Friday, May 31, 2024

Day Three - Trip To Olympia

Today I was up and out the door with Debbie. We honored 2 Veterans today at the Woodland Village. They were ones that needed us to go to them. We don't do that often. 

This quilt was one that Georgie and Collen put together. It turned out great. 

This is Clarence Piper. He's a WWII Veteran and didn't want to have the newspaper involved. We were thrilled to have a quilt for him!

Then we went upstairs and gave John Sears a quilt. He wasn't in the best of health but we were able to get the quilt to him when he finally agreed for us to do it. I don't have photos because Sharon at the village took them, and she was going to send them to me. I didn't get the form I needed from them, but was given permission. 

When I got back home, Debbie picked up some fabric to work on the ship panels. We bought fabric for them. 

We then headed back to Olympia for Patrick's blood tests. When he was done, we decided to walk around the building to get my walking in. We didn't get a notice that the tests were done, so we headed home. Stopping at Phil's, Safeway, and Love's for gas. Then we headed home. All's good. 

By the time we got home it was 4:30 pm. So, we fixed dinner and then sat and watched some TV. Nothing really on, so calling it a night early. We tend to go to bed around 8-9 pm anymore. Just nothing worth watching on TV and Patrick needs the sleep. I play games till about midnight and then go to bed. I had hoped I would get something done today, but it wasn't a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Two Busy Days - Trips To Olympia

Yesterday Patrick went golfing, and I walked with Ron. I was having issues with my stomach and didn't want to leave the bathroom too far away! lol Ron and I walked 5 laps and I tried to get the 6th in but couldn't get past my mailbox without having to run in the house. 

So, when Patrick came home from golf, he wanted to go get his blood drawn for his appointment next week. I stayed behind and worked on my beading. Was able to get 1 row stitched on and half a row set to stitch. Patrick got home and just sat down when the phone rang. He received 2 phone calls from 2 doctors nurses telling him to get to Urgent care ASAP. His magnesium, potassium, and calcium were way to low. So, without thinking I grabbed my new ear buds and headed out the door with him. We were there around 4:30 pm. They hooked him up to an IV to get the stuff in him. Each took 30 mins to an hour. I waited out in the waiting room for 2 hours. Then I went and got a sandwich out of the vending machine. He doesn't do sandwiches, so I didn't get him anything. I did go back later and get him some candy. That seemed to keep him happy. After 2 hours they let me in with him. We chatted, watched his show on the phone, and I played my game while listening to my book on tape. Around 12 am they came in and said he had 2 choices. He can go home, with a prescription to take before and in the morning or he can stay for 2 more hours till they get his stuff up. He decided he wanted to come home and sleep in bed. So, we came home at 1:30 am. 

This morning, we both slept till 9:30 am. I went walking with Ron and we got 6 laps in. Then when I came in the house, we headed back out to Olympia to get his prescription at Kaiser. After that, we headed to Luck Eagle Casino and played for a good 3 1/2 hours. We won and last. But we were able to play and that's why we go. If we lost everything in 15 minutes, then we wouldn't go back in a long time. We took 3 1/2 hours this time, so it was fun. 

Came home and fixed supper. I got the certificates done for the 2 gentlemen we are awarding a quilt to tomorrow. 

Now I'm going to enjoy sitting down and maybe beading or maybe playing games. I haven't decided. Life is full of surprises. We have to go back up to Olympia tomorrow to have another blood draw to see if they got all those back up where they need to be. I'm rethinking the quilt downstairs, and it will take some time to decide how I'm going to do it. In the meantime, I will try and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Working On Quilt Tops

This morning, I was in pain. I tried to sleep a little longer, but it wasn't to be. 

I got up and played on my tablet. Then I decided I needed to get moving and not worry about the pain. So, I headed downstairs to work on another panel quilt. 

I was having a bit of trouble deciding what to do with this one. Then after talking to Patrick - after he came back from golfing - we decided on strips. I did what I always do, miss counted and ended up doing the 5 strips instead of 3, which is okay, it works. I had just gotten to this point, when Ron called to go walking. 

After coming back and showing Patrick the phot of this, I realized I made another mistake! I needed to have that strip go all the way to the side. So, I will take this out - and it won't work on the sides. So, that part is going to be used as scraps or cut into pieces. Frustrating! 

I will try and fix it tomorrow. Patrick took my ear buds and dropped them off at Mail Plus. They are going back. My new ones should be coming in tomorrow. I do miss them, because the ones I had - for some reason - weren't working. So, I had to listen to the tablet and bring it with me when I was working on the sewing part. 

Patrick and I looked over some of Georgie's blocks and came up with another quilt as well. So, I'm going to work on that when I'm done with this one. I need more blue bags but hopefully they will be coming in soon. Those go to the quilters to get done. Which made my day better by working on being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, May 27, 2024

Monday - Yet Again!

Today I was up and ready to leave early....or I thought I was. By the time I was trying to figure out my magnifying light, it was past time I wanted to leave. I thought I had a battery to my magnifier and found out it's USB ported. DAH! So, I screwed it back up and then was ready to go. I charged the light before I left - like 5 minutes. Then I charged it in the car as well. 

