Sunday, May 26, 2019

A Quiet Day At Home

Can you believe it?! We had a quiet day at home. Patrick wanted to know if I wanted to go to the movies. I told him I really didn't feel like going anywhere. So, we didn't. He did, though. He needed to go to the grocery store for supper.

I wanted to go downstairs and work on a quilt top....but just couldn't get myself to do that. So, I worked on my cross stitching instead.

I was able to get a lot done. I even got back to the outlining. I was surprised at how much I had done that I could outline. I got the shoe done as well.


I found this area above the shoe - that was done wrong. So, I took out the color that was in the area where it's lined. I had to fix it. I really didn't like it that I made so many color goofs!! But then again, it will be a one of a kind for what I did. 

I fixed the color and it turned out good. I had to go downstairs and get a DMC color that goes with that color I used. I may need more later....and chances are I will. The good news is I'm about 3/4 done with this. To think it took me 20 years to finish this is hard to swallow. I know what I'm going to do next, so if I can get it done, I can start another one. I'm a little tired of this one because of the "mistakes" in it, but I do like how it's coming out. 

Tried a new recipe for supper. Turned out pretty good. 

So, even though I was tired most of the day and really didn't want to do much.....I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

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