Sunday, October 28, 2018

A Sewing Day!

This morning Sophie let me know it was time to get up. I enjoyed an hour to myself before Patrick woke.

Then he went outside and I went downstairs. I had to get more done on the variation 9-patch for the Quilts of Valor.

I got my new iron, and was able to use it. My last iron leaked water all over the place. So, I bought another iron. I got to try it out yesterday. Then I actually used it today. It worked great. I was happy with it. It does have a cling to it when I used it though. Maybe because it was new.

These are easy to sew. The trouble is, they are all 3" squares, which means there is more to sew. AND I DON'T LIKE TO SEW! But I'm getting them done. I was able to get a lot done. I did have to make some more triangles of blue and white. I also needed more reds, because the reds I had where the same. That works for a while, then it gets harder to mix and match them. So, I cut a few more to add to what I had.

I was able to get more done on this. I've got the width that I want. Now I need to work on the length. I have plenty of blues, and I will fill those in tomorrow. I'm really trying to get this done. Then I will do the four patch piece that I was trying to figure out. That's that panel piece.

Then it was time for bowling. I didn't do very good. I bowled a 168, 167, 148. NOT my day. We lost 3 games, so I'm not the only one that wasn't bowling very good. My average took a noise dive again. And life goes on...

In the mean time, I'm looking forward to tomorrow and being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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