Saturday, March 9, 2024

Another Blot On Life

 I haven't been able (or forgot) to do my blog. I am having to be in the hospital for a few more days. 

On March 7th, my daughter's Birthday,  at 3 am, Patrick brought me to Kaiser Urgent Care. I refused to go to Centralia to wait 12 hours in the ER. I was having chest pains and needed to be seen.

By 6 am they sent me to St. Pete's to be admitted.  I was in the ER nurses area for 4 hours outside a room.  I was then admitted to the second floor. There was was to have more test ran. They wanted me here 24-48 hours. Sent Patrick home. Then slept that night to be woken to go for a stress test. And scans. Didn't make it more than 4 mins. Then more tests. Dr. Wagoner  ame in and said he wanted to do a stint in the morning.

So this morning I waited 6 hours to have the procedure done. I was awake the whole time. Because one was blocked so bad, I am now having surgery on Monday for a Bypass. 

I am even surprising myself how calm I am. It's freaking Patrick out that I am so calm. He just left. I have my tablet and toys to play games,  so no worries.  I will try and keep posting but  my forget while in the hospital.  

It's not a place where I can be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

1 comment:

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