Saturday, December 3, 2022

Day 2 of 16

 This morning we weren't in a hurry.  We went to get breakfast in the buffet, This buffet is a lot smaller than the ones on the Royal Caribbean.  The layout of this ship is confusing at times but we have been exploring. We even played in the casino.  

We came back to our room. I tried to bead, but ended up picking beans off the floor. 

I finished the tassels for the ornament.  Without thinking I attached the tassels. to the panels. I started another set of tassels.  I realized I don't have green beads for the tassels.  So that will have to wait. 

I started the Santa panel for Kim. The tassels I plan to do may look better on the Santa and not the flowers.

On this cruise, dinner in the dinning room is different.  We are put at a table with others. BUT we end up at different tables and meet new people. Our 2 other cruises we were assigned to the same table every night.

Still in open waters with hardly any other sip our there. We still have a couple days in open waters before we stop to check places out. 

We like our room and it has a coffee table I can work on. That will always keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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