Today we were up and out the door - yet again. We headed over to Dan's moms place for the estate sale. She's been gone 2 1/2 years now. They were selling a lot of her stuff. We picked up a table and chairs, as well as a coffee table for Katt. She could use them in her apartment. I picked up some serger threat and some scissors. I got 2 pairs of gingers in the bag of scissors. I checked to see if they worked and all of them cut! I must have 10 more scissors. The ginger scissors are the applique ones.
Then we were off to the theater to see the "Avengers" movie again. We forgot how long the movie was. It started at 11:30 am. We were out at 2:30 pm. We forgot how long it was. We just didn't want to go at 7:30 pm tonight. They told us to wait till after the credits......well, in all honesty - don't wait. The credits take 10 mins if not longer, and when it's over they have a tribute to Stan Lee that is very short. Then they go into the trailer for the next Spiderman movie. It was a waste of time to wait. The credits went so long, that 4 people left before it was over.
We headed back over to Dan's mom's to pick up the furniture. They were able to sell a lot of the furniture. They still had a lot of clothes and other stuff that didn't sell. They will put that aside and do another estate sale later. They need to clean out the house so they can get it sold. I think Sara finally realized that now is the time to sell the house.
We came home and Patrick worked out in the yard. I listened to the book and worked on my beading.
I'm getting along pretty good considering the amount of time I've been working on it. I'm on row 48 now. So, I've been getting a lot done since last week. At this rate, Patrick is right, it may take me a year to get it done. I have way too much going on that I can't seem to keep to this. I can't wait to see the head.
After supper, I got side tracked and worked on genealogy. I had to get some family members connected together in FindAGrave. I have also been able to get more information on the family there. I can connect family members which is great. It's not working on my crafts, but it is working on my family. There are times I just can't do enough to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
This is a blog that shows my quilting, Brazilian embroidery, cross stitch, beading and more. It's a daily blog that shows how busy I can be with too many projects and how lazy I can get at times. Even boring at times. It was originally for my children who where miles away. Now, it's just a blog.
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Saturday, June 29, 2019
One Thing Leads To Another
This morning we were up and out the door. We needed to go shopping.
We started out at the VF Factory to pick up some jeans for Patrick. We weren't there very long. When we know what we want, it doesn't take long. The next stop was at Grocery Outlet to check on some of the stuff they have. We picked up a lot of stuff that was on sale. Our next stop was Safeway and picking up a few things for the month. I was able to get $3.50 back on Ibotta. I'm doing pretty good this month. We got home and put everything away.
While we had time before going bowling, I played on my tablet. I wasn't playing very long when my eye lids keep closing. I kept nodding off. Sophie was in my lap and she didn't seem to mind. Next thing I knew, I was out. Till Sophie jumped over something she heard.
I did get a few beads in on my "Winter Birds" piece. I didn't get a lot done, but every little bit counts.
Off to bowling - Monti Carlo. I bowled 1 pin higher than Patrick on the first game. I also got my name drawn for the $28 prize. I bowled - strike! Won $28 the first game, got drawn again, and won another $28. Both shots had a $1 shot, so I ended up with $29 each time. My last game was awful! It ended up being a 123 game. Not happy with that!
All in all - today was busy. We went from one thing and then I said, "One thing leads to another." I love going bowling on Saturday. We were done first but it was a lot of fun.
Today was busy, but fun. It was also a very short day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
We started out at the VF Factory to pick up some jeans for Patrick. We weren't there very long. When we know what we want, it doesn't take long. The next stop was at Grocery Outlet to check on some of the stuff they have. We picked up a lot of stuff that was on sale. Our next stop was Safeway and picking up a few things for the month. I was able to get $3.50 back on Ibotta. I'm doing pretty good this month. We got home and put everything away.
While we had time before going bowling, I played on my tablet. I wasn't playing very long when my eye lids keep closing. I kept nodding off. Sophie was in my lap and she didn't seem to mind. Next thing I knew, I was out. Till Sophie jumped over something she heard.
I did get a few beads in on my "Winter Birds" piece. I didn't get a lot done, but every little bit counts.
Off to bowling - Monti Carlo. I bowled 1 pin higher than Patrick on the first game. I also got my name drawn for the $28 prize. I bowled - strike! Won $28 the first game, got drawn again, and won another $28. Both shots had a $1 shot, so I ended up with $29 each time. My last game was awful! It ended up being a 123 game. Not happy with that!
All in all - today was busy. We went from one thing and then I said, "One thing leads to another." I love going bowling on Saturday. We were done first but it was a lot of fun.
Today was busy, but fun. It was also a very short day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Friday, June 28, 2019
What A Friday....
This morning was another one of those days I didn't want to get up....just wanted to sleep the day off. I made myself get up. I needed to get over to moms again.
I got the app for "Great Clips" and checked myself in before I left the house. Good thing I did, because when I got there, I got right in. There was another person under me. Then as she was trimming my hair, 4 more come in. She really didn't cut a lot off, but I asked her to braid my hair. I forgot it would cost me if she did, and she didn't tell me. I figured it out after I paid the bill. I gave her a tip because she was nice and did a pretty good job, but didn't cut the bangs as much as I needed them to be cut. Oh, well.
Then went and got Chia tea for both mom and me. Headed to her place. She just got back from walking the dog. I waited for her to eat and then we left to go shopping for furniture. We went to JR Furniture first. She found a recliner that she liked and could fit in it perfectly. So, we asked for one in a different color. It will be 6-8 weeks before she gets it. Patrick will pick it up since they wanted $100 to deliver it. Then we went to JJ Berries, which she bought furniture from before. We found a chair she liked but it had a bad spot on it. He offered to discount it more, but we said we would go back later. We then headed over to Rose Furniture and found a couple chairs that mom really liked. We bought 2 of them for her. My brother will be taking the 2 chairs that she's replacing them with. They will be in on Wednesday. They both are recliners as well. I really liked them and they worked great for my back as well as hers. It's a high back chair so that should work for most people close to our size. I think they will do her good. Went back to her place and had lunch. Then we chatted and got on the computer for a little bit. I headed back home by 2 pm.
I called Cherry and we went walking. Then I came back in the house, got my spaghetti squash in the oven. Then I sat to work on my beading.
I was able to get 2 more rows done before Patrick got home. Then I messed up and got my beads on the right side all mixed up. I'm still working on putting them back where they belong. I'm enjoying this piece. I need to get more done. I'm on row 45 or 46 now.
After supper I played a few games and then wanted to practice on my handwriting.
I got the app for "Great Clips" and checked myself in before I left the house. Good thing I did, because when I got there, I got right in. There was another person under me. Then as she was trimming my hair, 4 more come in. She really didn't cut a lot off, but I asked her to braid my hair. I forgot it would cost me if she did, and she didn't tell me. I figured it out after I paid the bill. I gave her a tip because she was nice and did a pretty good job, but didn't cut the bangs as much as I needed them to be cut. Oh, well.
Then went and got Chia tea for both mom and me. Headed to her place. She just got back from walking the dog. I waited for her to eat and then we left to go shopping for furniture. We went to JR Furniture first. She found a recliner that she liked and could fit in it perfectly. So, we asked for one in a different color. It will be 6-8 weeks before she gets it. Patrick will pick it up since they wanted $100 to deliver it. Then we went to JJ Berries, which she bought furniture from before. We found a chair she liked but it had a bad spot on it. He offered to discount it more, but we said we would go back later. We then headed over to Rose Furniture and found a couple chairs that mom really liked. We bought 2 of them for her. My brother will be taking the 2 chairs that she's replacing them with. They will be in on Wednesday. They both are recliners as well. I really liked them and they worked great for my back as well as hers. It's a high back chair so that should work for most people close to our size. I think they will do her good. Went back to her place and had lunch. Then we chatted and got on the computer for a little bit. I headed back home by 2 pm.
I called Cherry and we went walking. Then I came back in the house, got my spaghetti squash in the oven. Then I sat to work on my beading.
I was able to get 2 more rows done before Patrick got home. Then I messed up and got my beads on the right side all mixed up. I'm still working on putting them back where they belong. I'm enjoying this piece. I need to get more done. I'm on row 45 or 46 now.
After supper I played a few games and then wanted to practice on my handwriting.
I really like this book.
I'm a little shaky copying the letters. I'll keep working on it. I want to get the first couple letter down then more on to the next three. It's fun. I really do enjoy doing this.
Sophie is doing better. She's loving her medications. I pull it out and she's ready to get it.
At least I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Enjoying The Quiet
Today I was up and ready to go. Where I don't have a clue. But it started out slow. I knew Faye was coming over, so I worked on our QOV stuff. I got our excel sheet of recipients up to date. We didn't walk early so I was able to get a lot done.
Faye came around 10 am. I sent her home with more fabrics as well as the backing and batting she asked for. Told her we need more batting and maybe 1 more backing. We really need more donations. I may have to ask for more with facebook again. I showed her the one pznel I may have going soon. She liked the direction I was going in.
After she left, I really didn't have a clue what to do. I did more walking in circles for some reason, then any thing else.
When I finally decided what I wanted to do, i sat down and beaded.
I wanted to get more done on my Christmas ornament. I need to make a few of these. This is the third one of the 3 designs. Then I need to make another one of all three. I want to give some away. I may end up doing nothing 3these for awhile. Time will tell.
Sophie is doing great and seems more loveable. She's even getting closer to Patrick.
Tomorrow is the trip to Tacoma for my breathing test. It will be interesting. Even though today was quiet. I was still able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Faye came around 10 am. I sent her home with more fabrics as well as the backing and batting she asked for. Told her we need more batting and maybe 1 more backing. We really need more donations. I may have to ask for more with facebook again. I showed her the one pznel I may have going soon. She liked the direction I was going in.
After she left, I really didn't have a clue what to do. I did more walking in circles for some reason, then any thing else.
When I finally decided what I wanted to do, i sat down and beaded.
I wanted to get more done on my Christmas ornament. I need to make a few of these. This is the third one of the 3 designs. Then I need to make another one of all three. I want to give some away. I may end up doing nothing 3these for awhile. Time will tell.