Had to stop at moms, and she wasn't up yet. She popped her head out when she saw me talking to the neighbor who was watering here flowers and planted a couple of them for her. I thanked her doing that for mom. She loves doing it. Mom came out without her hearing aids and tried to chat. I told her to go on in and I would talk to her later. The neighbor asked about my health, and I told her. She said I looked really good for someone who went through all that. I thanked her for her kind words. 

Then I headed to Connie's to drop off the quilt top I finished yesterday. We chatted a while and then I ended up being a few minutes late to our meeting. Both Sandy's were there, and it was fun. I took my cross stitch to work on. I'm a little tired of BE right now. I have so much I need to do, and then I find I want to do other things instead. Guess I'm feeling better, because I'm all over the place on what I want to work on. I know I need to finish at least 2 applique quilts, if not 3. I also know I need to finish the bonsi tree in BE, my Santa in cross stitching, my box in beading, my Sophie's fireplace in beading, AND I have yet to start this year's Christmas ornaments!! I can go on, but I think I just need to take a deep breath and try and finish something! I should do like they do on Instragram, rotate projects so that eventually they get done - BUT WAIT - we are talking about me! - I would think of something else I wanted to do! Then I would have to add that to the list of rotations. If I did that, I would probably only work on one thing for a week - once a year, not once a month! 

My older brother called and was wondering what I was doing. So, I took a photo of this. I had worked on about 100 stitches when he called. 

By the time I was done at BE, I had gotten a lot more done from when I got there. 

I was asking Sandy Velin about her boots she was working on. She designed the pattern for a class and then she decided to do 4 of them for her gal cousins. They are exchanging gifts when the get together. So, she decided to do some of her BE work to give them. 

This was the first one she did. It was part of the class. She didn't know why she went "fancy" for boots, but she did. She decided to make the others more like real boots. 

This is her and her boot. I love the way she is doing the boots! She's now going into business with designing and selling her patterns. This was really cute! She had one more I didn't take a photo of but it had fancy work on the top of the boot. It was swirly and really cute. Can't wait to see what she does with the rest of them. 

Sandy was working on the goldwork piece. She cut the gold pieces for the flower. She's getting close to having it done. 

Came home and Patrick was busy today. Supper was on the stove already - stew! It smelled and tasted good. I pretty much took the afternoon off. I couldn't have worked more on the cross stitch but didn't. I was just glad I felt like being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Day Before Memorial Day - Quilt Top Done

This morning. I enjoyed being able to sleep in. When I did get up, I made some blueberry muffins for breakfast. I really love the recipe I have. They turned out great. 

Walked with Ron. We got a good 5 laps in; I couldn't do any more. Then he wanted to show me his flowers. I fell in love with the climbing flower. I'm not sure what it is, but it's big and pretty. 

He bought some roses for the yard as well. He's going to put them in the back. They were really pretty, but I just loved this climbing flower. 

Then I headed downstairs to work on the quilt top for Connie tomorrow. I ended up taking out the left side and re-working it. It was good to get it to lay right after all that. 

It is now finished. I and get this to Connie and then hopefully it will be done in time for June's presentation. It turned out better than I thought, but not real crazy about it. That was an all-afternoon project. Took a few hours since I had to rip out the two side strips. 

After that I came back up and decided to play on my tablet. At least I can say I've been busy the last couple days, staying Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, May 25, 2024

QOV Panic - At Least Started To

We slept in today. I felt a lot better. Then when I did get moving, I heard from Debbie. She wanted to talk about who we had scheduled for our June presentation. 

We realized that we are very low on panel quilts. So, we decided to go to the museum to see what was there and what we needed, since we have 2 weeks. The trouble is that panel quilts are generally done by Debbie and me. Since both of us were on a "break," we haven't been making them. Panic went in when we realized we wanted 2 panel quilts for the 2 veterans at Woodland Village who wouldn't come to the museum for a presentation. So, we have to go to them. One is 100 years old. We decided to meet at the museum to check it out. 

Before I was to meet Debbie I wanted to get more labels done on a couple quilts to get them out of here. I was able to do 2 more, so that 4 quilts could get to the museum. 

This one was donated and we quilted it. It's on the short side, so we now have quilts that we can give out at the same time, that are shorter than they should be. 

Connie dropped this off yesterday and she thought it was more for a female. But at this rate it may go to one of the guys we have scheduled. I wanted to keep the panel quilts for July. So, another wrench was thrown in my plans. 

Instead, Debbie came and got me. Then we went to get our drinks at Dutch Brothers. On to the museum to find that we need at least 3 more panel quilts. 

Our panel quilts are on the left, then regular quilts and smaller quilts. 

We also have branch specific quilts. So, those are these. The one on the bottom is for an officer of the Navy. Still working on that one. 

Now we are in need of quilts and badly. Colleen is still in the hospital, and I asked her if her son could get the one panel quilt from her and take it to Connie. He will do that the next time he goes to take care of her dog. I let Connie know. 

At that point I needed to go downstairs and get my panel quilt done. 

