Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Finished a Top for QOV

Yesterday I didn't get a lot done, so I didn't post. I will show you what I was working on though.

We had our meeting yesterday, and I started "A Rose For My Mother" embroidery. I am enjoying the satin stitches. I hope I can do this one justice.

Today I enjoyed not having to hurry up and leave for a meeting or whatever. I'm liking this kind of day.

I was up and enjoying my games. Then I went downstairs to finish up the quilt top I was doing for QOV. Took a break for lunch and back downstairs. I was able to get it finished. I called Judy to let her know the size I have and that I need to get backing and batting for Bill.

Not the best picture, but as I realized I didn't have a photo of this, I took it from the couch. I'll have a way better picture later.

I then started to work on the next top that is close.

I have more to make, but this is close to the end. I don't need a lot more blocks. I cut them down to 10" because they were not squared. I need to get a few more done and then I'm good. I think I cut the ones I am doing now wrong. I'll figure it out tomorrow.

Then I had to get on the conference meeting on line. It was what QOV is planning to do. On Nov. 20-27th we will be doing a fund raiser for our group. Each group is to do the fundraiser and the one with the most donations will win another $500 toward their groups expenses. So, about Nov 19th I'll be posting a fundraiser page on Facebook to try and get donations to our group. I will chat with the Museum to see if they can help us out too. I was on the conference for an hour.

Tonight I am going to try and get some stitching done. I need to get back to finishing my SAL. Then I can get back to my other stitching and try to finish that as well.

Today was a good day! I'm happy to say, I'm Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching.

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