Sunday, March 31, 2024


We slept in a little today. It seems we are making a habit of sleeping in.  Ever since my surgery I have been tired enough to sleep till 9-10 am. I know I should get up, but then I don't nap during the day. I just seem to try to work it out. 

Pain is still there. I'm tired of it. But I know it will take time to recover. Poor Patrick is having to do a lot of the stuff I usually do. I have been trying to help when I can. 

We decided to go to the movies today. He left the decision up to me as to where we would go or which movie we would see. I decided on the Ghost Busters movie. I would like to see the other 2 as well, but for some reason this one was the one I wanted to see. Patrick saw the movie before this one. So, he knew more about what was going on. I really did enjoy this one though. It was going in a couple different directions but came together great. I enjoyed it. Patrick was even happy with it. 

Once the way home we decided on supper. Just sandwiches, since neither of us have had an appetite for a while. Then we took a walk around the neighborhood when we got home. 

We watched TV and I played my games. Now I'm tired. We really didn't have a special Easter Sunday like we have in the past. It did feel like Easter Sunday, but I just wasn't in it this year. We have been watching shows about the Bible which we normally don't do. It's interesting what is out there. I have an open mind when it comes to information people have. Then I think about what I believe. 

So, I wasn't having a good day for Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Finished Another Project

 This morning Patrick and I slept in. We didn't feel like getting up. So, it felt good to just relax and not worry about anything. 

When we did get up, we got moving. Then we watched a couple shows. I decided I needed to finish the beading on the berries. 

It is now finished. I'm happy with it. It's not the best. I did learn a lot from this piece. 

I was thinking I could put this on a "trinket box" but then Patrick said he wasn't that crazy about it. He did like it but not enough for a trinket box. Oh, well. 

I was on eBay to see if I could find a trinket box for the piece I'm going to do this Thursday. Goldwork Berries is small and would fit perfectly on the boxes. I need to know the frame area, to see if it will fit. I asked the seller and she will let me know Tuesday. I'm okay with that. 

At least I spent less time playing games today. 

Patrick and I walked 3 times around the block. It was good for both of us. He's new chemo pills have some side effects. He's getting frustrated at times with it. I would too. But we are both doing great, and keeping it positive! Guess that helps me going. Helps keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, March 29, 2024

Almost Three Weeks.....

This morning Patrick went golfing. I slept in for a while.  When I got up, I took my shower and got the cream on me to help with the left over burns from the tape. By the time I got done, I was wiped out! I sat and played games for a little bit. 

My SIL called and we chatted a good hour if not more. Patrick came home at the tail end of the chat. It was fun chatting with her, since Patrick likes to take over the conversation. Made me feel good. 

While we talked, I realized it's going to be 3 weeks since surgery on Monday. It's still sore and I'm still low on energy. Frustrating at times. I wanted to heal fast and move on with life, but this has really kicked me in the butt. Frustrating, tired, and just "ugh" at times. I know this will end, but man, it's not moving fast enough for me. I have lost 10 lbs so far. I'm okay with that, but most of that is because I'm not hungry. I'm working at it. Doing what I should do, but yet, I'm still not strong enough to do more. Instead I tend to do other things that keep me quiet and frustrated. Can't win. 

So, then I played games. Patrick took me out walking and we made it around the neighborhood 3 times. Debbie dropped off a drink from Dutch Brothers which was really good. She couldn't stay and chat. Then mom called and asked if Nancy and her could come over. Told her sure. They came for about a half hour. Mom dropped off a puzzle for me to work on. I may have to do that. I can't seem to do anything else. 

After a while, I thought I would work on my beads for the berries. 

I got very little done. It's the center berry. Then I noticed one of my leaves has the mirror coming loose. I may have to redo that one. I will decide if and when I get the rest of the beads on here. I seem to be stalling for some reason. I guess that counts for trying to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Got A Little Carried Away

 This morning I felt so good. It was the first night since we got back that I have had a good nights sleep. It was good for me. Even though I had to get up three times to pee. Oh, well. At least I'm drinking! lol  I'm also losing weight. I wanted to get my weight down and this does seem to help. But mostly because I don't have an appetite. 

Debbie dropped off the bolts of fabric she got yesterday at Hobby Lobby. Love the colors she got for the backings. 

I had class today for the Goldwork Berries. Debbie Kelley is so talented! 

Taking photos here in the computer room doesn't help. But at least one can see what I'm talking about. This is the design by DK Designs, aka Debbie Kelley. 