I still have more to do, but this is a start. I have to take out the last strip on the left, because it is wavy and won't work. I need to take it out and recut it to the size I needed. I thought I did that, but because it's waving, I must not of. Ripping out is not my idea of fun, but it needs to be done. Then there will be a yellow border around it. Once that's done, I will pull out another panel and get working on it. 

We went to the play today. It was okay. The Adams Family was the play, but I was disappointed they put women in the place of the boy and Fester. I don't know why, but it didn't work. 

I'm just trying to relax and not panic with our quilts. I need to get busy. At least I can say I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, May 24, 2024

Hello Friday - And Quilting At Mom's

This morning, I was up at 6:30 am because of all the sun coming through the windows. I couldn't go back to sleep even if I tried. 

So, I played on my game and then got ready to go to moms. I stopped at Safeway to pick up a couple things. Once that was done, I arrived at moms with a few people behind me. There were 7 of us today. 

I pulled out the pattern that I needed for the first block. 

Sorry, but this is a copy right issue, so I'm not show the whole pattern. I then worked on putting the stem on. I actually stitched the stems on, on the back. Then I needle turned on the front to get what is called "skinny stems." My stitches are not as small as they used to be, but then I haven't been doing applique for a long time. I will work on it, with this BOM set. 

When it was time to leave, mom followed me to the car. We must have talked for over a half hour outside by the car. Usually, she doesn't do that. It was good to chat. I told her about Patrick, and she was concerned. Rightfully so. He doesn't mind anymore if I tell her. 

I had to stop and get gas. There was a young woman there that had a gas can asking for free gas. I smiled at her, and she came asking if I would be so kind as to give her a gal of gas. I told her sure. I actually gave her 3-5 gals I think. I wasn't worried about it. She told me it was between feeding here dogs or getting gas. On the way home, I was thinking she shouldn't be out driving around then, but who am I to say. She may just be trying to get home to her parents. She was sweet enough, and I figure that's my kindness for now. Usually I refuse and walk away, but this just felt like I needed to do it. 

Came home and worked on the beading. Didn't get much done. 

Only 1 row. But, hey, it's one less row I have to do later. 

Connie came over to pick up some backing. Then we talked about the quilt that needs to be there on the June presentation. We need more panel quilts, since we are giving out a panel quilt to her friend. We are going to work hard to get at least 2 panel quilts finished to be able to do the 5 veterans on the 13th. 

Which put me to doing the labels on the quilts. I have 9 quilts that need labels. Thankfully these 2 had the labels sewn in the binding that mom was doing. I just had to sign them. 

Both of these are Connie's. I really need to get to work on my panel quilt downstairs. It's time for me to get back to sewing some tops. Specially since Colleen is in the hospital and can't work on the 4 quilts she has. 

Surprisingly I was both Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Another Thursday - Boring Thursday

This morning Patrick got up and wasn't feeling well. He ended up spending the morning on the couch. By 1 pm he was ready to go out. So, we went to the casino. There we spend the afternoon till around 4 pm. We needed to go shopping, so we went to Safeway and then home. 

He was doing a lot better than this morning. He wasn't looking good either. By this afternoon he was doing a lot better. We both talked about how we take one day at a time. Each day is different, and it depends on how he or I feel. Not an easy way to live but right now, it's that way. I'm sure things will change in due time. 

Life is good here. We are doing fine. I just couldn't be (today) Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

A Day Of Beading

This morning, I was up after Patrick went golfing. Then got ready to meet Ron for walking. This time we walked 6 rounds. The most we have done since he came back from CA. 

Then I decided I wanted to work on the beading. I'm excited about getting to her eyes. But after I looked at the photo and her, I realized I have a few more rows to go to get there. Shame because I really want to work on the facial part. 

The good news is that I was able to do 5 rows today. Patrick napped and I beaded. Then I decided to take a break and play on the tablet for a while. I'm just happy at how this is working out. I was afraid it might now work, but at this rate I'm liking how it's coming out. 

Funny part was this evening when supper was over. I actually thought about taking the cross stitching out to work on. Instead, I played games. 

Patrick is doing better and wants to go out tomorrow. I'm going along with it. I'm starting to wonder how much time I have with him. Not a good thing to do. I'm staying positive this will pass. He will get a little better. 

Life is good and I'm having fun being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Rain Is Here Again

This morning woke to rain. It pretty much went all day long. I was okay with that. I just didn't get to walk with Ron today. Maybe tomorrow will be better. 

Instead, I worked on laundry. Then I tried to vacuum and found it was hard on me. I did some, but Patrick had to do the rest. I'm sore and probably will be sore for a while. Patrick is very understanding and helps me out when I get like this. I hated it, because I wanted to do the vacuuming! Life goes on, whether I do or don't. 

Then I went to work on my beading. 

 Between loads of laundry and listening to my book on tape, I was able to get 3-4 rows done today. I'm not sure, I was up and down all day that I really didn't pay attention. It looks like I will be getting Sophie's eyes coming up soon. The top of her head is coming in a lot better. I really like this piece and am excited to see the eyes come out. Hopefully the next few rows. 

