Friday, December 30, 2022

One Heck Of A Day!

 This morning both of us were up early. Patrick wasn't going anywhere, but I was. It was time to head out to moms. She had asked me to come over today on Tuesday. I told her I would let her know. I couldn't find another day that would work for me. Ended up going. Even though I needed the day to work on my beading. 

I did a few things before heading over there. I got there around 11 am. Mom had a couple things she wanted to do first. I gave her 3 more quilts to work on the binding. Then we headed over to the Gathering Place to baste part of the Hawaiian quilt for Bob. 

We got one quarter laid out and then started to baste it done. 

Remember, this is a 120" square quilt. It's really pretty. I love the work. Trouble is, it took us 4 hours to get this much done. We will bring it back next week or so and work on getting another quarter done. Each quarter is going to take about 4 hours to baste. Not my favorite job. Mom had it so wrinkled that it was a little hard to find the lines to work with. We got them and we worked on it. It's coming along. Mom has the center done, so after I left today, she said she had started on the heart area. 

Came home and had to get supper going. Not what I wanted to do. We eat and I had to get moving on the tassels for the ornament. Patrick thought I could get it done in about 30 mins - SERIOUSLY!!  I told him I needed time to get this done for Sunday. He said I had plenty of time tomorrow and Sunday. I reminded him that I have a cake to bake and we are due at Nick and JoAnn's by 3 pm. Yeah, I'm going to get all of it done tomorrow (in his dreams!)! 

I pulled out the box of beads and started planning on what I wanted to do. This wasn't as easy as I hoped because some of the beads I used in the past I didn't have. I need to order or get more beads to be able to put these together. I'm going to need to get more, because I have more ornaments to work on. UGH!

From 6 - 10 pm tonight, I worked on this. I took 30 mins off to do my exercises and then I finished them all. I was about to start working on the panels - cleaning up the strings. BUT I had to check a few things on the internet. I need to get this done and I will try to get it done while baking the cake. I will also need to work on getting the cake put together as it comes out of the oven (poke cake). 

Of course, Patrick had to ask why I went to moms when I should have stayed home to finish the ornament. I told him I didn't have another day for awhile and she would hound me to come over to help her. It's just easier to go and get it over with. She will start to hound me next week to get over and get another quarter done. 

In the meantime, I am working hard at trying to get this done. I'm close! It should take another couple hours for the top. Then the tassels go on and that takes about 10 mins each one. For a told of an hour. I believe I'm looking at another 4 hours of work. I just hope after all this, it's done for Kim by Sunday night. If not, I will be working on it at the bowling alley!!

My day was one heck of a day! Too much needing to be done, little getting done! Oh, heck, at least I can honestly say I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, December 29, 2022

A Lot Better! Finished The Beaded Panel!

This morning Patrick and I were up early. He was going golfing and I was going to my PT appointment. 

I arrived on time for  my appointment. Then chatted about our trip and mom. We went over my exercises and changed a few of them. Then I headed over to Connie's to give her the batting. We chatted for awhile and I left to head over to the museum. No donations were given for us. So, I need to let Kristie know. My last trip was to the gas station. Of course the pump area wasn't working so I had to go into the office. After I was done, had to go back and get a receipt even after she said it would print.   

Came home and relaxed a bit. Started to watch another "Christmas Carol" when Patrick came home. Thank goodness he was willing to watch it too. 

I worked on the last panel. Then we ate for him to go bowling. After he left, I worked all night on it while listening to "The Invisible Library" on Libby. I think it's the book that started the series about "the" Library that collected artifacts and books from different times. I remember parts of it being in the series. 

I finished it just before Patrick got home. I worked on the exercises and then I needed to get this written before I spaced it! lol 

Best news yet - the panels are done. I have 2 days to get the ornament together. AND if I don't, it's on me!! I do have to go to moms tomorrow but will work on the tassels tomorrow night to have them ready to put together. Fingers cross - I have this! It will be nice to know I finally finished it! That's why I like being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Slow But Steady

I'm still feeling like "shit." Even though that's what I was doing. Anyway, today was the first day in a week that I felt half way good. Trouble was that I really wasn't good. 

