Sunday, June 30, 2019

Weekends Seem To Go Fast

Today we were up and out the door - yet again. We headed over to Dan's moms place for the estate sale. She's been gone 2 1/2 years now. They were selling a lot of her stuff. We picked up a table and chairs, as well as a coffee table for Katt. She could use them in her apartment. I picked up some serger threat and some scissors. I got 2 pairs of gingers in the bag of scissors. I checked to see if they worked and all of them cut! I must have 10 more scissors. The ginger scissors are the applique ones.

Then we were off to the theater to see the "Avengers" movie again.  We forgot how long the movie was. It started at 11:30 am. We were out at 2:30 pm. We forgot how long it was. We just didn't want to go at 7:30 pm tonight. They told us to wait till after the credits......well, in all honesty - don't wait. The credits take 10 mins if not longer, and when it's over they have a tribute to Stan Lee that is very short. Then they go into the trailer for the next Spiderman movie. It was a waste of time to wait. The credits went so long, that 4 people left before it was over.

We headed back over to Dan's mom's to pick up the furniture. They were able to sell a lot of the furniture. They still had a lot of clothes and other stuff that didn't sell. They will put that aside and do another estate sale later. They need to clean out the house so they can get it sold. I think Sara finally realized that now is the time to sell the house.

We came home and Patrick worked out in the yard. I listened to the book and worked on my beading.

I'm getting along pretty good considering the amount of time I've been working on it. I'm on row 48 now. So, I've been getting a lot done since last week. At this rate, Patrick is right, it may take me a year to get it done. I have way too much going on that I can't seem to keep to this. I can't wait to see the head.

After supper, I got side tracked and worked on genealogy. I had to get some family members connected together in FindAGrave. I have also been able to get more information on the family there. I can connect family members which is great. It's not working on my crafts, but it is working on my family. There are times I just can't do enough to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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