Monday, March 4, 2024

Embroidery Meeting Day

 I seem to be going to meetings again and it feels good. This morning Patrick was up before me, so I thought he was going golfing. As it turned out, he wasn't going till around 9:30 am. The weather had frost on the course, so they had to wait. He said he woke at 6 am and couldn't go back to sleep. I was up around 7 am. 

I was surprised I didn't have a ton of stuff to take with me. But I did take the last class project to work on. I really need to get back to the Bonji next. Sandy and I worked on our piece. 

I put the stems in and then got started on the beads. The bottom berry is being worked with beads. I really do enjoy working on this but had to figure out the right way or a better way of putting them on. I will just keep working it and see what happens. 

Sandy and I were talking. We are getting tired of the "same old same old," when it comes to Brazilian embroidery. We both like doing mixed media. We are talking about getting what we have done, and then deciding on what direction we want to go. I'm tired of flowers, which is what embroidery usually is when it comes to the Brazilian embroidery. I may have to go to animals or something different. That will be interesting to see. Plus, I still like working on my beading and cross stitching. Let's not forget, I have QOV quilts to get done as well. I may try to do that this week. Hard to say. It's a busy week for us. 

Came home after stopping at Safeway. Then I pretty much went to playing my Treasure Hunt game. We have challenges going on and I wanted to get as much done as I could. 

I'm just happy to be with friends and able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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