I got up and started working on laundry. Then I had to vacuum. By the time I was half way done, I realized I needed to take a break. I sat down for a good hour before getting back to finishing what I started. I did get 3 loads of laundry done, but have more to do. I TRIED to do some beading, but that didn't get far. 

So, my day was pretty much trying to get laundry done. AND just trying to get back to normal. I have a PT in the morning and will go. I will put my mask on and behave. I'm better, but still don't want to share if that's what I can do. 

Our neighbor fell on Christmas the the nice part is that the Ambulance came to help her in the car and came back to help her out of the car. Her daughter took her to her doctor instead of the ER. I told Raymond that going to the ER would be 20 hours!  She got x-rays and will know by tomorrow if she's broke anything. (MRI I think). 

I'm getting used to going to bed early and today isn't going to be any different. I can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Got A Bug - Under The Weather

 Even though today was windy and awful, I wasn't feeling good and COLD all day. 

I don't want to go into details but having the runs is NO FUN! So, I had Patrick run to the store to get me some banana's and a couple other things. I may have to make the rice water here tomorrow if it doesn't get any better. I've been going through this for 4 days. 

Mom went up to Olympia and had a procedure done on her lungs. It didn't take long because I got a text around 10 am telling me she was done and ready to come home. Alice and Gene took her and they brought her back. She sounded great. I think now that this has been done, she's a lot happier. Patrick and I still don't think she needs to go to UW but I can't convince her otherwise. 

Mom called to say one of our friends past away. She also called to tell me they were talking about the bug going around at the hospital. Plus Nancy's grandson has it. So, it's not because of the shrimp. But is probably is by the people I came across on the way home from the cruise. Should have wear a mask! Oh, well. 

I slept a couple hours and then I worked on my Santa ornament. I need to have it done by Sunday. I just need one more done. 

My body and my head hurt. So, I'm going to go to bed early again tonight. Sleep does help. But I still feel like there is a gadder in my stomach. It doesn't help to have IBS either. 

HOPEFULLY tomorrow will be better. I had to change my PT appoint to Thursday. I hope I will be feeling better! I'm sick of being sick. At least I can find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, December 25, 2022


Here is wishing all of my readers a Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and all your wishes came true. 

We watched "A White Christmas" on DVD. Patrick has that video and we watch it each year. Just like Katt's tradition of watching "Santa Claus." Katt picked mom up around noon and brought her back. Then we started watching "A Christmas Carol" with Patrick Stewart. We kept pausing it off and on. Patrick was cooking and we even stopped to eat supper. 

When mom came over we opened more gifts. I do love having Katt here! We had Christmas three times in the last two days. We opened our gifts this morning we Patrick and I got up. Then we opened more gifts when mom got here. It was awesome! Katt got a lot of what she wanted.  Things look great. 

After supper we then watched a Christmas movie on Netflix. Loved it. Kurt Russell in "The Christmas Chronical." It's been awhile since we saw it. Katt hadn't seen it and neither did mom, so I think that worked out great. 

While all that was going on, mom worked on another QOV quilt getting the binding done. 

Debbie's quilt is done. I just need to add the label. 

I was working on my ornament that I want to give to Kim. 

I have about one third of it done. I did take out a row or two, but now I'm back on track. I have this one and another one of the same to do. Then I can put that into an ornament. 

It turned out to be one of the BEST Christmas' we have had in a long time. It was so nice to be around family again. 

Even though I'm still not feeling well, I was able to be a part of it. Now I'm looking forward to the New Year. I was able to enjoy being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, December 24, 2022


 Today we were up early and getting a few things done. Phill arrived around 11 and stayed till 3, so we had an awesome time with both Katt and Phill. 

We exchanged our family gifts. Phill brought his gift and Katt has hers. So, we all exchanged gifts. It was awesome. 

Mom called and wanted to know if she could come over tonight. We had Katt go get her around 3 pm to bring her here. She was missing dad and having a hard time with the day. Today was dad's Christmas day. We always opened a few gifts on Christmas Eve and then opened the rest tomorrow. Dad was Norwegian, so he celebrated on Christmas Eve. It worked out for our family because we celebrated both days. Mom did Christmas day. It was hard on her to be without him. It's been 5 years now. I know where she's coming from. 