Sophie is doing great and seems more loveable. She's even getting closer to Patrick.
Tomorrow is the trip to Tacoma for my breathing test. It will be interesting. Even though today was quiet. I was still able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
A Little Behind On Blogging
Yesterday morning started out early. I was getting ready to pick up Sophie when I got a texted from Phil. He wanted to know if I could go shopping for him. Told him I could, and would be leaving in 30 mins. That actually worked out great. I was shopping at Safeway for him, then dropped them off. That put me around 10 am and I wasn't able to pick Sophie up any earlier than 10 am.
I headed over to the vets to get her. I arrived around 10:30 am. She was there and ready to go. She really didn't make a peep till we got to the car. I had to put her in the back of the van because parking was so tight. Hate parking when you have to squeeze (really squeeze) out of the car! AND I'm not that BIG!! If it was dad, he wouldn't have been able to get out of the car! So, I pulled out and went to an area where I could take her out of the back and put her in the front seat. I put her in seat belts around the crate. She fussed a little but not a lot. She seems to like the crate. I had to stop at Starbucks to get Chia Tea because I was wanting one. We went through the drive thru and I don't think they even noticed her, she didn't peep.
Faye had asked me a couple days ago to cut batting and backing. So, I went downstairs and Sophie followed. I picked up a little. I really do need to get in the cutting mood and cut some 2 1/2" strips. That way I can get another quilt or 2 done. I did put up another panel and was trying to figure out what to do. I came up with this idea.
I haven't decided if I'm going to use white in that strip or if I'm going to have the stars and fireworks fabric there. I'm still thinking about it. The red is a 6" piece and I needed it to be 6 1/2" but I can add a 1/2" to the white area and it will do fine. The star fabric on the left is from another panel, so it's not what I'm talking about. The fabric I'm talking about is similar but not the same. The dark blue star fabric on the bottom of the panel is also not part of my idea. That is from the other panel that is behind it. I'm still thinking about what I'll do for the one under. I do have Georgie's blocks that will work great there too. The stars are Georgie's blocks. She's really been doing a lot of blocks for us. I keep giving her fabric so she doesn't have to go buy some.
I then decided to do some beading.
I finished row 45 and the eye of the bird is now showing. I love this. There are 446 rows without the border. I may try to get more in today.
Faye's coming over today, so I'm going to chat with her to see what she thinks of the panel. I'm not quiet there yet, to make another one. She's got 2 tops done, so we are still ahead of the game. If we can stay there. I called Rita to order more batting. I may have her get a backing as well. At this rate, I'm going to have to try and get more money as we are running out. I really don't want to pay for everything out of my own pocket. We can hope something will turn up soon.
We had bowling last night. 9-pin no tap. I bowled a 254 the first game. Then I bowled a 176 and a 208. Not my best. The second game I was struggling. I finally moved the 3rd game. Don't know when I will learn to move a lot sooner than I do!! It was fun. JoAnn didn't bowl because she hurt her back. We played "Hay Day" and I was getting her some parts to help her out. I wanted to get her to level up. We did get her 1 level up but she needs to do more. It was fun and I was having fun between bowling and Hay Day.
At least it was busy and I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
I headed over to the vets to get her. I arrived around 10:30 am. She was there and ready to go. She really didn't make a peep till we got to the car. I had to put her in the back of the van because parking was so tight. Hate parking when you have to squeeze (really squeeze) out of the car! AND I'm not that BIG!! If it was dad, he wouldn't have been able to get out of the car! So, I pulled out and went to an area where I could take her out of the back and put her in the front seat. I put her in seat belts around the crate. She fussed a little but not a lot. She seems to like the crate. I had to stop at Starbucks to get Chia Tea because I was wanting one. We went through the drive thru and I don't think they even noticed her, she didn't peep.
Faye had asked me a couple days ago to cut batting and backing. So, I went downstairs and Sophie followed. I picked up a little. I really do need to get in the cutting mood and cut some 2 1/2" strips. That way I can get another quilt or 2 done. I did put up another panel and was trying to figure out what to do. I came up with this idea.
I haven't decided if I'm going to use white in that strip or if I'm going to have the stars and fireworks fabric there. I'm still thinking about it. The red is a 6" piece and I needed it to be 6 1/2" but I can add a 1/2" to the white area and it will do fine. The star fabric on the left is from another panel, so it's not what I'm talking about. The fabric I'm talking about is similar but not the same. The dark blue star fabric on the bottom of the panel is also not part of my idea. That is from the other panel that is behind it. I'm still thinking about what I'll do for the one under. I do have Georgie's blocks that will work great there too. The stars are Georgie's blocks. She's really been doing a lot of blocks for us. I keep giving her fabric so she doesn't have to go buy some.
I then decided to do some beading.
I finished row 45 and the eye of the bird is now showing. I love this. There are 446 rows without the border. I may try to get more in today.
Faye's coming over today, so I'm going to chat with her to see what she thinks of the panel. I'm not quiet there yet, to make another one. She's got 2 tops done, so we are still ahead of the game. If we can stay there. I called Rita to order more batting. I may have her get a backing as well. At this rate, I'm going to have to try and get more money as we are running out. I really don't want to pay for everything out of my own pocket. We can hope something will turn up soon.
We had bowling last night. 9-pin no tap. I bowled a 254 the first game. Then I bowled a 176 and a 208. Not my best. The second game I was struggling. I finally moved the 3rd game. Don't know when I will learn to move a lot sooner than I do!! It was fun. JoAnn didn't bowl because she hurt her back. We played "Hay Day" and I was getting her some parts to help her out. I wanted to get her to level up. We did get her 1 level up but she needs to do more. It was fun and I was having fun between bowling and Hay Day.
At least it was busy and I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Monday, June 24, 2019
A Day Volunteering And At The Vets
This morning Sophie wasn't any better. So, I freaked out. I know when I'm in trouble with my pets. I called the Vets and they couldn't get me in today. If I called at 8 am tomorrow, they could get me in - maybe. I called 2 other vets and they told me they couldn't get me in till Wednesday. One told me to go to Olympia to the Emergency Vets that's open 24 hours. I really couldn't do that because I was due at the museum. I called Patrick in a panic, and he told me to keep trying around here. I called mom's vet and asked if they could get me in today. I was told to show up about 3:10 pm and they would work me in.
I decided to call that good. Then it was time to go to the Veterans Memorial Museum to work. I got there early and was let in. Skip didn't make it yet, but we waited for Skip to have him open the museum. I let him know I needed to leave by 1:45 pm because I had to go home and get Sophie, then go all the way to Centralia to the vets. We worked, keeping me busy. I was so nervous about going! We had a lot of people show up - which is awesome!
It was time for me to go home to get Sophie..... She had a good idea what I was up to because she wanted to hide from me. She went under the bed. So, I acted like I was going to be home all day and got my tablet. She came out from under the bed and headed up the hall way. I picked her up and put her in the crate. She didn't seem to mind. She did mine the trip a little. We got to the vets about 30 mins early. We were greeted by the resident cat.
This cat sat in my lap and was right there checking on Sophie. Sophie went to the end of her crate, but didn't get upset or hiss.
We ended up waiting about 45 mins. I was okay with that as long as she got to see the vet. She dug herself into the crate. While we were waiting, they called our vet to see what shots she needed. About 5 mins later they called me to tell me they could get her in tomorrow!! I couldn't believe it. Patrick said, "at least they called you back." I cancelled the appointment for Friday.
We finally got in, and they all were wonderful. He checked under her tongue and noticed something. He then put her under so he could check it out. She had a double wrap of the blue thread around her tongue. The ends were twisting like a tourniquet. That wasn't good!! If we would have waited till Wednesday it would have been a lot worse. He told me he was worried there was thread down her throat, and if that would have happened it could damage her insides. I didn't want to hear that! But it's all my fault she was in this stage. I didn't put my bobbin away, and she found it. I'm so thankful that I got her in today! Now I have to wait till tomorrow to go get her. I'm so thankful today!! There is a LOT that could have gone wrong! I came home and put my threads out of reach for her. I'm going to have to make sure I keep doing that! I cover my beads on the table, I'm going to have to put the thread in the box at night.
With a day like today, I wasn't able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
I decided to call that good. Then it was time to go to the Veterans Memorial Museum to work. I got there early and was let in. Skip didn't make it yet, but we waited for Skip to have him open the museum. I let him know I needed to leave by 1:45 pm because I had to go home and get Sophie, then go all the way to Centralia to the vets. We worked, keeping me busy. I was so nervous about going! We had a lot of people show up - which is awesome!
It was time for me to go home to get Sophie..... She had a good idea what I was up to because she wanted to hide from me. She went under the bed. So, I acted like I was going to be home all day and got my tablet. She came out from under the bed and headed up the hall way. I picked her up and put her in the crate. She didn't seem to mind. She did mine the trip a little. We got to the vets about 30 mins early. We were greeted by the resident cat.
This cat sat in my lap and was right there checking on Sophie. Sophie went to the end of her crate, but didn't get upset or hiss.
We ended up waiting about 45 mins. I was okay with that as long as she got to see the vet. She dug herself into the crate. While we were waiting, they called our vet to see what shots she needed. About 5 mins later they called me to tell me they could get her in tomorrow!! I couldn't believe it. Patrick said, "at least they called you back." I cancelled the appointment for Friday.
We finally got in, and they all were wonderful. He checked under her tongue and noticed something. He then put her under so he could check it out. She had a double wrap of the blue thread around her tongue. The ends were twisting like a tourniquet. That wasn't good!! If we would have waited till Wednesday it would have been a lot worse. He told me he was worried there was thread down her throat, and if that would have happened it could damage her insides. I didn't want to hear that! But it's all my fault she was in this stage. I didn't put my bobbin away, and she found it. I'm so thankful that I got her in today! Now I have to wait till tomorrow to go get her. I'm so thankful today!! There is a LOT that could have gone wrong! I came home and put my threads out of reach for her. I'm going to have to make sure I keep doing that! I cover my beads on the table, I'm going to have to put the thread in the box at night.