Mom called to say she's back. She told me all about her trip and has decided she's going back for a 3 week visit to see my older brother and his wife. Mostly to see the great grandchildren. I'm glad she had a good time. 

I wanted to play on my game as well, so took a break after supper and played. I'm happy I was able to get so much done. I still need to do another load of laundry, but I can do that tomorrow. 

When it rains, I seem to get more done. I even get in the mood to work on something. Today, I made up my mind to work on the beading. Trouble is - as we all know - my brain was thinking I need to work on the Santa cross stitch as well. For some reason, the quilting part isn't on my radar right now. Maybe later. Today turned out to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, May 20, 2024

Funny Day For Me

This morning, I was glad to see Patrick going golfing.  he wasn't sure last night. So, he left, and I slept for another hour. 

Then it was time to go to my Brazilian embroidery meeting. I was running behind, but I was there by 5 after. I really wasn't in the mood to do anything today, but grabbed my beads for the box I was working on. I thought I could get a few rows done. Yeah, nope. We (3 of us) sat and chatted like we were having coffee together. We talked about this and that, nothing real important. It was the first time we actually sat and enjoyed each other's company without working on anything at all. We stayed till about 1 pm. 

After that I stopped at Happy Teriyaki for lunch/supper. I had it take out. I even got a couple egg rolls. Patrick was surprised at how much food was there, but in reality, it wasn't but a plate full.  He's just used to eating a small amount of food anymore. I did save some for-tomorrow's lunch. lol 

Came home and just sat to be by Patrick. My ear buds arrived, and I had to try them. I love them!! Better than what Sue gave me of hers, and a lot better than the ones I bought last year. I need to find a place that will take them and reuse them or something. I don't want to throw them away in the trash. That doesn't help the environment. Yea, I'm beginning to think about the environment. We waste way too much! I'm getting better at recycling.

Why was it a funny day today? Because Lynn didn't have a clue what she wanted to do. Should I bead? Should I do embroidery? Or do I go downstairs and quilt? OR maybe I could bake something......after all that, I did nothing! Not one single thing. Not even enjoying being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Interesting Day!

 This morning, I was able to sleep in and enjoyed it. Ron and I walked 5 laps around the neighborhood today. 

Came in and played on the tablet, was expecting to go "hunting" but the one who said he had it set for 11 am didn't show. So, Patrick and I left. 

We went to the casino at Lucky Eagle. I couldn't believe we were there for 5 hours! The good news is, we played and won. By the time we called it quits, we figured the money I took out on Wednesday was now back in his hands. We pretty much played for free the 2 times we went to the casino. I'm okay with that. 

Came home and had supper. Then just rested. I got a call from my cousin Bryan in prison, and we chatted about our family history. He had a couple thing I didn't, so I have some work to do. 

As much as I would like to say it was, I can't say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Happy Birthday To Me!

Today is my 65th birthday, and I didn't feel a thing! lol 

I was up early today. Not for any reason, just up early. Then I went walking with Ron and we did 4 laps. Hoping to get up to 5 laps. 

I pretty much played on the tablet all day. I did get a pair of slippers from Phil and Emily. Love them, color and all. They fit great. I've been wearing them all day. My other ones were starting to fall apart. 

I wanted a Birthday cake. So, I got a recipe and got to work on it. Then I realized I messed up on how to make it. I misread the information, and it didn't turn out! It was more like corn bread then a cake. I was so disappointed. My mind was on the game more than reading and re-reading what I needed to do. Thanks to my dyslexia, I screwed it up. Oh, well. Told Patrick I wanted a Birthday cake, not a pie. He suggested we pick up a cream pie. Sounds good but wanted my cake. 

 I wanted to go out for supper. Trouble is Patrick can't taste food and doesn't do good when we go out to eat. He takes 3 days to get back to normal. So, we went to Safeway for my cake and a few other things. Then he took me to Happy Teriyaki but they were closed. Next stop was Burger King - as we all know I can eat a burger every day! It was pretty good, but not as good as I remember. My stomach surprised me and reacted to that or the cucumbers I made yesterday. Hard to say. The cake was pretty good. 

I got a call from mom while they were at the reception for my nephew's wedding. It was loud and we didn't talk long.  She wished me a Happy Birthday. As did a few others via text. It felt good to get so many texts and well wishes. My older brother sent his well wishes, but my younger brother didn't. He was too busy with the wedding. 

I worked on a couple things that needed to go out in the mail. So, that took some time. I guess I'm getting lazy lately, but then when Patrick falls asleep on the couch, I try not to wake him. He needs to sleep from time to time. Not liking this new chemo, but he's thinking it will get better, like last time. I'm not so sure. I can pray and hope. 

It didn't turn out to be a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, May 17, 2024

Enjoying The Day!

Today was another one of those days where I could sleep in if I wanted, but it didn't happen. Ron was volunteering at the food bank today, so we didn't go walking. Patrick and I walked instead. It's a good walk where we chat about stuff we don't normally chat about. 

