Saturday, October 13, 2018

Another 2 Days In One

Yesterday, Patrick decided to take the day off. That didn't bother me, because I was busy all day.

I went to the store to get packing envelopes. Then I went to mom's and took our Cutco knives to get sharpened. I guess 2 of my knives have to be sent off to the company. Mom had 4 knives that needed to go to the company. I left while he was sharpening them. I probably should have stayed, she bought another knife that she had missing.

I headed over to Judy's and got the batting and backing that I need for the QOV quilt. We chatted. I took some cross stitch stuff to her, and she is going to check with her group to see what they use. I have a lot of stuff I want to give her to see if she can get a donation for them. Not worried either way. My stuff didn't sell on eBay, so will get rid of them another way. At least I got $15 back out of the $50 so far.

Then it was off to Dian's place. I am working for her to get some of her collections on eBay. So, I was showing her how to sell stuff on eBay. I spent the afternoon with her and got her set to get moving on more stuff next week. I'll go back next week. She's offering to give me a sewing machine (old one), and I feel bad about taking it. I'm really not doing much for it.

We went out to eat and then we picked mom up. We went to the Evergreen Theater for the play "Guys and Dolls." It was awesome!! We had a great time. Didn't get home till about 11:00 pm. I still needed to get 200 steps in, so I walked it before coming in the house.

Today started out pretty good. We got up and enjoyed some time before going out the door. We went to the movie "Little Foot." That was a really, really good movie. I really enjoyed it!

We came home and I went downstairs to work on the case for the QOV quilt. I got that done. Then came up and got some cinnamon buns going. I'll finish them up tonight.

I'm hoping to work on the Black and White quilt for Katt tonight. Time will tell. Seems my time keeps getting away from me lately.

At least I'm still Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

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