With a day like today, I wasn't able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Not Much Going On
This morning Patrick was up before me. Not sure what is going on with me, but I just wanted to sleep. Was tired most of the day as well.
Patrick worked out in the yard, and I decided to try and get some laundry going while beading. I put the audio book on the boombox. Then I sat down and got 2 rows of beading done.
Winter birds is coming along. One can see the eye coming to life. I'm on row 43 now, I believe. It's coming along nicely.
Not sure what is up with Sophie. She's been close but not as close. She's not eating, so I'm worried she has something wrong. She's been drooling as well, so read that has to do with her mouth. I'm taking her in on Friday for shots but I may have to take her in sooner. I'll wait and see. I think she needs to cough up what ever it is, but she won't.
We went to find some egg plants for mom. They were all sold out. So, we won't have egg plants. Then we went to Rite Aid to get mom so back pain relief. After all that running around, we went to pick mom up to go out to eat. We went down to Longview at Red Lobster. It was a good meal. We had a good time. We talked about all kinds of things. Then headed back home.
Sophie still isn't feeling good.
Patrick has a pair of pants that needs a hole filled in. I didn't have the iron on stuff for that, so I ended up doing embroidery. The first one I did, I don't think would work, so I cut it out and did something else.
This is what I did for the whole. Then there was a spot that looked like it would get another hole, so I did satin stitch there to make sure it didn't. I hope this doesn't come out. It took a lot of work! As long as Patrick's happy with it, it should work.
I didn't get to be working on anything yesterday....but I did get to work on my beading. That's the nice think about being able to get some time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Patrick worked out in the yard, and I decided to try and get some laundry going while beading. I put the audio book on the boombox. Then I sat down and got 2 rows of beading done.
Winter birds is coming along. One can see the eye coming to life. I'm on row 43 now, I believe. It's coming along nicely.
Not sure what is up with Sophie. She's been close but not as close. She's not eating, so I'm worried she has something wrong. She's been drooling as well, so read that has to do with her mouth. I'm taking her in on Friday for shots but I may have to take her in sooner. I'll wait and see. I think she needs to cough up what ever it is, but she won't.
We went to find some egg plants for mom. They were all sold out. So, we won't have egg plants. Then we went to Rite Aid to get mom so back pain relief. After all that running around, we went to pick mom up to go out to eat. We went down to Longview at Red Lobster. It was a good meal. We had a good time. We talked about all kinds of things. Then headed back home.
Sophie still isn't feeling good.
Patrick has a pair of pants that needs a hole filled in. I didn't have the iron on stuff for that, so I ended up doing embroidery. The first one I did, I don't think would work, so I cut it out and did something else.
This is what I did for the whole. Then there was a spot that looked like it would get another hole, so I did satin stitch there to make sure it didn't. I hope this doesn't come out. It took a lot of work! As long as Patrick's happy with it, it should work.
I didn't get to be working on anything yesterday....but I did get to work on my beading. That's the nice think about being able to get some time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Saturday, June 22, 2019
A Busy Day!
This morning I was enjoying the time to sleep in. I got up and waited an hour for Patrick to get up. When he didn't, I went to take my shower so I could leave in time to get to moms.
I headed over to moms at 11 am. We needed to be in Olympia for Diane and Mike McCoy's 50th Wedding Anniversary get together. Mom and I got a few things done before leaving. We got about 10 miles from where we were going, when the fuel light went on. I can't figure out why mom leaves the gas tank low when she knows I'm driving! We arrived a little early. It was so good to see Diane and Mike. I remember walking her across the field in Germany at night. I also babysat for them. I had forgotten about babysitting back then. I made good money babysitting for a lot of the folks friends. Mom and I were alone for awhile, because we didn't know most of the people. Then we met another guy and his wife that worked for Dad in Japan. He kept saying dad was in Okinawa, but dad was never there. I kept telling him dad wasn't in Okinawa. Afterwards mom and I figured out who he got dad mixed up with. We stayed about 2 hours and then we headed back home. First we had to go to Costco to get gas. I had the GPS tell us the closest place to go. We got there just as it was at the middle red place on the fuel. I ended up putting the gas in the car. It amazes me how much mom doesn't like filling her tank. So, when she knows I'm going to be driving her car, we end up having to fill her tank.
Beautiful view there at the anniversary party. Loved the views!
I stopped at George's place to pick up the blocks she made for our QOV quilts. She does an awesome job. I love the work she does on her blocks. Sue has enough blocks to make 3 more quilts. I'm not going to give them to her. I'm thinking I may use these blocks for the panels I have. It's going to be challenging but I think I can do it.
Finally got home about 5 pm. Then took a quick nap. By 6 pm we were out the door and headed to Patrick's work. There was something he needed to fix, then we were off to the bowling alley. It was Monte Carlo night. I didn't get my name picked, but that's okay. I did win $7.50 tonight which was better than the $3 I won the last 2 weeks. I really didn't bowl very good tonight. I felt good, but I bowled pretty bad. Got a 494 series. I did win a scratch ticket, but it didn't win. lol
I wasn't able to do any crafts today, which was disappointing. I'm hoping to be back to beading or cross stitching tomorrow. It will be good to be back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
I headed over to moms at 11 am. We needed to be in Olympia for Diane and Mike McCoy's 50th Wedding Anniversary get together. Mom and I got a few things done before leaving. We got about 10 miles from where we were going, when the fuel light went on. I can't figure out why mom leaves the gas tank low when she knows I'm driving! We arrived a little early. It was so good to see Diane and Mike. I remember walking her across the field in Germany at night. I also babysat for them. I had forgotten about babysitting back then. I made good money babysitting for a lot of the folks friends. Mom and I were alone for awhile, because we didn't know most of the people. Then we met another guy and his wife that worked for Dad in Japan. He kept saying dad was in Okinawa, but dad was never there. I kept telling him dad wasn't in Okinawa. Afterwards mom and I figured out who he got dad mixed up with. We stayed about 2 hours and then we headed back home. First we had to go to Costco to get gas. I had the GPS tell us the closest place to go. We got there just as it was at the middle red place on the fuel. I ended up putting the gas in the car. It amazes me how much mom doesn't like filling her tank. So, when she knows I'm going to be driving her car, we end up having to fill her tank.
Beautiful view there at the anniversary party. Loved the views!
I stopped at George's place to pick up the blocks she made for our QOV quilts. She does an awesome job. I love the work she does on her blocks. Sue has enough blocks to make 3 more quilts. I'm not going to give them to her. I'm thinking I may use these blocks for the panels I have. It's going to be challenging but I think I can do it.
Finally got home about 5 pm. Then took a quick nap. By 6 pm we were out the door and headed to Patrick's work. There was something he needed to fix, then we were off to the bowling alley. It was Monte Carlo night. I didn't get my name picked, but that's okay. I did win $7.50 tonight which was better than the $3 I won the last 2 weeks. I really didn't bowl very good tonight. I felt good, but I bowled pretty bad. Got a 494 series. I did win a scratch ticket, but it didn't win. lol
I wasn't able to do any crafts today, which was disappointing. I'm hoping to be back to beading or cross stitching tomorrow. It will be good to be back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Friday, June 21, 2019
A Day With Friends And A Play
This morning I really didn't want to get up. I finally talked myself into getting up.
I got ready to head over to moms. Got into the car and remembered the plant Patrick told me to take. Grabbed my applique box and off I went. Arrived to find Ann and Judy already there. Ethel arrived at the same time.
I got ready to head over to moms. Got into the car and remembered the plant Patrick told me to take. Grabbed my applique box and off I went. Arrived to find Ann and Judy already there. Ethel arrived at the same time.
I worked on moms stems. I added a few more stems to what I had then realized I needed another 3a little longer. So I plan to add another long stem on the left side this one I worked on today. There were only 7 of us today. Nancy came for a little while. She left before lunch time. I left after lunch.
I listened to an audio book on the way there and back. So when I got home I went looking for a portable CD player. Found the one Patrick used, but the batteries blew in it. I tried cleaning it but that didn't work.
So I sat and watched TV while putting a few stitches in on my cross stitch.
The quilt inthis piece is getting done. Of course Patrick came home early, so very little got done. I swear he knows when I am relaced and working on something that I don't want to stop. That the minute he walks in the door. The worst part is when I just got comfortable! Then it doesn't last long. Oh well.
Before heading to the play tonight, we stopped at Walmart to pick up a portable CD player. Would you believe records are coming back!? If I knew that would happen I would have kept a few! We got a small "boombox " which will work great for the audio books. I can bead and listen to story time. It's awesome. That will keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Running Around Today
This morning was starting out good. Then last night when I was trying to renew my books and couldn't get on the website. So, I needed to go to the library.....
After walking this morning, I headed out the door to Michaels. I needed to get some tracing paper for my calligraphy. While I was there, they had a few things on clearance, so I had to pick up some pens to write with and I also picked up another book that was on sale. I am getting prepared to practice. I even cleared out one of my drawers so I could put my calligraphy stuff in it.
After Michaels, I headed to the library. I found out I wasn't thinking the right number that needs to use on the website. I picked up another audio book. Turned one of the books over and renewed the other one.
Then it was off to Safeway. I picked up a few thing I needed and headed home. I was back home by noon which made it nice.
It took me a good 2 hours to make up my mind what I wanted to do. I did bake an upside down cake for dessert. Patrick needed a "pick me up" when he found out he won't be retiring at the end of July after all.
When I finally decided on what I wanted to do - I sat down and beaded.
I was able to get 2 rows in by the time Patrick got home. The bird is coming to life! I can't wait to see more of the bird. I found myself getting up and down from working on this. Not sure why. It's funny how my mind would go off and think about the laundry, or just wonder what I have over on the table that needed to be put away. My wondering mind!
After supper I played on the tablet. Then I told myself I needed to work on my stitching.
I worked on the quilt. I had to take some of the blue out because I put it in the wrong spot. It's slowly getting filled in. Not bad. I don't like the colors, but I do like the way it's coming along.
