Friday, June 28, 2019

What A Friday....

This morning was another one of those days I didn't want to get up....just wanted to sleep the day off. I made myself get up. I needed to get over to moms again.

I got the app for "Great Clips" and checked myself in before I left the house. Good thing I did, because when I got there, I got right in. There was another person under me. Then as she was trimming my hair, 4 more come in. She really didn't cut a lot off, but I asked her to braid my hair. I forgot it would cost me if she did, and she didn't tell me. I figured it out after I paid the bill. I gave her a tip because she was nice and did a pretty good job, but didn't cut the bangs as much as I needed them to be cut. Oh, well.

Then went and got Chia tea for both mom and me. Headed to her place. She just got back from walking the dog. I waited for her to eat and then we left to go shopping for furniture. We went to JR Furniture first. She found a recliner that she liked and could fit in it perfectly. So, we asked for one in a different color. It will be 6-8 weeks before she gets it. Patrick will pick it up since they wanted $100 to deliver it. Then we went to JJ Berries, which she bought furniture from before. We found a chair she liked but it had a bad spot on it. He offered to discount it more, but we said we would go back later. We then headed over to Rose Furniture and found a couple chairs that mom really liked. We bought 2 of them for her. My brother will be taking the 2 chairs that she's replacing them with. They will be in on Wednesday. They both are recliners as well. I really liked them and they worked great for my back as well as hers. It's a high back chair so that should work for most people close to our size. I think they will do her good.  Went back to her place and had lunch. Then we chatted and got on the computer for a little bit. I headed back home by 2 pm.

I called Cherry and we went walking. Then I came back in the house, got my spaghetti squash in the oven. Then I sat to work on my beading.

I was able to get 2 more rows done before Patrick got home. Then I messed up and got my beads on the right side all mixed up. I'm still working on putting them back where they belong. I'm enjoying this piece. I need to get more done. I'm on row 45 or 46 now.

After supper I played a few games and then wanted to practice on my handwriting.

I really like this book. 

I'm a little shaky copying the letters. I'll keep working on it. I want to get the first couple letter down then more on to the next three. It's fun. I really do enjoy doing this. 

Sophie is doing better. She's loving her medications. I pull it out and she's ready to get it. 

At least I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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