Mom left around 7:30 pm - Katt taking her home. I'm not feeling very good and I figure it's because I've been eating shrimp and shrimp cocktail for the past 3 weeks. I'm thinking the shrimp is fighting against me. I'm heading off to bed and hope tomorrow will be a better day. Not that having Phil here was bad - actually it was awesome! It was after I eat some goodies that my stomach disagreed. lol 

I was not able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Friday, December 23, 2022

Day Before Christmas EVE

This morning at 6 am we received a call, text message and phone call from Lewis County stating there is dangerous ice on the road. People are asked to stay home. Come to find out, all of Western Washington had slick ice that was about 2" thick on the roads. We watched the news and saw Seattle was completely shut done. No cars except for those who thought they could get around. It was so slick that they didn't get far and cars were going down the hills without traction. 

Katt left Lewiston early this morning. We were a little worried about her. She was leaving snow to come to ice. She was smart enough to go down to Oregon and then come back up into WA. he had to stop a few times to deice her car. Arriving at 3 pm this afternoon. One of the worst spots for her to drive was our road. She had a hard time coming up the "slight" hill that bends around to our house. Then she had a little slip when driving in the driveway. 

While we waited for her to come, I worked on my 4th panel for Kim. I started working on this after we got sugar cookies done this morning. 

After Katt got here we played a board/card game. It went fast and we played 5 games. Katt and I won twice. 

Then we watched a Hallmark movie. Now it's time to call it a night. The best part is that Katt is here. The second best is that I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

One Would Think......

 ....after blogging close to 15 years, that I would be on it! NOPE. Instead, I woke at 4 am and again at 6 am reminding myself I missed my blog. That's fun - because trying to go back to sleep is so hard! 

So, here I go with YESTERDAY'S blog - at 7 am! 

I was able to get up early enough to get my stuff ready for the potluck at Stillwaters Estate. QOV members were invited to have a potluck for the Christmas time. I was working off the seat of my pants! I had completely forgot about the potluck and didn't work out an organized program. So, I grabbed my table clothes that Faye fixed for us. Then I grabbed the shrimp I got from Costco. Not only that, but I had to get the plates, cups, plastic ware, and tea. I went to pick mom up and take her over as well. She brought the coffee pot and hot pot. We moved tables around and got them in the arrangement we needed. It turned out great. We had 20-21 members and spouses show up. It was nice to have all the members that work hard attend. It started at 11 am - but they didn't start showing till about 11:30 am - which worked for mom and I. We had everything laid out and ready by the time everyone arrived. We were done by 2 pm. Left the table cloth with mom to wash since there was a red stain on it. 

Came home and sat with Patrick before getting supper started. He had bowling, so I needed to get him feed and out the door. Gave him a list of stuff to pick up at the grocery store. Good thing he went when he did! He said there was only 3 bags of flour left on the shelves. He brought me both bread and AP flour. He bowled a 645 series last night. All 200's. 

While he was bowling, I was beading! I had to get my ornaments done!

I decided to leave this one alone. 

I finished this one last night. I worked on the top about 4 times. I started it 3 times and ended up taking it out as I worked it. I didn't like the way it was coming along. So, I finally figured out what would work. 

It's not as tight around the center, but I am okay with it. I do like the way that is done. I will try and work on better ones. 

Then I took out the top of the Santa and sleigh ornament and reworked it. I like this a little better. The old one was too "pointy." It made the corners of the panel stick out. I like a smooth connection rather than a point. I will have to try and make Kim's ornament fit on the ball. This is a smaller ball and I'm wondering if the Santa's I did last year, need to have smaller balls. It's hard to find this size. 

Once all that got done, Patrick was on his way home. There were 3 people missing on his bowling teams, so he was done sooner. I got busy with my exercises. Then I called it a night - forgetting to do by blog! Go Figure!!

My day turned out to be a day where I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Trying To Get Back On Track

I wasn't able to do my blog yesterday. I wasn't feeling good last night. So, I will combine yesterday and today. 