After that I decided to pull out the box of genealogy stuff to organize it and get ready to enter information into the family tree. That took a couple hours as I needed to go through the photos as well. I had Patrick take the photos and put them in the box downstairs of family photos. I was looking for the TRUE family. I found a few and scanned a couple for Craig, who is trying to put names to his photos as well as mine. I had a name to one. I also found two photos he had that looked a lot like my 2 bothers. I let Bryan know about it. Then I sent out emails to the 2 Matheson's that Bryan asked me to. Who knows if they will respond. 

After all that, I decided that was enough. I sat down to bead instead. I also played on my tablet. Between the two and listening to my audio book, I was enjoying the afternoon. 

I was able to get another 4 or 5 rows in today. Sophie is starting to show. But now one can tell the brick work in the background since the next row of bricks is starting to come out. 

I ordered a couple things on Amazon. It would be cool if they come tomorrow. Everyone loves packages on their Birthday. lol And it will be Zach's wedding day in OK. I wish him and Jordon the best. I really don't care to return to OK, so I don't mind not going. Plus, it's my family that doesn't talk much to me. They know so little about me and my family and have never cared to keep in contact. 

Today was fun and enjoyable. I can say it's good to be back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, May 16, 2024

A Quiet Day

This morning, I was up early. Kept waking up because of Patrick getting us serval times for the bathroom. Every time he has something deep fried, he pays for it. It's all his chemo issues. I'm not liking this chemo treatment; he's having more issues than before. He doesn't think so, but I see it wearing him out. 

Ron and I walked today. We got in 4 laps. Then I came in to find Patrick falling asleep in his chair. I went downstairs to cut backing and batting for 2 quilt tops and one set for Colleen. She stopped by later and picked them up. She's going to quilt them. Plus, she has one herself. By the time I was done with that, I decided I couldn't do labels or work on the quilt down there. Maybe tomorrow. 

By the time I was done, Patrick moved to going outside. He mowed the yard. Good thing because it's raining right now. Funny how that works. 

I went to working on my beading. 

I was able to get 4 more rows done. Her head is starting to show better. Because she's got half black on her face, it's starting to show more. And it's on the side that the brick is one. The brick is starting to look like brick now. More to come. 

I have beads that need to be put into tubes and was going to do that today, but now I'm thinking I will do it tomorrow. I need to add them to my beads. Some are ones I ordered, and some are from the monthly surprise box. I may cancel that, but I do love getting a box a month. 

My day was quiet, partly to let Patrick sleep and partly to work on my beading. I was listening to my audio book on my tablet. I finished one and started another. It works great while I'm Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Out Of Town Today

This morning, I was up early. Everything was quiet. Patrick went golfing. So, I had the morning to myself. Ron and I walked 4 times around the block. He wasn't doing so good today but wanted to push it. At 94, I check with him to see if he wants to keep going when we get past the 2nd round. 

When Patrick got home, we head out past Woodland to the casino off the freeway. We won $700 last year on our way to MI. This time we decided to go and see how it would go. What we spend and being there 5 hours, didn't bother either one of us. We enjoyed it and we were able to play. That's what we went down there for. Better than Lucky Eagle here in this area. They had the older games we like to play. 

After being there 5 hours, we headed home but stopped in Woodland to Skippers. We saw the sign and haven't been to one is forever. When we got there it was out of a gas station. It was clean and really well done. We both ordered the fish. I bought some home. We didn't finish it. But we were really happy to get it. We may go back when we head down that way again. Now that we know where it is. 

We didn't get home till 6:30 pm. It made for a long day, and not one where I could be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Fred and Artha True

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Not a Craft Day

This morning, I slept in. Ron and I went walking and we hit 5 laps. 

When Patrick got home from golfing, he rested before we went to Olympia for my doctor appointment. The good news is, I'm doing great and no issues. Good health. 

Came home and I played on my tablet. So, it wasn't a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, May 13, 2024

A Good Day

This morning, I was up with Patrick. He went golfing and I waited about an hour then went out. I went and got the car washed. Then I headed to the bank. Once that was done, I was off to Safeway. I saved 70% on my groceries. Thanks to using the app. 

Came home and called Ron to go walking. We walked 5 laps today. It was nice to get another lap in since it's been a while. We used to do 7, so we are getting back up there. He didn't get to walk much in CA, and I think he really missed that. 

Once that was over, it was close to noon. Patrick got home about the time I was chatting with QOV to fix the website I needed to get into. Plus, mom called before that saying she couldn't get into her Xfinity account. We used my email as a secondary, and she thought it was under my email. While I was trying to figure out what she was saying, she got it fixed herself. While all that was going on, I missed out on my game. 

So, the afternoon was me working on my beading. 

Sophies head is coming to life. The half orange face is starting to show. I like it so far. I can't wait to see the eyes soon. I was listening to my book on audio while working on this. Was able to get 4 rows done. It felt good to work on it again. The next brick is starting up again too. 

I received a package that I couldn't figure out who sent it. I opened the package to find a box in there. And a Birthday card that wasn't signed. I told Patrick I couldn't figure out who sent it and I should wait till my Birthday. He told me to open it. 

