Saturday, May 18, 2019

Happy Birthday To Me!

I woke up this morning and sang Happy Birthday to myself.

After getting cleaned up and cleaning up the kitchen, I headed downstairs while Patrick went out in the yard. He does an awesome job in the yard.

While I was downstairs, I decided I needed to go through my stuff. I wanted to weed down what I could. I started in on the shelves that has my boxes. I used Patrick's label maker and labeled the boxes that I had with stuff I wanted.

The left side is pretty much ready and waiting. The right side is what I'm still working on. I came up with trying to decide what to do with some stuff.....and a pile was started. 

While I was moving stuff around, Sophie was getting in the way. She was checking everything I was done. Then she decided to relax on my stuff on the counter. 

I found my tube that didn't have much in it. So, since I have a lot of small pieces for QOV quilts, I decided to use it. The other tube that is the same size and color, I'm filling with other scraps. Sophie even had to climb into the bucket to see if she could sleep in it. When I went for my phone, she climbed out. 

The more I cleaned the more it piled up all over. 

After a couple hours, I called it quits. I still have one heck of a mess! I was able to get a few things done. I have a long way to go. I'm not sure what I will keep and get rid of. I did throw out my samples I was doing that didn't do any good. I could keep them to see how they were done, but I can always go to YouTube and find out. Really need to clean things out. So, throwing out stuff worked great. I have a box that I'm loading up for the other quilters to have. That's the box in the middle of the photo. 

After I called it quits, I went upstairs to work on my beading. I got another row and then some done. I'm now on row 34. Guess I'm doing pretty good with a couple rows a day. 

I watched a little TV with Patrick before going to Makinaw's in town. We had an awesome meal. Turned out great. 

Came home and I pulled out my cross stitching. 

Added the words and then more outline stitches. I was able to roll the piece so I can get working on the middle section. It's coming along pretty good. Still need to add more to the right sleeve of the doll. I'll get there. Was outlining everything to the middle. 

A friend asked me why I would want to bead on my Birthday. I told her when I'm working on my crafts, that's what makes me happy. I love to work on my stuff. That makes life fun to create something. Since I didn't get much for my Birthday, but I can make things to keep me happy. 

Life is good, I'm another year older. I'm reminded that Mt. St. Helen's blow 39 years ago, but I'm okay with being reminded every year how long it's been since I turned 21. I can just hear dad joking with me about my age. We would agree, I'm 21 years old. I wish I could have shared this day with him. But he's in a better place now. I'm still going strong and getting older faster then I thought! It's so funny how times seems to go twice as fast. I remember thinking at 40, it would be a while before 60 came. Now everything is like a dream. The past is the past, and today is another day. Each day, I try to stay up and Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!! 

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