Yesterday we were up by 7 am and out the door to Kaiser. Patrick had his pet scan and I had my doctor appointment. Then we came home and got moving on the holiday stuff. Patrick decorated and I worked on wrapping presents. We had a lot to get done. Patrick pulled out the ornaments that I have been doing over the years. There are 5 of them. So, I guess I've been doing them for the past 5 years. One is a cat one, so that's not Christmas. 

Then I got to work on getting this years ornament done. I had to get moving so that I have them ready. I still have to work on Kim's ornament as well. I do have till the 1st to get that one done. 

I don't like the way the top worked out, so I may redo it. I will decide after I get the next one done. It won't take long, it's just a lot of work. 

This morning we were out the door by 7 am again. I got my exercises in and was out the door. Patrick had his MRI today as well as a doctors appointment. He had to get his blood drawn and the doctor advised him to get the COVID booster. So, he did that too. While I was waiting on him for his MRI, I got my X-ray done on my hip. Bob thought I had brucites.  The good news is I don't. My hip looks great. Trouble is, I'm in pain, so that's interesting! As for Patrick - it doesn't look good. He won't be going to get his immunization on Tuesday after all. We have to go see his cancer doctor instead. 

We were able to get the appointments done early and headed to Costco around 10 am. We had lunch there as well. We picked up some stuff for Christmas day. Got shrimp for the potluck tomorrow. I don't know how long it will be but it's just a get together. Should be fun!

Came home and worked on cookies, peanut brittle, and some chocolate "crack" from the crockpot. I think I'm ready now. Katt will be her Friday and she's going to cook a lot while she's here. 

After all that, I finally sat down and worked on the second ornament. 

 I got all the dangles done. I will put them on after I get the top done. 

I got the panels together, and started on the top part. I like this so far. Hopefully I can get it done tomorrow after I get back from our potluck. It's coming along. If I like this top better, I think I will cut the other one off and do it on that one as well. 

After 2 full days of being none stop busy, I was still able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, December 19, 2022

Day 18/9 - Back Home - At 2 AM Today

 Yesterday was a day of travel. What is there to say about that. We were off the ship by 9 am. They had it so well done, that it was easy to leave. We got on the bus to Houston Airport. That driver was spooky!! He was tailgating as well as passing everyone! I believe he was speeding a good 10 miles over. We did get to the airport at a good time. But we couldn't change our flight to an earlier one. So, we had to WAIT 3 hours before we could drop off our luggage. Patrick found a place down with the luggage return area for us to sit...and sit....and sit. When the time was up, we went to the Southwest area AND it was CROWDED! People barking at each other! It took about 20 mins to get through the center line - which everyone was trying to cut into. We loaded the suitcases and then went through security. Good thing we has Pre-check. Then we sat some more. We couldn't leave till 6 pm. I played games and Patrick did what he does - read a little. 

We went through Houston's airport to find some supper. I have traveled all my life and I will tell you, Houston is the WORST airport I have ever been to! It's not updated! It's not easy to get around. It's a major pain in the rear! If I was President Bush, I would be embarrassed to have my name on an airport like that!

It was time to load on the plane - Patrick paid the Business Class price. DON'T DO IT! We were supposed to have first choice on seating. YEAH, NO! There were over 18 people who were "early pre boarding." We ended up in isle 7! That's the farthest I've ever been on Business class. We were number 2 and 3 to board!! There wasn't a seat available till row 7! Some of the pre-boarding people were older but could walk fine!! They have figured out how to work the system. 

We arrived in Las Vegas around 7 pm. We were due to leave around 9 pm. Time was changed to 9:20 pm. So we had time. We played slots for a bit. I won another $150, but we spent it by playing that out. So, we only spent $40 in the beginning. We didn't wait long after we were done. Patrick picked up a pretzel and we had that before it was time to board. We were 2 & 3 again. We did get to row 3 this time. There were still people ahead of us in the pre boarding. Some of them are people with children - which could walk on like everyone else. One was a mom and her daughter. Nothing wrong with either of them. They got on the plane before everyone else. Oh, well. We know better to spend extra money on trying to get the front seats. NOT WORTH it!

We were finally on the plane out of Las Vegas! We arrived in Portland at 11:30 pm. Leaving the parking lot at about 12:15 pm. Having to wait on luggage and then the Red Line to get to the car. It was $190 for parking 2 weeks. Not bad considering. 