It was a busy day, yet a slow day. I was surprised how much time I seem to waste. Oh, well, I like what I do, and I'm enjoying my day. It's all about being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
After walking this morning, I headed out the door to Michaels. I needed to get some tracing paper for my calligraphy. While I was there, they had a few things on clearance, so I had to pick up some pens to write with and I also picked up another book that was on sale. I am getting prepared to practice. I even cleared out one of my drawers so I could put my calligraphy stuff in it.
After Michaels, I headed to the library. I found out I wasn't thinking the right number that needs to use on the website. I picked up another audio book. Turned one of the books over and renewed the other one.
Then it was off to Safeway. I picked up a few thing I needed and headed home. I was back home by noon which made it nice.
It took me a good 2 hours to make up my mind what I wanted to do. I did bake an upside down cake for dessert. Patrick needed a "pick me up" when he found out he won't be retiring at the end of July after all.
When I finally decided on what I wanted to do - I sat down and beaded.
I was able to get 2 rows in by the time Patrick got home. The bird is coming to life! I can't wait to see more of the bird. I found myself getting up and down from working on this. Not sure why. It's funny how my mind would go off and think about the laundry, or just wonder what I have over on the table that needed to be put away. My wondering mind!
After supper I played on the tablet. Then I told myself I needed to work on my stitching.
I worked on the quilt. I had to take some of the blue out because I put it in the wrong spot. It's slowly getting filled in. Not bad. I don't like the colors, but I do like the way it's coming along.
It was a busy day, yet a slow day. I was surprised how much time I seem to waste. Oh, well, I like what I do, and I'm enjoying my day. It's all about being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
A Good Day
It's getting harder and harder to figure out what to say for a title. I need to work on that.
This morning I was out the door by 8:30 am to go get Patrick his strawberries for jam. Spooners had their strawberries in Centralia. They won't have their raspberries till next week or later. I'll probably have to go back when they are in.
Went to the bank and cashed out some coins. Then went to Starbucks and took the drink to Patrick at work. Figured he needed a "pick me up."
Came back home by 10 am and called Cherry to walk. We walked about 45 mins and then when I got home, Sophie gave me crap for being gone. Had to give her TLC to get her to quiet down. She's not going to like me next week when I take her to get her shots.
Lately, I don't know what I want to work on. So, I play games till I can figure it out. OR I walk in circles thinking about what I want to do. Sophie looks at me like I'm nuts at times. Other times she looks at me wondering what my problem is. To be honest, really not sure what my problem is. I tend to want to do everything - or nothing - and until I can figure it out, I'm pacing.
Finally got in the mood to bead.
I got this far before Patrick got home. I was watching season 4 of "Longmire" on Netflix. I couldn't believe they killed off "Chase" on the show!! He was so cute! I'm not sure where the next 3 seasons will go, but I'm into watching this show. It's addictive watching this show! I am still waiting on some of the other shows that have new episodes.
This is the 3rd snowman in the ornament. I can't wait to get this done. I may be working on it tomorrow as well. It is relaxing to work on. I may be able to get it done tomorrow or have to wait till the weekend.
I needed to work on my cross stitching as well.
I worked on the quilt. I'm actually not into that quilt. So, I'm thinking I'm going to back off on this piece for a little bit. I'll have to wait and see.....
.....what mood I'm in. Lately, my mood hasn't been all that great. I seem to be lost at times when it comes to making up my mind. I don't know if I want to clean the kitchen, sit down and working on my cross stitching, work on my big beading pieces, work on my ornament beading, or applique/quilting.......what to do, what to do.....and then again, I can do laundry, vacuum or go downstairs and clean up. What to do, what to do, what to do. What a pain in the rear when I seem to be anxious to do something, but can't figure out what. I want to go out, I want to stay in. "Do I stay or do I go?" What a pain.
I need to listen to the tapes I brought from the library. I'm thinking I'm going to send the one back because I really don't want to hear any more. It's good, but not enough to keep me going.
I'm still working on being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!
This morning I was out the door by 8:30 am to go get Patrick his strawberries for jam. Spooners had their strawberries in Centralia. They won't have their raspberries till next week or later. I'll probably have to go back when they are in.
Went to the bank and cashed out some coins. Then went to Starbucks and took the drink to Patrick at work. Figured he needed a "pick me up."
Came back home by 10 am and called Cherry to walk. We walked about 45 mins and then when I got home, Sophie gave me crap for being gone. Had to give her TLC to get her to quiet down. She's not going to like me next week when I take her to get her shots.
Lately, I don't know what I want to work on. So, I play games till I can figure it out. OR I walk in circles thinking about what I want to do. Sophie looks at me like I'm nuts at times. Other times she looks at me wondering what my problem is. To be honest, really not sure what my problem is. I tend to want to do everything - or nothing - and until I can figure it out, I'm pacing.
Finally got in the mood to bead.
I got this far before Patrick got home. I was watching season 4 of "Longmire" on Netflix. I couldn't believe they killed off "Chase" on the show!! He was so cute! I'm not sure where the next 3 seasons will go, but I'm into watching this show. It's addictive watching this show! I am still waiting on some of the other shows that have new episodes.
This is the 3rd snowman in the ornament. I can't wait to get this done. I may be working on it tomorrow as well. It is relaxing to work on. I may be able to get it done tomorrow or have to wait till the weekend.
I needed to work on my cross stitching as well.
I worked on the quilt. I'm actually not into that quilt. So, I'm thinking I'm going to back off on this piece for a little bit. I'll have to wait and see.....
.....what mood I'm in. Lately, my mood hasn't been all that great. I seem to be lost at times when it comes to making up my mind. I don't know if I want to clean the kitchen, sit down and working on my cross stitching, work on my big beading pieces, work on my ornament beading, or applique/quilting.......what to do, what to do.....and then again, I can do laundry, vacuum or go downstairs and clean up. What to do, what to do, what to do. What a pain in the rear when I seem to be anxious to do something, but can't figure out what. I want to go out, I want to stay in. "Do I stay or do I go?" What a pain.
I need to listen to the tapes I brought from the library. I'm thinking I'm going to send the one back because I really don't want to hear any more. It's good, but not enough to keep me going.
I'm still working on being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
I Enjoyed The Peace And Quiet
Today was a quiet day. Went walking with Cherry this morning. We got in almost 4 laps today. She's doing better walking, but she still has issues. I think she's finding more things wrong with her. But she's working at getting them taken care of when she can.
I did some laundry, then vacuumed. It was good to be able to clean a little today. I don't know what my problem was, but I was nervous pretty much most of the day. I couldn't get myself calm unless I was doing the cross stitching. Funny how I can seem to just relax at times. You'd think someone was chasing me around the house! Guess I'm loosing it at times!
I watched my "Longmeir" show and worked on my cross stitch.
I got a lot done today. I' getting there. The quilt is slowly getting done. I'm liking how close I'm getting to finishing this.
I'm not too crazy about the colors of the quilt, but I'm doing okay with it. Funny how I've changed some of the colors in this piece and I can't even think of what to trade colors with in the quilt. AND I'm a quilter! That is too funny!
My book arrived today! I'm excited about this. I can't wait to get started but I need to read it first. I love calligraphy, This should get me started again with the hand writing. I can't wait to get started, but I want to make sure I do it right. I've been known to make a few mistakes with my handwriting. I think this will be fun - as if I don't have enough on my plate.
My trays arrived today too. These are awesome when doing beading. They make it a lot easier to pick up the beads.
We then went bowling - 9-pin no tap. I bowled a 261, 202, 171. Funny how I tend to do a big game first and then bomb in the last game. We split the wins - we got 2 and they got 2. JoAnn wasn't there tonight, so we were one person short. Patrick did really good. He got a 707 series.
Enjoying being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!
I did some laundry, then vacuumed. It was good to be able to clean a little today. I don't know what my problem was, but I was nervous pretty much most of the day. I couldn't get myself calm unless I was doing the cross stitching. Funny how I can seem to just relax at times. You'd think someone was chasing me around the house! Guess I'm loosing it at times!
I watched my "Longmeir" show and worked on my cross stitch.
I got a lot done today. I' getting there. The quilt is slowly getting done. I'm liking how close I'm getting to finishing this.
I'm not too crazy about the colors of the quilt, but I'm doing okay with it. Funny how I've changed some of the colors in this piece and I can't even think of what to trade colors with in the quilt. AND I'm a quilter! That is too funny!
My book arrived today! I'm excited about this. I can't wait to get started but I need to read it first. I love calligraphy, This should get me started again with the hand writing. I can't wait to get started, but I want to make sure I do it right. I've been known to make a few mistakes with my handwriting. I think this will be fun - as if I don't have enough on my plate.
My trays arrived today too. These are awesome when doing beading. They make it a lot easier to pick up the beads.
We then went bowling - 9-pin no tap. I bowled a 261, 202, 171. Funny how I tend to do a big game first and then bomb in the last game. We split the wins - we got 2 and they got 2. JoAnn wasn't there tonight, so we were one person short. Patrick did really good. He got a 707 series.
Enjoying being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!
Monday, June 17, 2019
A Little Bit Of This And That
This morning it was Brazilian embroidery day. I headed over there with a couple stops on the way. I stopped at McDonald's and found a friend in front of me. He stopped me and asked about Carol's and her business. I gave him my advise. That's all I could do, since I haven't seen Carol for over a year or more.
Then it was Brazilian embroidery. Gave Sandy some egg cartons. She told me she lost 2 of her chickens while she was gone. Eggs all over the garden, where she left them while she was gone. She gave me my pattern and kit for the butterfly that Debbie Kelley was teaching at seminar. I love the colors. It's mostly beading, so it should be easy enough.
I worked on the pine cones today. They are small bullons and I'm not sure if I like them. I did get some more brown floss because I was running out of mine. The trouble with that was that the new floss is a different shade of brown. I'll work on it more.
I left our meeting and went to moms for lunch. We had lunch together and then I was off to Safeway for dinner. I have 3 different ideas for supper, so that will handle the next 2 days (cooked already today). I got home by 3 pm, so I was able to start supper. I also got the bread going. I baked a round bread for supper. It came out great!