Best gift yet!! I love this!! "Better than flowers hope you have a great Birthday" I loved it!! Best one yet! 

Today turned out to be a good day! I had a great time getting out and getting around. I'm doing better, and it's starting to show more. I'm even getting back to my crafts that I love to do, which makes me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, May 12, 2024


Things here were like any other day. With the exception of the phone calls wishing me a Happy Mother's Day. 

I really didn't want to do much today, so it wasn't that big of a day for me. I enjoyed being able to relax, but then I had to do a few things around the house to clean things up - not that this house is dirty. 

We cleared the table and put a new tablecloth on yesterday. So, I could pull out my beading and get it started all over again. I'm going to enjoy working on it again.  

First, I had to organize everything and try not to make a big mess of it. I have them in the order I can work with. It took a little time getting the beads where they need to be. Then I went through the tin and found a few colors that didn't go in this project, so I need to put them in the tubes and add them to my stash. My tin isn't as full now. 

I was only able to add 1 row today. Hopefully in the next few days I can get more rows done. I am happy to see Sophies head coming through. Funny how the pictures are usually better. 

To me this is a good day for Mother's Day. I enjoyed it, even if it was like another day. I'm happy and that's all that matters - right? I loved hearing from my 2 kids. I even heard from my son's best friend, wishing me a Happy Mother's Day - and I haven't heard from him in a long time. 

My Birthday is Saturday, and I seriously don't know what I want. I have everything I need. Hard to think of something I don't need or want. Oh, well. 

At least today was very much a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Gave Up And Started Over

Last night I couldn't sleep, I was lucky if I could get an hour sleep at a time. My mind was all over the place. So, I got up around 6:30 am. Hopefully tonight I can sleep a lot better. lol 

I played on my tablet. I worked on laundry and a few other things, then watched some old western movies with Patrick. While I was watching TV, I was beading. 

This piece wasn't laying right and didn't feel right. The more I did the more I didn't like it. So, I sat and took it all apart. I decided to start over. 

I think I messed up the color order, but I'm not worried about it. This is the bottom of the box, so very few people will know, let along care. This one lays better but I think I pulled too tight in one area. It's not laying down like it should. Would you believe I have taken this out 3 times so for? I couldn't believe I did such a crappy job the first 2 times. Who knows, if I don't like the way it's looking, I may start it over again too. Time will tell. This piece is the center piece from the previous photo. The off white is getting started. 

I paid a bill and ordered some more beads. They are the colors that work for this box. I wanted to spend enough to make it worth it. I only ordered about $10 worth of beads. The special was 35% off till tomorrow. 

It was hot today. Fans going all over the place. I was very uncomfortable. I'm not good with heat. But hey, hopefully it won't get that hot for another couple months. Not looking forward to a very hot summer. May have to go Naked at this rate - Yeah, not happening. I'm going to have to find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Friday, May 10, 2024

Spending The Day At Moms & Quilting!

This morning, I was up early. I needed to work on the QOV information on each veteran that we need to honor. I wanted to do what I could for Carol. 

Then it was time to head out to moms. I stopped and got some Chai tea while I was on the way. Thought about washing the car at the car wash, but decided I would do it on the way back. 

There were 7 of us. It was pretty good. I worked on the blue and white block of the month that mom has. I pulled out moms' patterns and got started. I needed to cut fabric for the first block. Decided to do each block as I went. I had to go back to figuring out the cuts for block #1. Then I ended up cutting some for other blocks as I went. Since there is a list of how to cut the fabric to get what I needed. 

I got these pieces ironed on the fabrics. I had to cut the freezer paper I did last time. Once all that was cut and ready for the first block, I was able to cut them out. I was waiting to go to Carol's to drop of the bag of information. So, that gave me time to prep the block for applique. I can now go next time and start appliquéing the block. Once that's done, then I can work on the next block. I didn't get out of moms till 2 pm. 

Headed home. I checked with Patrick on washing the car. He said we would go out and then he'd stop and get it washed. I figured what the heck. So, came home. 

These beautiful flowers were waiting for me. My son and daughter in law sent them. I'm thrilled to get them. 

If course, Sophie was waiting on me to sit down for attention, but we were leaving, so I wasn't going to sit anytime soon. She does that when she wants to sit in my lap. But we were getting ready to leave for supper. We headed over to Centralia and the traffic was awful! So, we took another way home, stopping to get the car washed. 

The weather is hot today. 88 degrees! Not my favorite. Patrick pulled out the fans for the bedroom and the living room. Not looking forward to summer with this kind of heat. I sat down to play on the tablet to find out it wasn't charge after about 12 hours. Guess I didn't hook it up right. 

I'm just glad I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Lazy Day

As much as I would love to say I did a lot of stuff today. I didn't. I needed to relax today. 

Since Ron was going to a luncheon in Olympia, we walked at 9 am. It felt good and it was a nice day. The weather got as high as 83 degrees. It was comfortable today but hope it doesn't go any farther tomorrow. We are supposed to have good weather all weekend. I did make some candied pecan and cashews. It was a recipe for pecans, but I had to do the cashews too. 