This was Patrick trying the bugs! That was Mexico I think. It was surprising to see him try those!!

Two sisters from Ukraine that played on the ship the whole time. They were in different places each time. Really good!! Worth listening to.

 Getting our photos done after the formal night. It was funny doing this! We had a few jokes going around! lol 

Me swimming behind Patrick in Mexico! That was the day I jumped in with my clothes on! I was getting a little sick and needed to get in the water to calm my stomach! It was fun though. 

We did have a good time and would do it again. The only down side is the traveling to get to the ships. If we could just do like some of the older people do, and be close to the docks, it would be easier to just go. But I know we will do it again. It's too much fun not to! Plus we met some really nice people that were awesome to spend time with!

The best people to be spending time with! We played games and did things together as well as separately. It's an awesome group of people!

Now, tomorrow I need to get busy and get my ornaments done! I have to have at least one done for Christmas if not 2. I also need to get Kim's ornament done. Trouble is, it's doctor appointments for the next 2 days. I will get moving on getting them done. It wasn't a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, December 16, 2022

Day 14 - Almost Done

 This morning we went up to the buffet to get breakfast.  I generally get q bran muffin with some bread and sausage.  Really not a breakfast person. Patrick gets eggs and bread or oatmeal.  Today he tried the cereal. Said it wasn't a name brand that is good.

We then went to meet up with Donna and Gerald.  We played games till about 11 and the broke for lunch. Patrick and I got candy bars. Then to the casino. We lost what money we had from my big win. We played till about 1 pm and met back up with Donna and Gerald.  We did dominoes.  Mexican train. I won. Broke at 3 pm. It rained in the middle of the game. The captain warned us but a few people stayed by the pool reading till the rain made them move. 

We were back at the casino before heading to supper.  Lobster was on the menu. Yes please! It was good!

Patrick went to the show and I came back to our room. Then went down to the Marriage game show. Patrick met up with me there. It was hilarious! Loved it. After we headed back to the casino.  

When we were done we came back to the room to find a cute little dog. 

Waiting for us. This was the only time. Love it!! 

I didn't put in anything as far as beading goes. I did work on my embroidery before the Marriage game though. But I can't say Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Day 11-13 - Oops

The last 3 days flew by.  Day 11 was just walking around and going through the gates. We reach the Panama Canal. We waited to get into the locks. We started going through the locks around 8 am and reached the other side by 5 pm. 

The water dropped in about 5 to 10 mins. Went a lot faster than I expected.  The tugboat were with us the whole way.

I took a video of the gate closing on the last lock. It was fun to watch. 

The next day - yesterday  - we were in Columbia.  Do not recommend going there!! Too many people in my face to sell me stuff. Our tour was all walking and shopping,  not what we signed up for.  I don't recommend Columbia.  Dirty and smelly as well as being harassed. One of our guys was lost for awhile.  He showed up at the boat. He found an oriental who was crying.  She lost her husband and didn't know what ship she was on or where she was. Hevtook her to a tour guide to help her.

Today we played in the casino.  I won $970 which we have been playing on most of the day. We still have half that. I  have been beading every chance I get. Need to finish my ornaments. 

I finished the blue Santa and started the second one today.  I hope to get one more done. It's keeping me busy. The water was rough yesterday and today so dramamine is working for me. Didn't do good last night but today is better. At least I can play games and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting  !!

Monday, December 12, 2022

Day 9 & 10 - Things Get Busy

 The last 2 days flew by. Day 9 was pretty much on board. Passing time. We did play dominoes with one of the couples we dine with. The tugboat captain and his wife tried something else for dinner that night. It was another formal night. I ware the dress I borrowed from Sandy V. There wasn't much going on. I  did finish my first Santa panel and started the next one. 

Day 10 was going ashore.  We were up at 6:15 am. Picked up some breakfast and headed to the theater to go ashore. We took a trip to the orchids garden. Then we were off to the coffee plantation.  We were supposed to visit a church and cocoa place but the church was closed due to a festival going on. We went to a shop that paints wagons and carts. Two of the hand painters were hard at work.  One was painting ornaments.  We picked up a couple things to bring home. Got back on the ship 10 mins before dinner. We dinner and then a show. Suzanne O. Davis preformed songs from the 60's. It was good. We were beat and went to bed when we got back.