I worked on the beaded heart that I started last year.
I'm beading the back and front together. I don't have enough of the beads to go all the way around. I'm going to have to buy more. I'll have to look for that. I do have some purple beads but they won't go with this piece.
I needed to fill in the area better too. I'm not sure if it will make it around to the side where the other beads are. I'll figure it out later. Gave up on it.
Decided to try and work on this piece for now. I worked on the back stitching for the scissors. I like the way this is coming along. I have more stitching to do, and since tomorrow is a day where I can enjoy being home and working on my crafts. Depends on what I'm in the mood to work on.
At least today was a day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Then it was Brazilian embroidery. Gave Sandy some egg cartons. She told me she lost 2 of her chickens while she was gone. Eggs all over the garden, where she left them while she was gone. She gave me my pattern and kit for the butterfly that Debbie Kelley was teaching at seminar. I love the colors. It's mostly beading, so it should be easy enough.
I worked on the pine cones today. They are small bullons and I'm not sure if I like them. I did get some more brown floss because I was running out of mine. The trouble with that was that the new floss is a different shade of brown. I'll work on it more.
I left our meeting and went to moms for lunch. We had lunch together and then I was off to Safeway for dinner. I have 3 different ideas for supper, so that will handle the next 2 days (cooked already today). I got home by 3 pm, so I was able to start supper. I also got the bread going. I baked a round bread for supper. It came out great!
I worked on the beaded heart that I started last year.
I'm beading the back and front together. I don't have enough of the beads to go all the way around. I'm going to have to buy more. I'll have to look for that. I do have some purple beads but they won't go with this piece.
I needed to fill in the area better too. I'm not sure if it will make it around to the side where the other beads are. I'll figure it out later. Gave up on it.
Decided to try and work on this piece for now. I worked on the back stitching for the scissors. I like the way this is coming along. I have more stitching to do, and since tomorrow is a day where I can enjoy being home and working on my crafts. Depends on what I'm in the mood to work on.
At least today was a day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Happy Father's Day!
I kinda blew it! I forgot about Father's Day - but I did tell Katt. I didn't get Patrick anything, and I think he was hoping to get something. I'll go tomorrow and see what I can find for him and give it to him late.
This morning I actually slept till 9 am - a rarity!! I'm usually up by 8 am. Katt called Patrick about 9:30 am and he was still sleeping. Funny how she does that to him.
We really didn't do much today. I was working on the family history. I added another 50 names to Patrick's tree. I did add another 5 names to mine as well. I had some papers that I needed to enter. Before I got started on the family history, I worked on bookkeeping. I was able to balance both the water and our checkbooks. I do like the bookkeeping part. It keeps me going. As for the family history, that is exciting and can keep me on the computer for hours - which is what was going on today. I haven't really been into the family history much since dad passed. I loved sharing our history with him. Now I have questions that I can't ask anymore.
Being father's day, I miss him! This is the second father's day that has gone and he hasn't been here. Yes, it's getting easier, but it's still hard knowing I can't call him to wish him a Happy Father's Day. Today is also my brother's Birthday. Had to text him and wish him a Happy Birthday. I wish I could give him a hug but he lives in OK.
When things settled down a little after working on my history, I decided I needed to get some cross stitching done. I worked on the back stitching. I got the scissors outlined. I have another pair of scissors to do some stitching before I do the outlining.
Tomorrow is Brazilian embroidery and I can't wait to see what Sandy brought back for me. She's going to be giving me back my embroidery. I probably didn't get many votes on my work. It would be nice if I came in the top 3 but really don't think I did. If I had, I think Sandy would have told me by know. I kinda wanted to be in the top 3. Oh, well.
We are sitting here watching House Hunters. They were doing Whidby Island - that place is expensive! Then I read that those shows are "fake." As much as I would love to believe they were doing everything "true" to the site, but NOPE. I found out they actually have their house before they start the house hunting. They have bought the house, then they go around and check out 2 other houses to tape. Once they do that, then they decide on the house that they already bought. Can you see me selling my house, getting a house, and then have House Hunters show more houses. With me, I would love another house and wish I had seen that house first. But then I also found out, some of the houses they look at are really not for sale. lol - Oh, well.
At least I was (for awhile) Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
This morning I actually slept till 9 am - a rarity!! I'm usually up by 8 am. Katt called Patrick about 9:30 am and he was still sleeping. Funny how she does that to him.
We really didn't do much today. I was working on the family history. I added another 50 names to Patrick's tree. I did add another 5 names to mine as well. I had some papers that I needed to enter. Before I got started on the family history, I worked on bookkeeping. I was able to balance both the water and our checkbooks. I do like the bookkeeping part. It keeps me going. As for the family history, that is exciting and can keep me on the computer for hours - which is what was going on today. I haven't really been into the family history much since dad passed. I loved sharing our history with him. Now I have questions that I can't ask anymore.
Being father's day, I miss him! This is the second father's day that has gone and he hasn't been here. Yes, it's getting easier, but it's still hard knowing I can't call him to wish him a Happy Father's Day. Today is also my brother's Birthday. Had to text him and wish him a Happy Birthday. I wish I could give him a hug but he lives in OK.
When things settled down a little after working on my history, I decided I needed to get some cross stitching done. I worked on the back stitching. I got the scissors outlined. I have another pair of scissors to do some stitching before I do the outlining.
Tomorrow is Brazilian embroidery and I can't wait to see what Sandy brought back for me. She's going to be giving me back my embroidery. I probably didn't get many votes on my work. It would be nice if I came in the top 3 but really don't think I did. If I had, I think Sandy would have told me by know. I kinda wanted to be in the top 3. Oh, well.
We are sitting here watching House Hunters. They were doing Whidby Island - that place is expensive! Then I read that those shows are "fake." As much as I would love to believe they were doing everything "true" to the site, but NOPE. I found out they actually have their house before they start the house hunting. They have bought the house, then they go around and check out 2 other houses to tape. Once they do that, then they decide on the house that they already bought. Can you see me selling my house, getting a house, and then have House Hunters show more houses. With me, I would love another house and wish I had seen that house first. But then I also found out, some of the houses they look at are really not for sale. lol - Oh, well.
At least I was (for awhile) Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Saturday, June 15, 2019
A Little Bit Of This And That
This morning it felt good to sleep in. I needed it. I just seem to be having trouble getting up in the mornings and not feeling tired.
I did some cleaning and then I decided to try and finish the piece I was working on yesterday. My beading is coming along. I would like to get a few of my ornaments done so I can give them out for Christmas.
I started out here, finding a couple mistakes and fixing them.
Then I finally finished it. I do have a mistake that is easy to see from the photo. I decided to leave it in there. I didn't see it till I was close to finishing. I seem to have one mistake in my first pieces. It's almost comical. Never fails. I have to do another one. First I'm going to do the third one and then go back and do all three again. I could just make a lot of the first one and a lot of the seconds and so on. Not sure what I will do so I can get some done for gifts.
While I was working on that, I decided I wanted to bake some bread. Today was cool enough to do that. So, I baked bread.
I realized later that I should have kept it in the oven just a little bit longer. I didn't realize that before I asked Denise if she wanted home made bread. Oh, well. I'm she she won't notice. I told her if she wanted the crust on it, she can spray it with water and put it back in the oven for about 10 mins.
I gave her the bread at the bowling alley, since we were bowling tonight.
We bowled Monte Carlo again today. It was fun but I couldn't bowl worth crap!! I had my name drawn for $40 and I only got 5 pins!! We have to strike to get the money shots. I really bowled worth crap!
Today was one of those days of getting what I could in when it came to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
I did some cleaning and then I decided to try and finish the piece I was working on yesterday. My beading is coming along. I would like to get a few of my ornaments done so I can give them out for Christmas.
I started out here, finding a couple mistakes and fixing them.
Then I finally finished it. I do have a mistake that is easy to see from the photo. I decided to leave it in there. I didn't see it till I was close to finishing. I seem to have one mistake in my first pieces. It's almost comical. Never fails. I have to do another one. First I'm going to do the third one and then go back and do all three again. I could just make a lot of the first one and a lot of the seconds and so on. Not sure what I will do so I can get some done for gifts.
While I was working on that, I decided I wanted to bake some bread. Today was cool enough to do that. So, I baked bread.
I realized later that I should have kept it in the oven just a little bit longer. I didn't realize that before I asked Denise if she wanted home made bread. Oh, well. I'm she she won't notice. I told her if she wanted the crust on it, she can spray it with water and put it back in the oven for about 10 mins.
I gave her the bread at the bowling alley, since we were bowling tonight.
We bowled Monte Carlo again today. It was fun but I couldn't bowl worth crap!! I had my name drawn for $40 and I only got 5 pins!! We have to strike to get the money shots. I really bowled worth crap!
Today was one of those days of getting what I could in when it came to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Friday, June 14, 2019
Mom Was Over Today
This morning I went out for walking. It had rained the night before. The air was so fresh and smelled so good. I forgot how much I love the smell of the fresh rain.
Came back home. Mom came over. She brought Daisy with her. We watched a few shows while she worked on the applique stars. I worked on my Christmas ornaments in beading.
I was able get a lot done. Now I'm working on the point of this one. That will make 2 of these. I was thinking the other day that I needed to get moving on some ornaments. I have about 3 different people I want to give one to. It's a wait and see.
Mom left and Patrick came home. We had supper and then went to the movie. It was pretty good. I'm not sure what the name of it is, but it's about a talk show host. It was really good. I was surprised. It's not one of my top movies but it was worth seeing.
I'm happy to say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Came back home. Mom came over. She brought Daisy with her. We watched a few shows while she worked on the applique stars. I worked on my Christmas ornaments in beading.
I was able get a lot done. Now I'm working on the point of this one. That will make 2 of these. I was thinking the other day that I needed to get moving on some ornaments. I have about 3 different people I want to give one to. It's a wait and see.