We met to make sure we were getting the right information. We reviewed the pattern kit that was mailed. 

This is a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to working on this one. It sounds like it's easier than it looks. If that's the case, I'm happy. I can't wait to see how we will be doing this. The session took all of 40 mins. Next week it will be longer. I did notice afterwards that I wasn't feeling great. I think I pushed myself a little. 

Then I worked on getting some veterans for our next presentation. We have it on April 11th, and we don't have anyone scheduled. I sent out 6 emails and a letter. I did get one come back as a yes. I just need a couple more veterans to get a bigger reception. Oh, well, will take what I can get. Sent paperwork to nationals as well. 

When I was finished, I realized I over did it today. My brain wasn't happy with all I was doing. I would have done more emails. but found that after the 6th one, I needed a break. Patrick went and got a hair cut. Then he had a meeting with the city. So, he didn't make it home till about 4:30 pm. 

I cooked half the fish we got yesterday for supper. We had fruit to go with it. Neither one of us are eating big meals. The fruit is good. I do find that we have been eating more sugary things, and I need to get away from that. Yet then again, I'm losing weight. UGH. 

I watched "Finding Your Roots" and played games. Now I'm beat and calling it a night early. I feel like my clothes are rubbing against a sore. It's frustrating and sore! But my clothes aren't even close to the scare. Oh, well. 

At least I tried to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Still Thinking Positive

 This morning it was raining. Patrick decided not to go golfing. I don't blame him. I was able to get up and shower with little help today. 

Having heart surgery isn't all that fun. There are ups and downs with going through "grief" at times. I don't know if I'm there yet, but I do know I am moody at times. More in the direction of "let's get done with this!" I'm not in the "poor me" stage. I don't see any need to be there. 

Patrick needed gas in the truck and asked me to go along. I was happy to get out of the house. We went to Centralia for gas, then to the bank for money. After that we went to Safeway, where I was able to walk around - slowly - to pick a few things up. We got more fruits than anything. Also picked up some fish and will have that tomorrow. Wasn't in the mood for it today. I really want to fry it, so that's not good either. 

When we came home, I called the Kaiser cardiology pt team. I need to do a phone conference with them. Go over eating habits and exercises. It will be interesting, because I think I'm already there. My next few appointments are in a week. As for next week, I do think there is one more appointment. Hard to say. I gave up on keeping track and Patrick seems to be right on it. 

While Patrick napped today, I listened to my book on tape and played games. I thought about working on the beads for the embroidery piece, but I was more tired than anything. I really should have taken a nap, but that has never been my favorite thing to do. As a kid, I wanted to be awake and know what was going on all the time. Yet there isn't anything to be awake for, as there isn't much going on. I'm trying, but so far, not happening. I am getting to bed earlier and sleeping till about 8 am. That's a good thing, since I seem to be waking up to much during the night. 

I'm still positive. I don't want to look at life with the "poor me" attitude. It won't do me any good. Yes, I've had surgery three times in the last three months. Yes, I'm in pain, but this will pass. I really do need to go through the grief process and move on. I'm tired of getting teary when I hear bad news. 

Like the bridge that fell in Baltimore. It was built while I lived in MD. We traveled over it a few times going to church in Baltimore. It broke my heart to see a few people lost their lives, but thankful it wasn't more than it could have been. I watch the commercial of the grandson and his grandfather. He signed the baseball for his grandfather - that gets me every time. 

So, yes, there are emotions with what I have been through. Yes, there is depression with this as well. The depression puts me in the mood for gaming and not much else. I will get through this. It will pass, and I will be a better person for it. 

But, today was not the day, I could be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Taking Each Day -

Before I start this, I want to thank all of you who have send good wishes my way. The funny part is that it wasn't a Heart Attack but a blockage. My heart is healthy with no damage - I can be very thankful for that. Your well wishes have lifted me up! I appreciate you taking time to let me know. It warms my heart! ---

This morning Patrick went golfing. I was okay with that. Trouble was, I went to bed early last night and couldn't go back to sleep. So, I was up around 8:30 am. Then got breakfast and sat in my chair to play games. I didn't want to be moving around a lot, because I'm still in pain. This pain is a little different. It's like having a big bruise on my boobs! It hurts. Shame it's not tape I could rip off, but it's not. My chest has finally said it hurts. I keep hoping things will get better and I can put a bra on again, but that will come later. 