Patrick helped me make them. Really easy and fun. I'm keeping this recipe. They are really good and I'm eating them like crazy! Patrick is too! lol Not good for me, because it's sugar, but what the heck. 

Chatted with the PT group at St. Pete's in Olympia. We agreed that since I live 45 mins away and I'm already doing what I should be doing, I didn't need to go up there. Plus, I have Patrick making me do my exercises and walking every day. I'm doing what I'm supposed to do. I am even doing a little more than what I'm supposed to do. I still have about 3 weeks to go. 

At least today wasn't painful and I'm still on it. Life is good. Not complaining. I can handle pain. I'm just sorry I wasn't Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Yet Another Busy Day

This morning, I went walking with Ron while Patrick went golfing. We actually did 4 laps. The work working on the neighbors roof, so we heard some chatter. It was fun. We talked so much we didn't realize we had done 3 laps till the 4 lap started. 

Came in and played on my game. Then when Patrick got home, we headed out to Olympia for his appointment with the kidney doctor. All looks good there. Wish I could say the same about his liver. Before his appointment I had to get my blood drawn for my appointment next week. 

I was in some pain today but not enough to worry about. We then headed over to Costco where we picked up a few things. It's amazing how much we spend there.  But it's stuff we can use. Plus, we picked up more fruit. I need more fruit and veggies. Talked to Phil about replacing mayo. I'm going to work on that. Trouble is I don't use it much and it lasts way too long. I have another on in the cabinet. lol  By the time we got home it was 6:30 pm. 

I was not able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

A Painful Day

This morning, we were woken up by a phone call. That was 8 am. I was hoping to sleep in today. Ron was calling to walk. He had Century Link coming to his house today and wanted to get it out of the way. I called him back about an hour later. We went walking around 10 am. 

I came back in and got laundry going. Then I came into the computer room and worked on sending out emails to QOV recipients letting them know it will be about 6 months. I received an email back saying she (daughter) was coming to see her dad on his 100th Birthday. So, I sent another email asking if we can do June 13th.  We may have to do it sooner. I ended up sending out 20 emails because I was behind on doing that since I was in the hospital. I also marked the ones that were awarded in the program. Then I had to do the reimbursement for fabric. That took a good 2 hours or more. 

Patrick worked out in the yard. He's health wasn't that good today either. I was in so much pain, I decided I was done - and yet I kept working on stuff. I seriously need to stop being busy! I'm only into the 8th week and I have 4 more to go. If I overdo it, then it will be a few more months. I did get a call for PT in Olympia today. The set up an appointment to call me on Thursday. Still not sure if I need to do this, but maybe I better after all. 

Then I sat down and started working on the beaded box. 

While I played games, I worked on the bottom of the box. I have about 2 more rows to do, then I can work on going up the sides. 

I'm beat, and I'm tired. I'm also in a lot of pain. So, Tylenol is going to be my friend tonight. I still can't complain, I'm still here. AND I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, May 6, 2024

Working On Embroidery Today

 This morning, I took my time getting to the grange. I took my "goldwork" piece with me. I wanted to see if I could finish it. I wasn't feeling great when I left. But I wanted to be with friends. 

I am happy to say, I finished the project! I have more unfinished projects out there, but this was so much fun to work on. I like it!! The center is beads and I wanted to make it look full but not overly so. 

I brought it home to see if Patrick could put it on the trinket box that I bought. It was expensive to buy but it works great with this piece. 

One of the questions for this is, do I want to keep it or give it away as a gift?

There was a plastic circle that goes over the work ones does, but in this case, it wouldn't work to have it. It's just free floating. It turned out great on the "box." I'm really pleased. 

While I was trying to stay calm, because there is so much pain today, I played games. Then Connie and Joanne asked to come to the "store" for QOV stuff. They went shopping and bought some stuff for QOV. I told them I would get the reimbursement out for them. But as the night went on, I didn't do it, so will have that to do tomorrow. They took a lot of fabric, and I'm thrilled they did. More quilts will get done with those 2. 

I couldn't do much the rest of the day, it was just one of those days where the pain was more than I care to bare. I now understand about dad, when he got depressed. He couldn't' take pain, and I tend to take it, but man this pain is one I almost want to cry over. I'm only 8 weeks into the 16 weeks. So, I'm half way there, I just wish the pain would stop and I'd do a lot better! Oh, well, that's life! 

At least I was able to find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Skipped A Day

Yesterday was one of those days, I didn't do anything but go to a movie. We didn't even walk, because of the weather. 

The movie we saw was "Fall Guy." It was really good. Started out slow but picked it up. At first when they were narrating, I was a little worried it would be one of those movies, but it wasn't. It turned out better than I thought it would when it started. Worth seeing. 

Today, was another rainy day. I worked on getting some things done around the house. First time in a long time. I worked on laundry as well. 

So, we watched a couple Randolph Scott movies. I love watching those! He's good. Then I worked on my sourdough bread, but realized it was not ready. I needed to add more flour because it was way to sticky. I had worked it last night, but that was easy to fix. I decided to work it again tonight and then cook it tomorrow. Now worries, dough is easy to work with. 