Mom left and Patrick came home. We had supper and then went to the movie. It was pretty good. I'm not sure what the name of it is, but it's about a talk show host. It was really good. I was surprised. It's not one of my top movies but it was worth seeing.
I'm happy to say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Over The Hump - Thursday
Today I got in my walking. Then spend an hour with enjoying tea with Cherry and chatting.
Then it was home. I talked to Ruth on the phone for over an hour. We had a lot to caught up on.
Once all that was done, I decided I wanted to enjoy the day by cross stitching.
I'm getting closer to getting this done!
I wanted to get the strawberry done, then I went toward the quilt. I'm getting there. It will be awhile on the quilt, because it's all filled in with stitches. I went ahead and finished with the ribbon on the right. I just need to finish up the scissor on the top, so I can do the back-stitching.
It cooled down a little today. It wasn't as bad as yesterday and I think it will be even cooler tomorrow. I'm happy for that. I didn't get much sleep with the heat last night. I can't seem to sleep when it's hot. Even with the fan going and keeping it cool, I can't sleep that well.
At least it was a day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!
Then it was home. I talked to Ruth on the phone for over an hour. We had a lot to caught up on.
Once all that was done, I decided I wanted to enjoy the day by cross stitching.
I'm getting closer to getting this done!
I wanted to get the strawberry done, then I went toward the quilt. I'm getting there. It will be awhile on the quilt, because it's all filled in with stitches. I went ahead and finished with the ribbon on the right. I just need to finish up the scissor on the top, so I can do the back-stitching.
It cooled down a little today. It wasn't as bad as yesterday and I think it will be even cooler tomorrow. I'm happy for that. I didn't get much sleep with the heat last night. I can't seem to sleep when it's hot. Even with the fan going and keeping it cool, I can't sleep that well.
At least it was a day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Summer Is HERE - HOT, HOT, HOT
This morning when Cherry and I went walking - 8:45 am - it was warm. We enjoyed the walk, but the wind was on the warm side. She almost wear a sweater for walking, told her to change to something lighter. She was glad she did.
Before meeting Cherry, I got the vacuuming done. Then when I got back from walking I got going on the laundry. It's a week worth. I hated doing the laundry today because it was so hot. I got a lot done.
Then I decided to enjoy working on my cross stitching.
I got to work on the scissors. I really like the way this is coming. I am surprised that I didn't want to work on quilting or beading.
I even got some more background stitches in. I will finish the last scissors and then do more back stitching.
I'm happy with the way this is coming. I was enjoying the Netflex series of "Longmier." I'm still in season 1 but I do like the show. I know I need to clean up my quilt room some more, but I'll worry about that another time.
Mom called and wasn't happy with me. I did ask her over tomorrow or Friday. She's coming over Friday. Not sure what we will do, but I think we can find something to work on. Even if we watch TV and stitch. HOPING it won't be too HOT on Friday.
Tomorrow is another day. I'll be hiding in the house.....can't take the heat. You know, I'm one of those people that starts sweating after it reaches 80 degrees. Never fails!
OH! While I was doing the laundry, I had my pile of laundry on the floor......I bend over, pick it up and come back up.......HITTING the jewelry box on the wall!! My head left like it was bleeding but it wasn't. So, I put an ice pack on my head. Sophie didn't know what to think of me!! I figured I'd get a nice headache or an egg on my head, but so far, I'm good. The top of my head doesn't hurt, so I guess I got lucky. All my life I seem to hit my head in one fashion or another. I'm surprised I'm not the brightest cookie in the cookie jar yet, but that may happen yet. The blonde in me comes out, so maybe I was affected by the head banging! (laughing)
Today was HOT, HOT, HOT. Patrick came home early - which stopped my TV watching. But that's all good, I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Before meeting Cherry, I got the vacuuming done. Then when I got back from walking I got going on the laundry. It's a week worth. I hated doing the laundry today because it was so hot. I got a lot done.
Then I decided to enjoy working on my cross stitching.
I got to work on the scissors. I really like the way this is coming. I am surprised that I didn't want to work on quilting or beading.
I even got some more background stitches in. I will finish the last scissors and then do more back stitching.
I'm happy with the way this is coming. I was enjoying the Netflex series of "Longmier." I'm still in season 1 but I do like the show. I know I need to clean up my quilt room some more, but I'll worry about that another time.
Mom called and wasn't happy with me. I did ask her over tomorrow or Friday. She's coming over Friday. Not sure what we will do, but I think we can find something to work on. Even if we watch TV and stitch. HOPING it won't be too HOT on Friday.
Tomorrow is another day. I'll be hiding in the house.....can't take the heat. You know, I'm one of those people that starts sweating after it reaches 80 degrees. Never fails!
OH! While I was doing the laundry, I had my pile of laundry on the floor......I bend over, pick it up and come back up.......HITTING the jewelry box on the wall!! My head left like it was bleeding but it wasn't. So, I put an ice pack on my head. Sophie didn't know what to think of me!! I figured I'd get a nice headache or an egg on my head, but so far, I'm good. The top of my head doesn't hurt, so I guess I got lucky. All my life I seem to hit my head in one fashion or another. I'm surprised I'm not the brightest cookie in the cookie jar yet, but that may happen yet. The blonde in me comes out, so maybe I was affected by the head banging! (laughing)
Today was HOT, HOT, HOT. Patrick came home early - which stopped my TV watching. But that's all good, I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
A Day With Family And Friends
This morning I just couldn't get up. So, I kept going back to sleep. We got our walking in around 8:30 am. While we were walking my cousin called and asked if I could help her out. Told her I would be in Olympia already, so she didn't need to come down to pick me up. They were buying a trailer van. Told her I would pick them up on my way home. I was able to get moving and go to Olympia sooner than I thought.
I called Sharon to tell her I was on my way. I arrived and she worked on getting those beads that I had in the bag organization. She got most of my beads in the right color number. I was so happy! There are a few that she didn't get done, but I'm thrilled with what she did do. While she worked on that, I worked on my beading. I actually got 2 rows done and started on the white in the birds head.
I also got started on the eye. You can actually see the eye on this piece.
I left her place around 2 pm. I picked Mike and Cindy up and drove them down here to pick up the van they bought. It's a really nice one and it will work for Cindy. She's having more issue come up with her MS. She looks great. But even I noticed the MS was coming back and she's having some trouble walking. So, after they got the trailer van, I followed them to the freeway and then we went our separate ways. We got caught up on our families as I drove them to get the vehicle. It was good to see them again.
Came home and tried to take a nap after mopping the floor - No Go! Patrick got home. So, we had supper and then it was off to bowling.
Tonight we had trouble with the lanes. They kept breaking down. We got though it. I bowled a 190, 232, 202. Still 9 pin no tap. Patrick beat me by 4 pins in series. He bowled better his last game because I was beating him up to that point.
It feels good to still be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!
I called Sharon to tell her I was on my way. I arrived and she worked on getting those beads that I had in the bag organization. She got most of my beads in the right color number. I was so happy! There are a few that she didn't get done, but I'm thrilled with what she did do. While she worked on that, I worked on my beading. I actually got 2 rows done and started on the white in the birds head.
I also got started on the eye. You can actually see the eye on this piece.
I left her place around 2 pm. I picked Mike and Cindy up and drove them down here to pick up the van they bought. It's a really nice one and it will work for Cindy. She's having more issue come up with her MS. She looks great. But even I noticed the MS was coming back and she's having some trouble walking. So, after they got the trailer van, I followed them to the freeway and then we went our separate ways. We got caught up on our families as I drove them to get the vehicle. It was good to see them again.
Came home and tried to take a nap after mopping the floor - No Go! Patrick got home. So, we had supper and then it was off to bowling.
Tonight we had trouble with the lanes. They kept breaking down. We got though it. I bowled a 190, 232, 202. Still 9 pin no tap. Patrick beat me by 4 pins in series. He bowled better his last game because I was beating him up to that point.
It feels good to still be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!
Monday, June 10, 2019
My Volunteer Day At The Museum
This morning I called Cherry and we put off walking till later today. Then I was out the door and off to the museum.
I arrived early and Greg had the museum opened up already. I was about 10 mins early even though I was trying to be earlier. I did the walk through on what all I needed to do for opening. It was just Greg and I for a couple hours. Then we had someone come in. It was quiet a lot of the time, but it was busy other times. We had a lot of people come through the museum which surprised the other guy that relieved Greg. Can't remember his name right now. He would wonder around and I was there at the front desk. While it was quiet, I was able to work on my embroidery.
I finished one of the leaves. Then I worked on the brown branches. I called Rita to see if she had more brown thread. She had more, so I didn't have to ask Sandy to pick it up for me. I really like the colors in this piece. I'm hoping to get this one done. Not sure if I'll give it away or not. Thought about giving the Harvest Wreath away, but then Patrick put that one on the wall.
I had to go and take a photo of the museum's airplane in the show room. It's awesome! I posted it on Instagram hoping to show how great this is.
I worked till 4:30 pm - would have been 5 but there wasn't anyone there. Got home, had supper and then went walking. I've gotten over 8,000 steps. It feels good to be getting that much done.
Now, I'm tired and just glad it was a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
I arrived early and Greg had the museum opened up already. I was about 10 mins early even though I was trying to be earlier. I did the walk through on what all I needed to do for opening. It was just Greg and I for a couple hours. Then we had someone come in. It was quiet a lot of the time, but it was busy other times. We had a lot of people come through the museum which surprised the other guy that relieved Greg. Can't remember his name right now. He would wonder around and I was there at the front desk. While it was quiet, I was able to work on my embroidery.
I finished one of the leaves. Then I worked on the brown branches. I called Rita to see if she had more brown thread. She had more, so I didn't have to ask Sandy to pick it up for me. I really like the colors in this piece. I'm hoping to get this one done. Not sure if I'll give it away or not. Thought about giving the Harvest Wreath away, but then Patrick put that one on the wall.
I had to go and take a photo of the museum's airplane in the show room. It's awesome! I posted it on Instagram hoping to show how great this is.
I worked till 4:30 pm - would have been 5 but there wasn't anyone there. Got home, had supper and then went walking. I've gotten over 8,000 steps. It feels good to be getting that much done.