Maybe today I can get back to my beading. It keeps me grounded and Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, December 9, 2022

Day 8, Half Way

 This morning we were up and on our way to the theater.  We listened to Bill Fall's about Panama. I was still tired and was falling asleep during his talk. 

Afterwards we went upstairs to grab breakfast. They have good food here. We were trying to see if we could do laundry but the machines were full. It was that way all day. 

We went to a lecture on the DaVinci Code. Really interesting but again, I was falling asleep during it.  I did work on my embroidery though.

Getting closer!

Came back to our room and relaxed. Went to dinner and half our group was gone. Me a couple more couples though. After dinner we got together with the couple we have dined with most of the trip. We played dominoes and I won.

Wanted to get some beading done. So I worked on the first Santa. Almost done but it's late and I need sleep. It turned out to be a good day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Day 7 - checking Out The Locals

 This morning Patrick and I were up by 6:30 am to get breakfast. Then we grabbed the backpack.  Went to the lounge to get moving on our trip.  We did the "The Flavors of Mexico" excursion.  We took a bus 45 mins to Piedra de Moros. They were to see the medicine trees. The garden was not kept like other countries but it was easy to go through.  We went to Santa Marie Huatulco and enjoyed having tortilla making demonstration as well as having so to eat. The garden area had a lot to check out.

We visited an old church.  Amazing church. 

Our last stop was at the local tapestry place. Beautiful works of art. We even bought a table cloth. They showed how a cactus has the bugs that make die. He took one and smashed it in his hand.  It was bright red. Then he added lemon juice and it changed to another color. He then added something else to the color and it went to purple.  

They were demonstrating how they use sheep's wool. The process from the sheep to the looms. Tons of beautiful pieces.

We came back to the ship around 1:30. We were a little behind because the lady in front of Patrick and I fell. She hit her head on the cement. Our guide cleaned her up and we waited for someone from the ship to collect her and take her back to get stitches above her eye. 

Patrick and I  stayed in the cabin till it was time to eat. Our group of 8 ate at the same table as last night. We told them to hold the table for us.  

After supper we went to the show.  It was a tribute to Carol King. It was good.

Came back to our room and I beaded some more. 

I have a few more stitches to do. If I can finish it by tomorrow,  then I will be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Day 6 - At Sea

 Today we slept in. I needed it after last night. We didn't get up in time for breakfast when we planned to attend Bill Fall's information on the next port. That will be early tomorrow.  Wevwent to the lecture and then went to the buffet to eat. Afterwards we came back to our room and spent a little bit of time there. We then went to thev7th floor to walk on deck 7. It goes all the way around the ship. 

I stopped at the jewelry store and bought a necklace with earring and another set of earrings. 

Then we went down to a bar where I worked on my embroidery and Patrick read a book. 

I was able to get more than I thought done. I wanted to bead but was missing a color. This is coming along nicely.  

We went back upstairs to our room. I swear our room cleaner must come in every single time we leave! Every time we get back there is something moved or cleaned up. 🙄 

After supper we saw David Kilinburg (sp). Second time we saw him. Came back to our room to call it a night. I can save I have been able (aboard the ship) to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Day 5 - Out On The Water

Realized I didn't post yesterday's events. We went to breakfast in on of the dinning hall. Patrick loves a good breakfast. Me not so much. I just had a croissant,  and bagel. Patrick had a bigger breakfast.  Then we headed down to level 5 to disembark.  We were taken to the docks and loaded on a crooner boat. There was about 25 of us. 

We rode out a good distance. I really was having fun for a little bit. We were able to see the whales and dolphins. We were given a snack as well. 

We had fish tacos. I eat most of the guacamole.  It was good. 

We were able to watch the whales for awhile.  When the boat started rocking, I started turning green. The patch didn't help, so took it off and did dramamine. It helped. I  didn't eat lunch, it just balled in my mouth.  

This is what we were on. Patrick ad I were next to the center sail. 