Patrick got home and I then got my shower. I didn't feel well enough to take the shower on my own. I liked knowing someone was there if I got a little lightheaded. 

Once I did that, I felt better. We went out and walked. Patrick clocked our walk to .7 miles. That was a little over 2 laps around the neighborhood. I almost went for 3 but didn't want to push it. 

I'm still not 100% of feeling good. I still have that ackey feel about me. My head is clear but not clear enough for me to feel safe driving. And yes, I'm allowed to drive now. I almost feel like I have a cold I can't get rid of, but that's not the case either. 

Most of the day, I just sat and played games. I thought about trying to bead, but then Patrick got a show that we had taped and I watched it instead. I need to try and do more. 

 Sunday, I worked on this. The beads are done on both the berries on the left. I could try and finish the other three. Hopefully tomorrow. I have the next class starting on Thursday, so it's going to be interesting. 

I also received a Kaiser message for PT. So, I need to call them and get that scheduled as well. 

This is the other plant I received from my QOV group. I need to send a thank you card or something to them. I may do that tomorrow and have Nancy send it out to everyone. 

My supervisor threads order is on its way. I'm glad to see that coming. I did get our discount, so we are good to go. I will try and get that to Connie when it comes in. Maybe Debbie can help me out with it. 

Most of my days are trying to be comfortable, positive, and get rest. I didn't nap today but should have. Maybe tonight I will sleep better. It's supposed to be normal to lose appetite and sleep. I wake about every hour at times. I need to get dark curtains, but Patrick doesn't like it dark. Can't win. 

It's yet another day I wasn't able to feel good enough to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Sunday, March 24, 2024

Had Better Days

 Today is one of those days that I wasn't feeling 100%. I did work on my embroidery work, adding the beads to the berries. I didn't take a photo, again wasn't in the mood. 

I fixed one of our quilts that had an open area. I stitched it down, Katt washed it and the put it away. A new quilt was put on the bed. 

It's been a rough day. Pain is not easy to handle and when it feels like a big piece of tape on your chest that you want to rip off, then it makes it even worse. 

This is one of the plants I got from my QOV group. I need to send them a thank you. I will work on that this week. 

As for today, I'm not feeling even good enough to type out this blog. That doesn't help me be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Each Day Gets Better

 I haven't been doing much but my walking and relaxing. 

Yesterday Katt showed up from Lewiston. She's looking good. Been busy I can tell. 

Received the following plants/flowers. I may have to post the plants tomorrow, but here are the flowers. 

This came in first from my BFF embroidery gals. I love the flowers!

Then I received these yesterday. They are gorgeous! They were also from the BFF gals. 

After those arrived, Connie brought me 2 plants and a gift card for Dutch Brother's from my QOV group. I was shocked! I will show those tomorrow, as it doesn't look like I took a photo. 

As for me, I'm hurting, but after what I have been through, it's nothing. I can feel the pain on the outside area of the skin. It's not painful in the inside area where the heart is. Just like getting a bad (very bad) cut and having to deal with it's healing. The redness from the reaction is going down. Bruising is going to yellow and not so much as purple. My leg where they took the vein, is healing but at times reminds me that it was taken from there. The spot on my neck that the tube was in, is a big scab that is not so pretty. But considering what all I have had to go through, I'm not complaining. It's like Patrick reminds me, they could have been going through my funeral this week. 

Phil came to visit, and it was so good to see both of my kids here. They are looking good and seem to have things under control. They have been laughing about how they were saying, in 15 years it will just be grandma and themselves. I laughed because I do believe that could happen. Mom will live to be over 100 years I know it. I used to say she will do that to spite me, but yet her health is so much better than any of us. 

We went out to eat. Then we went over to moms so she could see Katt. That pretty much wore me out. I'm now ready to call it a night and maybe see if I can get some sleep. Katt and Pat cleaned the windows around the house. Took down all the curtains and washed them. Then dusted every room they pulled the curtains from. They wore me out just watching them. 

I was thinking of working on the beads of my last embroidery project. I may do that tomorrow. At least I'm thinking of getting back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

It's Only Been A Week And A Few Days

As much as I would love to say I'm recovering nicely - which I am - I won't. There is still pain and there is still fatigue with this.  I run out of breathing at times. Like walking up the stairs that have 100 steps. 

Patrick and I went walking twice today. The first time we did 2 loops and then later in the afternoon did one more. I needed to rest after both of them. It's not as easy as it seems but it's getting there. 