Now, I'm tired and just glad it was a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Sunday, June 9, 2019
One Of My Busier Sundays
This morning started out busy and the day just stayed that way.
We headed over to Michael's as Patrick liked the shadow boxes for my embroidery. This time we picked up 2 more square frames and one bigger frame. The bigger frame was for my "teapot" that's really not a teapot. It's called "Three Wishes" and I have posted about that one. It's actually a Turkish Pot. Not one I would like to think about - because I really don't want to be reminded of living in Turkey for a year.
Patrick saw this box on sale and thought I could use it for my beading. I love it! I put my rolls of beads in 4 of the boxes. I figure the first four boxes I'll use for my project that I'm doing now. The Wild Birds beads are a lot and it takes a lot to carry them to Sharon's. This way I can have less to carry.
Then we headed over to the Home Depot and picked up some sprinkler equipment for Patrick. It went really quick.
I was waiting on Jeannette to get here. She was going to have breakfast with me this morning but then she wasn't feeling well yesterday and didn't make it on the fairy. So, she left early this morning and got to Sandy's around noon. We met at Starbucks at 1 pm. We had a good visit and I gave her the 2 embroidery pieces that I had Patrick help me frame.
I took this photo and couldn't get the reflection to go away. I was really amazed at how well Patrick had the glass cleaned. lol I actually helped frame this the other day - not today.
This one I framed today. This is the bigger frame Patrick bought. I got it ready for Jeannette to take to Seminar. She was going to put it in the Show and Tell at Seminar. I almost wish I was going. She was thrilled to be taking them, so I felt good about that. She was on her way to pick Sandy up at the Airport in Portland.
I finished putting the border on the QOV quilt top I was working on. I then had to cut the batting and backing for that quilt and the quilt Bev gave me. So, on Tuesday I am taking 2 quilts up to Bill to be quilted.
We took pictures of the quilts that I have for QOV. I'm going to take 3 of them to the museum tomorrow. I'm working there tomorrow, so it will be easy to drop them off.
I had to wash and prep the Harvest Wreath piece that I did a while back. Then tonight I framed it a well.
I think it turned out great. Patrick liked it so much, he hung it up on the orange wall in Katt's old bedroom. (There is ONLY one wall orange). Katt wanted all the walls orange and Patrick wasn't going there.
Now, my back is not happy with me. It's been a busy day, and I'm about ready to call it good. It's been a day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!
We headed over to Michael's as Patrick liked the shadow boxes for my embroidery. This time we picked up 2 more square frames and one bigger frame. The bigger frame was for my "teapot" that's really not a teapot. It's called "Three Wishes" and I have posted about that one. It's actually a Turkish Pot. Not one I would like to think about - because I really don't want to be reminded of living in Turkey for a year.
Patrick saw this box on sale and thought I could use it for my beading. I love it! I put my rolls of beads in 4 of the boxes. I figure the first four boxes I'll use for my project that I'm doing now. The Wild Birds beads are a lot and it takes a lot to carry them to Sharon's. This way I can have less to carry.
Then we headed over to the Home Depot and picked up some sprinkler equipment for Patrick. It went really quick.
I was waiting on Jeannette to get here. She was going to have breakfast with me this morning but then she wasn't feeling well yesterday and didn't make it on the fairy. So, she left early this morning and got to Sandy's around noon. We met at Starbucks at 1 pm. We had a good visit and I gave her the 2 embroidery pieces that I had Patrick help me frame.
I took this photo and couldn't get the reflection to go away. I was really amazed at how well Patrick had the glass cleaned. lol I actually helped frame this the other day - not today.
This one I framed today. This is the bigger frame Patrick bought. I got it ready for Jeannette to take to Seminar. She was going to put it in the Show and Tell at Seminar. I almost wish I was going. She was thrilled to be taking them, so I felt good about that. She was on her way to pick Sandy up at the Airport in Portland.
I finished putting the border on the QOV quilt top I was working on. I then had to cut the batting and backing for that quilt and the quilt Bev gave me. So, on Tuesday I am taking 2 quilts up to Bill to be quilted.
We took pictures of the quilts that I have for QOV. I'm going to take 3 of them to the museum tomorrow. I'm working there tomorrow, so it will be easy to drop them off.
I had to wash and prep the Harvest Wreath piece that I did a while back. Then tonight I framed it a well.
I think it turned out great. Patrick liked it so much, he hung it up on the orange wall in Katt's old bedroom. (There is ONLY one wall orange). Katt wanted all the walls orange and Patrick wasn't going there.
Now, my back is not happy with me. It's been a busy day, and I'm about ready to call it good. It's been a day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!
Saturday, June 8, 2019
Enjoying The Day.....Driving Trip
This morning we headed out to Costco in Olympia. Patrick wanted to take the "long way" to get there. I was game, because there are some really pretty areas to drive around and see. Funny part was, he was going in one direction and we ended up back in Rochester WA. So, we had to turn around and head back up to Olympia. We came in the "back way."
While we were there we picked up stuff for mom as well. I was looking for sheets for my son, but they didn't have the "full" or "double" size. I think now it's hard to find that size since everyone seems to go to King size beds now. On the way home, we took the freeway. Stopped and dropped moms stuff off. Then headed back home.
We got all our stuff unloaded and I went to check out the frame that Patrick got yesterday. I wanted to get my rose framed so Jeannette can take it to Seminar tomorrow. I worked the stitches in the back, and he cleaned up the frame and framed it for me. It looks awesome. Now I have to take it to Jeannette tomorrow. Was going to have breakfast with her, but she wasn't feeling well and didn't get on the fairy to head this way. She's from Canada, so she's going to get the fairy tomorrow morning and be hear around 1 pm.
I had a little bit of time, so I worked another row and a half on the beading.
I'm on row 35 again. It's going pretty good. I will work on it again tomorrow or another day. I was listening to my tape from the library. Sophie was in the bedroom because she didn't like hearing the mans voice. I'm going to work at getting her comfortable with the voices. I like being about to "read" a book through the audio. That way I can get some "reading" done.
We then went to Monte Carlo bowling tonight. I bowled pretty good till the last game. Had a lot of strikes in the second game but wasn't getting the money shots. Patrick won $10 and I only got $3.50. I was able to bowl for the big money shot, but I didn't get it. I was off on the lane I had to bowl on. I hope I get the change again. It was fun and I hope we keep going. I may get rid of travel league so we can bowl on Saturdays instead.
Came home and Sophie is letting us know it's bed time. (laughing)
Oh, we got a joke tonight by one of the guys we were bowling with. He said, "They tried to make another Yogy Bear (do you remember him?). Do you know why they couldn't do that?" (we shook our heads no), he said, "Because they made a BooBoo." I laughed on that one! That was a good joke. He told another one or 2 but can't remember them.
I was able to get an hour of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
While we were there we picked up stuff for mom as well. I was looking for sheets for my son, but they didn't have the "full" or "double" size. I think now it's hard to find that size since everyone seems to go to King size beds now. On the way home, we took the freeway. Stopped and dropped moms stuff off. Then headed back home.
We got all our stuff unloaded and I went to check out the frame that Patrick got yesterday. I wanted to get my rose framed so Jeannette can take it to Seminar tomorrow. I worked the stitches in the back, and he cleaned up the frame and framed it for me. It looks awesome. Now I have to take it to Jeannette tomorrow. Was going to have breakfast with her, but she wasn't feeling well and didn't get on the fairy to head this way. She's from Canada, so she's going to get the fairy tomorrow morning and be hear around 1 pm.
I had a little bit of time, so I worked another row and a half on the beading.
I'm on row 35 again. It's going pretty good. I will work on it again tomorrow or another day. I was listening to my tape from the library. Sophie was in the bedroom because she didn't like hearing the mans voice. I'm going to work at getting her comfortable with the voices. I like being about to "read" a book through the audio. That way I can get some "reading" done.
We then went to Monte Carlo bowling tonight. I bowled pretty good till the last game. Had a lot of strikes in the second game but wasn't getting the money shots. Patrick won $10 and I only got $3.50. I was able to bowl for the big money shot, but I didn't get it. I was off on the lane I had to bowl on. I hope I get the change again. It was fun and I hope we keep going. I may get rid of travel league so we can bowl on Saturdays instead.
Came home and Sophie is letting us know it's bed time. (laughing)
Oh, we got a joke tonight by one of the guys we were bowling with. He said, "They tried to make another Yogy Bear (do you remember him?). Do you know why they couldn't do that?" (we shook our heads no), he said, "Because they made a BooBoo." I laughed on that one! That was a good joke. He told another one or 2 but can't remember them.
I was able to get an hour of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Friday, June 7, 2019
It Was A Rainy Day......
Woke to rain. Called Ethel to tell her I was going to pick her up at 9 am but she told me Anne was picking her up......Not happy. I had told her on Tuesday I would take her to moms. I wouldn't have gone otherwise. Now I had to go because I picked up some bread yesterday for her. Not happy at all. I was still fuming when I got to moms.....AND half the quilters were already there!! We start at 10 am and it was only 9:20 am. That didn't make me happy either. So, I played on mom tablet while the ladies talked in the kitchen before getting to work on projects. That helped calm me down. Mom was in a good mood, and that helped to. About 10 am they all went into the living room and got started on their projects.
I brought mom's quilt top that I'm doing the leaves and stems on.
I added more leaves to this section.
I stitched down some of the stems and then I added more branches for leaves and buds. I realized I needed a longer piece that didn't get stitched under the main stem. I went ahead and pinned it on. I'll stitch it down later. I'm really going to fill this in.
When I was trying to lay it out, Sophie had to check it out. She was going for the pins in the stem. I kept trying to "shoo" her away but she wanted to play.
As it was getting closer to time to leave, mom wanted me to go with her to pick up her batting for her quilts. Come to find out, she wanted me to go with her in my car, drive all the way to the gals place - which is 2 blocks down Jackson Hwy from me - and then take her back home. When I figured out she lived by me, I told her she could follow me and then go home. She decided I could just go and pick up the batting for her and she wouldn't go. I agreed to that. So, around 1:30 pm I left moms, went to the gal house (well know quilter who sells patterns - can't think of her name right now) and then came home. Mom called to make sure I got the batting.
