Wednesday, May 8, 2019

A Day To Myself...Sort Of

This morning I woke at 9 am and panicked. I called Cherry and she asked if I heard the phone ring a little while ago. Heck no! I didn't realize she called. I usually wake after the first two rings! Asked her to give me an hour and I'd be up there.

We walked a mile and chatted about everything. We chatted more after we were done too.

By the time I got home it was 11:30 am. Half the morning was gone. Oh, well. I got my lunch and the played a few games. I couldn't believe how fast the day was going. I talked to mom today as well. Then Sharon called to tell me my quilt was done. Told her I would be there on Tuesday to get the quilt and drop off one more. May try to get another one done before then. Sandy texted and asked if I would like to go out for breakfast for my Birthday on Thursday. Told her that sounded good. So, I am looking forward to next week.

I finally sat down and worked on my beading.

I'm on row 25 now. I like how the head of the bird is coming along.

Since it is snowing, the bird head has a white spot on the head. At first I wasn't sure what the heck was going on.

After supper Patrick and I enjoyed the cool breeze on the deck. We both read for awhile. I'm really liking the book I'm reading and about half way done. I am surprised at how much I really want to read it! I usually get part way and want to leave it. I have 3 books on my table that I started and never got into. May need to start those over.

Then I worked on my cross stitching.

I did more outlining. I got the first 3 spools done. Then I started working on the zig zag above them. Funny part was, I couldn't figure out what color I did them in. The thread seemed either too dark or thicker than what was there. When I thought about it, I figured it had to be because I did them a few years back and it's worn. Who knows, I really don't know why, but I finally figured out what color it was.

I'll be doing some cross stitching again. There are scissors and things that are in that middle section. At least it's coming along. The outlining really brings it to life.

Sophie kept me company today. She was happy that I was home today. I had the day to myself, but the phone kept me busy as well. It wasn't a full day to myself, but all in all it was a good day. I got some laundry done, cut batting and backing for a quilt, and was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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