We talked about people like my dad, who where heavy and had a hard time getting around. I can be very thankful I wasn't that heavy - yes over weight - but not enough to keep me from using my abs. Since I walked on a daily basis or at least tried, that helped me more than I realize. 

Patrick has been wonderful with helping me. It's hard to get up in the morning, shower and sit. I've never been a person to sit and let everyone else do the job. But Patrick has done it all and more. I don't know what I would do without his support and help. He has the pills ready for me every morning and at supper time. I've been getting way too much iron lately and asked Patrick to stop giving it to me. He didn't like the idea but when I told him I was getting way too much, he agreed. 

Connie called and wants to pick up some fabric and batting on Friday. I'm not ready for her, but I will try and get what she wants. 

Sleep is my best medicine and I'm about to call it. I haven't been able to play on my tablet much, just not in the mood. Need to work on something, but this is going to take more time than I hoped. I will get back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, March 19, 2024


On Monday the 11th at 5:15 am, I was being prepared for open heart surgery.  It was not just once blocked but 2. Surgery went well. Dr. Abelson told Patrick it was as expected.  They had to work on the right side to get the muscles working and did the double bypass on the left side. I was back at ICU by the afternoon.  

Over the course of my stay I met wonderful nurses and doctors all of whom worked towards a better outcome for me. 

As much as I would love to say this has been a cake walk, I won't even go there. I carry around my heart pillow. Careful and safe. Pain, yes. Emotions, yes. Bored at times, yes. There is only the way up.

As much as I would love to blame this on eating, I can't.  I believe most of this is genetic.  From my uncles, and great uncles, to my father, brother and myself. Another trial in my life. 

I plan to get back to my crafts. I've got this and I will keep moving forward. One thing to another and I'm still standing. Can't ask for me. 

I will try to post daily again, but that will depend on how I feel each day. Bare with me, I will be back!

May you all be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Another Blot On Life

 I haven't been able (or forgot) to do my blog. I am having to be in the hospital for a few more days. 

On March 7th, my daughter's Birthday,  at 3 am, Patrick brought me to Kaiser Urgent Care. I refused to go to Centralia to wait 12 hours in the ER. I was having chest pains and needed to be seen.

By 6 am they sent me to St. Pete's to be admitted.  I was in the ER nurses area for 4 hours outside a room.  I was then admitted to the second floor. There was was to have more test ran. They wanted me here 24-48 hours. Sent Patrick home. Then slept that night to be woken to go for a stress test. And scans. Didn't make it more than 4 mins. Then more tests. Dr. Wagoner  ame in and said he wanted to do a stint in the morning.

So this morning I waited 6 hours to have the procedure done. I was awake the whole time. Because one was blocked so bad, I am now having surgery on Monday for a Bypass. 

I am even surprising myself how calm I am. It's freaking Patrick out that I am so calm. He just left. I have my tablet and toys to play games,  so no worries.  I will try and keep posting but  my forget while in the hospital.  

It's not a place where I can be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Beading & Dr. Appointment Day

 This morning, we were allowed to sleep in. lol - AND when that happens, I can't! 

I played a few games and was getting ready to meet up with Carol for doing the veteran phone calls again. She texted me, to say she couldn't do it after all. So, I decided not to go with Patrick to check on his appointment to see if the radiology would work on his liver. 

While he was gone, I worked on vacuuming and beading. I also kept my eye on my game. Even had the audiobook going. Just as I was enjoying my beading - and laundry - Patrick came home. Said it went well and was told of what he could do if he wanted to. He really liked the doctor, but he was retired and filling in. He did give Patrick his personal phone number which shocked us both. He may do it down the line, but all three doctors told him to try the new meds that are out. Thank goodness he's not doing radiation right now. 

I beaded the afternoon. I didn't play on the tablet while I beaded. 

This is my beaded pattern from my bead program. Now you get the idea of what I'm doing. 

This is now where I am on the piece. Some of the colors are different. I notice the white area isn't so white. Hopefully she will be that bright, but I'm thinking it changed some with the beads I'm using. I don't know why there is such a difference in the color. At least it still looks like a cat so far. lol We will see. I was able to get 5 rows done today. I'm hoping the yellow/orange shows up more. Time will tell. 

It was fun working on this. That is always Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Another Day Of "Not Much"

 This morning Patrick went golfing. It was cold! I walked around the block for 3 or 4 rounds, didn't count. Was listening to the book on audio, so wasn't paying attention. Just knew I wanted to be on by 10 am for our war game. 