They stopped and let us take an hour to 🏊‍♀️.  I wasn't planning on it and didn't bring my swim suit. Decided to go in since I was feeling sick.I jumped in in my jeans and shirt. Yep, all in. Forgot to take my glasses off so gave them to the crew after I was in. When we headed back, I still wasn't up to it. I tried laying down but the gal behind me was making sure that wasn't going to happen.  Finally laid behind Patrick and got a 10 min nap. That helped tons! Took half an hour to dock us because another boat was in the spot we needed. 

Looked at shops on the way back. Picked up 2 magnets. Had supper in the Steak house.  Then went to a comedian show. After that needed to sleep the motion sickness away. Ended up getting up and taking another dramamine.  Called it a night.  No one stitch in anything yesterday.  It was a day I could call Happy anything let alone Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, December 5, 2022

Day 4 Having Fun

 We were up early today to go to the dining room.  We went to a bar. Patrick read and I beading.  I even got to listen to my book. My ear piece worked on my table but I ran out of battery.  I didn't have the charger.  Patrick let me borrow his, and I had to use my phone instead.

Our balcony is great. We spent some time in here today. Then headed to the dinner for supper. We were with the other couple from the other night. After dinner we went to the theater for an Elton Jone tribute.  It was awesome. 

I'm finding time to ve Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, December 4, 2022

One More Day

 This morning Patrick and I both slept in. We forgot about the time change, and realized we had 15 minutes to get downstairs for breakfast. I order the punishment and apples with cinnamon.  I am paying for eating all the prunes!😅

We keep meeting a lot of Californian's. Haven't found anyone from WA yet. One guy used to live in Puyallup but he moved closer to his daughter in IL. We had supper with a couple guys and a gal on her on. 

We have been getting a lot of walking in. Saw 2 more shows today.  One was a comedian and the other was singers and dancers. It was really good  !

After breakfast and before the shows we stayed in the room. I beaded out on the deck. At least I didn't spill beads again. I  did take out 7 row to start over on the Santa ornament. 

I had to start over. lol

Lighting in this room isn't the best. My Santa has a head so far. Will work on him tomorrow. 

We went to listen to a piano 🎹 conductor.  He was good. Not my kind of music, but it's something Patrick likes. I took my embroidery down with me to get something going.

I finished most of the left side. It's coming along nicely.

We keep busy. Plenty to do and keep us happy.  We got our pictures 📸 taken after supper. We were in formal garb. It's been fun and I am finding time Tobe Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Day 2 of 16

 This morning we weren't in a hurry.  We went to get breakfast in the buffet, This buffet is a lot smaller than the ones on the Royal Caribbean.  The layout of this ship is confusing at times but we have been exploring. We even played in the casino.  

We came back to our room. I tried to bead, but ended up picking beans off the floor. 

I finished the tassels for the ornament.  Without thinking I attached the tassels. to the panels. I started another set of tassels.  I realized I don't have green beads for the tassels.  So that will have to wait. 

I started the Santa panel for Kim. The tassels I plan to do may look better on the Santa and not the flowers.

On this cruise, dinner in the dinning room is different.  We are put at a table with others. BUT we end up at different tables and meet new people. Our 2 other cruises we were assigned to the same table every night.

Still in open waters with hardly any other sip our there. We still have a couple days in open waters before we stop to check places out. 

We like our room and it has a coffee table I can work on. That will always keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Another Day Behind

 Yesterday we woke early and headed downstairs for breakfast.  We didn't get a lot. Wasn't that hungry. Then we waited in the room till about 11:30 am. Went downstairs to get an Uber to take us to the ship. We were not told about loading our luggage, so we followed everyone up the stairs. It was security check. Our biggest suitcase barely fit in the machine. 

We walked about.  Find a buffet and got lunch. After that we walked all over the ship. Still have places to find. We watched the dancers and singers just before we sailed. Took photos of the Golden Gate Bridge. 

Later we had supper with 2 other couples.  We enjoyed it. They seem like fun! 