I came home and worked on my cross stitching but didn't get a lot done. Didn't take a photo of it either.
Patrick and I were going out to dinner and a movie, so Patrick suggested that we drop the batting off at Kathleen's house on the way. I called and she wasn't home, but she called me back about 20 mins later. We took the batting over and then went to Dairy Queen for supper. I got a salad that was really good. Then it was off to the movies. We saw "Pets Secret Lives 2" which was really good. I really enjoyed that. So did Patrick Better than both of us thought it would be. We thought about going to the movie "Rocketman" but then wondered if it would be too far on the "gay" side. I saw the other movie about Queen, and almost walked out in the beginning but then it calmed down. I'm sorry, but I have a hard time watching the "love" scenes. So, we decided we'd wait till it was on TV to see it. That way if it is as bad as Queen started out, I can turn the channel. I love both their music and think they are awesome people.
After we got home, Patrick was watching a show I really didn't want to watch, so I sat down to bead. I was able to get a row and a half in today.
I'm not quiet to the white - in this photo - as I was before. But I'm close. I'm on row 34 now. It relaxes me for some reason. I like to just think of the numbers and lay them out. Then I "sew" them in. I really love this piece and want to get back to where I was.
Today turned out to be a rainy day off and on. It poured when I went to moms, it quit when I came home. It poured when Patrick got home and stopped while we eat. Got out of the movies and it was pouring again. Now it's quiet.
After calming down and getting into the "flow" of things, I was better. I can laugh about some of this now. It's all good. Really wasn't worth my time to get upset about how the day went. As dad always said, no one will remember why you got upset, and they won't remember what made you mad. Only I wold remember that, and why? What's the use? So, true. So, it's time to get back to smiling and looking at things on the lighter side of life. And it ends up better, like today - being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!
I brought mom's quilt top that I'm doing the leaves and stems on.
I added more leaves to this section.
I stitched down some of the stems and then I added more branches for leaves and buds. I realized I needed a longer piece that didn't get stitched under the main stem. I went ahead and pinned it on. I'll stitch it down later. I'm really going to fill this in.
When I was trying to lay it out, Sophie had to check it out. She was going for the pins in the stem. I kept trying to "shoo" her away but she wanted to play.
As it was getting closer to time to leave, mom wanted me to go with her to pick up her batting for her quilts. Come to find out, she wanted me to go with her in my car, drive all the way to the gals place - which is 2 blocks down Jackson Hwy from me - and then take her back home. When I figured out she lived by me, I told her she could follow me and then go home. She decided I could just go and pick up the batting for her and she wouldn't go. I agreed to that. So, around 1:30 pm I left moms, went to the gal house (well know quilter who sells patterns - can't think of her name right now) and then came home. Mom called to make sure I got the batting.
I came home and worked on my cross stitching but didn't get a lot done. Didn't take a photo of it either.
Patrick and I were going out to dinner and a movie, so Patrick suggested that we drop the batting off at Kathleen's house on the way. I called and she wasn't home, but she called me back about 20 mins later. We took the batting over and then went to Dairy Queen for supper. I got a salad that was really good. Then it was off to the movies. We saw "Pets Secret Lives 2" which was really good. I really enjoyed that. So did Patrick Better than both of us thought it would be. We thought about going to the movie "Rocketman" but then wondered if it would be too far on the "gay" side. I saw the other movie about Queen, and almost walked out in the beginning but then it calmed down. I'm sorry, but I have a hard time watching the "love" scenes. So, we decided we'd wait till it was on TV to see it. That way if it is as bad as Queen started out, I can turn the channel. I love both their music and think they are awesome people.
After we got home, Patrick was watching a show I really didn't want to watch, so I sat down to bead. I was able to get a row and a half in today.
I'm not quiet to the white - in this photo - as I was before. But I'm close. I'm on row 34 now. It relaxes me for some reason. I like to just think of the numbers and lay them out. Then I "sew" them in. I really love this piece and want to get back to where I was.
Today turned out to be a rainy day off and on. It poured when I went to moms, it quit when I came home. It poured when Patrick got home and stopped while we eat. Got out of the movies and it was pouring again. Now it's quiet.
After calming down and getting into the "flow" of things, I was better. I can laugh about some of this now. It's all good. Really wasn't worth my time to get upset about how the day went. As dad always said, no one will remember why you got upset, and they won't remember what made you mad. Only I wold remember that, and why? What's the use? So, true. So, it's time to get back to smiling and looking at things on the lighter side of life. And it ends up better, like today - being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!
Thursday, June 6, 2019
When Will I Slow Down?
This morning I had an appointment in Olympia at 9 am. That meant I had to be out the door by 8:15 am. So, I was up with Patrick and then enjoyed a half hour to myself. Breakfast - I guess is enjoying my time.
Miss Sophie watching me leave.
I was on the road at 8:15 am and found myself right on time. The good news was, she wasn't on time and I sat for about 10 mins waiting. My nutritionist is really nice and we get a good amount of talking in. Mostly about what I'm eating and how I'm learning to adjust to eating better. I was doing good, but with her help, I think I'm doing better. Till I get off track and have to pull myself back in. It's all a matter of eating more fruit and veggies as well as getting enough protein. I'm learning. It's taking time. At least today it went good, I cooked Patrick his meal and I cooked myself a meal. It's going to have to be that way. He likes his meat and potatoes, and I can't do that. It worked out great today.
Sharon wanted me to stop by since I was going up there. I did. I chatted with her about an hour. She's been dealing with her back issues. Plus she's having to keep an eye on Bill since his operation. He looked ok but not as good as he should have looked. Now that I think of Bill, I need to give Faye a call to see how her husband is doing.
On my way home I stopped at Safeway. I needed some supplies for supper. It worked out great. I also picked up mom some bread. I realized on the way home I had sour cream and needed to get the low fat one. I love Daisy sour cream, so picked up the low fat one. I think it's just as good. I'll take mom the sour cream I bought the other day, since I can't really have that one.
I thought I would try and get my chromecast working AGAIN. Since I changed the password to the google account, it wasn't working right. WELL, I unplugged, re-plugged it several times. I had it looking for the chromecast......I believe it actually picked up the neighbors.....well, now I know it did because she sent an email asking what I was doing. I emailed back and explained I was trying to get my chromecast to work on my tablet again. She said she could help me, all I had to do was ask. I told her I might take her up on it! - all through email - that I didn't know she could get. AND I couldn't figure out why it was connecting to her set up and not mine!! After 2 hours I gave up. I even emailed my son to tell him I thought I was hooking up to her wifi. Phil told me she was too far away and chances are I wasn't......but then the email told me otherwise! I loved it when it started out as, "Who is this?" And why was she getting connected to Veterans Memorial Museum QOV? My mind is wondering how she even knew that! Oh, well. One of these days I'll have her over to help me out!
After supper and a walk, I decided I needed to put some time in on my cross stitching.
I rolled it and then worked on the scissors. They are going grey. There is the big pair of scissor and another smaller pair that will go on top of these 2 scissors. It's like having small, medium and large. It's coming along. It would be nice to finish this soon.
Calling it a night early. I've been tired all day......but not tired enough to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Miss Sophie watching me leave.
I was on the road at 8:15 am and found myself right on time. The good news was, she wasn't on time and I sat for about 10 mins waiting. My nutritionist is really nice and we get a good amount of talking in. Mostly about what I'm eating and how I'm learning to adjust to eating better. I was doing good, but with her help, I think I'm doing better. Till I get off track and have to pull myself back in. It's all a matter of eating more fruit and veggies as well as getting enough protein. I'm learning. It's taking time. At least today it went good, I cooked Patrick his meal and I cooked myself a meal. It's going to have to be that way. He likes his meat and potatoes, and I can't do that. It worked out great today.
Sharon wanted me to stop by since I was going up there. I did. I chatted with her about an hour. She's been dealing with her back issues. Plus she's having to keep an eye on Bill since his operation. He looked ok but not as good as he should have looked. Now that I think of Bill, I need to give Faye a call to see how her husband is doing.
On my way home I stopped at Safeway. I needed some supplies for supper. It worked out great. I also picked up mom some bread. I realized on the way home I had sour cream and needed to get the low fat one. I love Daisy sour cream, so picked up the low fat one. I think it's just as good. I'll take mom the sour cream I bought the other day, since I can't really have that one.
I thought I would try and get my chromecast working AGAIN. Since I changed the password to the google account, it wasn't working right. WELL, I unplugged, re-plugged it several times. I had it looking for the chromecast......I believe it actually picked up the neighbors.....well, now I know it did because she sent an email asking what I was doing. I emailed back and explained I was trying to get my chromecast to work on my tablet again. She said she could help me, all I had to do was ask. I told her I might take her up on it! - all through email - that I didn't know she could get. AND I couldn't figure out why it was connecting to her set up and not mine!! After 2 hours I gave up. I even emailed my son to tell him I thought I was hooking up to her wifi. Phil told me she was too far away and chances are I wasn't......but then the email told me otherwise! I loved it when it started out as, "Who is this?" And why was she getting connected to Veterans Memorial Museum QOV? My mind is wondering how she even knew that! Oh, well. One of these days I'll have her over to help me out!
After supper and a walk, I decided I needed to put some time in on my cross stitching.
I rolled it and then worked on the scissors. They are going grey. There is the big pair of scissor and another smaller pair that will go on top of these 2 scissors. It's like having small, medium and large. It's coming along. It would be nice to finish this soon.
Calling it a night early. I've been tired all day......but not tired enough to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
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Presentation Day & Genealogy
This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet. Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...

We were up at 6 am and out the door by 6:45 am. My first appointment was at 8 am. We were early and actually got in early for my next 2 app...
Yesterday - Patrick had a rough night. I was watching him fall back in bed when he got up. I told him I would call 911 and he told me he w...