Ended up playing that game for 2 hours of "war." Then I sat down to work on my beading. 

One more row was added. The ears are showing up and I like that. I really do need to sit and work on this. 

I took some time this evening and sat with Patrick. Just some "our" time. We don't do it much and I wanted to enjoy him while I could. 

Other than that, I wasn't able to really have time to enjoy being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, March 4, 2024

Embroidery Meeting Day

 I seem to be going to meetings again and it feels good. This morning Patrick was up before me, so I thought he was going golfing. As it turned out, he wasn't going till around 9:30 am. The weather had frost on the course, so they had to wait. He said he woke at 6 am and couldn't go back to sleep. I was up around 7 am. 

I was surprised I didn't have a ton of stuff to take with me. But I did take the last class project to work on. I really need to get back to the Bonji next. Sandy and I worked on our piece. 

I put the stems in and then got started on the beads. The bottom berry is being worked with beads. I really do enjoy working on this but had to figure out the right way or a better way of putting them on. I will just keep working it and see what happens. 

Sandy and I were talking. We are getting tired of the "same old same old," when it comes to Brazilian embroidery. We both like doing mixed media. We are talking about getting what we have done, and then deciding on what direction we want to go. I'm tired of flowers, which is what embroidery usually is when it comes to the Brazilian embroidery. I may have to go to animals or something different. That will be interesting to see. Plus, I still like working on my beading and cross stitching. Let's not forget, I have QOV quilts to get done as well. I may try to do that this week. Hard to say. It's a busy week for us. 

Came home after stopping at Safeway. Then I pretty much went to playing my Treasure Hunt game. We have challenges going on and I wanted to get as much done as I could. 

I'm just happy to be with friends and able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Play Day

 This morning we had oatmeal that Patrick set up to cook this morning. It turned out really good. I even had a bowl full. 

Looked out the window and it was snowing!

Of course, it was gone in an hour. Katt called just as it was going. She wasn't happy because she didn't want it tomorrow. Chances are she will have it tomorrow. 

We worked a little around the house. Getting stuff cleaned up. Then I started cooking the lemon meringue pie. I had 45 minutes to get it done! That's when I got Patrick involved. I put all the stuff together for it. Then I had to clean up a bit in the kitchen because we needed to run the dishwasher. He cooked the lemon part of the pie while I worked on all the other stuff. We put the egg whites and bowl in the refrigerator for when we got home. 

We went to pick up mom and Nancy for the play in Centralia. "Nunsense" was the play. Patrick said it was the best one yet! I don't think I laughed so hard in a very long time! It was soooooo good!!

Came home and finished with the pie. Put the meringue on it and we had some for dessert tonight. Really good! 

I forgot to take a photo of it before Patrick got a hold of it. Oh, well. It turned out great though. 

Today wasn't a day I could be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, March 1, 2024

Enjoying The Morning With Mom And The Quilters

 This morning, I was up and out the door. I had a couple things I needed to do. I even went to get some pen refills at Staples to find out I got the wrong one. PLUS, one of my favorite pens couldn't be opened to put a replacement in it. So, that didn't help. I may need to get another one tomorrow or wait till the next time I go. 

Went to moms and there were 6 of us. Ethel didn't make it. She's been going through a few things lately, and since she's in her 90's it's understandable. The rest of us sat and worked on our stuff. Plus, we chatted - like the old days! Quilting Bee's. 

I reworked that leave I didn't like. I took the first one out and got this one done. I like it a lot better. Then I was going to do the stems. But couldn't decide if I wanted to do the small stems first or the bigger stem. Hate that. So, the more I look at it, the more I think I will do the bigger "thicker" stem first and work off that to get the smaller ones done. Once I do that, then I will be putting the beads on and calling it done. 

Had to wait at moms till 1:30, then stopped at JoAnn's to give her the 2 bolts of fabric she needed for pillow cases. She showed me her quilt top she's working on, and I really like it. She got all that fabric from Diane that I gave her. A big black bag full. Can't remember what bag that was. Oh, well. 

Then headed to see Phil on my way back home. Gave him a hug and said hi to Emily. 

Patrick was home. He didn't go golfing. But he did go to Franz bakery to pick up some stuff. He had a big box full of doughnuts, cookies, and bread! lol He also came home with cream pies. Don't think he plans to share those!! 😋

I was just glad to be able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...