It was a long day. We are now heading to Mexico.  I didn't even think of doing anything crafty. 😕 Doesn't help me to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, December 2, 2022

Thursday Travel

We were up and out the door by 9 am. Our flight was scheduled for noon. Since it ❄️ snowed the night before we decided to get moving early " just in case." We arrived a good hour plus.  We found our flight was delayed an hour. Then again another half hour. We figured we would have about 20 mins in Denver before having to leave for San Francisco.  There were others on our flight headed for Baltimore but 10 minutes before we landed they announced the flight was leaving. Think there were 4 on our plane. We arrived at the gate we were to leave on to find our gate changed from 43 to 65. We had a good walk. No food to get going that way. Oh, well. We also found the time was moved another hour before departure.  When we sat, the gal behind us said they were going on the cruise as well. As we boarded, the gentleman in the front said he and his wife were going as well. So we met up with at least 2 couples going already. We had a really nice lady sit next to us. 

We finally arrived in San Francisco at 7 pm. Got an Uber. We were checking out the buildings as we went. Got a parfait   (?) For something before going to our room. It's small but does what we needed. Watched Frozen II and called it a night. I did not take anything to work on Hensel the reason we were delayed! I'm not sure yet when I will be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Not One Thing That I Could Work On!

 Today I had a PT appointment. I was out the door early. Then I stopped at Carol's to give her the paperwork for our veterans. She's going to get 2 more for Jan 12th. Next stop was to Papa Murphy's for a pizza. I stopped at Rite Aid and then came home. 

We have been cleaning and getting ready for tomorrow. So, not one thing that I WANTED to do would work out! I didn't get to do anything with my beading or embroidery. Debbie stopped by and got the fabrics that she wanted. It was not a day I would like to say Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

A Busy Day

 First things first. Mom's plane was delayed an hour and a half. We went to the bank and Home Depot before going down to Portland to get her. We arrived 10 mins before she got in. She said she had a great time and that she hadn't eaten much for breakfast. So, we stopped off at Red Lobster to get feed. I just had a salad and soup. It was okay. 

I realized on the way back it was time for the board meeting. So, I tried to get on with my phone but it didn't work. When I did get on, a half hour was done. We went till 6 pm! So, I was able to get an hour and a half plus with them. I'm so ticked! The gal in charge of getting a seminar going is slower than a 7 year itch. Sandy is doing her job and this is getting frustrating. They decided to go virtual this year. Sandy had information, but she had to give it to the gal in charge first. Once that is done then she can present it. I would rather Sandy present it then wait on this gal! UGH

My day was done by the time I got off. I got my embroidery all together. Then I got my beading all together and ready. There is a lot more to do, but will have to do it tomorrow. I was walking all over the place - pacing! I've just got way to much going on in my head trying to get things together. 

I didn't get to give mom a hug and kiss goodbye because I pissed her off. I told her I wouldn't take her to Seattle because she won't go to Olympia. Long story. I'm so over feeling guilty every time she gets ticked at me. 

It didn't turn out to be a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, November 28, 2022

Trying To Finish A Few Things

We had Brazilian embroidery today. I joined Sandy and Cindy at the grange. We had a good meeting and talked about Cindy's sewing machine. She brought it for Sandy to help her out. She was using hand quilting thread and the tension was too tight.  Sandy got it working for her. 

I worked on the petal to the left. I finished the center petal. I realized I used the wrong yellow and took it out. Now I'm pretty close to having this petal done. I did find out that I'm doing the colors in the wrong order. 

The yellow is on the outside, and mine is in the inside. I decided to leave it. I do like the way it's coming out, so I'm going to keep going. 

Came home and worked on finishing the beading. I wanted to get started to putting the ornament together. 

Once I finished the last panel, I got to work on the tassels. I'm not really crazy about it, but I do like the colors. I will do the other one differently. I got my beads today, so I organized my beads. Then I pulled the beads for the Santa ornament. I'm going to do that for Kim. I will do that one on the cruise. Then I will also work on getting another one of these done as well. 

While I was trying to bead, Patrick got caught in the snow that came down. He was bagging leaves. He must have done 20 of them. I gave him some hot cocoa when he came in. Poor guy looked cold. 

I got back to working on the beading. I will TRY to get this set done and work on the next set. I want to have an ornament done before too much longer. I'm keeping Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...