I also pulled out my beading. The box, this time. I need to finish it to go back to my Sophie piece. 

I was able to get close to the last row. I think I have 5 rows to go, then I will start on the sides. This is the bottom. It's not very good. I don't know what I did on the first few rows, but they don't feel right. No one will know, except who reads this and me. I will have fun with the sides, I'm betting. Should be fun. I like this box. 

I have done my exercises and am heading to bed. I have embroidery tomorrow, so will have more to talk about then. At least I will be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, May 3, 2024

Mom Turned 89 Today

 This morning, I was expecting mom to come over to do her laundry because of the machine being broke. I waited. Then I walked with Ron, and we went around the block 4 times. 

I picked up the puzzle I finished and got it ready to take to mom. Patrick got home from golf about that time. I got laundry going after mom called to say she was getting her machine fixed on Tuesday and wanted to know when we were coming over. Told her about 3:30 pm. she told me what she was doing. Working on her applique block of the month blocks. She's still waiting for her newest block of the month set. 

Patrick worked out in the yard, and I did a few things in the house. Then I played my game. When it was time to leave, we headed to Safeway for a Birthday cake. Instead, we got a cheesecake with strawberries on top. Mom loves strawberries, so I knew that would work. Then we picked her up and headed to Dick's Brewery for supper. I behaved and had a cranberry turkey wrap. Mom had a bratwurst that looked soo good! Patrick did his usual, French Dip. 

We then went back to moms for dessert. It was okay, only because I'm not so crazy about strawberries, or even the strawberry sauce that covered it. We watched the news, when a phone call came in for mom. She was getting them all day long. She said she didn't have time for much because she was dealing with calls. She did tell me she's leaving on Mother's Day to go to be with my niece and her husband. Then they will leave on Thursday to head to OK for my nephews wedding. They will be back the following Monday. Which means mom is going to miss my Birthday YET AGAIN. I swear the family loves to find reasons for my mother to be gone on my Birthday. My nephew is getting married on my Birthday. Sorry, that's not my idea of a good Birthday. But then again, it's better than some Birthday's I've had. lol 

Life is good, I'm still kicking. Unfortunately, I wasn't Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Not bad for 89 years old

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Back To Presenting Quilts To Veterans

This morning, I was able to sleep in a little.  Thankfully Patrick put the quilts in the car for me. I felt like I was forgetting something when I left to the museum. Debbie had just arrived as well. She wasn't staying long because she was getting ready to leave for San Diego. 

We changed our dates for the next few presentations. We are doing good. We honored 7 veterans today. They were Paul Julian, Army, Philip Luhn, Army, Robert Jay, Army, Susanne Alexander, Navy, Robert Baker, Army, Shawn Downs, Army and Kevin Kuyl, Army. 

I'm not sure which order they are here. But they all were a lot of fun. 

I was able to do the program this time. It's been awhile. 

It's not the best photo of me, but it will do. I need to get my bangs trimmed again. Trouble is, I'm losing my hair. Probably because of the stress I was under in December. Hate to think what 2 months from now will do to what little hair I have! I'm praying it will grow back. I used to have very thick hair. 

After that was over, I cleaned up and I was proud of myself for going up and down the stairs about 4 times with little to no worries. 

Came home and ended up doing a lot of paperwork on QOV. I was checking our account and found a couple things I didn't have. So, I sent a message to nationals to see if they will send me the copies I'm missing. 

I made supper almost as soon as I came in, since it needed to be in the oven for an hour and a half. Once that was done, I worked on the paperwork. Then I called it a day and sat to play my games. It didn't turn out to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

One Of My Busier Days

This morning Patrick left for golf. I was glad he's back to golfing. I wonder about the chemo he's on now. 

After he left, I got up and got ready to go walking with Ron. We decided to make it early today. Then came in and decided to work on my puzzle while playing my game. 

 I finally finished it. I think it's really cute and was a lot of fun to work on. It's done, and tomorrow I will clean it up. May give it to mom to see if she wants to put it together. She can give it to the Gathering Place where she lives. 

Then Patrick got home, and we went out to do a few things. First, we stopped at Rite Aid, but had to go back in a couple hours. so, we headed over to Wally World. Hate that place! But they had a couple things I needed and I needed them. From there we went to Home Depot but Patrick didn't like the prices of the flowers, so we left. Stopped at moms to pick up one of our veteran's quilts that will be given out tomorrow. After moms we headed back to Rite Aid and got what we needed. Then stopped to see Phil. Since he lives so close. 

Home it was. When we got back, I had my phone call from the nurse. While I waited for her call, I worked on more labels for Colleen. I will get them to her tomorrow. Also did the certificates for tomorrow. 

Once all that was done, and I talked to the nurse. She wants me to try the PT that the hospital offers. I told her I would try. 

Then I came up and put labels one quilts. 

Colleen made this one. We needed more panels so, this will help!

Connie made another one of these. 

Kathleen Ament made this for her daughter. It's really pretty! Something I would think Connie could do. She's good at stuff like this, but this is Kathleen's and needs to stay her own. 

So, today was busy and I was able to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...