small noise and works great with my beads.

I cut the batting and backing for the above top. The backing is in the wash. I'll have to wash it again in the morning to get the dye out.

We took mom and Irene to the play at the Evergreen Playhouse in Centralia. It was the 5th and Dime play about Jimmy Dean's reunion (of his death). They went from past to present. It was really good. I really did enjoy it.

Of course that puts us home at 10 pm or later. Sophie let us know she missed us. At least it was a day where I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...